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Risk Analysis of All Types of Cancer among Firefighters and Police Officers Using National Health Insurance Claim Data (건강보험 청구 자료를 이용한 소방 및 경찰공무원의 암 종별 위험도 분석)

  • Lee, Woo-Ri;Yun, Byungyoon;Yoo, Ki-Bong;Yoon, Jin-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.242-252
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: Firefighters and police officers are exposed to various occupational hazards. No studies in Korea have investigated the occurrence of cancer by type of cancer for the two occupations. This study aims to investigate the risk of occurrences associated with types of cancers in firefighters and police officers. Methods: Utilizing National Health Insurance(NHI) Claims data from 2006-2015, the study included 8,871,468 general workers, 25,001 firefighters, and 102,274 police officers. Using general workers as a control group, we calculated the standardized incidence ratios(SIR) by types of cancer for firefighters and police officers. After calculating the SIR for all subjects, the SIR was calculated by stratifying according to gender. Results: SIR of colon cancer 1.38(95% CI, 1.11-1.69), cancer of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 1.27(95% CI, 1.04-1.54), and 1.88(95% CI, 1.28-2.65) bladder cancer were higher firefighters than general workers. SIR of Lip, oral cavity, and pharynx 1.26(95% CI, 1.07-1.47), Stomach 1.14(95% CI, 1.06-1.23), colon 1.33(95% CI, 1.21-1.46), liver and intrahepatic bile ducts 1.21(95% CI, 1.10-1.32), pancreas 1.24(95% CI, 1.02-1.49), other skin 1.60(95% CI, 1.26-2.00), bladder 1.27(95% CI, 1.04-1.54), other urinary tract 1.46(95% CI, 1.27-1.68), other parts of central nervous system 1.68(95% CI, 1.10-2.46) were higher police officers than general workers. Conclusions: Both firefighters and police officers are exposed to various cancer occurrence risks, necessitating the development of occupational medical protection measures to reduce risk exposure factors.

The Study on Hypertension Cure Rate Management Centering around Wellness Local Community : With GwangJu as a Central Figure (웰니스 지역사회 중심의 고혈압 치료율 관리 방안에 관한 연구 : 광주광역시 중심으로)

  • Yang, Yu-Jeong;Park, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.351-361
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to identify the factors of hypertension treatment in Gwangju and to establish a hypertension cure rate management plan by using local community health surveys to provide the hypertension cure rate management plan centering around the wellness local community. The research collected 13,714 Gwangju research data among a total of 685,820 local community health surveys of KDCA (Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency) from 2017 to 2019. Among the data, 2,941 subjects, those with diagnosed hypertension aged over 30, were selected and analyzed through SAS 9.4, SAS Enterprise Miner 15.1. The results are as follows. The differences in hypertension diagnosis cure rate in Gwangju based on the subjects' socioeconomic characteristics were shown in gender, age, marital status, level of educational attainment, economic activity status, and monthly income. The significant differences in hypertension cure rate based on health behavior characteristics were shown in current smoking, monthly alcohol consumption, high-risk drinking, breakfast, recognition of good health level, diabetes and treatment, annual unmet medical needs, and annual health center use. As a result of the logistic regression analysis and interactive decision tree analysis to identify the factors affecting hypertension treatment, the research found that the factors that appear are age, marital status, diabetes and treatment, and annual unmet medical needs. Accordingly, to increase the recognition of the importance of hypertension treatment to people of young ages and not to develop complications, public health-educational effort in Gwangju is needed with an effective preparation plan.

Study on the Satisfaction on Onboard Training in Shipping Companies during the COVID-19 Situation - Focusing on the Cadets of Mokpo Maritime University - (코로나19 상황에서의 위탁승선실습 교육만족도 분석 - 목포해양대학교 위탁승선실습생을 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Yoo-Mi;Ryu, Younghyun;Kim, Hwayoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1023-1035
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    • 2022
  • In the current situation where clearly the ship officer is avoiding boarding, the purpose of this study is to investigate the satisfaction of onboard training in shipping companies during the COVID-19 situation and to suggest plans to improve onboard training. Furthermore, by improving satisfaction, students of maritime university can improve their career awareness as a ship officer in the future. The survey was conducted with the cadets of Mokpo Maritime University after completion of onboard training in shipping companies. The questionnaire contains seven factors: education administration, education contents, officer, facility, education ef ect, education satisfaction and career awareness. The survey analysis results indicated that the satisfaction with education administration and education effect was relatively low, and the satisfaction differed by gender and vessel type. In addition, hypothesis verification revealed that the education contents did not have a positive effect on education satisfaction and career awareness. Furthermore, a great correlation existed between education satisfaction and career awareness. We suggested that education and promotion must be improved before onboard training. In addition, the officer must be educated on the method to teach cadets and establish a training plan such that the officer can systematically guide the cadets with an educator mindset.

