• Title/Summary/Keyword: Statistical developing program

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A Case Study on IPE Curriculum Operation for Health-Related Department Students (보건계열 학생을 대상으로 한 IPE 융합 교육과정 운영 사례연구)

  • Yong-Keum Choi;Seong-Gil Kim;Hyo-Jeong Choi
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study was conducted to provide foundational data for developing an Interprofessional Education (IPE) curriculum to enhance the competencies of health science students in interprofessional collaboration and understanding. Methods: In this study, changes in attitudes before and after IPE training were measured using the Korean version of the Interprofessional Attitudes Scale. Additionally, qualitative data were collected through satisfaction surveys and reflection journals. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 25.0 program, with the level of statistical significance set at α=0.05. Results: As a result of comparing the attitudes required of health care workers before and after IPE training, among the teamwork, roles, and responsibilities items, the statement, "Cooperative learning will help me think positively about other professions," scored 4.67 points before training and 4.93 points after training. Conclusion: Through the IPE curriculum, positive academic outcomes among health science students across various dimensions were demonstrated. Therefore, this IPE curriculum is expected to serve as a foundational resource in designing convergence-based health-related IPE curricula.

The current child and adolescent health screening system: an assessment and proposal for an early and periodic check-up program (현행 영유아 및 소아청소년 건강검진제도의 평가 및 대안)

  • Eun, Baik-Lin;Moon, Jin Soo;Eun, So-Hee;Lee, Hea Kyoung;Shin, Son Moon;Seong, In Kyung;Chung, Hee Jung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.300-306
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : Recent changes in the population structure of Korea, such as rapid decline in birth rate and exponential increase in old-aged people, prompted us to prepare a new health improvement program in children and adolescents. Methods : We reviewed current health screenings applied for children and adolescents in Korea and other developed countries. We collected and reviewed population-based data focused on mortality and morbidity, and other health-related statistical data. We generated problem lists in current systems and developed new principles. Results : Current health screening programs for children and adolescents were usually based on laboratory tests, such as blood tests, urinalysis, and radiologic tests. Almost all of these programs lacked evidence based on population data or controlled studies. In most developed countries, laboratory tests are used only very selectively, and they usually focus on primary prevention of diseases and health improvement using anticipatory guidance. In Korea, statistics on mortality and morbidity reveal that diseases related to lifestyle, such as obesity and metabolic syndrome, are increasing in all generations. Conclusion : We recommend a periodic health screening program with anticipatory guidance, which is focused on growth and developmental surveillance in infants and children. We no longer recommend old programs that are based on laboratory and radiologic examinations. School health screening programs should also be changed to meet current health issues, such as developing a healthier lifestyle to minimize risk behaviors—or example, good mental health, balanced nutrition, and more exercise.

The Study on the Family Functionality and Spousal Relationship of Middle-aged Women to Develop Health Promoting Program (중년여성의 건강증진 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구 -가족기능과 부부관계를 중심으로-)

