• Title/Summary/Keyword: gender division

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A Study on the Vitalization Way of Gyeonggi Women's Center: Centering on Gyeonggi-do (여성회관의 활성화방안에 관한 연구: 경기도를 중심으로)

  • Jun-Ok Shin
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2022
  • In order to practically activate women's policies, it is necessary above all to develop programs for women's empowerment and to activate women's centers, which serve as a base for promoting women's welfare. To this end, the problems of the Women's Center were considered, and the history, function, and operation aspects of the Gyeonggi Women's Center were analyzed. Looking at the results of the analysis, first, the Gyeonggi Women's Center uses its current functions to spread the awareness of gender equality, and in order to promote women's social activities and welfare, it is necessary to integrate functions and form a network from a paradigm perspective. Second, in order for the Gyeonggi Women's Center to take the lead in the role of an integrated community center, it is necessary to explore the vitalization of city and county networks. Third, the development and support of internal and external resources is necessary to establish women's governance, and the Gyeonggi Women's Center needs to be responsible for the coordinator's role. Fourth, Gyeonggi Women's Center should strive to resolve regional imbalances through close communication with the Gyeonggi Women's Center Council. Based on the results of this analysis, a plan for the Gyeonggi Women's Center was suggested.

Effect of oral health status and work loss on oral health-related quality of life of non-medical hospital workers (비의료직 병원 근로자의 구강건강 상태와 근로 손실이 구강건강 관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Min-Hee;Lee, Jung-Min;Jang, Ki-Won
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to explore risk factors affecting the oral health quality of life of non-medical hospital workers. As for the research method, a survey was conducted on 608 workers at hospitals in the metropolitan area from April 20 to July 30, 2021. As research tools, questions related to work loss, oral health status, and oral health quality of life were investigated. For the analysis methods, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA test, and hierarchical regression analysis were performed. As a result of controlling exogenous variables, gender(β=0.108), systemic disease(β=0.136), oral health level(β=0.201), and oral health status(β=0.463) were found to have an effect on the quality of life. Initiating regular oral health education for non-medical hospital workers will be of great help to promote oral health and work.

Brand Mark and Station Identification for TV Channel Specializing in Childcare for House Husbands (가사전담 남편을 위한 육아 TV채널의 브랜드마크 및 스테이션 아이덴티피케이션 제안)

  • Chun, Eunyoung;Choi, Jangseop;Paik, Jinkyung
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2016
  • Social development led to systematic changes in the gender division of housework and the increase of house husbands. Accordingly, the demand for programs on child rearing for fathers is high. This study aimed to present a design for the brand mark and station identification for a TV channel specializing in childcare for house husbands. This study designed a brand mark and an applied brand mark, based on a literary review of previous studies. A survey on the necessity, preference and brand awareness of this channel was conducted twice afterwards, targeting 55 parents who are raising children who are in between the age of 6 months to 37 months. The first survey showed that the parents are in need of childcare-related channels due to their worries and fear towards childcare. When asked about their preferences and brand awareness towards this channel, some respondents were negative towards the form and colors used in the proposed brand mark and applied brand mark. This was reflected in the improved version and was tested in the second survey, which showed that respondents preferred the form that reminded them of children and found it more suitable. In regards to colors, respondents preferred high chroma navy blue.

Impact of General Manager Competing Values Leadership on Employee Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention in the Restaurant Industry (외식업체 관리자의 경쟁가치 리더십이 종사원의 직무만족 및 이직의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.702-710
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the competing values leadership of restaurant general managers and to investigate the impact of their competing values leadership on employee job satisfaction and turnover intention. A sample of full-time restaurant employees (n=360, 36% response) completed an e-mail survey. The results showed that among the eight sub-dimensions of competing values leadership roles, the monitor (4.04), producer (4.01), and director (3.99) roles were perceived as the most frequently used leadership styles of managers compared to broker (3.78), innovator (3.83), and mentor (3.91) roles (p <0.001). Additional T-test results suggested that an employees' gender had an influence on how he/she perceived the leadership style of their manager. Male employees were more likely to perceive that the director and mentor roles (4.19) were performed very well by their managers, while female employees perceived that their managers concentrated more on monitor (3.98) and producer (3.96) roles rather than on broker (3.73) and innovator (3.79) roles (p<0.05). It was found that manager competing values leadership had a significant correlation with employee job satisfaction, and the mentor, coordinator, and innovator manager roles explained the relationship with 42.1% based on multiple regression analysis (p<0.001). In further findings, the manager competing values leadership roles had an effect on employee turnover intention. The results of the data were as follows: mentor and facilitator roles promoted a decrease in employee turnover intention and the director role caused employee turnover intention to increase. Ultimately, this study will be useful for restaurant managers to guide the application of appropriate competing values leadership roles in order to strengthen employee job satisfaction and to reduce turnover intention.

