• Title/Summary/Keyword: Welfare robot

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Exploring the Possibility of Management Approach to Basic Income Discussion (기본소득 논의에 관한 경영학적 접근 가능성 탐색)

  • Tag, Dong-il
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2022
  • In the face of revolutionary changes in industry, the relationship between labor and income needs to be reconceptualized in the period of social revolution. The absolute decrease in labor due to the absence of labor is caused by automation, smartization, AI, robot labor, etc., which we must accept whether we want to or not. However, while gross social product and capital of the state or society increase, individual income is likely to decrease. During this transformation period, the state or politics must prepare for the problems caused by the decline in individual income. Until now, there have been various levels of discussion on social welfare or social security from the perspective of welfare or assistance. Attempts or studies at the experimental level have been conducted at the level of many countries or local governments and have found positive and negative effects. There is no basic income system that is widely implemented at the national level, and various discussions are taking place from a future-oriented perspective. Therefore, I propose to look at it from a new perspective based on the perspective so far. We explored that it is part of a positive approach to examine the importance and necessity of basic income in terms of working hours, quality of labor, income, quality of life, value of spare time, and work-life balance. The goal is to actively accept the absolute lack of working hours, replacement of mechanical labor, and polarization due to changes in the industry paradigm, and to look at the problems that come from a positive perspective. If we are going to accept it anyway, we should not look at these issues as short-sighted, but prepare them preemptively and establish a primitive plan from a long-term and overall perspective. Smartphones have changed the world over the past decade and have been lost, but wouldn't there be a lot of new discoveries? Shouldn't we think of it as a great opportunity to improve the quality of life through technological changes?

The Research of People with Disabilities Satisfaction about Loading Wheelchair while Boarding on Vehicle (장애인의 차량 탑승 시 휠체어 수납에 대한 만족도 조사)

  • Rhee, K.M.;Lee, J.H.;Lee, S.C.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, when wheelchair user get into the vehicle, we have thorough grasp of the problems of loading wheelchair and give effect to suggest conceptual design in relation to develop manufactured goods. We choose 50 participants with disabilities who manual wheelchair or motor scooter users are able to drive own's vehicle, and the method practice in the direct survey. There are some limitations in this study especially in terms of the sampling population. The 88%(n=44) of the participant replied to the driver with disabilities need assistive devices for loading manual wheelchair. They prefer a system that robot arm brings the wheelchair out of the trunk to the driver's seat door.

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Modern Cause and Effect Model by Factors of Root Cause for Accident Prevention in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises

  • Kang, Youngsig;Yang, Sunghwan;Patterson, Patrick
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.505-510
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    • 2021
  • Background: Factors related to root causes can cause commonly occurring accidents such as falls, slips, and jammed injuries. An important means of reducing the frequency of occupational accidents in small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMSEs) of South Korea is to perform intensity analysis of the root cause factors for accident prevention in the cause and effect model like decision models, epidemiological models, system models, human factors models, LCU (life change unit) models, and the domino theory. Especially intensity analysis in a robot system and smart technology as Industry 4.0 is very important in order to minimize the occupational accidents and fatal accident because of the complexity of accident factors. Methods: We have developed the modern cause and effect model that includes factors of root cause through statistical testing to minimize commonly occurring accidents and fatal accidents in SMSEs of South Korea and systematically proposed educational policies for accident prevention. Results: As a result, the consciousness factors among factors of root cause such as unconsciousness, disregard, ignorance, recklessness, and misjudgment had strong relationships with occupational accidents in South Korean SMSEs. Conclusion: We conclude that the educational policies necessary for minimizing these consciousness factors include continuous training procedures followed by periodic hands-on experience, along with perceptual and cognitive education related to occupational health and safety.

