• Title/Summary/Keyword: Training Efficiency

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An analysis on the in-service and pre-service teachers' perception of teaching and learning mathematics based on storytelling in elementary schools (스토리텔링 수학 교수·학습에 대한 초등 현직교사와 예비교사의 인식 분석)

  • Kwon, JongKyum;Lee, BongJu
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.283-299
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    • 2013
  • Mathematics textbooks based on storytelling in elementary schools started to apply a new method of teaching math to the first and second grade students from this year. By surveying the actual responses of both in-service and pre-service teachers, this study aimed to find out critical opinions to assist future math teachers. The survey was conducted among 124 in-service teachers and 112 pre-service teachers, asking what they needed for the understanding of the storytelling theory and for the preparation of actual lessons. After analyzing data, we concluded that in-service teachers have more positive opinion about the efficiency of teaching and learning mathematics based on storytelling, but more negative opinion about the appropriateness of storytelling as a means for teaching and learning mathematics than the pre-service teachers in elementary school. The in-service elementary teachers also want to have well-organized teaching resources for storytelling and development. Through a lot of training, more and more creative ways of applying the storytelling method can be learned and concrete presentations of real lessons need to be shared. Approximately 87% of pre-service teachers believe the storytelling method is a necessity in teaching math.

A study on unmanned watch system using ubiquitous sensor network technology (유비쿼터스 센서 네트워크 기술을 활용한 무인감시체계 연구)

  • Wee, Kyoum-Bok
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.7
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    • pp.271-303
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    • 2009
  • "Ubiquitous sensor network" definition is this-Someone attaches electro-magnetic tag everything which needs communication between man to man, man to material and material to material(Ubiquitous). By using attached every electro-magnetic tag, someone detects it's native information as well as environmental information such as temperature, humidity, pollution and infiltration information(Sensor). someone connects it realtime network and manage generated information(Network). 21st century's war is joint combined operation connecting with ground, sea and air smoothly in digitalized war field, and is systematic war provided realtime information from sensor to shooter. So, it needs dramatic development on watch reconnaissance, command and control, pinpoint strike etc. Ubiquitous computing and network technologies are essential in national defense to operate 21st century style war. It is possible to use many parts such as USN combined smart dust and sensor network to protect friend unit as well as to watch enemy's deep area by unmanned reconnaissance, wearable computer upgrading soldier's operational ability and combat power dramatically, RFID which can be used material management as well as on time support. Especially, unmanned watch system using USN is core part to transit network centric military service and to get national defense efficiency which overcome the dilemma of national defense person resource reducing, and upgrade guard quality level, and improve combat power by normalizing guardian's bio rhythm. According to the test result of sensor network unmanned watch system, it needs more effort and time to stabilize because of low USN technology maturity and using maturity. In the future, USN unmanned watch system project must be decided the application scope such as application area and starting point by evaluating technology maturity and using maturity. And when you decide application scope, you must consider not only short period goal as cost reduction, soldier decrease and guard power upgrade but also long period goal as advanced defense ability strength. You must build basic infra in advance such as light cable network, frequency allocation and power facility etc. First of all, it must get budget guarantee and driving force for USN unmanned watch system project related to defense policy. You must forwarded the USN project assuming posses of operation skill as procedure, system, standard, training in advance. Operational skill posses is come from step by step application strategy such as test phase, introduction phase, spread phase, stabilization phase and also repeated test application taking example project.

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A Study on Empowerment Perception Level and Job Satisfaction of Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 임파워먼트 지각수준과 직무만족에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Seon-haeng
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to collect the basic data to provide for the purpose of the development of dental field. This research is to find the relationship between the empowerment perception level and job satisfaction of dental hygienists working in dental clinics and the factors influencing on work achievement in the system of dental clinics. The subjects of the research is some randomly chosen at dental clinics located in Seoul City during the period from March 22 to April 30, 2010, and the sample of 256 female dental hygienists working in the field were recruited as the analysis object group. The following shows the results of this study. 1. The empowerment level of the subjects was 3.63. It is significant statistically that the longer working career or higher annual salary, the higher empowerment level (p<0.05). 2. Dental hygienists who are in charge of education counsel(p<0.01) and who have a permanent job(p<0.05) have higher empowerment level than others. 3. The job satisfaction of the subjects was 3.18. It was significant statistically that the increaser age(p<0.05) or in the journal subscription group, the higher job satisfaction (p<0.001). 4. In regression analysis, meaningfulness, self-determination were proved as a significant factors that is related to the job satisfaction in dental hygienists (p<0.05). This finding shows high job satisfaction in dental hygienists who hold high level of empowerment perception. Therefore, I suggest that the organization of dental clinic needs to improve its capability and efficiency with the efficient manpower management. Particularly, in order to increase job satisfaction, A need exists to develop various kinds of leadership training and educational programs to enhance the empowerment of dental hygienists as professionals through independent decision making and role executions.