An Important Strategy to Improve Adolescent Health Literacy: COVID-19 Modules in High School in Indonesia

  • Nurina Hasanatuludhhiyah;Visuddho Visuddho;Abdul Khairul Rizki Purba;Annette d' Arqom;Ancah Caesarina Novi Marchianti
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: During the second coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) surge, cases increased sharply due to low awareness and compliance with measures to limit disease spread. Health literacy (HL) is an important component of public health initiatives, and schools are potential sources of health education to increase HL via the presentation of COVID-19 educational modules. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved an online questionnaire administered to students from 5 high schools in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, Indonesia, 6-7 weeks after the start of government-issued directives restricting public gatherings. We collected data on each respondent's age, gender, parental education, and socioeconomic variables. HL was determined by the Health Literacy Measure for Adolescents. We additionally measured their attitudes and behaviors related to preventing the spread of COVID-19. The students were asked if they watched the COVID-19 module at school, their feelings about vaccination, and preferred online sources of COVID-19-related information. Results: Most of the 432 respondents had viewed COVID-19 modules at school. Module exposure was associated with significantly higher total and domain-specific HL and more positive attitudes toward government-issued COVID-19 restrictions on travel and public gatherings (p<0.05). However, behaviors to prevent COVID-19 spread and vaccine acceptance were not associated with module exposure. Most students chose social media as their source of COVID-19-related information. Conclusions: Schools can provide information to increase adolescents' HL and the public's support for health initiatives to prevent or limit the spread of COVID-19.

The Role of Anger and Variables from Social Learning Theory in Inflicting Dating Violence among Adolescents (청소년들의 데이트 폭력 가해 행동에 대한 사회학습적 변인들과 분노의 역할)

  • Suh, Kyung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2002
  • The present study investigated gender differences of dating violence among adolescents and related variables, and examined the difference in trait anger and anger expression between those who have inflicted dating violence and those who have not. Results indicated that female adolescents(41.9%) reported experience of inflicting dating violence more frequently than male adolescents(29.1%) did. The girls were more positive toward violence than the boys, while the boys were more expressing aggression at school than the girls were. Adolescents who had inflicted violence toward their dating partners had singificantly higher frait anger and anger-out than adolescents who had not. Logistic regression analysis indicated that father to mother violence, community violence, trait anger, and recipient of dating violence are predictors of dating violence for male, while father to mother violence, community violence, history of violence, and recipient of dating violence are predictors for female.

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The Impact of Engineering College Students' Work Experience on the Success of the First Job Success (공대생의 일 경험이 첫 일자리 성공에 미치는 영향)

  • Hayoung Shin;So-Young Park
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2024
  • This study explored the effect of job experience while attending engineering colleges on entry into the labor market. To this end, the relationship between work experience and first job success among the job preparation behaviors of engineering majors and students with other majors was compared. Next, we analyzed the effects of work experience such as internships experienced by engineering students on adjusting to their first job after graduation and maintaining their employment. In particular, by analyzing the relative influence of factors affecting engineering students' entry into the job market, what kind of policy efforts can be made at the university level for the success of engineering students' employment is presented. The results showed that work experience affects the quality of employment of engineering, and it had a positive effect on all engineering students regardless of gender.

