• Title/Summary/Keyword: landscape analysis

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A Study for Rural Landscape Planning Criteria (농촌경관계획수립 기준 정립 연구)

  • Joo, Shin-Ha;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the rural landscape planning criteria for Korean rural area. For this, the meaning of rural landscape is defined, and the legislative framework and several legal processes are surveyed, including the deliberation system for natural landscape impacts and the Landscape Law recently legislated. Through literature studies and analysis, the rural landscape planning criteria are proposed, which have step-by-step processes; goals and objectives, analysis and estimation for present conditions, basic planning concept, landscape planning for different visual landscape types, landscape designing for visual elements, and practical action plans. Each processes are designed considering the existing legislative framework, so it can be well-matched to current systems. But, because there are few rural landscape plans so far, comparing to the urban landscape plans, the validity of this criteria should be verified in the future studies.

The Assessment of the Landscape Planning Phases by Importance-Performance Analysis - Focused on the Landscape Planning of Development Sites - (중요도-성취도 분석에 의한 경관계획 작성 단계별 평가 - 개발대상지 경관계획을 중심으로 -)

  • Joo, Shin-Ha;Baek, Woon-Hae;Shin, Ji-Hoon;Mok, Jeong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to reflect on the results of the assessment and analysis of landscape planning projects according to planning phases in a landscape planning system based on landscape law. An assessment of the importance and performance of landscape planning elements by planning phases was studied by statistically descriptive analysis, variation analysis, statistical t-test and importance-performance analysis. As a result of the evaluation, the performance of existing landscape planning projects is 3.813 and the importance of planning elements is 5.648. This means that in spite of the importance of landscape planning elements, the performance of existing landscape planning projects is not sufficient to cover the importance of landscape planning elements. In addition, 'site landscape survey' and 'landscape design guideline' sections are not sufficient when they are compared to 'landscape concept plan' and 'landscape basic plan' to complete the landscape planning projects required by landscape law. It means also that the landscape survey and landscape design guidelines should be complementarily practiced in order to increase the effectiveness of landscape planning projects. As the research is practiced by survey methods on landscape planning projects which are only new development sites, the results cannot represent all types of landscape planning projects. Nevertheless, the results can be applied to new landscape planning at new development sites or old cities to increase effectiveness.

A Value Analysis of the Hedgerow in Cultivated Areas in point of Landscape (농경지 내 띠형수림의 경관적 가치분석)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ryu, Yeon-Su;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ra, Jung-Hwa
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2009
  • This research regard it as most meaningful to realize the importance of the hedgerow in cultivated areas functioning as a residual landscape element in rural landscape and set improvement guidelines through landscape character and value analysis to cope with landscape malfunction. The results of summary are as follows. 1) First of all, as a result of landscape character analysis of edge stripe in cultivated land in total of 7 case areas, for example, the edge stripe in cultivated land in case area 4 and 8 maintain the width of 10m and are assessed satisfactory in terms of vegetation development condition, appearance of living species, connectivity, buffer capacity and so on. Also, as a result of structural character of correlation analysis among items, the correlation coefficient between width and appearance of living species showed 0.941, the highest. Following are connectivity and appearance of living species and width and buffer capacity respectively: 0.841 and 0.740. 2) As a result of landscape character analysis of uncultivated stripe in total of 6 case areas, it is analyzed that case area 4 maintains the widest width as almost 4.5m average width and considered valuable as I degree in vegetation development condition, filtering, and connectivity. 3) As a result of problem analysis of uncultivated stripe, for example, case 3, 9, and 10 was analyzed that the width was below 1.25m which is too small to carry out the function of buffer and habitat for living creature, so minimum standard width was set between 4~5m through comprehensive analysis of character of each case area. Based on the result above landscape character, value and problem analysis, main improvement guidelines are set in terms of width, connectivity, filtering, and vegetation development, restrictive practices and so on.

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The Analysis of User's Degree on Landscape Satisfaction Factors for Pedestrian Road -Case Study of Bun-Dang New Town- (보행자 전용도로의 이용자 경관만족 요인분석 -분당 신도시를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate factors and variables which have significant effects on landscape satisfaction of urban pedestrian road in Bun-dang new town and to suggest basic information for urban pedestrian road design. These works consist of two phase. First, we tested the Hye-Cheon college students' degree of landscape satisfaction for 37 spots of urban pedestrian road and then selected 10 sports slide by the Sturges' formula. Second, we analysed factors and variables on landscape satisfaction of urban pedestrian road using the semantic differential scale method and then processed using descriptive analysis, factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows; 1) The difference of landscape adjectives between the highest score of landscape satisfaction slide and the lowest score landscape satisfaction slide were diversity of vegetation, plenty of the shade of a tree, naturalness and cleanness. 2) Diversity of vegetation, width of road, freedom of danger and diversity of environment can be significant variables of major effects on landscape satisfaction of urban pedestrian road by using the multiple linear regression analysis. 3) Factors covering the landscape satisfaction of urban pedestrian road have been found to be Environment of urban pedestrian road and Constitution of urban pedestrian road. By using the Varimaxs' rotation factor analysis for the number of factors' cumulative percentage has been obtained as 64%. 4) Environment of urban pedestrian road and Constitution of urban pedestrian road can be significant factors of major effects on landscape satisfaction of urban pedestrian road by using the multiple linear regression analysis. In conclusion, the landscape satisfaction factors and variables of urban pedestrian road need to be considered in plan or design the urban pedestrian road.

