• Title/Summary/Keyword: early childhood education field

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An analysis of Research Trends about Multicultural Education Published in Korean Journals Articles : Focused on Early Childhood Education (국내 학술지에 게재된 다문화교육 관련 연구동향 분석 : 유아교육 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ki-Yong
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.1192-1204
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to analyze the trend of study related to infant multicultural education, targeting the theses carried on Korean journals articles KCI journal and preliminary KCI journal from 2001 to 2012, and to provide analysis results as the basic data for execution of multicultural education. To achieve such goal of study, I analyzed the study trend of infant multicultural education studies carried in Korean journals per year, research subjects, research objects and research methods. As a result of this study, first, the number of studies related to infant multicultural education carried in Korean journals articles from 2001 to 2012 was a total of 190 pieces; for year, 27 pieces in 2008, 23 pieces in 2009, 40 pieces in 2010, 46 pieces in 2011 and 36 pieces in 2012, totaling 172 pieces corresponding to 90.5% of the entire thesis. This means that the number of study thesis began to increase substantially from 2008, meaning increased necessity of multicultural education in the field of child education. Second, as a result of analyzing the study trend per research subjects, research subjects was found in the order of 'beliefs recognition attitudes efficacy'(60 pieces), 'child development and adaptation'(48 pieces), 'programs and scale development'(28 pieces). Third, as a result of analyzing the study trend per objects of research, research objects was found in the order of 'teacher'(75 pieces), 'child'(67 pieces), 'literature'(43 pieces). And lastly, as a result of analyzing the study trend per research methods, research methods was found in the order of 'quantitative research'(112 pieces), 'literature research'(57 pieces), 'qualitative research'(31 pieces).

A Study on Image Types of Homosexuality of Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers (예비유아교사의 동성애에 대한 이미지 유형연구)

  • Lee, Youn Sun;Kim, Tae Kyung;Yeon, Hee Jong
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.211-237
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to explore early childhood pre-service teachers' belief in homosexuality. This study applied the Q-method to investigate teachers'subjective awareness of homosexuality. Using an open questionnaire, we asked participants to describe how they think about homosexuality. Forty-five pre-service teachers were Q-sampled. Using the QUANL program, 45 statements were classified into 9 levels. Results revealed that image types of early childhood pre-service teachers can be classified into four distinguished categories: 1) type of respect: to regard gays and lesbians as normal people who love the same sex, 2) type of acknowledgment: to regard them as very unique people who attract people's attention, 3) type of relation-denying: to regard them as someone who were born totally differently, and 4) type of extremely denying-to regard them not being respected and disgusting. Most of the teachers seemed to have a tendency to acknowledge and respect individuals'sexual orientation. However, some pre-service teachers still have a negative attitude toward homosexuality. The significance of this study is to reveal the silenced issue, that is, sexual orientation in the field of early childhood multicultural education. Teachers can have a strong effect on young children's belief about sexual identity and sexual orientation. It would be important to look back on educators'perspective on homosexuality before suggesting the direction of multicultural education of young children related to the issue of sexual orientation.

Internet health information of kindergarten teachers Conditions for recognition and utilization (유치원 교사의 인터넷 건강지식에 대한 정보 인식 및 실태)

  • Yoo, Ji-Eun;Son, Eun-Kyoung;Kim, Sook-Hee;Son, Hae-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.5931-5941
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    • 2015
  • It should be given the opportunity to acquire information about the health of infants for a new type of way of life with the passage of time, of which the internet is a lot of people are required to use the media in the modern world. So, we want to find out the status of kindergarten teachers' internet utilizing and how to utilize the internet health information on field. The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of improvement. We produce this research based on a precedent study about perception and actual condition of health information utilizing. The objects of this study are 180 kindergarten teachers working in Dae-jeon and most of them have experience of searching health information through internet. The collected data calculated frequency and percentage with SPSS 18.0 program. As a result, first, kindergarten teachers think the information of infants' health is relatively important, still they obtain it from the Internet. But they feel a difficulty in finding the proper information because it takes so much time. Second, they utilize the Internet whenever necessary to find health information and they could find it. However, health information obtained from the Internet, have not been unexpectedly useful. Therefore, training about the content of infant's health and utilizing method of internet health information is needed.