Effect of Attitudinal Factors on Stated Preference of Low-carbon Transportation Services (개인성향 요인이 탄소저감형 교통서비스 잠재선호에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yoonhee Lee;Gyeongjae Lee;Sangho Choo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2023
  • In response to the growing global concern for the environment, the international community has recently committed to achieving 'carbon neutrality.' As a result, numerous studies have been conducted on mode choice models that include carbon emissions as a variable. However, few studies have established a correlation between individual preferences and carbon emissions. In this study, a new mode of transportation named sustainable public transit (SPT), incorporating carbon-reducing transport options like electric scooters, is proposed. Analyzing the individual preferences of commuters on carbon emissions through factor analysis, a stated preference (SP) survey was conducted. A mode choice model for SPT was constructed using multinomial logit models. The results of the analysis showed that gender, income, and specific preferences, such as a passion for exploring new routes, a preference for intermodal transfers, knowledge of carbon reduction, and carbon reduction practices, significantly influence latent preferences for SPT. Therefore, this study is significant as it considers carbon emissions as an attribute variable during the construction of mode choice models and reflects the individual preference variables associated with carbon reduction.

Analysis of Korean Research Trends Related to Snowboarding after Pyeongchang Winter Olympics : Focusing on Academic Journals and Dissertations (2018평창동계올림픽 이후 스노보드 관련 국내 연구동향 분석 : 학술지와 학위논문 중심으로)

  • Seok-Yeon Cho;Dae-Hoon Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2024
  • This study selected 21 domestic prior documents published in domestic KCI sites related to snowboarding after the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics for about five years from 2018 to 2023 and analyzed the characteristics, participation type, research method, and research division, The results are as follows. First, in terms of gender, papers on only men or men and women accounted for the majority, and the ages were distributed in various ways from 20s to 50s. In the case of the number of subjects, papers with less than 50 subjects accounted for the majority. Second, in the form of participation, registered player and ski resort users accounted for the majority, and papers were formed youth player, instructor, and judges in order. Third, Mostly, there are survey and experimental studies for the research methods, and qualitative and integrated studies were analyzed in order. Fourth, sports sociology and biomechanics were mainly used as research divisions, and sports psychology, physiology, sports measurement and evaluation, sports managment, and sports history were analyzed in order.

Differential Factors of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Subjects whose Main Sleep Complaint was Insomnia (불면증을 호소하는 환자에서의 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증 감별 인자)

  • Kim, Seog-Ju;Lee, Yu-Jin;Kim, Eui-Joong;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2004
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence rate of OSA in subjects whose main sleep complaint is insomnia and to find differential factors of OSA in these insomniac subjects. Method: We reviewed the medical records and polysomnographic findings of patients referred to the Sleep Laboratory at Seoul National University Hospital from January 1996 to December 2002. Four-hundred and seventy subjects complained of insomnia as their main sleep problem (235 males and 235 females, mean age 53.6±12.4years). First, we investigated the prevalence rate of OSA in these insomniac patients. Second, we compared the clinical and demographic characteristics of the OSA-associated group with those of the non-associated group. Third, we examined whether the degree or presence of differential factors within the OSA group correlate with severity of OSA, as determined by the respiratory disturbance index (RDI). Results: Among 470 insomniac subjects, 125 subjects (26.6%) were diagnosed as OSA by nocturnal polysomnography. OSA-associated subjects were significantly older (58.4±12.3years vs. 51.8±11.2years, p<0.01), and had significantly higher body mass index (BMI) (23.4±3.3kg/m2 vs. 22.5±3.1kg/m2, p=0.44) than non-associated subjects. The OSA-associated group had more subjects with male gender (64.0% vs. 44.9%, p<0.01), hypertension (20.0% vs. 9.3%, p<0.01) or snoring (96.0% vs. 63.5%, p<0.01). Within the OSA-associated group, age had a significant positive correlation with RDI (p=0.01). Conclusion: We found that a considerable portion of patients complaining of insomnia as their main sleep problem were diagnosed as OSA. Snoring, old age, male gender, obesity, and comorbid hypertension were found to be differential factors of OSA in insomniac patients. We suggest that diagnostic efforts including nocturnal polysomnography are needed for insomniac patients with any of the above risk factors of OSA.

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