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A Study on the Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Compound Content of Cnidium officinale Makino Cultivated in a Temperature and Carbon Dioxide-Controlled Environment (온도 및 이산화탄소 조절 환경에서 재배한 천궁(Cnidium officinale Makino)의 항산화 활성 및 페놀 화합물 함량 연구)

  • Cheol-Joo Chae;Kyeong Cheol Lee;Ha Young Back;Yeong Geun Song;Sohee Jang;Eun-Hwa Sohn;Won-Kvun Joo;Hvun Jung Koo
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.102-109
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to investigate the growth parameters and antioxidant activity of Cnidium officinale under controlled temperature and carbon dioxide levels during the cultivation period. The plants were cultivated for four months, each group being set at the average temperature of the cultivation area +1.8℃/445ppm(SSP1), +3.6℃/872ppm(SSP3), and +4.4℃/1,142ppm(SSP5), respectively. During the cultivation period, the growth, Top/Root ratio, and leaf weight ratio(LWR) of C. officinale slightly decreased in SSP3 and SSP5 compared to SSP1, while the root weight ratio(RWR) increased. The antioxidant activity and related phenolic compound content in the aerial parts of C. officinale increased proportionally with temperature and CO2 concentration. However, an adverse effect was observed in the high-concentration SSP5 group. Conversely, in the roots, the SSP5 group exhibited the highest antioxidant activity. This study suggests that it can be utilized as fundamental data necessary for understanding the correlation between environmental conditions and the growth as well as physiological activities of medicinal plants.

Analyzing TripAdvisor application reviews to enable smart tourism : focusing on topic modeling (스마트 관광 활성화를 위한 트립어드바이저 애플리케이션 리뷰 분석 : 토픽 모델링을 중심으로)

  • YuNa Lee;MuMoungCho Han;SeonYeong Yu;MeeQi Siow;Mijin Noh;YangSok Kim
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2023
  • The development of information and communication technology and the improvement of the development and dissemination of smart devices have caused changes in the form of tourism, and the concept of smart tourism has since emerged. In this regard, researches related to smart tourism has been conducted in various fields such as policy implementation and surveys, but there is a lack of research on application reviews. This study collects Trip Advisor application review data in the Google Play Store to identify usage of the application and user satisfaction through Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling. The analysis results in four topics, two of which are positive and the other two are negative. We found that users were satisfied with the application's recommendation system, but were dissatisfied when the filters they set during search were not applied or that reviews were not published after updates of the application. We suggest more categories can be added to the application to provide users with different experiences. In addition, it is expected that user satisfaction can be improved by identifying problems within the application, including the filter function, and checking the application environment and resolving the error occurring during the application usage.

In vitro comparison of the accuracy of an occlusal plane transfer method between facebow and POP bow systems in asymmetric ear position

  • Dae-Sung Kim;So-Hyung Park;Jong-Ju Ahn;Chang-Mo Jeong;Mi-Jung Yun;Jung-Bo Huh;So-Hyoun Lee
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2023
  • PURPOSE. This in vitro study aimed to compare the accuracy of the conventional facebow system and the newly developed POP (PNUD (Pusan National University Dental School) Occlusal Plane) bow system for occlusal plane transfer in asymmetric ear position. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Two dentists participated in this study, one was categorized as Experimenter 1 and the other as Experimenter 2 based on their clinical experience with the facebow (1F, 2F) and POP bow (1P, 2P) systems. The vertical height difference between the two ears of the phantom model was set to 3 mm. Experimenter 1 and Experimenter 2 performed the facebow and POP bow systems on the phantom model 10 times each, and the transfer accuracy was analyzed. The accuracy was evaluated by measuring the angle between the reference virtual plane (RVP) of the phantom model and the experimental virtual plane (EVP) of the upper mounting plate through digital superimposition. All data were statistically analyzed using a paired t-test (P < .05). RESULTS. Regardless of clinical experience, the POP bow system (0.53° ± 0.30 (1P) and 0.19° ± 0.18 (2P) for Experimenter 1 and 2, respectively) was significantly more accurate than the facebow system (1.88° ± 0.50 (1F) and 1.34° ± 0.25 (2F), respectively) in the frontal view (P < .05). In the sagittal view, no significant differences were found between the POP bow system (0.92° ± 0.50 (1P) and 0.73° ± 0.42 (2P) for Experimenter 1 and 2, respectively) and the facebow system (0.82° ± 0.49 (1F) and 0.60° ± 0.39 (2F), respectively), regardless of clinical experience (P > .05). CONCLUSION. In cases of asymmetric ear position, the POP bow system may transfer occlusal plane information more accurately than the facebow system in the frontal view, regardless of clinical experience.