An Analysis of Pre-service Early Childhood Education Teachers' Perceptions and Demands through Demonstration of Simulated Instruction (예비유아교사의 모의수업 인식 및 요구도 분석)

  • Park, So-Yun;Seo, Hyun-Ah
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.370-381
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the perceptions and demands of pre-service early childhood teachers about the Demonstration of simulated instruction for 350 students in early childhood education at 3-4 years university located in Busan, Ulsan, and Gimhae. And through this, the purposes of study are to provide basic data based on the current level of pre-school teachers for instructors leading simulated instruction and to seek effective management plans for simulated instruction to improve teaching ability. As a result of the study, pre-service early childhood teachers recognized that simulated instructions were necessary in teacher training course and helped to improve teaching ability, but they did not actively agree to expand simulated instructions and were not very satisfied with the methods of instructors in demonstration of simulated instruction. They wanted to receive feedback from instructors who have practical teaching knowledge and skills based on field experience at least two times during preparation stage and evaluation stage of the simulated instructions. And they wanted to be guided specifically on principles and methods of preparing educational plans, effective interactions and questions with young children. They wanted the feedback, the most preferred form of feedback is form of participations by all class members and instructors. In addition to instructor's feedback, they required experience of simulated instruction in which infants and toddlers participate together.

The Knowledge Base-Constructing Method for Art Psychotherapy Expert System (그림에 의한 심리진단 전문가 시스템의 지식베이스 구축의 방법론)

  • Yang HyunSeung;Park SangSung;Song Seunguk;Park Meongae;Jeong Kyeoyong;jang Dongsik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07b
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    • pp.673-675
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    • 2005
  • The art psychotherapy expert system is a computer system which helps to analyse one's psychology through pictures. However we need a standard criterion because the psychology, the target of the art psychotherapy, does not only have a ambiguous criterion but also a vast range. We're going to suggest a criterion in the field of the art psychotherapy by constructing systematic database through knowledge acquirement of the art psychotherapy expert system. In this study we introduce a system which enables systematic classification and confirmation of symptoms according to mental analyses. The suggested system enables confirmation of a classical structure and systematic classification of knowledges through conversation by extracting nouns through sentence analysis from the knowledge of descriptive form based on the clinical purpose of sentence analysis.

  • PDF

The Difference in Awareness among Parents of Preschoolers, Parents with School-Aged Children, Child Care Teachers and Elementary School Teachers Regarding the Readiness of Children to Attend Elementary School (초등학교 학교준비도에 대한 유아기자녀 부모, 학령기자녀 부모와 유아교사, 초등교사의 인식차이)

  • Bang, So-Young;Hwang, Hye-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.139-160
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in perception among parents of preschoolers, parents of school aged children, teachers of child care centers and elementary school teachers regarding testing on the level of preparation for attending elementary school. Firstly, the results of the study revealed that elementary school teachers had notions regarding the level of preparation for entering school that were more specific than day care teachers and parents. Second, it was shown that effort and a sense of responsibility were most important for the improvement of the level of preparation for elementary school level studies. Third, the results of this study revealed that many respondents thought that there needs to be some form of testing of the level of preparation for school and the respondents further stated that this testing needed to be conducted by child care center teachers or experts in the field. Finally, it was shown that such a test of the level of preparation for school attendance should be developed by including questions on different areas of the intelligence, adaptability, function, tendencies and regulations in relation to the needs of preschoolers.