  • Yang, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.680-695
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for developing nursing intervention for middle-aged women. This study identified health status, family functionality and spousal relationship and analyzed relationship between individual characteristics and family functionality/ spousal relationship. The subjects, of this study were 1.723 women from 45 to 55 years of age, who lived in J city. Data were analyzed using percentages, means, t-tests, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficients with the SPSS statistical program. The results of the study were as follow: 1. The rate of women who perceived themselves to be healthy was 36.6%, those who did not was 30.8%. The most frequent health problem was a disease of the skeletal system (13.2%). 2. The mean score of family functionality was 3.25±.60, with cohesion score of 3.58±.66 and adaptability score of 2.99±.63. 3. The mean score of total spousal relationship was 3.22±.42; the relationship with in-laws was 3.78; sexual relationship, 3.74; life style, 3.44; and recreational activity. 3.39. 4. The women who experienced menopause perceived themselves to be unhealthier than those who did not. 5. Healthy women had a high score at total spousal relationship. personality of spouse. life style, recreational activity, and children's influence. 6. The women from 40 to 50 years of age. and women who graduated from middle or high school and had medium economic status showed a high score in family functionality. There was no correlation between family functionality and experience of the menopause. 7. Lower aged women were not good in personality of spouse (p<.05), sexual relationship (p<.05), and relationship with relatives (p<.05), Inexperienced women's menopause was influenced by their children (p<.05), Women who graduated from middle or high school (p<.001) and had medium economic status (p<.05) showed a high score in spousal relationship. 8. The higher the family functionality score. the higher spousal relationship. score (p<.001): love and communication (p<.001), personality of husband (p<.05), and religion (p<.001). relationship with relatives (p<.05), but the lower the score of recreational activity (p<.05), and share of role (p<.001) in the spousal relationship. 9. In the family functionality, the higher the cohesion score. the higher was the adaptability score (p<.001). l) The higher the cohesion score, the higher were love and communication, personality of husband. life style. sexual relationship. and children's influence, but the lower were share of role in spousal relationship(p<.001). 2) The higher the adaptability score, the higher were love and communication, religion, but the lower were the personality of husband, life style. sexual relationship, recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role(p<.001), and children's influence in spousal relationship (p<.05). 10. Variables within the spousal relationship have relationships with other variables. 1) The higher the love and communication score. the higher personality of husband religion, life style, communication. relationship with relatives, and children s influence (p<.001). 2) The higher personality of husband life style sexual relationship. recreational activity, relationship with relatives, share of role, and children's influence (p<.001). 3) The higher the religion score, the lower the recreational activity score (p<.05). 4) The higher the life style, the higher were the sexual relationship, recreational activity. relationship with relatives. share of role, and children's influence (p<.001). 5) The higher the sexual relationship score. the higher were recreational activity. relationship with relatives, share of role. and children's influence (p<.001). 6) The higher the recreational activity, the relationship with relatives, share of role. and children's influence (p<.001). 7) The higher the relationship with relatives, the higher were the share of role. the higher children's influence (p<.001). In conclusion. the spousal relationship was not good in unhealthy women, and the family functionality was related with the age of women and educational level. Also the spousal relationship was related with the age of women, personality of husband, sexual relationship. relationship with relatives by marriage and influence of sons and daughters. Menopause was related with spousal relationship, not related with family functionality. And the family functionality not related with perceived health status. but was correlated with spousal relationship. Therefore, the health management program for middle-aged woman should take place before menopause and must be based on promoting the family functionality and spousal relationship as well as physical health.

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Development of the Model for Total Quality Management and Cost of Quality using Activity Based Costing in the Hospital (병원의 활동기준원가를 이용한 총체적 질관리 모형 및 질비용 산출 모형 개발)

  • 조우현;전기홍;이해종;박은철;김병조;김보경;이상규
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.141-168
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    • 2001
  • Healthcare service organizations can apply the cost of quality(COQ) model as a method to evaluate a service quality improvement project such as Total Quality Management (TQM). COQ model has been used to quantify and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of TQM project through estimation between cost and benefit in intervention for a quality Improvement to provide satisfied services for a customer, and to identify a non value added process. For estimating cost of quality, We used activities and activity costs based on Activity Based Costing(ABC) system. These procedures let the researchers know whether the process is value-added by each activity, and identify a process to require improvement in TQM project. Through the series of procedures, health care organizations are service organizations can identify a problem in their quality improvement programs, solve the problem, and improve their quality of care for their costumers with optimized cost. The study subject was a quality improvement program of the department of radiology department in a hospital with n bed sizes in Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The principal source of data for developing the COQ model was total cases of retaking shots for diagnoses during five months period from December of the 1998 to April of the 1999 in the department. First of the procedures, for estimating activity based cost of the department of diagnostic radiology, the researchers analyzed total department health insurance claims to identify activities and activity costs using one year period health insurance claims from September of the 1998 to August of the 1999. COQ model in this study applied Simpson & Multher's COQ(SM's COQ) model, and SM's COQ model divided cost of quality into failure cost with external and internal failure cost, and evaluation/prevention cost. The researchers identified contents for cost of quality, defined activities and activity costs for each content with the SM's COQ model, and finally made the formula for estimating activity costs relating to implementing service quality improvement program. The results from the formula for estimating cost of quality were following: 1. The reasons for retaking shots were largely classified into technique, appliances, patients, quality management, non-appliances, doctors, and unclassified. These classifications by reasons were allocated into each office doing re-taking shots. Therefore, total retaking shots categorized by reasons and offices, the researchers identified internal and external failure costs based on these categories. 2. The researchers have developed cost of quality (COQ) model, identified activities by content for cost of quality, assessed activity driving factors and activity contribution rate, and calculated total cost by each content for cost for quality, except for activity cost. 3. According to estimation of cost of quality for retaking shots in department of diagnostic radiology, the failure cost was ₩35,880, evaluation/preventive cost was ₩72,521, two times as much as failure cost. The proportion between internal failure cost and external failure cost in failure cost is similar. The study cannot identify trends on input cost and quality improving in cost of qualify over the time, because the study employs cross-sectional design. Even with this limitation, results of this study are much meaningful. This study shows possibility to evaluate value on the process of TQM subjects using activities and activity costs by ABC system, and this study can objectively evaluate quality improvement program through quantitative comparing input costs with marginal benefits in quality improvement.