An Exploratory Study of Generative AI Service Quality using LDA Topic Modeling and Comparison with Existing Dimensions (LDA토픽 모델링을 활용한 생성형 AI 챗봇의 탐색적 연구 : 기존 AI 챗봇 서비스 품질 요인과의 비교)

  • YaeEun Ahn;Jungsuk Oh
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.191-205
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    • 2023
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in the domain of text-generative services, has witnessed a significant surge, with forecasts indicating the AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) market reaching a valuation of $55.0 Billion by 2028. This research set out to explore the quality dimensions characterizing synthetic text media software, with a focus on four key players in the industry: ChatGPT, Writesonic, Jasper, and Anyword. Drawing from a comprehensive dataset of over 4,000 reviews sourced from a software evaluation platform, the study employed the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling technique using the Gensim library. This process resulted the data into 11 distinct topics. Subsequent analysis involved comparing these topics against established AI service quality dimensions, specifically AICSQ and AISAQUAL. Notably, the reviews predominantly emphasized dimensions like availability and efficiency, while others, such as anthropomorphism, which have been underscored in prior literature, were absent. This observation is attributed to the inherent nature of the reviews of AI services examined, which lean more towards semantic understanding rather than direct user interaction. The study acknowledges inherent limitations, mainly potential biases stemming from the singular review source and the specific nature of the reviewer demographic. Possible future research includes gauging the real-world implications of these quality dimensions on user satisfaction and to discuss deeper into how individual dimensions might impact overall ratings.

The Effects of Internal Market Orientation on Service Providers' adaptive service behavior : Serial Multiple Mediation Effects of Person-Environment Fit and Work Engagement (내부시장 지향성이 서비스 제공자의 적응적 서비스 행동에 미치는 영향: 개인-환경 적합성과 직무열의의 연속다중매개효과)

  • Lee, Myoung-Soung;Kim, Gi-Dae
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.24-46
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    • 2023
  • This study sought to examine how internal market orientation of service organizations affects the service providers' adaptive service behavior and to determine what psychological processes go through for this purpose. To achieve this purpose, based on previous research, a research model was set up to predict that internal market orientation of service organizations will increase service providers' adaptive service behavior by continuously mediating the psychological processes of person-environment fit and work engagement. To test the hypothesis, a survey was conducted and data were collected from nutritionists at consignment catering companies located in Busan and Gyeongnam. As a result of testing the hypotheses proposed in this study's research model, internal market orientation increased person-job fit and person-organization fit, which are key elements of person-environment fit. And, it was confirmed that person-job fit and person-organization fit have a positive effect on work engagement. Additionally, work engagement improved service providers' adaptive service behavior. Lastly, this study confirmed that the influence of internal market orientation on adaptive service behavior is continuously mediated by person-environment fit and job enthusiasm.

Effect of aquatic walking exercise on body composition, hs-CRP, insulin resistance and blood pressure in obese elderly women (12주간 수중걷기운동이 비만 노인 여성의 신체조성, hs-CRP, 인슐린 저항성 및 혈압에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo-Hyeon Son;Min-Seong Ha;Byeong Hwan Jeon;Hyun-Tae Park
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.906-915
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aquatic walking exercise on body composition, hs-CRP, HOMA-IR, and blood pressure in obese elderly women. Twenty, obese elderly women[percent body fat(%BF) < 30%] composed of aquatic walking exercise group(EX, n=10), the control group(CON, n=10). The variables of body composition, hs-CRP, HOMA-IR, and blood pressure were measured in all the subjects pre and post of 12 weeks aquatic walking exercise(RPE 11-14, 3 times per week, 50 mins). The test data were analyzed by paired t-test and repeated ANOVA, and the alpha level of p<.05 was set for all tests of significance. %BF (p<.05), insulin (p<.01), HOMA-IR (p<.01) and SBP (p<.05) were significantly decreased in EX group compared to CON group. These results suggest that 12 weeks of aquatic walking exercise improves %BF, HOMA-IR, and blood pressure. Thus, this proposed aquatic walking exercise modality can be a useful therapy to improve both obese and cardiovascular disease in obese elderly women.

A study on end-to-end speaker diarization system using single-label classification (단일 레이블 분류를 이용한 종단 간 화자 분할 시스템 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Jaehee Jung;Wooil Kim
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.536-543
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    • 2023
  • Speaker diarization, which labels for "who spoken when?" in speech with multiple speakers, has been studied on a deep neural network-based end-to-end method for labeling on speech overlap and optimization of speaker diarization models. Most deep neural network-based end-to-end speaker diarization systems perform multi-label classification problem that predicts the labels of all speakers spoken in each frame of speech. However, the performance of the multi-label-based model varies greatly depending on what the threshold is set to. In this paper, it is studied a speaker diarization system using single-label classification so that speaker diarization can be performed without thresholds. The proposed model estimate labels from the output of the model by converting speaker labels into a single label. To consider speaker label permutations in the training, the proposed model is used a combination of Permutation Invariant Training (PIT) loss and cross-entropy loss. In addition, how to add the residual connection structures to model is studied for effective learning of speaker diarization models with deep structures. The experiment used the Librispech database to generate and use simulated noise data for two speakers. When compared with the proposed method and baseline model using the Diarization Error Rate (DER) performance the proposed method can be labeling without threshold, and it has improved performance by about 20.7 %.

