• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technological innovation system

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Internet comment manipulation and criminal responsibility

  • Lee, Ju-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.75-79
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to introspect again the role of the criminal law at a time when it is said that numerous criminal and legal discussions are needed to develop the so called "reply manipulation " case that is shaking the nation's political history. The research method considered the literature and precedents discussed in the past, and discussed the issue of subculture abuse caused by the internet, which is a product of convenience and affluence that came with the Forth industrial revolution through criminal law. Through a computer program, a discussion was held on what penalties would be imposed on the criminal law for attempting to manipulate public opinion by manipulating the so-called number of comments or Reaction. Question of whether the criminal law should further emphasize the need for a discussion on the need for a method to strengthen the preventive functions of the criminal law and expand the scope of punishment in order to address new causes of risk that came with the development of science. Without reflecting on whether such as "government-inspired demonstration "would be possible in today's world that was in the public perception of the authoritarian government of the past, it is a problem to see that the political goals of a particular group can be achieved by manipulating comments or creating public opinion on the Internet. The duty of criminal law is to protect the interests of the law. The role of the criminal law should be maintained the self limiting as far as possible in cases of violation or danger of the law. Still, it is a problem that the role of the criminal justice system today is too aggressive and is seen as a top tool rather than a last resort for solving problems. he role of the internet will be expanded further in the Hyper Connected society. To solve these problems, we should look forward to a change in the priority of other laws and policies other than criminal law.

A Study on the Effect of Contribution to Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions by the Education and Trainning for Small and Mindium Sized Firms (중소기업을 위한 교육훈련이 고객만족과 행동의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, J.H.;Kim, Y.H.;Oh, H.S.;Lee, S.J.;Youn, K.S.;Cho, J.H.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2010
  • Technological innovation depends on the quality of workers, whose ability is the key component to raise business competitiveness. Our study evaluates how satisfactory is the training of workers at small and medium sized firms, and suggest how to improve upon it. We show the theoretical framework for the relation between customer satisfaction and their behavioral intent on the one side, and factors of training service quality. Our result show: (1) Factors affecting customer satisfaction are, in descending order of importance, expertise, policy, follow-up service, attitude and behavior, and convenience. (2) Contrary to established views on the service quality, satisfaction for training would not be the prerequisite variable for intent to act, in case of training service quality. (3) Satisfaction level for training depends on the type of organization in charge of training (government, university, or private sector.) It also varied among different types of business (L-type, A-type, and J-type.) Small and medium sized firms find it difficult to commit to training education due to lack of money and manpower. The recent expansion of free training service would address part of this problem. On the other hand, the outfit in charge of training could boost service quality by customizing their training program to the type of business they cater to.

A Case Study: Design and Develop e-Learning Content for Korean Local Government Officials in the Pandemic

  • Park, Eunhye;Park, Sehyeon;Ryu, JaeYoul
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2022
  • e-Learning content can be defined as digital content to achieve educational goals. Since it is an educational material that can be distributed in offline, online, and mobile environments, it is important to create content that meets the learner's education environment and educational goals. In particular, if the learner is a public official, the vision, philosophy, and characteristics of each local government must reflect. As non-face-to-face online education expands further due to the COVID-19 pandemic, local governments that have relied on onsite education in the past urgently require developing strong basic competency education and special task competency content that reflect regional characteristics. Such e-learning content, however, hardly exists and the ability to independently develop them is also insufficient. In this circumstance, this case study describes the process of self-production of e-learning content suitable for Busan's characteristics by the Human Resource Development (HRD) Institute of Busan City, a local government. The field of instructional design and instructional technology is always evolving and growing by blending technological innovation into instructional platform design and adapting to the changes in society. Busan HRD Institute (BHI), therefore, tried to implement blended learning by developing content that reflected the recent trend of micro-learning in e-learning through a detailed analysis. For this, an e-learning content developer with certain requirements was selected and contracted, and the process of developing content through a collaboration between the client and developer was described in this study according to the ADDIE model of Instructional Systems Development (ISD).