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A study on developing a new self-esteem measurement test adopting DAP and drafting the direction of digitalizing measurement program of DAP (청소년 자존감 DAP 인물화 검사 개발 및 디지털화 측정 시스템 방향성 연구)

  • Woo, Sungju;Park, Chongwook
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • This is to develop a new way of testing self-esteem by adopting DAP(Draw a Person) test and to make a platform to digitalize it for young people in the adolescent stage. This approach is to get high effectiveness of the self-esteem measurement using DAP test, including some personal inner situations which can be easily missed in the large statistical analysis. The other objective of this study is digitalize to recover limits of DAP test in the subjective rating standard. It is based on the distribution of the figure drawing expressed numerically by the anxiety index of Handler. For these two examinations, we made experiment through 4 stages with second grade middle school 73 students from July 30th to October 31th in 2009 during 4 months. Firstly, we executed 'Self Values Test' for all 73 people, and divided them into two groups; one is high self-esteem group of 36 people, the other is low self-esteem group of 37 people. Secondly, we regrouped them following D (Depression), Pd (Psychopathic Deviate), Sc (Schizophrenia) scales of MMPI; one is high self-esteem group of 7 people, the other is low self-esteem group of 13 people. Thirdly, we conducted DAP test separately for these 20 people. We intended to verify necessity and appropriateness of direction of 'Digitalizing Measurement System' by comparing and analyzing relation between DAP and Self-esteem following evaluation criteria which has similarity in 3 tests, after executing DAP to reflect peculiarity of adolescents sufficiently. We compared and analyzed result abstracted by sampling DAP test of two groups; One is high self-esteem group of 2 people, the other is low self-esteem group of 2 people; to confirm whether we can improve limitation that original psychological testing has by comparing mutual reliance of measurement test. Finally, with DAP test gained from correlations between self-esteem and melancholia following as above-mentioned steps, we discovered possibility of realization to get a concrete and individual criteria of evaluation based on Expert System as a way of enhancing accessibility in quantitative manner. 'Digitalizing Measurement Program' of DAP test suggested in this study promote results' reliability based on existing tests and measurement.

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Identify the Type of Exercise to Prevent Falls for Healthy Elderly Life (고령자의 건강한 삶을 위한 낙상 예방 운동유형 확인)

  • Park, Yang-Sun;Kim, Mi-Ye;Park, Seong-Won;Lee, Ok-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.361-373
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    • 2019
  • Falls are a threat to the physical health of the elderly as well as to their overall quality of life. The purpose of this study was to identify which type of exercise is effective for improving the balance of the elderly, and to obtain the basic data for developing the falls prevention exercise intervention program for the elderly. We compared to the differential effects between rhythmic step exercise and core muscle strengthening exercise in terms of functional balance test and self-reported balance test. Women older than 65 years and under 80 years of age were assigned to one of the step exercise group(21), core muscle exercise group(20), and control group(21), and for 8 weeks, twice per week, 20-30 minutes of exercise were treated. All participants performed one foot static balance test with open and closed eyes. And they responded to self-reported balance test, such as Fall Efficacy Scale(FES) and Activities-specific Balance Confidence(ABC) Scale. The results of statistical analysis are summarized as follows. First, rhythmic stepping exercise was more effective in improving functional balance than core muscle strengthening exercise. In particular, the effect of step exercise was obvious in the one-foot static balance test with open eyes. Second, the self-reported balance test showed better step exercise than core muscle exercise. Specifically, rhythmic step exercise was more effective in enhancing fall efficacy than core muscle exercise. In conclusion, the rhythmic step exercise was more effective in improving the balance ability of the elderly than the core muscle exercise. The rhythmic step exercise is more related to the lower extremity muscles, and especially since the rhythmic step exercise is performed in various ground changes, it seems to have a high similarity to the fall occurrence situation. For future research, we recommended the development of task-oriented ankle proprioceptive exercise intervention program and exercise equipment based on the specific motion situation in which the fall accident occurs in the elderly.

