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Development of a Mobile Application for Promoting Risk Communication on Food Additives Based on the Information Needs of Parents (학부모의 정보요구도에 기초한 식품첨가물 위해정보전달 스마트폰 애플리케이션의 개발)

  • Kim, Suna;Kim, Ye jee;Kim, Ji-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Weon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and information needs about food additives from the parents of elementary school children, and to develop a smartphone application (App) providing information about food additives, and finally to assess its educational effects. A survey was conducted in April 2013 by using a self-administered questionnaire, and total 358 responses were collected from the parents living in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. While purchasing processed foods, parents considered safety (40.5%) as the most important factor, and first checking item except production and expiration dates was origin labelling (35.4%), and chose foods with less food additives (63.1%). Parents recognized food additives as the most dangerous (42.7%), and 75.1% responded the level of danger as 'very dangerous'. However, 82.4% of parents didn't have experiences to get educations about food additives. Based on their information needs including the safety, legal standards and the foods containing food additives. a smartphone App designated as 'Catch up Food Additives' consisting of the definition, safety, food labelling guideline, management, animation about food additives was developed. When the App was exposed to the parents (n = 27), their negative perceptions on food additives were improved significantly. These results showed that providing information and education about food additives using smartphone App was very fast and effective for the promotion of risk communication on food additives with the parents.

The Egg Development of Korean Slender Gudgeon, Squalidus gracilis majimae (Cypriniforms: Cyprinidae) (한국산 긴몰개 (Squalidus gracilis majime, Cyprinidae)의 난발생)

  • Park, Kyung-Seo;Hong, Young-Pyo;Moon, Woon-Ki;Choi, Shin-Suk;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.1 s.110
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted, based on the field survey and laboratory observations, to elucidate egg developmental processes and their characteristics of the Korean slender gudgeon, Squalidus gracilis majimae. For the experiments, the mature adults were collected at the Woongcheon-Cheon Stream and Boreung Reservoir located in Boreung City, Chungnam Province and eggs were obtained from the natural spawning area. Morphological characteristics of the egg and embryonic development were summarized as follows: The shape of the fertilized egg was spherical, adhesive and transparent. The fertilized egg was 2.9±0.3 mm (n = 30) in mean diameter under water temperature of 26±1.5C, light white in color and had no oil droplets. After 20 minutes from the time of fertilization, a blastodisc was formed and divided into two cells at 48 minutes after fertilization. The blastular stage occurred at 5 hours 40 minutes after fertilization and the gastrular stage was detected at 8 hours 41 minutes after fertilization. The beginning of embryo formation was observed at 12 hours 58 minutes after fertilization and optic vesicles and 9 somites were discovered at 17 hours 05 minutes after fertilization. Differentiation of brains and embryo wiggling were observed at 37 hours 27 minutes after fertilization. Heart beating and the formation of melanophores in optic vesicles were detected at 44 hours 46 minutes after fertilization. The formation of pectoral fins and melanophores in the body were discovered at 50 hours 36 minutes after fertilization. Hatching occurred at 57 hours 49 minutes after fertilization. The newly hatched larvae were 3.3±0.2 mm (n = 120) in total length. We believe that these results may contribute the species and population conservations under the situation of accelerated water pollution and the decreases of its diversity.

Treatment of Animal Wastewater Using Woodchip Trickling Filter System and Physical and Microbial Characteristics of Wood Chip Media (목편살수여상조를 이용한 축산뇨오수 처리와 목편여재의 물성 및 부착미생물 특성)

  • Ryoo, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2011
  • Trickling filter has been extensively studied for the domestic wastewater treatment especially for the small scale plants in rural area. The purpose of this research is to survey the physical and microbial characteristics of wood chip media and the removal efficiency of animal wastewater using wood chip trickling filter system. The trickling filtration system comprises a filtration bed packed with wood chip media having a particle dia. of 5~7cm. The method comprises natural air from the bottom of the bed. The system also comprises a control mechanism including a time a constant discharge pump for controlling supply of the wastewater into the bed. The following conclusions were obtained from the results of this research. 1. The specific surface area of wood chip was 0.4123 m2/g, pore volume was 0.0947 cm3/g, density was 0.49 g/cm3. It has forms of parallelogram and oblong which have numerous small pore space. This wood chip has been good condition for microorganism's habitat, having very larger specific surface area by complex the three dimension structure of cellulose at wood's major ingredients. 2. The total counts of in attached aerobic microbes were ranged from 106 to 108 CFU/g, and anaerobes microbial numbers were from 104 to 107. The aerobic microbial numbers appeared to be much more than those of anaerobic microbial numbers. 3. The average efficiency of BOD5 and CODcr were 74.5% and 51.5%, respectively. The removal efficiency of T-N and T-P were 61.4%, 56.2%, respectively. But SS removal levels remain 19.3%.