An Analysis of the importance in fire-stations' works and redesign by disaster management steps (재난관리 단계별 소방업무 중요도분석 및 업무재설계)

  • Park, Chanseok
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.572-582
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    • 2014
  • Fire-stations' works limited to the existing fire protection rescue and emergency services in rapidly changing disaster environment are not difficult to deal with the fire service demand of the people any longer. In this study, after calculating the importance of the disaster management about fire-stations' works by disaster management steps thorough a survey of experts about Fire and Disaster, firefighting tasks are to be redesigned. Experts have the higher rating in preparation step of firefighting tasks. Because securing resources and building systems in preparation step and safety training in prevention step have a high importance, it is required to improve efficiency of firefighting tasks through redesign. The most important point in redesign is to realize fire-stations' works are to expand and to develop such a policy if fire-offices excavate the civil and government cooperation works and provide such legal and institutional basis of establishment and operation. And it should be sought to maintain international cooperation for international disaster response. Ultimately, fire-offices will have further expansion in quality and simultaneously quantitatively by excavating 'collaboration (business cooperation)' or enhancing existing works in addition to existing 'fire and rescue, first aid' business.

A Study on the Limits of Manufacturing Innovation and Policy Direction of SMEs in the 4th Industrial Revolution : Focusing on the Limitations and Examples of Pohang SME's Smart Factory Introduction (4차 산업혁명시대 지역 중소기업의 제조혁신 한계와 스마트공장 정책 방향성 연구: 포항지역 중소기업의 스마트공장 조사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eunyoung;Park, Munsu
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.269-306
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    • 2018
  • Through this study, it is aimed to derive the policy direction considering the characteristics of the present Smart Factory, the industrial condition of Pohang area, and the promotion field. Secondly, the questionnaire data of the regional enterprises will prepare for the improvement of the industrial structure and the implications for efficiency, and preparation for regional preparation and industrial changes in preparation for the next generation of production revolution. The construction of Smart Factory in Pohang can be divided into two major directions. First, it is analyzed that smart factory pilot projects are highly needed, focusing on competitive medical precision manufacturing field among the SMEs in the region, primary metal and nonmetal manufacturing industries, and other machinery fields. In addition, local SMEs are willing to introduce smart factories for reasons of quality improvement and cost reduction, and it is confirmed that they will actively promote employee training and expertise if they can upgrade continuously.

An Asian Airline Implementation of Smartphone Collaboration: From Training to Operations (스마트폰을 활용한 항공사의 협업 사례 연구: 훈련 기간과 운영 기간의 차이 분석)

  • Dionne, Dante;Schutz, Douglas M.;Kim, Yong-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2018
  • In order to provide quality services across international airports, airline personnel must rapidly and effectively develop and share knowledge. Combining components of adaptive structuration theory (AST) and media synchronicity theory (MST), a research framework was developed to convey three distinct stages of knowledge sharing. We use the grounded theory research method for the qualitative data collected from audio transcripts of employees learning how to use and work with company issued smartphones with push-to-talk functionalities. Data was collected from 33 operations personnel. The results of the content analysis are recorded for the elements of each of the three concepts of our research framework. During the social interaction stage, the content of the audio conversations shifts mainly from conflict management to task management; for media synchronicity, from quality to quantity; for productive outcomes, from efficiency to commitment. New insights are uncovered from our analysis of data from the field as users advance from learning how to use the mobile devices, to using the devices for managing knowledge for their work in the airline industry.

Performance Analysis on Foreign-invested Firms in the SEZ (경제특구 입주 외국인투자기업의 성과 분석)

  • Choi, Yong-Seok;Song, Yeongkwan
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.37 no.sup
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    • pp.87-121
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    • 2015
  • To attract more FDI inflows, the Korean government has designated several special economic zones (SEZs), offering various advantages and support to the FDI. There is, however, a shared acknowledgement that those efforts have gained little reward. In this regard, this paper empirically analyzes company-level performances of labor productivity, operating profit ratio, propensity to invest and innovate, etc. and then conducts regression analysis and PSM analysis to see whether these performances are meaningfully different between foreign-invested firm and domestic firm and between foreign-invested firms. The main findings of this paper are as follows. First, in the aspects of labor productivity and operating profit ratio, no empirical evidence was found to support the hypothesis that foreign-invested firm outperforms domestic firm in efficiency and profitability, Second, in the aspects of propensity to invest, foreign-invested firms in foreign investment zones outperformed domestic firms. Third, in the aspect of R&D investment, overall, foreign-invested firms showed a stronger propensity to invest than domestic firms, but there is no empirical evidence that high propensity to invest was driven by the policy on special economic zones. In the aspect of investment in educational training, empirical evidences were found that the role of foreign-invested firms outside the special zones turned out to be the strongest and that among firms inside special zones, it was those in the free economic zone that outperformed domestic firms. Lastly, foreign-invested firms showed a stronger propensity to employ than domestic firms, but there is no empirical evidence that high propensity to employ was driven by the policy on special economic zones.