Relationship between Broca Index of Late School-Aged Children and Their Mothers' Eating, Cooking, and Exercise Habit (어머니의 식습관, 요리습관 및 운동습관과 학령기 후기 아동의 Broca 체질량지수와의 상관관계 연구)

  • Lee, Hyerim;Lee, Kyoung-Eun;Ko, Kwang Suk;Hong, Eunah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.10
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    • pp.1488-1496
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze mothers' eating, cooking, and exercise habits based on their demographic characteristics and to examine the relationship between those habits and their late school-aged children's Broca index. A total of 393 questionnaires were mailed to the mothers of late school-aged children who registered at four elementary schools in the Seoul area, of which 159 participants (40.0%) completed questionnaires. Statistical data analyses were performed using SPSS/Win 21.0 for descriptive statistics, t-test ANOVA, and Pearson's regression coefficient. There was a statistically significant difference in mothers' cooking habit (F=3.920, P=0.022) and exercise habit (F=3.211, P=0.043) according to their educational level. Interestingly, 82.4% of mothers had a Broca index of less than 90% of normal body mass level. A significant positive correlation of Broca index between mothers and their late school-aged children (r=0.345, P<0.001) indicated that children whose mothers had a low body mass level also tended to have a low body mass level. In this study, late school-aged children's Broca index was not significantly related with mother's eating (r=-0.072, P=0.367) or exercise habits (r=-0.010, P=0.897) but was significantly related with their mother's cooking habits (r=-0.157, P=0.048). Considering there are few studies examining the impacts of mother's cooking habits on their children's appropriate body mass, the results suggest that developing an effective educational program to cultivate mothers' healthy cooking habits to improve school-aged children's health status is very important. The findings of this study provide important data that could be used when developing health education programs tailored to the multi-dimensional impacts of mothers' life habits on their last school-aged children's developmental health status.

The influence of wearing helmet and cervical spine injury in skiers and snowboarders (스키와 스노우 보드에서 헬멧의 착용이 경추부 손상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung Hun;Kim, Tae Kyun;Chun, Keun Churl;Hwang, Jae Sun
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.94-99
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: As the number of people enjoying skiing and snowboarding which are two popular winter sports has been increasing, wearing helmet during doing these sports has been needed for safety. The rates of head or face injury have decreased after using helmet. However the effect that wearing helmet has on cervical damage is not yet to be known. So through this research we intend to be helpful in developing effective program and safety equipment. Materials and Methods: During two seasons from December 2009 to march 2011, cased 658 cervical injuries within 14538 admittance in medical center of major resort due to skiing and snow-boarding injuries. For survey and research model, one year before the research year conducted a pilot study. Admittance were 432 male and 226 female, advanced 273 and 385 novice. We divided them into two groups depending on wearing helmet, measured cervical damage ratio and injury mechanism, and researched the severity of damage and diagnosed injury. Each group used SPSS 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) to process data statistically. Results: The number of patients was 312 in skier and 346 in snow boarder. Patients wearing helmet were 146 in skier and 127 in snow boarder. Classification of each injuries were confirmed as 292 cases of simple sprain, 359 bruising, 6 cervical fractures and 1 case of dislocation. Classification of injury mechanisms were 287 of human collision, 212 material collision, 108 of slip down by oneself, 39 of falling and 12 cases of etc. In cases wearing helmet ski 78/ snow board 70 were simple sprain, ski 64/ snowboard 68 were shown as bruising, ski 1/ snow board 2 had cervical fracture or dislocation. The ratio of cervical sprain increased in cases of wearing helmet compared to non-wearing cases and there was a statistical significance (p<0.001). The ratio of cervical contusion increased significantly in non-wearing helmet user (p<0.05). However, there was no significant increase in fracture and dislocation compared between helmet user and non-user (p> 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, wearing helmet had no relation to additional cervical injury occurrence or severity among skiers and snow boarders. The ratio of cervical sprain increased significantly in helmet user with person to person accident. However, the cervical contusion decreased. On this ground, further biomechanical studies are required and modified helmet will be necessary.