Evaluation of Grassland Grade by Grassland Vegetation Ratio (초지식생비율에 의한 초지등급평가 연구)

  • Lee, Bae Hun;Kim, Ji Yung;Park, Hyung Soo;Sung, Kyung Il;Kim, Byong Wan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to suggest the new grassland grade system on evaluating the grassland status. The grassland status has been evaluated based on the forage yield (good, fair and poor) by municipal authorities. The grassland grades by current system were 19 good, 11 fair and 11 poor among the 41 grassland farms from 6 provinces. This evaluation result differed greatly from the result of actual measurement of forage yields which showed all poor. The big difference was resulted from failing the reflection of the various characteristics, such as different seasonal growth and harvest frequency. Furthermore, the lack of consistent examining date and method added the inaccuracy of current grassland grade system. The new grassland grade system based on the grassland vegetation ratio (grass, weed and bare soil) was initially designed into 6-grade system (1st; 100~80%, 2nd; 79~60%, 3rd; 59~40%, 4th; 39~20%; 5th; 19~1% and 6th; 0% on the basis of grasses proportion), but later was changed into 4-grade system (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades are 70% or more, 50% or more, 50% or less, and 0% of forage proportion, respectively) after reflecting the opinion of grassland farms and municipal authorities. Re-evaluation on the grassland status using the 4-grade system resulted in the total 80% consisted of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade which means most grasslands needs the partial reseeding or the rehabilitation of entire grassland. Pictures and schematic diagrams depicting the 4-grade system were presented to improve the objectivity of evaluation. The optimal time for assessing grassland status is fall when plant height 20~30 cm. Conclusively, the 4-grade system is an efficient method for all non-professionals including grassland farms or municipal authorities in assessing the grassland status. To apply this system to the field, the institutional arrangements such as amendment of grassland act should take place in advance.

Spiritual Needs of Hospice Patients (호스피스 환자의 영적 요구)

  • Han, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : The purpose of the study is to disclose the spiritual needs of hospice patients. Method : The questionaire survey was carried out on 49 hospice patients and 40 caregivers who were in the 9 hospice institutions from lune to August in 1999. Results : In the patients, mean scores of the spiritual needs were significantly higher in the group with stomach cancer, college education, christians, 814 days of hospice care and the group thinking that religion was important, and in the caregivers in the group of religions besides christianity and lives under 35 years of medical treatment. In the total average of the spiritual needs, the patients's average was significantly lower than the caregiver's. Among the different categories, the patient's needs were highest in the area of meaning of life and the hope, the caregiver's needs in the love and the concern. However, both groups were low in the religion area. In the items of the love and the concern, the patient was highly responding to the 'wanting someone to give warm concern in conversation' and the caregiver was highly responding to the 'giving a warm response to questions on the sad and hard time'. And also, the patient was lowly responding to the 'wanting more concerns to him than other patients', and the caregiver was low responding to the 'patients wanting warm response in conversation'. In the categories of religious area both group were highly responding to the 'wanting to be helped to relax out of all'. And they gave lowest response to the 'wanting to introduce a book to know God'. In the area of meaning of life and hope, the both groups gave highest response to the 'wanting to be guided to have the hope' and lowest to the 'wanting to have opportunity to reconcile the person with bad relationship'. Conclusion : Summing up the above results, personal in-depth conversation is necessary to understand more deeply the spiritual needs of hospice patient. Moreover the hospice team needs to have more systematic approach to find out the spiritual needs of hospice patients.