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Landscape Ecological Analysis of Coastal Sand Dune Ecosystem in Korea (해안사구생태계의 경관생태분석)

  • Kim, Jae-Eun;Hong, Sun-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2009
  • Coastal sand dune area is the important ecosystem as an ecotone which located between coastal area and terrestrial area. Moreover, it is very complicate landscape that have geomorphological interaction between erosion and accumulation of sand. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the sand dune ecosystem in view point of landscape scale including background landscape affecting origin of sand dune. Landscape ecological approach in the complicate ecosystem already started in developed countries, and it is applied to land management and biodiversity conservation strategies even in national scale. In this paper, landscape ecological analysis using landscape pattern analysis was carried out on 7 study areas (Yellow Sea : Hakampo and Doksan, South Sea : Namyeol and Balpo, East Sea : Hosan, Hupo and Goraebul) in Korean coastal sand dune ecosystem. Landscape elements were composed by 9 elements in these study areas. Major background landscape elements was the forest land and agricultural field. Namyeol (S06) has larger patch landscape compare to other areas. In patch shape indices, Hupo (E10) shows more complicate patch shapes. The high landscape heterogeneity showed in the Doksan sand dune area and that of Hosan. It shows that these areas were composed by various patch types. However, using landscape indices have to use very carefully because several variables have influence to the result such as scale and spatial pattern of study areas. Although landscape analysis through landscape indices shows sometimes difficult to explain the ecosystem, landscape scale approach on ecosystem assessment still useful to interpret in ecological process in large range of habitat.

A Study on Framing Techniques of Landscape Assessment Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process - The Assessment on the Landscape Control Points - (AHP 기법을 활용한 경관평가법 작성에 관한 연구 - 경관통제점에서의 평가 -)

  • Suh Joo-Hwan;Yang Hee-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2004
  • This study creates the LCP (Landscape Control Point) through the survey of spot sites for the quality of landscape assessment, which is based on an objective and departmentalized data base; the landscape assessment was achieved by production of weight value with the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) technique, selection of requisites for the landscape assessment with the IVERSON method and visual area analysis with GIS (Geographic Information System). Futhermore, validity of the landscape assessment was verified by analysis of the correlation between physical amount and aesthetic amount. The purpose of this study is to suggest the basic essential data for landscape assessment and landscape planning by the characteristics of landscape based on verification of the suggested landscape assessment methods. The results of this study are summarized below. 1. In the adaptation of landscape assessment using GIS, the landscape assessment points of LCP 18, 17 and 16, which have more visible elements such as hill area, mountain area, and forest and farm land, were indicated to be higher than the others. In contrast, the landscape assessment points of LCP 13, 6 and 10, which have less visible elements, were relatively lower than the others. 2. In the visible preference measuring method, LCP 4, 14, and 16 showed high points of landscape assessment with 3.46, 3.4, and 3.18 each. With the more natural environments such as hill area, mountain area, and forest and farm land, higher results were shown. In contrast, LCP 7, 1, and 9 showed low points of landscape assessment with 2.24, 2.36, and 2.53 each. 3. In this study, a coefficient of 0.746 was gained by the analysis of correlation between the points of landscape assessment method and the points of visual preference from a slide show. This has 99 percent of probability in statistical data. 4. In conclusion, with the demonstration of the correlation between the landscape assessment method based on the AHP technique and the aesthetic amount (preference proportion), the practical use of landscape assessment can be demonstrated by the suggested landscape assessment method.