Survey on the Awareness of the Public and Visitors about the National Forest Trail : Focusing on Jirisan Trail and Daegwallyeong Forest Trail (국가숲길에 대한 국민과 이용객 인식조사: 지리산둘레길과 대관령숲길을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sugwang;Kim, Geun Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.1
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    • pp.186-200
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data necessary for stakeholders to establish and promote policies related to the national forest trail. Awareness analysis was conducted on 800 visitors to the national forest trail, specifically to the Jirisan trail and Daegwallyeong forest trail, as well as 1,200 members of the public. Awareness of the national forest trail was low and at a similar level for both visitors and the general public; however, compared with the general public, the visitors had a higher need for the national forest trail system and were willing to visit and recommend the trail. The most common answers in response to the purpose of visit, reason for choosing the national trail, matters of interest, problems, necessary regulation, and role expectations were similar among the visitors and general public. Based on gender and age, there was a significant difference in the matters of interest and desired activity, but "scenery" was the most crucial factor. Therefore, after a comprehensive survey on the major view points, given that "scenery" was identified as an attractor, a system should be developed to identify and provide the information desired by visitors and the general public. These results are expected to be employed as basic data for stakeholders in decision making related to the national forest trail.

Comparison of UCP2 Polymorphism and Dietary Habits in University Students (대학생의 UCP2 유전자 다형성과 식습관 비교연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Park, Mi-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.224-235
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed to research meal quality and the dietary behaviors of college students for desirable dietary lives and provides basic data for nutritional education by examining polymorphism distribution of the UCP2 gene according to gender, by investigating attitudes in terms of their dietary habits and dietary lives, and by analyzing serum lipid levels and body composition. A survey was conducted with a total of 222 students - 93 male and 129 females. Based on a selfreporting method, the questionnaires were answered over 20 minutes, and UCP2 insertion/deletion gene polymorphism and blood samples were also analyzed. The results showed that the male students and female students had average BMI of 22.50 and 20.73kg/m2, respectively. According to answers regarding their dietary lives, 51.4% of the students showed 'irregular eating' patterns, which is regarded as something to be corrected. In terms of eating regularity, 51.6% of the male students and 59.7% of the female students had irregular meal schedules. As the most important meal of a day, 64.0% of the students answered 'breakfast' but only 53.6% answered that they ate breakfast everyday. In addition, 39.8% of the male students and 50.4% of the female students ate between meals 'once a day'. When questioned if they were satisfied with their body shape, 17.8 and 45.2% of the male students answered they were 'satisfied' or needed to 'gain weight', respectively, whereas 17.8 and 77.5% of the female students answered they were 'satisfied' or needed to 'lose weight', respectively. The results of the UCP2 gene polymorphism analysis showed that 33.7% of the males belonged to the DI heterozygote group, 64.2% belonged to the DD homozygote group, and 2.1% belonged to the II homozygote group. For the female students, 63.4% belonged to the DI heterozygote group, 35.1% belonged to the DD homozygote group, and 1.5% belonged to the II homozygote group. According to the blood and serum lipid analyses, the male students showed average HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and hemoglobin levels of 57.20, 93.80, and 15.00 mg/dL, respectively, while the female students presented average levels of 56.69, 102.88, and 13.13 mg/dL, respectively. In conclusion, this study found no significant effects in terms of UCP2 gene polymorphisms, but it is suggested that practical plans must be designed that allow college students to use nutritional knowledge in their daily lives, and in particular, nutrition education needs to be develop that would enable female college students to recognize their bodies appropriately and to control their weight in desirable ways.