A Case Study on Smart Concentrations Using ICT Convergence Technology

  • Kim, Gokmi
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2019
  • '4th Industrial Revolution' is accelerating as a core part of creating new growth engines and enhancing competitiveness of businesses. The fourth industrial revolution means the transformation of society and industries that are brought by IoT (Internet of Things), big data analysis, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and robot technology. Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is a major factor, is affecting production and manufacturing systems and as ICT technologies become more advanced, intelligent information technology is generally utilized in all areas of society, leading to hyper-connected society where new values are created and developed. ICT technology is not just about connecting devices and systems and making smart, it is about constantly converging and harmonizing new technologies in a number of fields and driving innovation and change. It is no exception to the agro-fisheries trade. In particular, ICT technology is applied to the agricultural sector, reducing labor, providing optimal environment for crops, and increasing productivity. Due to the nature of agriculture, which is a labor-intensive industry, it is predicted that the ripple effects of ICT technologies will become bigger. We are expected to use the Smart Concentration using ICT convergence technology as a useful resource for changing smart farms, and to help develop new service markets.

Design and Manufacture of Improved Obstacle-Overcoming type Indoor Moving and Lifting Electric Wheelchair (향상된 장애물 극복형 실내 이·승강 전동휠체어의 설계 및 제작)

  • Kim, Young-Pil;Ham, Hun-Ju;Hong, Sung-Hee;Ko, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.851-860
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    • 2020
  • With an increase in the aging population and a rising social interest in health and welfare, studies to improve healthcare in the elderly are being actively conducted. This study attempted to improve the current design and manufacture of elevating electric wheelchairs to enhance user safety and convenience. Seat design based on the user's body shape, convenience while boarding or alighting, caster turning radius and, safety and stability features that prevent shaking when the user gets up or sits down were improved. A driving experiment was conducted to evaluate the operation of the indoor electric wheelchair designed and manufactured with these additional functionalities. During the test, the performance parameters evaluated were continuous driving time, turning radius, maximum lifting and lowering load, maximum lifting height, noise level, minimum distance sensing by the driving auxiliary sensor, ability to interact with server and app programs, and the duty cycle maximum error rate. The test confirmed that this improved electric wheelchair successfully met target parameters. In a future study, we will evaluate this improved electric wheelchair from a user's perspective for its usability parameters, such as satisfaction, convenience and stability.

Home Appliance Position Recognition through Hand Pointing Command for Arbitrary Camera Location (손 지시 명령을 통한 임의의 카메라 배치에서의 가전기기 위치 인식)

  • Yang, Seung-Eun;Do, Jun-Hyeong;Jang, Hyo-Young;Jung, Jin-Woo;Park, Kwang-Hyun;Bien, Zeung-Nam
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.362-367
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    • 2006
  • 지능형 주거공간에서 손 지시 명령을 통하여 가전기기를 선택하거나 로봇에게 이동하여야 하는 장소를 알려 주기 위해, 기존의 시스템은 선택되는 대상 기기의 3 차원 절대 위치를 미리 알고 있어야 한다. 또한 카메라 위치가 변동되었을 경우, 카메라의 위치를 절대좌표계 기준으로 새롭게 측정해야 하는 불편함이 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 팬/틸트 모듈을 가진 두 대의 USB 카메라를 임의의 위치에 배치하더라도, 두 번의 손 지시만으로 선택 대상이 되는 기기의 3 차원 위치를 파악하고 이를 동작시키는 방법을 다룬다. 제안하는 방법에서는 두 대의 카메라 간의 상대 좌표계를 형성하기 위해 각 카메라에 표식을 부착한다. 각 카메라에서 다른 카메라의 표식을 관찰하면 카메라 간의 거리 및 각도를 구할 수 있기 때문에, 하나의 카메라를 기준으로 3 차원 절대 좌표계를 자동으로 설정할 수 있다. 또한, 두 대의 카메라로 사용자의 얼굴과 손을 검출하면 얻어진 기준 좌표계에 대해 얼굴과 손의 3 차원 위치를 계산하고, 두 지점을 연결하는 방향 벡터를 구함으로써 사용자가 손으로 지시하는 방향을 찾는다. 따라서, 카메라를 임의의 위치에 두더라도 사용자의 손 지시 동작만으로 대상체의 차원 위치를 파악할 수 있게 된다. 개발된 시스템의 유용성을 검증하기 위해 각 가전기기의 위치를 제안한 방법으로 구하고 실제 위치와의 오차를 분석하였다. 제안한 방법은 두 대의 USB 카메라와 일반 PC 또는 마이크로 프로세서만으로 구현할 수 있기 때문에 비용이 적게 들고 실시간 처리가 가능하며 사용자의 환경에서 편리성을 높이는 등 많은 장점을 가진다.