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A Survey of Cancer Patients Who Visited Emergency Room (일 대학병원 응급실에 내원한 암 환자 실태)

  • Yang, Sun-Ae;Cho, Ok-Hee;Yoo, Yang-Sook
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.228-233
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to retrospectively examine the factors and characteristics of cancer patients who visited the emergency room, as well as to offer some educational materials for to manage acute symptoms. Methods: Data for this study were selected from the period of January to December, 2006. A total of 564 patients were examined using the tool which we developed by ourselves for the study. The collected data were analyzed using the SAS program for frequencies and percentage. Results: As for disease-related characteristics of the subjects, 28.9% of them had gastric and colorectal cancer; 66.9% were in stage 4; 51.6% had been in chemotherapy prior to visiting the emergency room; and 82.5% had their anticancer drug administrated average 1~5 times. As for the characteristics in regard to visit the emergency room, 62.9% were admitted to hospital within 2 weeks of being treated. As for chief complaints for visiting the emergency room, the worst symptom was pain, followed by symptoms such as gastro-intestinal symptoms, respiratory symptoms, high fever, and weakness. As for the disease-related symptoms, the worst symptom that gastric, colorectal, pancreatic, liver and gallbladder cancer patients complained of was pain, high fever for lymphoma patients was respiratory symptoms for lung cancer patients, and gastrointestinal symptoms for head and neck cancer and other patients. Conclusion: Therefore, according to their need and background, an individualized consultation and teaching program should be provided to cancer patients.

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A Survey on Food Purchasing Behavior among Middle School Students (중학생의 식품 구매 행동 실태)

  • Oh, Mi-Ran;Lee, Hye-Suk;Na, Hyeon-Ju;Kim, Young-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.4 s.42
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    • pp.173-192
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for developing nutrition education program focusing on the health-oriented food choice and purchase which affect the adolescents' health. The data was collected by means of questionnaire from the total of 273 students who were living in cities and myun district and final 253 questionnaires were analyzed by using the SPSS/WIN 10.0 program. The results are summarized as follows. First, the major source of information on food was mass media, especially advertisement and students spent 2030 of allowance on food purchase. The students purchased cookies or ice cream mainly, once every 2-3 days at the store near house, after school, for appeasing hunger or thirst. The influence of gender, mother's education level, economic status of family, the amount of allowance, the period of receiving allowance, the details of allowance recording, school location on food purchasing behavior were significant(p<.05). Second, the price and taste were the most important factors when the students purchase food. Nutrition and food sanitation/safety were considered less important by the students. The factors considered when the students purchase food were significantly different between Sender, father and mother's education level, and the amount of allowance(p<.05). Third, middle school students' food purchase behavior were influenced by advertizement, friends, parents. The influence of advertisement, friends, parents when the students purchase food were significantly different between gender, mother's career, economic status of family, and the amount of allowance(p.<05). From tile result of this study, the middle school students consider price and taste more than the other factors related nutrition and health in purchasing foods. Therefore, it will be necessary to develope and enforce nutrition education program focusing on how to choose and purchase safe, nutritious, delicious and cheap foot for adolescents.

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A study of Establishment on Radiomap that Utilizes the Mobile device Indoor Positioning DB based on Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 기반 모바일 디바이스 실내측위 DB를 활용한 라디오맵 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, In Hun;Kim, Chong Mun;Choi, Yun Soo;Kim, Sang Bong;Lee, Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2014
  • As of 2013, Korean population density is 505 persons per 1km2 and is ranked 3rd place in the most densely populated countries exception of city-states. It shows clearly the population is concentrated in the city area. To fulfil this urban concentration population demand, the enlargement and complexation of buildings, subway and other underground spaces connection tendency has been intensified, and it is need to construct the indoor spatial information DB as well as the accurate indoor surveying DB to promote people's safety and social welfare. In this study, Sadang station and Incheon National Airport were aimed for the construction of Wi-Fi AP location DB and RadioMap DB by collecting the indoor AP raw datas by using mobile device and those collected results were ran through the process of verification, supplementation, and analyzation. To evaluate the performance of constructed DB, 10 points in Incheon Airport- 3rd flr in block A, and 9 points in Sadang station-B1 were selected and calculated the estimated points and ran evaluation experiment using survey positioning error, which is distance between real position and the estimated position. The result shows that Incheon international airport's average and standard deviation was separately 17.81m, 17.79m and Sadang station's average and standard deviation was separately 22.64m, 23.74m. In Sadang station's case, the areas near the exit has low performance of surveying position due to fewer visible AP points than other areas. As total datas were examined except those position, it was verified that the user's location was mapping close position in surveying positioning by using constructed DB. It means that constructed DB contains correct Wi-Fi AP locations and radio wave patterns in object region, so it is considered that the indoor spatial information service based on constructed DB would be available.

