• Title/Summary/Keyword: mathematical language

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A Linguistic Study on the Sentence Problems in 2015 revised Elementary Mathematics Textbooks (초등수학 교과서 문장제의 언어적 분석)

  • Kim, Young A;Kim, Sung Joon
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.115-139
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    • 2019
  • In problem solving education, sentence problems are a tool for comprehensive evaluation of mathematical ability. The sentence problems refer to the problem expressed in sentence form rather than simply a numerical representation of mathematical problems. In order to solve sentence problems with a mixture of mathematical terms and general language, problem-solving ability including the ability to understand the meaning of sentences as well as the mathematical computation ability is required. Therefore, it is important to analyze syntactic elements from the linguistic aspects in sentence problems. The purpose of this study is to investigate the complexity of sentence problems in the length of sentences and the grammatical complexity of the sentences in the depth of the sentences by analyzing the 51 sentence problems presented in the $4^{th}$ grade mathematics textbook(2015 revised curriculum). As a result, it was confirmed that it is necessary to examine the length and depth of the sentence more carefully in the teaching and learning of sentence problems. Especially in elementary mathematics, the sentence problems requires a linguistic understanding of the sentence, and therefore it is necessary to consider syntactic elements in the process of developing and teaching sentence problems in mathematics textbook.

A study on the modeling and analysis of DFLSP of PLC (PLC용 DFLSP의 모델링 및 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 노갑선;박재현;권욱현
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1991.10a
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    • pp.1110-1115
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    • 1991
  • Tne mathematical modeling and analysis results of a dataflow logic solving processor(DFLSP) for programmable logic controller(PLC) are proposed in this paper. The logic program language is formalized using a dataflow graph model. From this dataflow graph, the instruction precedence relationship, and deadlock problems, which are major properties of a logic program, are described.

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A Study on the Development of Instructional Materials for Systematic "Programming" by Realization of the Mathematical Program (수학 프로그램 구현을 통한 체계적 '프로그래밍' 교수 자료 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 박광철;김종훈
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.11
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    • pp.1407-1420
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    • 2001
  • There is an increasing concern about computer education with the age of knowledge-based society. The learning programming language is taking an important role of computer education. However, the special emphasis in learning programming language has been attached to memorizing the programming language by rote and learning computer programs. Therefore, those were not much useful tools to develope a logical intelligence of the meanings of programming language and the methods of realization. It is positively necessary to improve the programming education efficiently because of the objects of knowledge of computing and raising an efficiency of problem solving. Under the circumstances, this research is aimed at representing an useful education model through developing a mathmatical program into each part of the C programming language, which would be a new supplier of an basic insight into the programming language and techniques. Accordingly it is thought that the research material will be an useful model to increase interests and concerns as well as to raise an efficiency of problem solving or a logical intelligence going through the process of studying programming language.

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A Study on the Instructional Model utilizing Scratch for Introductory Programming Classes of SW-Major Students (SW전공자 프로그래밍 입문 수업의 스크래치 활용 수업 모형 연구)

  • KO, Kwangil
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2018
  • The programming language is a core education area of software that is becoming increasingly important in the age of the fourth industrial revolution, but it requires mathematical knowledge and logical thinking skills, so that many local private university and college students with low basic skills are having difficulties learning it. This problem occasionally causes SW-major students to lose interest and confidence in their majors during the introductory course of programming languages; making them change their majors, or give up their studies. In this study, we designed an instructional model using Scratch for educating C-language which is a typical programming introductory language. To do this, we analyzed the concepts that can be trained by Scratch among the programming concepts supported by C-language, and developed the examples of Scratch for exercising the concepts. In addition, we designed an instructional model, by which the programming concepts are first learned through Scratch and then C-language is taught, and conducted an experiment on the SW-major freshman students of a local private university to verify the effectiveness of the model. In the situation where SW education is becoming common, we expect that this study will help programming language education of security IT students.

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The Effects of the "We Start" Institution Visiting Intervention Program on the Development of Young Children from Low-Income Families (위스타트(We Start) 기관방문 교육중재 프로그램이 저소득가정 유아의 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Hye Jung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the We Start center visiting intervention program on the positive changes in the developmental areas and literacy interests of young children from low-income families. The subjects were 195 young children (109 in the experimental group, M=71.7 months; 86 in the control group, M=73.3 months) living in We Start areas (Ansan, Gwangmyeong, and Suwon cities) of Gyeonggi-do. The We Start center visiting intervention programs were conducted for 30-34 weeks in each city, and pre-tests and post-tests were conducted before and after the intervention programs. The instruments used were the developmental checklist and the literacy interests test The developmental checklist consisted of 7 domains (personality & sociality; language, reading, & writing; scientific thinking; mathematical thinking; arts; social learning; and physical development). The literacy interests test consisted of 2 factors (interest in literacy and interaction during activity). The scores on the developmental checklist showed positive changes in several domains (personality & social development; language, reading, & writing ability; scientific thinking; and social learning), but not in mathematical thinking, arts, and physical development. Second, the results of the literacy interests test showed positive effects on interaction during activity and the total score. In conclusion, the We Start center visiting program for young children from low-income families is an effective early intervention program to end the intergenerational transference of poverty in Korea.