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A Study on The Straightness Improvement Method for Ensure Safety of Mobile Walker in Slope (경사로에서의 안정성 확보를 위한 Mobile Walker의 직진성 향상 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, W.Y.;Lee, D.K.;Lee, E.H.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2014
  • This paper suggests linearity enhancement algorithm to Ensure safety of Mobile Walker on Slope. Mobile Walker happens to get off track due to external forces from Walker's weight and the degree of the slope while slope driving. In order to compensate this, this research used the controller that estimates the external forces according to the slope of road surface and adjusts it to the motor output. Also, through comparisons between targeted rotational angular velocity which the user inputs and its velocity of the robot, algorithm was applied which applies a weight to each shaft. As a result of applying the proposed correction controller, it diverges in case of non-compensation experiments that deviates when moving, but it case of applying the ramp calibration algorithm, the deviation distance at max was within 10cm that it keeps safe driving, and change rate of deviation distance was also stabilized after 1m where no more changes occurred.

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A Study on slip controller for safety improvement of run flat road running for motorized wheelchair -1 (전동휠체어의 평지 주행 시 안전성 향상을 위한 슬립 제어기에 관한 연구 -1)

  • Kim, B.M.;Lee, W.Y.;Lee, E.H.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2014
  • In this study, it is intended to provide a slip detector is an important function in the research on the slip control can be addressed uncontrollably path withdrawal might during driving of the power wheelchair, slip phenomenon occurs. By detecting and electric wheelchairs, the state of the motor during running, the detection of the slip, slip detection information calculated using an encoder that is connected to the left and right motor with six-axis IMU sensor for the electric wheelchair using an algorithm to calculate the slip ratio. Slip rate calculated in this way is used as control variable for improving the safety of the electric wheelchair. It was confirmed from the slip phenomenon of the path the proposed experiments slim detector proposed in this study. The maximum slip ratio detection zone during the experiment, can occur during turning of the electric wheelchair has been confirmed.

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Development of a Hand Shape Editor for Sign Language Expression (수화 표현을 위한 손 모양 편집 프로그램의 개발)

  • Oh, Young-Joon;Park, Kwang-Hyun;Bien, Zeung-Nam
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.44 no.4 s.316
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2007
  • Hand shape is one of important elements in Korean Sign Language (KSL), which is a communication method for the deaf. To express sign motion in a virtual reality environment based on OpenGL, we need an editor which can insert and modify sign motion data. However, it is very difficult that people, who lack knowledge of sign 1anguage, exactly edit and express hand shape using the existing editors. We also need a program to efficiently construct and store the hand shape data because the number of data is very large in a sign word dictionary. In this paper we developed a KSL hand shape editor to easily construct and edit hand shape by a graphical user interface (GUI), and to store it in a database. Hand shape codes are used in a sign word editor to synthesize sign motion and decreases total amount of KSL data.

Study on the Improvement Impaired Driving Environment of the IT Convergence-based Road Safety at Road Construction Sites with a Robot Protector (IT 융합기반 도로안전지킴이로봇을 통한 도로 건설 현장에서의 장애인운전환경 개선 연구)

  • Lee, S.Y.;Kim, D.O.;Rhee, K.M.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2015
  • There have been sustained developments of advanced technologies using traffic safety facilities recently and techniques for identifying failure modes and devices which could result in fatal outcomes. The purpose of this research is aimed at improving the driving conditions in advance through analyzing the IT convergence, driving education, researches for vehicles, field of construction and robotics. The researchers evaluate on usability tests of the driving with 26 candidates through focusing on safety, convenience, efficiency, effectiveness. Using specialized LED panel to enhance driving performances of disabled people are for cautious road conditions like foggy weather or heavy rain. As a result, there were improvements in the driving conditions, and candidates reported this system was helpful. It allows them for maintaining proper driving all times and was especially informative for people with low vision or visually impaired. This system plays a pivotal role as a prevention mechanism not only for regular drivers but also for further delict of traffic violations or accident offenders who already have former record on tort.

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