Analysis of consumers' needs and satisfaction related to food culture in Jeonju Hanok Village: Application of the Push-Pull factor theory (전주 한옥마을 음식문화에 대한 소비자 요구도 및 만족도 분석 : Push-Pull factor theory를 적용하여)

  • Na, Hee Ra;Park, Eun Ju;Yang, Soo Jin;Cha, Youn-Soo;Lee, Min A
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.192-200
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purposes of this study were to analyze visitors' food needs and identify the Push-Pull factor in Jeonju Hanok Village. Methods: A questionnaire was developed based on previous research to survey Korean adults who visited Jeonju city. A total of 580 questionnaires were used for the analysis. Results: Most of the subjects who visited Jeonju Hanok Village had food purchase experiences in Jeonju Hanok Village (96.4%). 'Traditional Korean food (26.5%)' was the most purchased food, followed by 'foreign food (25.8%)' and 'Korean food combined with foreign food (16.8%)'. Satisfaction of food purchases (3.35 points) was higher than average. The primary reason for satisfaction was 'the food is delicious (23.0%)', and the reason for dissatisfaction was 'the food is expensive (48.1%)'. In the push and pull factor analysis for identifying visit motivation, 'local food seeking', 'experience seeking', 'relaxation seeking', and 'friendship seeking' were push factors while 'traditional culture', 'facility convenience', 'experience activity', and 'food experience' were pull factors. There was a significant correlation between the push and pull factors. Regression analysis showed that all push factors influenced satisfaction. However, among pull factors, only 'food experience' and 'traditional culture' influenced satisfaction. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study indicates that food-related factors are destination characteristics (Pull factor) influencing intrinsic visit motivation (Push factor) and satisfaction. It is necessary to develop various food tourism products to satisfy visitors' needs and continuous visits in Jeonju Hanok Village. This study suggests the importance of research on food factors and provides useful basic data to establish positioning strategies for food cultural development in Jeonju Hanok Village.

Geographical Distribution of Diving Beetles (Dytiscidae) in Korean Paddy Ecosystem (우리나라 논 서식 물방개과의 지리적 분포)

  • Han, Min-Su;Kim, Myung-Hyun;Bang, Hea-Son;Na, Young-Eun;Lee, Deog-Bae;Kang, Kee-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 2011
  • BACKGROUND: The paddy ecosystem is periodically disturbed with a relatively consistent cycle in short term. However, in long term aspect, the paddy as habitats of organisms has been affected by the change in farming practices. Accordingly, the composition and their densities of fauna species inhabiting the wet paddy has been changed. The geological distribution of a species is very helpful to understand the past and current status of habitats and biodiversity. METHODS AND RESULTS: We monitored 290 sites of open plain paddy or terraced valley paddy located in 138 cities or counties of South Korea and analyzed examine geological distribution of a taxon of freshwater invertebrates, diving beetles (Dytiscidae) which inhabited the paddy ecosystem. This survey was conducted from 2005 through 2007. The total species of diving beetles found in the paddy were identified to be 15 genus 26 species among the family of Dytiscidae. Among them, 24 species were found in the terraced valleys-in paddy fields, and 19 species were found in the open plain paddy fields. Eleven species of them were rarely found in the paddy. The average body size of the adult diving beetles of each species was between 2.0 and 35.0 mm. Most of the diving beetle species except for 11 species with rare frequency of occurrence were found in almost all sites of the terraced valley paddy fields but three species (Agabus browni, Agabus japnicus, and Ilybius apicalis) were not found in the open plain paddy fields. The species distributed relatively widely over some sites of the open plain paddy fields were Guignotus japonicus, and Rhantus pulverosus. Specifically, Ilybius apicalis was found in a specific region, the east-southern part of Korean peninsula, whereas Coelambus chinensis was found only in valley paddy field of the region where Ilybius apicalis was not found. Overall distribution range of diving beetles in open plain paddy fields was limited to few area than in terraced valley paddy fields. CONCLUSION(s): The differences in the range of distribution of diving beetles between terraced valley paddy fields and open plain paddy fields was thought to be the result of an complex action of physico-chemical environments such as annual water status and the degree of chemical application involving differences in the extent of disturbance of the paddy ecosystem, the connectivity of the paddy to an adjacent biotope, and interrelationships among competitors.