    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.75-79
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    • 2017
  • This paper approaches the subject of consciousness and unconsciousness from a mathematical point of view. It sets up a hypothesis that when unconscious state becomes conscious state, high density energy is released. We argue that the process of transformation of unconsciousness into consciousness can be expressed using the infinite recursive Heaviside step function. We claim that differentiation of the potential of unconsciousness with respect to time is the process of being conscious in a world where only time exists, since the thinking process never have any concrete space. We try to attribute our unconsciousness to a special solution of the multi-dimensional advection partial differential equation which can be represented by the finite recursive Heaviside step function. Mathematical language explains how the infinitive neural process is perceived and understood by consciousness in a definitive time.

A Study of the Reform of Mathematics Education for the Upper Secondary School in Japan

  • Lee, Joong-Kwoen
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 1998
  • The COM curriculum provides first a core of mathematics for all students, and then offers opportunities for students to enter different streams of mathematics studies. The flexible curriculum (COM) is certainly welcome as it focuses on a transition from concrete to conceptual mathematics and on sequentially learning the power of mathematical language and symbols from simple to complex. This approach emphasizes the use of computers in mathematics education in the upper secondary grades. In Mathematics A, one unit is developed to computer operation, flow charts and programming, and computation using the computer. In mathematics B, a chapter addresses algorithms and the computer where students learn the functions of computers, as well as programs of various algorithms. Mathematics C allots a chapter for numerical computation in which approximating solutions for equations, numerical integration, mensuration by parts, and approximation of integrals. But, unfortunately, they do not have any plan for the cooperation study.

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Learning High Mathematics on MathCad Base

  • Aripov M. M.;Tashpulatov F. A.
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.9 no.3 s.23
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    • pp.269-273
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    • 2005
  • Nowadays application of modem achievements of information technologies in science, engineering and education is usual phenomenon. Application of these technologies allows easily creating new methods of learning of mathematics. More of new methods of creation of multimedia electronic manuals on high mathematics are founded to application of multimedia and communication opportunities of the computer. But application only multimedia and communication opportunities of the computer at creation of multimedia electronic manuals on high mathematics is insufficient to elimination of 'gap' between training and studying high mathematics. So, we offer a new way of the decision of this problem: creation of a multimedia electronic manual on high mathematics with built-in a mathematical environment MathCad in the national language.

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Teachers Solving Mathematics Problems: Lessons from their Learning Journeys

  • Tay, Eng Guan;Quek, Khiok Seng;Dindyal, Jaguthsing;Leong, Yew Hoong;Toh, Tin Lam
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.159-179
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    • 2011
  • This paper reports on the learning journeys in mathematical problem solving of 21 teachers enrolled on a Masters of Education course entitled Discrete Mathematics and Problem Solving. It draws from the reports written by these teachers on their personal journeys: the commonalities and differences among them in terms of how they look at their own problem solving experiences, what language they employ in talking about problem solving, and what impact the course has on their views about problem solving. One particular aspect of problem solving instruction, a pedagogical innovation called the Practical Worksheet, is addressed in some detail. These graduate students are full-time mathematics teachers with at least two years of classroom experience. They include primary and secondary teachers.

Computers and Mathematics Education (컴퓨터와 수학교육)

  • 조한혁
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.177-191
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we present the theory of computers and mathematics education based on the concept of microworlds for mathematics education. We lust look back some previous papers published in the journal of the Korea society of mathematical education series A and else where. Then we present the new view points regarding mircroworlds and mathematics curriculems, microworlds and mathematics teaching and teaming, microworld based problem centered teaming, and microworld based diagnostics and debuggings. We use JavaMAL microworld that is designed to make LOGO and dynamic geometry system in one microworld to give some examples to explain the necessary mathematics educational needs fur designing microworlds for mathematics education. The JavaMAL microworld is a web based microworld that is programmed using JAVA, and the user on use script language, menus, keyboard, and mouse interaction to use the environment.

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