An Influence of Intolerance of Uncertainty on Entrepreneurial Intention of College Students: Focused on Start-up Support System Perception (대학생의 불확실성에 대한 인내력 부족이 창업의지에 미치는 영향: 창업지원제도지각도를 매개로)

  • Ko, Sang Hee;Park, Woojin;Bae, Byung Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to find out the influence of the intolerance of uncertainty on entrepreneurial intention by focusing on the start-up support system awareness. While most of existing studies focused on the positive psychological variables and individual environmental characteristics influencing on the entrepreneurial intention, this study has taken a look at the influence of the intolerance of uncertainty as the psychological variable to the entrepreneurial intention to negatively act on the entrepreneurial intention. As a result of the analysis, the intolerance of uncertainty under the control of entrepreneurship and gender is shown to have the negative (-) influence on the entrepreneurial intention and has high level of recognition on the start-up support system perception, and the start-up support system perception is confirmed to have positive (+) influence on the entrepreneurial intention. And, it also indicates that, with respect to the influence of the intolerance of uncertainty on the entrepreneurial intention, the start-up support system perception has the partial medium effect. Following this result of the study, it provides following indications: First the existing studies on the entrepreneurial intention had not covered the intolerance of uncertainty but it is confirmed as the psychological variable with negative influence on the entrepreneurial intention. Second, it is feasible for the preliminary start-up businesses may turn the fear on start-up failure into positive entrepreneurial intention with the start-up support system perception as the leading vehicle. And, third, based on the result, the government should enhance the start-up support system perception even more by seeking ways of efficient publicity to enable more preliminary start-up businesses to participate in diverse start-up support policies. Lastly, it discusses the limitations of this study as well as proposal for ensuing study plans.

How does the Happiness of Married Women Differ by Generation? - Focusing on the Impact of Time Allocation - (기혼여성의 행복은 세대별로 어떻게 다른가? - 생활시간의 영향을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, hyunah;Kim, Joohee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2023
  • This study considered allocating and balancing time use as an important factor that determines the quality of life, and attempted to analyze the happiness of married women through the perspective of satisfaction with time use. We investigated the structure of time use, and analyzed the factors that affect happiness in the perspective of time use through the Time Use Survey data. Analyzing the happiness of married women, we found out that the level of happiness and the factors affecting happiness varied by generation. In the case of economically active women, the happiness of baby boomers and Generation X was mostly impacted by mandatory work hours, while the happiness of Generation Y was mostly impacted by the presence of care-dependent people. However, in the case of economically unactive women, the happiness of baby boomers and Generation X was mostly impacted by leisure and volunteering time that could be used freely, while the happiness of Generation Y was mostly impacted by the attitude toward gender roles. Therefore, through the perspective of time use, the happiness and the factors determining the happiness of married women differs by generation and economic activeness. This study has significant implications for the establishment of family policies for married women.

A Study on the Determinants of Long-term Boarding of Prospective Seafarer (예비 해기사의 장기승선 결정 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Seungyeon Kim;Kyunghwan Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.308-316
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    • 2024
  • Maintaining the appropriate number of national seafarers is essential for securing the competitiveness of maritime industry and security in Korea. However, the number of national seafarers in Korea has been decreased continuously recently. The government recognizes the repercussion of this issue and has been attempting to solve it. One of the most significant reasons contributing to the rapid decrease in national seafarers is presumed to be the high initial turnover rate due to the decreased preference for maritime careers among people in the 20s and 30s. Therefore, plans have been devised to prepare various policies that allow young people to select long-term boarding. This study analyzed the determinants of long-term boarding decisions among students enrolled in the Maritime College of 'M' University and verifies the relationship with the desired boarding period. Additionally, the crew composition (CC), long-term planning (LP), work environment (WE), and family environment (FE) were derived as the determinants of long-term boarding recognized by prospective seafarers. Among them, LP and WE significantly affect the desired boarding period, thus suggesting that the stronger the perception toward long-term planning and the more insensitive one is to the work environment, the longer is the desired boarding period. In terms of group differences in the perception of long-term boarding, analysis results show that the several determinants of long-term boarding are recognized differently depending on gender. This study may facilitate the preparation of factors and group-specific policy measures to promote long-term boarding among prospective seafarers.

Depression and Anxiety in Outpatients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자에서 우울과 불안심리 평가)

