Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Volume 11 Issue 1
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- Pages.79-90
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- 2000
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- 2233-9183(eISSN)
청소년 비행행동 측정도구 개발
- Kim, Hyun-Sil (Department of Nursing, Kyungsan University) ;
- Kim, Hun-Soo (Department of Psychiatry, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center)
- Published : 2000.06.30
Objective:This study was performed in order to develop a measuring instrument for assessing and predicting delinquent behavior of the adolescents in Korea. Methods:This study was methodological research for developing a questionnaire for measuring delinquent behavior. Through the relevant literature review and personal interview using open-ended question with 12 adolescents in schools, outpatient basis and the juvenile corrective institutions, the author developed a pre-questionnaire with 31 items for assessing delinquent behavior among delinquentprone adolescents. Statistical method employed were test-retest reliability and Cronbach's alpha coefficient for testing reliability and factor analysis for testing validity of this questionnaire, and t-test for mean difference between student adolescents and delinquent adolescents, using SAS program. Subject served for this study consisted of 2,177 adolescents including 1,206 students and 971 delinquent adolescents by proportional stratified random sampling method. Results:1) Three stable factors were emerged and these contributed 52.2% of the variance in the total score. All 31 items loaded above .40 on each factor. 2) Factor I was named as antisocial delinquent behavior(17 items), factor II was named as aggressive delinquent behavior(8 items), and factor III was named as psychopathic delinquent behavior(6 items). 3) Comparison of these 3 factors between student adolescents and delinquent adolescents showed that there was a significant difference in factor Ⅰ(t=-42.91(student), -41.71(delinquent), p=.0001), factor II(t=-34.10(student), -35.72(delinquent), p=.0001), factor III(t=-14.24(student), -14.26 (delinquent), p=.0000), and total score(t=37.02(student), -36.38(delinquent), p=.0001). 4) Internal consistency reliability was tested by Cronbach's
연구 목적:본 연구는 요인분석을 통하여 한국 청소년의 비행행동 유형을 분류하고, 청소년 비행행동을 조기에 평가하기 위한 측정도구 개발을 위한 연구이다. 방 법:서울 및 지방의 소아·청소년 정신과 외래 방문청소년 4명, 소년원, 분류심사원의 재소청소년 4명과, 중