Effects of CEO Will and Employee Resistance to Innovation of SMEs on Smart Factory Adoption (중소기업 CEO 의지 및 종업원 혁신 저항성이 스마트 팩토리 도입에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-tae;Chung, Byoung-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.111-127
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    • 2022
  • With the progress of the 4th industrial revolution, interest in smart factories is increasing. The government is implementing a smart factory support project for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. Therefore, in this study, factors influencing small and medium-sized enterprises(SME's) intention of smart factory acceptance were analyzed. In particular, it focused on how the perception of government support affects intention of smart factory acceptance. For the empirical analysis, a research model was established by reflecting the characteristics of SMEs and the technical factors of the smart factory centering on the technology acceptance theory. Based on the model set in this way, a questionnaire survey was conducted for employees of SMEs. In this study, a total of 231 samples of valid data were used for analysis. The empirical analysis results are as follows. It was analyzed that performance expectancy, social influence, technology utilization capability, CEO will, and employee resistance to innovation, all introduced as research variables, had a significant effect on the use intention of smart factory acceptance. In particular, it was found that employees' resistance to innovation had a negative (-) effect on their use intention. Meanwhile, to analyze the moderating effect of government support, it was divided into a group with high expectations for government support and a group with low expectations. As a result, it was found that there was a difference in the effect of CEO's will, employees' resistance to innovation, and social influence on the use intention. On the other hand, no significant difference was found in the relationship between performance expectancy, technology utilization capability on the use intention. Based on the empirical analysis results, the academic and practical implications of this study were presented.

Development of future education programs through edutech utilization programs (에듀테크 활용 프로그램을 통한 미래교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee Min-hye
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2022
  • The core of this study is to develop an edutech utilization program to be applied to 5th grade students by utilizing school curriculum time, and the conclusions based on the results of the study are as follows. First, for the development of future educational programs using edutech, a content preference survey was conducted and significant responses were confirmed from 27 teachers and 216 students, excluding missing values. In the future education implementation, UCC (video shooting, editing, etc.) and work activities (3D pen, 3D printer, etc.) were selected based on the need for separate edtech devices. Second, in order to develop a future education program using edutech, the future education class module was set in 4 stages based on previous research. First of all, in Make a foundation, theories by subject are developed, and in Open an activity, future education experience activities using key edutech are developed. In Organize evaluation, individual self-evaluation was conducted, and based on this, customized in-depth supplementary activities were conducted in Act individually. Third, in order for future education programs using edutech to be organized in the regular curriculum, sufficient connectivity with the curriculum must be secured. The basis for systematic and stable research was prepared by analyzing the curriculum of the 5th grade subject of the study and securing hours in connection with creative experiential activities. The data developed through this process were modified and supplemented based on the content validity test. The fact that the program application and verification steps were not performed is a limitation of this study, but it is expected that this program will expand the possibility of future education practice in the school field.

The Role of Relational Agency in a Need-reality Colliding Situation (욕구-현실 충돌 상황에서의 주체성의 역할)

  • Seheon Kim ;Taekyun Hur
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.617-636
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    • 2023
  • The goal of this study was to explain the phenomenon of making efforts to overcome the need-reality collision as a cultural characteristic of Koreans. Specifically, we examined whether the behavior varies depending on the degree of relational agency in the situation where conflicts between one's needs and reality have occurred. To this end, a total of 217 participants participated in the online experiment, and the data of 156 participants were finally analyzed. After responding to the relational agency scale, the participants were exposed to a decision-making scenario in which conflicting factors existed. The scenario were about buying a house and making a wedding hall contract, and in each scenario, two important values were set to conflict with each other in the market. Participants read the scenario and entered the level they wanted for each value. After that, they encounter a situation in which he or she has not found the candidate site corresponding to the level he or she wants. Then, the participants responded to their willingness to make additional efforts themselves. As a result of the study, the degree of relational agency of the participants showed a positive relationship with the degree of additional effort. In addition, the degree of the desired level beyond the reality (expectancy discrepancy) showed a nonlinear (reverse U-shape) influence on the additional effort while controlling for individual difference. Furthermore, the interaction effect between relational agency and expectancy discrepancy was significant. Specifically, individuals with low agency did not have a significant relationship between the degree of expectancy discrepancy and the dependent variable, but individuals with high relational agency had a significant non-linear relationship between the degree of expectancy discrepancy and the dependent variable. Based on the results of the study, the role and function of Koreans' psychological characteristics (relational agency) in the scene of managing needs-reality collision were discussed.