  • Ryu, Yon Ju;Chun, Eun Mi;Sim, Yun Su;Lee, Jin Hwa
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2007
  • Background: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have often been reported to suffer from depression and anxiety possibly due to the exacerbation, hospitalization and mortality of COPD. However,scarce data are available in Korea. This study assessed degree of depression and anxiety, and evaluated the factors associated with depressive symptoms in COPD. Methods: The cross-sectional data on the lung function measurements, smoking behavior, body mass index (BMI), age, gender, depressive symptoms using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and anxiety using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were evaluated in 72 outpatients with COPD and 50 controls without underling lung diseases from September, 2005 to October, 2006 in the Ewha medical center. Results: 1) The age, body mass index (BMI) and serum albumin levels were similar in the patients and controls. The BDI scores (16(0-37) vs. 12(1-30), p=0.001) and the prevalence of depression (36% vs. 6%, p<0.0001) were higher in the COPD patients than in the controls. In the COPD group, the prevalence of depression increased with increasing GOLD stage (p=0.008). The prevalence was 18%(4/22), in mild cases, 30%(6/20) in moderate cases, 52%(13/25) in severe cases and 60%(3/5) in very severe cases. 2) The SAI and TAI scores were higher in the COPD patients (44(20-67) and 47(20-66)) than in the healthy controls (39(26-65) and 44(33-90)). There were a significant correlation between the depression and anxiety scores (p<0.001). 3) A lower BMI, lower postbronchodilator FEV1, current smoking behavior and severity of COPD were univariately associated with the depressive group in COPD, 4) while multivariate logistic analysis revealed only the severe-to-very severe group (OR 3.9, 95% CI 1.2 to 12.9) to be independently associated with depressive symptoms. Conclusion: COPD is strongly associated with depression and anxiety. Therfore, screening for psychological problems in COPD patients is essential, particularly in patients with severe-to-very severe COPD.

Efficacy of Pigtail Catheter Drainage in Patients with Thoracic Empyema or Complicated Parapneumonic Effusion (농흉 및 합병된 부폐렴성 흉막 삼출 환자에서 Pigtail 도관 배액의 유용성)

  • Park, Jeong Woo;You, Seung Min;Seol, Won Jong;Paik, Eun Ki;Lee, Kyu Hoon;Seo, Joon Beom;Jeong, Seong Hwan;An, Chang Hyeok;Lim, Youg Hee;Park, Jeong Woong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2003
  • Background : The management of thoracic empyema and complicated parapneumonic effusion requires adequate antibiotics use and prompt drainage of infected pleural space. Tube thoracostomy for loculated empyema has low success rate and is also an invasive procedure with potential morbidity. Complications include hemothorax, perforation of intra-abdominal or intra-thoracic organs, diaphragmatic laceration, empyema, pulmonary edema, and Horner's syndrome. Given the potential morbidity of traditional chest tube insertion, use of the image-guided pigtail catheter drainage(PCD) of empyema has been employed. We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of patients with empyema or complicated parapneumonic effusion to determine the efficacy of percutaneous pigtail catheter drainage. Materials and Methods : 45 patients with complicated parapneumonic effusions or empyema were treated at Gil medical center from January 1998 to June, 1999. All were initially given PCD procedure and the following data were collected: clinical symptoms at the time of diagnosis, alcohol and smoking history, the characteristics of pleural effusion, radiologic findings (at the time of catheter insertion, removal and 1 month after catheter removal), the amount of effusion drained for initial 24 hours, the time from catheter insertion to removal and the use of surgical approach. Results : Male gender was more frequent (42 men vs. 3 women), the mean age of the study population was 52(range: 21~74) years. Empyema was found in 23 patients, complicated parapneumonic effusion in 22 patients. Four patients(three, parapneumonic effusion and one, with empyema) with PCD only treated, were cast off. Among the available patients, 36(80%) patients were treated with PCD only or PCD with urokinase. Among the 23 patients with empyema, surgical approach was required in five patients(27.1%, one required decortication, four open thoracostomy), one patient, treated with surgical procedure, died of sepsis. There was no significant difference of the duration of catheter insertion, the duration of hospital admission after catheter insertion and the mean amount of effusion drained for initial 24 hours between the patients with only PCD treated and the patients treated with PCD and urokinase. The duration of catheter insertion(9.4±5.25days vs. 19.2±9.42days, p<0.05) and the duration of hospital admission after catheter insertion(15.9±10.45days vs. $38.6{\pm}11.46days$, p<0.01) of the patients with only PCD treated were more longer than those of the patients treated with surgical procedure after PCD. They were same between the patients treated with urokinase after PCD and the patients treated with surgical procedure after PCD(11.1±7.35days vs. 19.2±9.42days, p<0.05, 17.5±9.17days vs. 38.6±11.46days, p<0.01). In 16 patients(44.4%) with only PCD treated or PCD and urokinase treated, the amount of effusion at the time of catheter removal was decreased more than 75% and in 17 patients(47.2%) effusion decreased 50~75%. .In one patient effusion decreased 25~50%, in two patients effusion decreased less than 25%. One month after catheter removal, in 35 patients(97.2%, four patients were cast off), the amount of pleural effusion was successfully decreased more than 50%. There were no complications related to pigtail catheter insertion. Conclusion : In this study, PCD seemed to be an early efficacious procedure in treating the patients with complicated parapneumonic effusion or empyema without any serious procedure related complication.