The Effects of Interior Landscape on Preference of Department Store (실내조경효과가 백화점 매장선호도에 미치는 영향)

  • 김수연;방광자
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of interior landscape that influence preference at a department store in order to answer the research question; What are the effective factors of interior landscape that affect preference at a department store. After review of the effect of interior landscape, and the interior landscape at a department store, we constructed a literature framework and have formulated the hypothesis of this research. We have analyzed the data which surveyed 108 visitors about the interior landscape in a department store, using factor analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis, and the multiple linear regression method. We found that; 1) eleven variables can be selected for the effects of interior landscape at department store: accessibility, image, stay, distinction, comfort, complexity, cleanness, mystery, purification of atmosphere, noise and harmony. Among the 11 independent variables used to study the effect of interior landscape at a department store, the image and purification of atmosphere highly affect preference. 2) These 11 variables are grouped by factor analysis as effects of amenity, attractiveness and identity. 3) As a result of multiple regression analysis, independent variables influencing preference were proved statistically significant at one percent level. 4) Regarding their relative contribution of interior landscape effect at a department store, the effects of amenity was the most important and it showed a level of importance 1.4 times higher than the effect of identity, and 1.25 times higher than the effect of attractiveness. The research results suggest the need for guidelines for the creation of interior landscape at department stores. The approach and analysis method adopted by this research is highly useful for the evaluation of interior landscape criteria at a department store. It is recommended that more practical study on factors affecting user's preference be performed in the future.

A study on the influencing factors of the view preferences - In the case of Nangokro by focusing on Mt. Gwanak as a view target - (조망경관 선호도 영향요인에 관한 연구 - 관악산을 조망대상으로 한 난곡로를 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Hwa-Jung;Song, Byeong-Hwa;Yang, Byoung-E
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2006
  • To preserve scenic-view of Gwanak Mountain from the urban development, the viewshed component ratio and the scenic-view preference are investigated and analyzed by selecting view points at Nangokro. After 16 candidate view points are selected from the site, sight component ratio is measured through visual structure analysis and preference are measured by using the Likert scale. In addition, factor analysis, and regression analysis were conducted to examine the relationship between influencing factors and preference. As a result of the regression analysis of the 9 factors to influence the scenic-view preference, two factors such as degree of natural landscape and degree of arrangement around the site are chosen to influence the scenic-view preference. Through the preference factor analysis, two preference factors are selected as follows; 1) The factor of the landscape formation - Existence and nonexistence of the scenic-view conservation, degree of the landscape opening, and degree of natural landscape, degree of the landscape originality, and degree of the landscape sequence, degree of the landscape intimacy 2) The factor surrounding the landscape - Degree of arrangement around the site, degree of the landscape complexity, and atmosphere around the site.

Analysis on Landscape Characteristic of Entrance Spaces in the Apartment Complex - A case study of 'Award of Good Apartment to Living' in the Capital Region - (공동주택 아파트 진입부 경관특성 연구 - 수도권 '살기좋은 아파트 수상'단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Jin;Lee, Gi-Woo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is as follows. 1) An element to organize the landscape of an apartment entrance space and setting up, a characteristic of landscape through the actual condition analysis. 2) The characteristic of the type analysis and classified the shape of the entrance as the type. 3) The degree to like the landscape analysis through the making up question. The result of this research is as follows. The entrance of the apartment complex of 71 as of 92 and set an element to organize the landscape and the characteristic of landscape through the frequency analysis and divided an entrance landscape of apartment into 4 types through the cluster analysis. An entrance landscape of apartment types of the entrance is classified as follows. 1) Type I: A model wall-fence type, 2) Type II: The side constructing a building-fence type, 3) type III: The side constructing a building-retaining wall-mixing tree type, 4) type IV: The moulding constructing a building-a retaining wall type.

Development of a CAD Based Tool for the Analysis of Landscape Visibility and Sensitivity (수치지형 해석에 의한 가시성 및 시인성의 경관정보화 연구 - CAD 기반의 분석 도구 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • 조동범
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a CAD-based program for data analysis of digital elevation model(DEM) on the aspect of landscape assessment. When handling DEM data as a visual simulation of topographic landscape, it is basic interest to analyze visible area and visualize visual sensitivity distributions. In reference with landscape assessment, more intuitive and interactive visualizing tools are needed, specially in area of visual approach. For adaptability to landscape assessment, algorithmic approaches to visibility analysis and concepts for visual sensitivity calculation in this study were based on processing techniques of entity data control functions used in AutoCAD drawing database. Also, for the purpose of quantitative analysis, grid-type 3DFACE entities were adopted as mesh unit of DEM structure. Developed programs are composed of main part named VSI written in AutoLISP and two of interface modules written in dialog control language(DCL0 for user-oriented interactive usage. Definitions of camera points(view points) and target points(or observed area) are available alternatively in combined methods of representing scenic landscape, scenery, and sequential landscape. In the case of scene landscape(single camera to fixed target point), only visibility analysis in available. And total visibility, frequency of cumulative visibility, and visual sensitivity analysis are available in other cases. Visual sensitivity was thought as view angle(3 dimensional observed visual area) and the strengths were classified in user defined level referring to statistical characteristics of distribution. Visibility analysis routine of the VSI was proved to be more effective in the accuracy and time comparing with similar modules of existing AutoCAD third utility.