Analysis of the Differences in the Core Competencies Diagnosis(K-CESA) Result in Engineering Students: Focused on Major Field, Accredited Status, Gender, Admission Types (공학계열 대학생의 핵심역량 진단(K-CESA) 결과에 따른 차이 분석: 계열, 인증여부, 성별, 입학전형을 중심으로)

  • Sinn, Dongjoo;Hwang, Jiwon;Song, Ohsung
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to examine the differences between groups through the results of the core competency diagnosis, and to find out the differences in core competences depending on engineering education accreditation, gender, admission types. To this end, we analyzed the differences in K-CESA results on self-management capabilities, resources & information use, global competency, higher order thinking competency, and interpersonal competency in 2017 for the fourth graders of S University. An ANOVA of major field showed that the humanities had high overall competencies. The results of t-test of engineering students showed that accredited students had relatively low "flexibility" of their global competency, and that the "analysis" of their higher order thinking competency was relatively high. There were no statistically significant differences between groups depending on the admission types. Through these analyses, we presented suggestions such as the provision of specialized programs based on differences among different groups, the development of comprehensive thinking skills such as capstone design, the need to secure flexibility in engineering education accreditation, and the enhancement of female students' resources & information use.

Changes in Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of the Disabilities, Attitudes toward Inclusive Education, and Teacher Efficacy through Capstone Design-based Disability Teaching Materials Production Classes (캡스톤 디자인 기반 장애교재교구 제작을 통한 예비보육교사의 장애 인식, 통합교육에 대한 태도 및 교사효능감의 변화)

  • Park, Mi-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.793-805
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify changes and differences in perceptions of disabilities, attitudes toward inclusive education, and teacher efficacy in Early childhood pre-service teachers through capstone design-based disability teaching material production classes. The study participants were 50 third-year child care majoring students (25 experimental group, 25 comparison group) who participated in capstone design class for one semester in 2020 at 3-year K university. Looking at the results of the study, the experimental group, which produced teaching materials for the disabilities, showed significant changes in disability awareness, attitude toward inclusive education, and teacher efficacy than the comparative group. there was a positive change in the perception of disability due to an increase in the overall understanding and knowledge of the disabilities. It is judged that these positive changes in the perception of people with disabilities gave positive changes to the attitude toward inclusive education and teachers' efficacy. This positive change of early childhood pre-service teachers will serve as an opportunity to improve the quality of teaching behavior and various roles of teachers when interacting with children with disabilities in the inclusive education field.

Effects of Musical Play Activities Based on Traditional Children's Songs upon Young Children's Musical Ability and Interest in Korean Music and Their Playfulness (전래동요에 기초한 음악놀이활동이 유아의 국악능력과 국악흥미도 놀이성에 미치는 영향)

  • Byun, Soon Nyu;Park, Hyoung Shin
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This research was designed to investigate how young children's musical ability and interest in Korean music and their playfulness were affected by musical play activities based on traditional children's songs. Methods: In this study, 28 five-year-old children from W childcare center in W city were divided into an experimental and a comparison group. The experimental group then took part in musical play activities based on traditional children's songs while the comparison group, even though they sang the same songs, took part in musical activities based on themes in the 'Nuri curriculum'. The average and standard deviations of the children's musical ability and interest in Korean music and their playfulness were calculated from the collected data, and ANCOVA was computed using the pre-test scores of each subject as the covariate. Results: The results showed that taking part in musical play activities based on traditional children's songs positively affected young children's musical ability and interest in Korean music and their playfulness. Conclusion/Implications: Therefore, it is suggested that such activities could be useful components for effective Korean music programs in the field of early childhood education.

Development of an integrate program for children using folktales of 『Samguk Yusa』 (『삼국유사』를 활용한 유아 융복합 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Sun;Kwon, Eun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2017
  • In the modern age where various knowledge and experiences are shared through communication, it is necessary to have an integrated educational experience that allows developing creative problem-solving ability that is organically related, not a segmented education experience and it is essential to have experience in history education that derives the present from the past and nourishes the logic. Therefore, this study has developed an integrated program for children using folktales of . A total of 4 stories were selected through consultation of expert group and 12 classes were planned. It is expected that the creativity and logic of children will be increased through the program and it will have a meaning that it provides the basis for the study of the integration program using the Samguk Yusa, However, since this study is on a program development, it has limitations that the effect on development is not verified. Once the effectiveness of the program in subsequent studies is verified, it can be a highly utilized program in the field.