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Cooperative Education Between Industry and School Recognized by Teachers in Charge of Cooperative Education Between Industry and School in Vocational High School in Incheon Area (인천지역 특성화 고등학교의 산학협력 담당교사가 인식하는 산학협동교육)

  • Ahn, Jaeg-Gong;Go, Chang-Ryong;Yi, Sang-Bong
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.47-73
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study was to examine cooperative education between industry and school recognized by tentatively called managers of cooperative education, teachers in charge of cooperative education between industry and school, in vocational high school in Incheon Area. In order to accomplish the study purpose, the study conducted a research through questionnaire and examined their recognition for cooperative education between industry and school focusing on curriculum (purpose and content), operational system including supporting system (establishment and operational level) and educational type (process, effectiveness, problems and reinforcing measures). The study conducted a survey using Likert 5 score scale and analyzed the survey results using technical statistics such as frequency, average, standard deviation, etc. From the comprehensive results from the survey, it was found that although outcomes from industry-school cooperation are relatively high, participation is insufficient and intermediating organizations connecting concerned parties and mediating them are not enough because recognition and will of interested parties of industry-school cooperation are not sufficient. In addition, policies, legal and systematical and financial infrastructure for activation and efficiency of industry-school cooperation are not established perfectly, therefore, there are a lot of things to be improvement in operation. In particular, it was observed that establishment of internal organization and infrastructure for the number of workers in vocational training organizations are decisively inadequate.

Comparison of Feature Performance in Off-line Hanwritten Korean Alphabet Recognition (오프라인 필기체 한글 자소 인식에 있어서 특징성능의 비교)

  • Ko, Tae-Seog;Kim, Jong-Ryeol;Chung, Kyu-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents a comparison of recognition performance of the features used inthe recent handwritten korean character recognition.This research aims at providing the basis for feature selecion in order to improve not only the recognition rate but also the efficiency of recognition system.For the comparison of feature performace,we analyzed the characteristics of theose features and then,classified them into three rypes:global feature(image transformation)type,statistical feature type,and local/ topological feature type.For each type,we selected four or five features which seem more suitable to represent the characteristics of korean alphabet,and performed recongition experiments for the first consonant,horizontal vowel,and vertical vowel of a korean character, respectively.The classifier used in our experiments is a multi-layered perceptron with one hidden layer which is trained with backpropagation algorithm.The training and test data in the experiment are taken from 30sets of PE92. Experimental results show that 1)local/topological features outperform the other two type features in terms of recognition rates 2)mesh and projection features in statical feature type,walsh and DCT features in global feature type,and gradient and concavity features in local/topological feature type outperform the others in each type, respectively.

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A Study on the Usefulness of Subjective Lumbar Instability Factor for Respiratory Pattern Change and Abdominal Mobility in Peoples with CLBP (만성허리통증자의 호흡 패턴과 배부 운동성 변화에 대한 주관적 허리부위 불안정성 요소의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Ki, Chul;Lee, Kwan-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.206-214
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the correlation between the respiratory pattern change (RPC) and abdominal mobility (AM) according to the positive result of the subjective lumbar instability factor (SLIF) in people with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Thirty-six adults with CLBP participated in this study. Twenty-eight items of the SLIFs were examined, and the subjects were divided into three groups according to the positive response numbers (PRN). After the change lists were scored, three RPC scores [costo-diaphragmatic RPC (CDRPC), breath hold change (BHC), and total RPC (TRPC)] were obtained. The abdominal mobility (AM) was measured between the maximal inspiration and exhalation at the xiphoid (AM1) and the 10th rib (AM2) level of the trunk. The results showed that the RPC score and AM were compared according to the positive response number of SLIF, and the relationship between them was analyzed. A positive correlation was observed between the SLIF positive response number and CDRPC score, BHC score, and total RPC score, and a negative correlation was observed between the SLIFs positive response number and AM1 and AM2. Based on the results of this study, the combination of SLIF positive responses can be a predictor of non-physiological respiratory pattern changes in people with CLBP. Clinically, this prediction is expected to help save time for screening and improve the efficiency of therapy.