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Analysis of the consumption pattern of delivery food according to food-related lifestyle (식생활라이프스타일에 따른 배달음식의 소비성향 분석)

  • Heo, So-Jeong;Bae, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.547-561
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to segment the delivery food market and to develop customized products and services. Methods: This study analyzed 636 responses collected from customers who ordered delivery food. Statistical analyses were conducted using the SPSS program (ver. 25.0) for frequency analysis, χ2-test, one-way analysis of variance, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. Results: Four factors were extracted by exploratory factor analysis (safety-orientation, convenience-orientation, taste-orientation, and economy-orientation) to explain the consumers' food-related lifestyles. The results of cluster analysis indicated that the 'low-interest group', 'convenience and economy-oriented group', and 'gourmet and economy-oriented group' should be regarded as the target segments. Characteristic analysis of each cluster showed that lowinterest group had higher rates of married (67.1%) and living with family (85.4%) than other clusters. The convenience and the economy-oriented group had higher rates of living alone (28.9%) than others. The gourmet and the economy-oriented group had a higher percentage of unmarried (62.0%) than the others. In addition, the average age of convenience and economy-oriented group (32.3 years) and gourmet and economy-oriented group (32.5 years) were significantly lower than the safety seeker (40.0 years) (p < 0.001). Difference analysis of the consumption practice according to the cluster, revealed significant differences in the order frequency (p < 0.001), main day to order (p < 0.05), source of information about delivery food (p < 0.001), order method (p < 0.001), and co-consumer (p < 0.01). In addition, the convenience and the economy-oriented group had significantly higher overall satisfaction than the others (p < 0.001). Conclusion: These findings suggest that customer segmentation based on a food-related lifestyle can be used to build a successful marketing strategy. Therefore, restaurant managers and delivery platform operators should consider developing products and services according to the segmentation to maximize customer satisfaction.


  • Kim, Hyun-Sil;Kim, Hun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2000
  • Objective:This study was performed in order to develop a measuring instrument for assessing and predicting delinquent behavior of the adolescents in Korea. Methods:This study was methodological research for developing a questionnaire for measuring delinquent behavior. Through the relevant literature review and personal interview using open-ended question with 12 adolescents in schools, outpatient basis and the juvenile corrective institutions, the author developed a pre-questionnaire with 31 items for assessing delinquent behavior among delinquentprone adolescents. Statistical method employed were test-retest reliability and Cronbach's alpha coefficient for testing reliability and factor analysis for testing validity of this questionnaire, and t-test for mean difference between student adolescents and delinquent adolescents, using SAS program. Subject served for this study consisted of 2,177 adolescents including 1,206 students and 971 delinquent adolescents by proportional stratified random sampling method. Results:1) Three stable factors were emerged and these contributed 52.2% of the variance in the total score. All 31 items loaded above .40 on each factor. 2) Factor I was named as antisocial delinquent behavior(17 items), factor II was named as aggressive delinquent behavior(8 items), and factor III was named as psychopathic delinquent behavior(6 items). 3) Comparison of these 3 factors between student adolescents and delinquent adolescents showed that there was a significant difference in factor Ⅰ(t=-42.91(student), -41.71(delinquent), p=.0001), factor II(t=-34.10(student), -35.72(delinquent), p=.0001), factor III(t=-14.24(student), -14.26 (delinquent), p=.0000), and total score(t=37.02(student), -36.38(delinquent), p=.0001). 4) Internal consistency reliability was tested by Cronbach's α. Cronbach's α was .952 for total 31 items and .950, .866 and .721 for each 3 factors related to delinquent behavior. Conclusions:The author confirmed that this scale can use for measuring delinquent behavior, and hope to make a contribution to screening test and prevention of juvenile delinquency in Korea.

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