• Title/Summary/Keyword: Weight map

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Adaptive Face Blending for Face Replacement System (얼굴교체 시스템을 위한 적응적 블렌딩 방법)

  • Zhang, Xingjie;Kim, Changseob;Park, Jong-IL
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2018.06a
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    • pp.133-135
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문에서는 포즈에 적응적인 가중치 맵 (weight map)에 기반한, 얼굴 교체시스템을 위한 블렌딩 기법을 제안한다. 우선 얼굴교체를 진행하기 위해 목표얼굴이 들어있는 영상으로부터 실시간으로 얼굴의 기하학적 특징점 (land mark)을 검출한다. 다음 검출된 특징점의 분포에 따라 얼굴영역에 대해 삼각화 (triangulation)를 진행한다. 참조영상에 대해서도 같은 과정을 적용하고 대응되는 영역끼리 워핑 (warping) 변환을 시키면 목표 얼굴과 같은 포즈의 참조얼굴을 얻을 수 있다. 그 다음 두 영상의 피부색 톤을 일치시켜주고 안면교체를 진행한다. 하지만 교체된 영역과 목표 얼굴 사이에 부자연스러운 경계가 발생하게 되는데 블렌딩 기법을 통해 이런 경계를 제거한다. 본 논문에서는 사전에 표준얼굴형태모델을 이용하여 정면 얼굴의 가중치 맵을 생성하고, 표준얼굴형태모델과 목표 얼굴사이 변환관계를 이용하여 포즈에 대응되는 가중치지도를 생성하였다. 이렇게 얻어진 가중치 맵은 일관되게 정해진 가중치 맵에 비해 포즈변화에 적응적으로 대처할 수 있어 보다 자연스러운 얼굴교체 효과를 얻을 수 있다.

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Location-Based Saliency Maps from a Fully Connected Layer using Multi-Shapes

  • Kim, Hoseung;Han, Seong-Soo;Jeong, Chang-Sung
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.166-179
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    • 2021
  • Recently, with the development of technology, computer vision research based on the human visual system has been actively conducted. Saliency maps have been used to highlight areas that are visually interesting within the image, but they can suffer from low performance due to external factors, such as an indistinct background or light source. In this study, existing color, brightness, and contrast feature maps are subjected to multiple shape and orientation filters and then connected to a fully connected layer to determine pixel intensities within the image based on location-based weights. The proposed method demonstrates better performance in separating the background from the area of interest in terms of color and brightness in the presence of external elements and noise. Location-based weight normalization is also effective in removing pixels with high intensity that are outside of the image or in non-interest regions. Our proposed method also demonstrates that multi-filter normalization can be processed faster using parallel processing.

A new method for automatic areal feature matching based on shape similarity using CRITIC method (CRITIC 방법을 이용한 형상유사도 기반의 면 객체 자동매칭 방법)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Huh, Yong;Kim, Doe-Sung;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we proposed the method automatically to match areal feature based on similarity using spatial information. For this, we extracted candidate matching pairs intersected between two different spatial datasets, and then measured a shape similarity, which is calculated by an weight sum method of each matching criterion automatically derived from CRITIC method. In this time, matching pairs were selected when similarity is more than a threshold determined by outliers detection of adjusted boxplot from training data. After applying this method to two distinct spatial datasets: a digital topographic map and street-name address base map, we conformed that buildings were matched, that shape is similar and a large area is overlaid in visual evaluation, and F-Measure is highly 0.932 in statistical evaluation.

A Korean Text Summarization System Using Aggregate Similarity (도합유사도를 이용한 한국어 문서요약 시스템)

  • 김재훈;김준홍
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.12 no.1_2
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2001
  • In this paper. a document is represented as a weighted graph called a text relationship map. In the graph. a node represents a vector of nouns in a sentence, an edge completely connects other nodes. and a weight on the edge is a value of the similarity between two nodes. The similarity is based on the word overlap between the corresponding nodes. The importance of a node. called an aggregate similarity in this paper. is defined as the sum of weights on the links connecting it to other nodes on the map. In this paper. we present a Korean text summarization system using the aggregate similarity. To evaluate our system, we used two test collection, one collection (PAPER-InCon) consists of 100 papers in the field of computer science: the other collection (NEWS) is composed of 105 articles in the newspapers and had built by KOROlC. Under the compression rate of 20%. we achieved the recall of 46.6% (PAPER-InCon) and 30.5% (NEWS) and the precision of 76.9% (PAPER-InCon) and 42.3% (NEWS).

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Adaptive Frequent Pattern Algorithm using CAWFP-Tree based on RHadoop Platform (RHadoop 플랫폼기반 CAWFP-Tree를 이용한 적응 빈발 패턴 알고리즘)

  • Park, In-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2017
  • An efficient frequent pattern algorithm is essential for mining association rules as well as many other mining tasks for convergence with its application spread over a very broad spectrum. Models for mining pattern have been proposed using a FP-tree for storing compressed information about frequent patterns. In this paper, we propose a centroid frequent pattern growth algorithm which we called "CAWFP-Growth" that enhances he FP-Growth algorithm by making the center of weights and frequencies for the itemsets. Because the conventional constraint of maximum weighted support is not necessary to maintain the downward closure property, it is more likely to reduce the search time and the information loss of the frequent patterns. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance than other algorithms without scarifying the accuracy and increasing the processing time via the centroid of the items. The MapReduce framework model is provided to handle large amounts of data via a pseudo-distributed computing environment. In addition, the modeling of the proposed algorithm is required in the fully distributed mode.