A Study on AI-Enabled Combat Cases of Ukrainian Armed Forces in the RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs) Aspect (군사혁신(RMA) 측면에서 바라본 우크라이나군의 지능화 전투사례 연구)

  • Sang Keun Cho;Andrii Zhytko;Ki Won Kim;In Keun Son;Sang Hyuk Park
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2023
  • Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Many military experts predicted that Russia could defeat Ukraine within a week, but the Ukraine-Russia War has not been going as expected. Indeed, Ukraine military has been defending well and seems to fight more efficiently than Russian military. There are many reasons for this unexpected situation and one apparent thing is due to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This study focused on AI-enabled combats that the Armed Forces of Ukraine has carried out around Siverskyi Donets River, the Crimean Peninsula, and suburbs of Kyiv. For more systematic analysis, the revolution in military affairs (RMA) theory was applied. There are four significant implications inferred by studying current Ukraine-Russia War. First, AI technologies are effective even in the current status and seems to be more influential. Second, hyper-connected network by satellite communications must be needed to enhance the AI weapon effects. Third, military AI technologies should be based on the civil-military cooperation to keep up with pace of technological innovation. Fourth, AI ethics in military should be seriously considered and established in the use of AI technologies. We expect that this study could help ROK Armed Forces to be modernized in the revolutionary fashion, especially for manned and unmanned teaming (MUM-T) system.

The Effect of Personality Types of Work-Learning Dual Program Workers on Training Achievement (일학습병행 학습근로자의 성격유형이 훈련성취도에 미치는영향)

  • Su-Jin Han;Soo-Yong Park;Dong-Hyung Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2024
  • With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, changes in the market environment and employment environment are accelerating due to smart technological innovation, and securing professional manpower and developing human resources for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises is becoming very important. Recently, most of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises are experiencing hiring difficulties, and the development and training of human resources to overcome this is still lacking in systemization, despite much support from the government. This reflects the reality that it is not easy to invest training costs and time to adapt new employees to small and medium-sized businesses. Based on these problems, the work-study parallel project was introduced to cultivate practical talent in small and medium-sized businesses. Work-study parallel training is carried out in the form of mentoring between corporate field teachers and learning workers in actual workplaces, and even if the training is the same, there are differences depending on the learner's attitude, learning motivation, and training achievement. Ego state is a theory that can identify personality types and has the advantage of being able to understand and acknowledge oneself and others and intentionally improve positive factors to induce optimized interpersonal relationships. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to analyze the attitudes of learning workers, who are the actual subjects for improving the performance of work-study parallel projects and establishing a stable settlement within the company, based on their ego status. Through this study, we aim to understand the impact of the personality type of learning workers on training performance and to suggest ways to improve training performance through work-study parallelism.

The Dilemma and Its Optimization Paths for Digital Technology to Enable Rural Education-Example: Chengcheng, Zhejiang Province (디지털 기술이 농촌 교육을 가능하게 하는 딜레마와 그 최적화 경로-저장성 원청현을 예로 들어보자)

    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2024
  • Digital technology is progressively transforming rural education and offering unprecedented opportunities for advancement. This study aims to analyze the impact of digital technology on rural education, focusing on the usage of digital resources in Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province, as a case study. The primary objective of this research is to explore how the application of digital technology contributes to balanced educational development in rural areas and to identify the key challenges and issues that accompany such technological advancements. The study revealed several significant issues in Wencheng County's rural education system, including inefficient use of digital resources, inadequate digital skills among educators, and insufficient exploration of digital innovation. In particular, the redundant purchasing of digital educational resources and the inefficient utilization of these resources, coupled with the low adaptability of teachers to digital technologies, emerged as major concerns. The study proposes strategies to address these issues. Ultimately, it presents an optimized pathway for successfully implementing digitalization in rural education and offers policy insights that could be applied in other regions to achieve similar improvements.

