• Title/Summary/Keyword: mathematical objects

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The Understanding on the Noticing in Mathematics Education (수학 교과에서의 주목하기(Noticing)에 관한 이해)

  • Kim, Seul Bi;Hwang, Hye Jeang
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.461-480
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    • 2021
  • There have been gradually a few studies on Noticing in the domestic and international area. For the purpose of increasing the concern on teacher noticing and pursuing the affluent studies on the noticing, this study tried to explore and understand the background, the meaning, and the properties of the teacher noticing while summing up the views of the various researchers. As a result, the teacher noticing could be defined as a cognitive process which is focused on mathematical objects, students' mathematical thinking, students' emotions, teaching strategies, classroom environment and interprets them to determine how to react. From this, noticing might be cognitive process which is a combined form of the objects and cognitive behavior, while the objects whom teachers notice covers up the mathematical objects and the teaching objects. Eventually, this study expects to serve as a basis to foster the in-depth understanding of teacher noticing and to derive the follow-up studies.

An Analysis of the Objects and Methods of Mathematical Connections in Elementary Mathematics Instruction (초등학교 수학 수업에 나타난 수학적 연결의 대상과 방법 분석)

  • Kim, YuKyung;Pang, JeongSuk
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.455-469
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    • 2012
  • Given the importance of mathematical connections in instruction, this paper analyzed the objects and the methods of mathematical connections according to the lesson flow featured in 20 elementary lessons selected as effective instructional methods by local educational offices in Korea. Mathematical connections tended to occur mainly in the introduction, the first activity, and the sum-up period of each lesson. The connection between mathematical concept and procedure was the most popular followed by the connection between concept and real-life context. The most prevalent method of mathematical connections was through communication, specifically the communication between the teacher and students, followed by representation. Overall it seems that the objects and the methods of mathematical connections were diverse and prevalent, but the detailed analysis of such cases showed the lack of meaningful connection. These results urge us to investigate reasons behind these seemingly good features but not-enough connections, and to suggest implications for well-connected mathematics teaching.

An analysis of discursive constructs of AI-based mathematical objects used in the optimization content of AI mathematics textbooks (인공지능 수학교과서의 최적화 내용에서 사용하는 인공지능 기반 수학적 대상들에 대한 담론적 구성 분석)

  • Young-Seok Oh;Dong-Joong Kim
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.319-334
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to reveal the discursive constructs of AI-based mathematical objects by analyzing how concrete objects used in the optimization content of AI mathematics textbooks are transformed into discursive objects through naming and discursive operation. For this purpose, we extracted concrete objects used in the optimization contents of five high school AI mathematics textbooks and developed a framework for analyzing the discursive constructs and discursive operations of AI-based mathematical objects that can analyze discursive objects. The results of the study showed that there are a total of 15 concrete objects used in the loss function and gradient descent sections of the optimization content, and one concrete object that emerges as an abstract d-object through naming and discursive operation. The findings of this study are not only significant in that they flesh out the discursive construction of AI-based mathematical objects in terms of the written curriculum and provide practical suggestions for students to develop AI-based mathematical discourse in an exploratory way, but also provide implications for the development of effective discursive construction processes and curricula for AI-based mathematical objects.

The Understanding on the Teacher and Student's Noticing in Mathematics Education (수학 교과에서의 교사와 학생 상호 주목하기(Noticing)에 관한 이해)

  • Kim, Seul Bi;Hwang, Hye Jeang
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.397-414
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    • 2022
  • This study tried to explore and understand the meaning, and the properties of noticing. The result of this study were first, the difference in mathematical noticing is distinguished in either the object which is paid attention is different or the object is same but differently interpreted or react. The cause of each difference could be described as mathematical objects such as conceptual objects and perceptual features. Second, teachers' teaching strategies, which narrow the gap in attention and play a key role in the formation of mathematical meaning, appeared in various places. This teaching strategy was implemented to distract students' attention. This study confirmed that the mathematical attention of teachers and students in math classes will differ depending on the object to which they pay attention, and that difference will be narrowed through teacher's discourse practice and teaching strategies through communication strategies.

The Existence of Mathematical Objects and Contingency (수학적 대상의 존재와 우연성)

  • Choi, Won-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2009
  • According to Field, mathematical objects do not exist but they might have existed. In this paper I examine how persuasive this 'contingent' nominalism could be. For this I give a detailed analysis of the recent debate on the contingency of mathematical objects. I argue that the putative connection between contingency and explanation could still be sustained, but an independent argument is needed in order to support a general principle underlying the connection. I show that the attacks based on the anti-insularity principles already reflect their own positions on the modal status of the existence of mathematical objects.

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  • Baran, Mehmet;Kula, Muammer;Erciyes, Ayhan
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.813-826
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we generalize the notions of preserving and strongly preserving maps to arbitrary set based topological categories. Further, we obtain characterizations of each of these concepts as well as interprete analogues and generalizations of theorems of Gerlits at al [20] in the categories of filter and local filter convergence spaces.


  • Batuhan Aydogdu;Sultan Eylem Toksoy
    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.269-284
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    • 2023
  • In this paper we study generalizations of the concept of pure-direct-projectivity from module categories to Grothendieck categories. We examine for which categories or under what conditions pure-direct-projective objects are direct-projective, quasi-projective, pure-projective, projective and flat. We investigate classes all of whose objects are pure-direct-projective. We give applications of some of the results to comodule categories.


  • Kim, Ik-Sung
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.559-567
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    • 2006
  • We are interested in the distance problem between two objects in three dimensional Euclidean space. There are many distance problems for various types of objects including line segments, boxes, polygons, circles, disks, etc. In this paper we present an iterative algorithm for finding the distance between two given ellipses. Numerical examples are given.

A Note on the 'Comparing Objects' Unit as Storytelling in the Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks (초등학교 수학 교과서에 제시된 스토리텔링 방식의 '비교하기' 단원에 대한 교육적 고찰)

  • Paek, Dae Hyun
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.527-544
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    • 2015
  • Storytelling is one of the important features in the elementary school mathematics textbooks of the 2009 revised curriculum. In particular, the whole 'comparing objects' unit in the first grade mathematics textbook is based on storytelling method. In this study, we investigate the contents of the stories and the mathematical activities in the 'comparing objects' unit from both mathematical and character educational viewpoints. Based on our investigations, we analyze educational problems on teaching and learning mathematics as storytelling, suggest reconstructed alternative mathematical activities, and drew their educational implications.

Philosophical Thinking in Mathematics (수학의 철학적 사유)

  • 김용운
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.14-32
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    • 1984
  • The concepts of zero, minus, infinite, ideal point, etc. are not real existence, but are pure mathematical objects. These entities become mathematical objects through the process of a philosophical filtering. In this paper, the writer explores the relation between natural conditions of different cultures and philosophies, with its reference to fundamental philosophies and traditional mathematical patterns in major cultural zones. The main items treated in this paper are as follows: 1. Greek ontology and Euclidean geometry. 2. Chinese agnosticism and the concept of minus in the equations. 3. Transcendence in Hebrews and the concept of infinite in modern analysis. 4. The empty and zero in India.

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