Implementation of Management System for Contamination Vulnerability Calibration of the Ground Water by an Object-oriented Geographic Data Model (객체지향 지리 데이터 모델에 의한 지하수의 오취약성 분석을 위한 관리시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2003
  • This paper designs and implements the management system that can calibrate the contamination vulnerability of the ground water, using an object oriented data model. Geographic-objects are specified by features extracted from an applicable geographic domain, and geographic-fields are defined by chemical factors extracted from each driven water. To show the topological relationships among the geographic-objects and the geographic-fields, this paper attach the weight and the ratio of the drastic model to chemical factors represented on the land use digital map and the ground water digital map. The geographic feature class, administrative boundary class, land use class and driven water class consist of a class composition hierarchy for evaluating the convenient contamination vulnerability calibration with spatial relationships among the well objects. Therefore, this management system for evaluating the contamination vulnerability can also contribute to the application of other natural environments.

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Construction of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library Containing Large BamHI Genomic Fragments from Medicago truncatula and Identification of Clones Linked to Hypernodulating Genes

  • Park So-Yeon;Nam Young-Woo
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.256-263
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    • 2006
  • In the model legume Medicago truncatula, two mutants, sickle and sunn, exhibit morphologically and genetically distinct hypernodulation phenotypes. However, efforts to isolate the single recessive and single semidominant genes for sickle and sunn, respectively, by map-based cloning have so far been unsuccessful, partly due to the absence of clones that enable walks from linked marker positions. To help resolve these difficulties, a new bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed using BamHI-digested genomic fragments. A total of 23,808 clones were collected from ligation mixtures prepared with double-size-selected high-molecular-weight DNA. The average insert size was 116 kb based on an analysis of 88 randomly selected clones using NotI digestion and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. About 18.5% of the library clones lacked inserts. The frequency of the BAC clones carrying chloroplast or mitochondrial DNA was 0.98% and 0.03%, respectively. The library represented approximately 4.9 haploid M. truncatula genomes. Hybridization of the BAC clone filters with a $C_{0}t-l$ DNA probe revealed that approximately 37% of the clones likely carried repetitive sequence-enriched DNA. An ordered array of pooled BAC DNA was screened by polymerase chain reactions using 13 sequence-characterized molecular markers that belonged to the eight linkage groups. Except for two markers, one to five positive BAC clones were obtained per marker. Accordingly, the sickle- and sunn-linked BAC clones identified herein will be useful for the isolation of these biotechnologically important genes. The new library will also provide clones that fill the gaps between preexisting BAC contigs, facilitating the physical mapping and genome sequencing of M. truncatula.

A Study on Lane Detection Based on Split-Attention Backbone Network (Split-Attention 백본 네트워크를 활용한 차선 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Song, In seo;Lee, Seon woo;Kwon, Jang woo;Won, Jong hoon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.178-188
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    • 2020
  • This paper proposes a lane recognition CNN network using split-attention network as a backbone to extract feature. Split-attention is a method of assigning weight to each channel of a feature map in the CNN feature extraction process; it can reliably extract the features of an image during the rapidly changing driving environment of a vehicle. The proposed deep neural networks in this paper were trained and evaluated using the Tusimple data set. The change in performance according to the number of layers of the backbone network was compared and analyzed. A result comparable to the latest research was obtained with an accuracy of up to 96.26, and FN showed the best result. Therefore, even in the driving environment of an actual vehicle, stable lane recognition is possible without misrecognition using the model proposed in this study.

A Deinterlacing Method Based on the Edge Direction Vectors (에지 방향 벡터 기반 디인터레이싱 기법)

  • Lee, Kwang-Bo;Park, Sung-Han
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2008
  • A new intra-field deinterlacing algorithm with edge direction vector (EDV) in the image block is introduced. This proposed filter is suitable to the region with high motion or scene change. We first introduce an EDV, which is computed by Sobel mask used edge map, so that filer resolution of the edge direction can be acquired. The proposed EDV oriented deinterlacing system operates by identifying small pixel variations in five orientations, $26.5^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$, $135^{\circ}$, and $153.5^{\circ}$. The EDV values work as inputs of Sobel mask and return edge direction degree and confidence parameters. Based on edge direction degree and confidence parameters the missing pixel is computed. The results of computer simulations demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms a number of intra-field deinterlacing methods in the literature.

Structuring of unstructured big data and visual interpretation (부산지역 교통관련 기사를 이용한 비정형 빅데이터의 정형화와 시각적 해석)

  • Lee, Kyeongjun;Noh, Yunhwan;Yoon, Sanggyeong;Cho, Youngseuk
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1431-1438
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    • 2014
  • We analyzed the articles from "Kukje Shinmun" and "Busan Ilbo", which are two local newpapers of Busan Metropolitan City. The articles cover from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. Meaningful pattern inherent in 2889 articles of which the title includes "Busan" and "Traffic" and related data was analyzed. Textmining method, which is a part of datamining, was used for the social network analysis (SNA). HDFS and MapReduce (from Hadoop ecosystem), which is open-source framework based on JAVA, were used with Linux environment (Uubntu-12.04LTS) for the construction of unstructured data and the storage, process and the analysis of big data. We implemented new algorithm that shows better visualization compared with the default one from R package, by providing the color and thickness based on the weight from each node and line connecting the nodes.