Construction Quality Management based on Digital Twin using Autonomous Scanning UGV

  • Jungtaek Hong;Jinwoo Song;Ali Akbar;Sungil Son;Sangmin Yang;Soonwook Kwon
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1283-1283
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    • 2024
  • Recently, construction sites have faced significant challenges due to arbitrary changes and poor communication between general contractors and subcontractors. This study proposes a technological solution by integrating Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) into the existing workflow of apartment construction. By analyzing current processes, we identified a scenario where UGVs, equipped with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems, can generate and provide real-time 3D models of construction sites. These models can be linked with extended reality (XR) technology or office PCs for intuitive comparisons between digital and actual site conditions as a digital twin of the construction site. The study suggests an improved construction process that enhances contractors' understanding and on-site efficiency and enables managers to monitor progress effectively. To address challenging terrain on construction sites, a caterpillar driven UGV was developed, equipped with stereo cameras, a LiDAR sensor for scanning and gathering environmental data, and an embedded PC for data processing. Utilizing SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) technology, the UGV autonomously navigates and scans the site at night, minimizing disruptions. Additionally, an embedded system analyzes images from stereo cameras to assess the quality of construction, mapping the findings onto 3D models. This innovation allows site managers to efficiently verify construction quality and identify issues without manual inspections, significantly improving site management efficiency.

Research on the Transition Process of University Lifelong Education System Support Project (대학 평생교육체제 지원사업 사업의 변천과정 연구)

  • Bog Im Jeong;Tae Hui Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the limitations of university operating system changes as a result of the policy changes and outcomes of the university lifelong education system support project by project period, and based on this, to propose a development plan to support the university's adult learning system. In this study, we sought to investigate changes in the higher education environment and changes in lifelong education in universities through analysis of literature and various data. The changing times of technological innovation and changes in knowledge require continuous learning even after school education, and the need for re-education and improved education is increasing. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and the National Institute for Lifelong Education have been actively carrying out support projects for lifelong learning-centered universities since 2008 to provide adult learners with opportunities to study. This project is centered around universities and the local community, and is promoting various types of changes in educational operation, such as reforming the university's academic system to be adult-friendly and operating night or weekend classes in order to provide educational opportunities for adult learners. Now, universities must play a role as a hub of regional lifelong education for the coexistence of the region and university, and as a key institution responsible for the contemporary tasks of sustainable development and coexistence between the university and the community.

Case Study on the Leadership Shifts in Smart Phone Industry: Rise of China and Falling Behind of Korea (스마트폰 산업에서의 주도권 이전: 중국의 부상과 우리나라의 쇠퇴에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Kwak, Kiho;Lee, Eunju
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.95-128
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    • 2018
  • Since mid and late 2000s, the smartphones has been widely diffused and Korea ranked first in global smartphone market in 2011 thanks to its rapid adoption of Android operating system, technology capability accumulated in featurephone development, vertical integration on smartphone production and premium positioning. However, Korea fell behind because of the rise of another latecomer, China, in four years (2015) after it recorded the top position globally. How did the leadership change occurred in the smartphone industry so rapidly? In order to answer the question, we investigated three favorable windows of opportunity for the rise of China, which are technological, demand, and institutional, and the strategic responses of Chinese firms as well as the rigidity and complacency with the past success of Korean firms. Our findings contribute to the extension of 'catch-up cycle' theory as well as provide in-depth insights for strategies and policies settings to overcome the recent rise of China in information and communication technology sector for Korea.

A Comparative Study on the Determinants Priority of the Royalty in National R&D Project: Focused on the Case of 'N' Center's Technology Transfer (국책 연구 성과의 유상 기술이전 시 기술공급 기관과 기술도입 기업 간 기술료 결정요인 비교에 관한 연구 : N 사업단에 참여한 대학과 중소기업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Baek, Jong-il;Hyun, Byung-hwan
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.430-457
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to present meaningful information and policy implications concerning the determinants of royalties of technology transfer to stakeholder. To identify key determinants of royalties in technology transfer, this study conducted AHP survey analysis (Survey period: 01/09~31/10, 2016) of 96 government-funded research centers and 85 companies which were participants of the R&D project "Next Generation BioGreen21" of R.D.A in the "N" center from 2011 to 2015. Research results show that both parties acknowledge 'Technical considerations for determining the profitability of the technologies' and 'The interest and willingness of the management group' as critical factors for the determinants of royalties. The difference of each party is that private companies acknowledge 'Available budget plan' as a critical factor while the government-funded research centers value 'Market competitiveness'. These findings suggest four main policy implications which are the investigation of technological demands reflecting specific needs of industrial sites, the diversification of royalty payments for private companies, the differentiated research evaluation system for the purpose of technology transfer and the planning of public R&D project reflecting research time span of private companies.