• 제목/요약/키워드: Social Power

검색결과 1,844건 처리시간 0.027초

Transmission of Korean Traditional Music - Focusing of Solo Instrumental Music for the Gayageum (12-stringed Zither) - (한국 전통음악의 전승과 미래 - 가야금산조를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yong-Shik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • 제19호
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    • pp.281-315
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    • 2009
  • Korean traditional music has been a process art which has been changed and re-created by musicians to mirror the musical aesthetics of contemporary people. Form court music, which has tried to keep the "authentic" form as much as possible, to folk music, which is closely associated to the people's life style, traditional music has expressed the life of the Korean people. From the early 20th century, traditional music faced a totally new music culture due to the Japanese annexation and rapid westernization. A new music network was established by modern theater and broadcast system. Many gayageum (12-stringed zither) masters were able to develop their own music in this new music culture. Female musicians came to exist because of a new music education system, called gwonbeon (school for female entertainers). Due to the rapid westernization, traditional music was becoming 'extinct'. The government's new system of Intangible Cultural Heritage tried to preserve traditional culture. Traditional music came to revive but became fossilized in order to preserve the 'archetype'. The so-called Living Human Treasures took power and became a social problem. The modern school education system was one of major factors for promotion of traditional music. However, it became one of main reasons for musicians to lose their musical creativity. Today, many performers and composers try to make a new composition and renovated musical instruments to suit the contemporary musical aesthetics.

Factors Influencing Emotional Labor and Emotional Intelligence on Burnout among Nurses at a General Hospital (종합병원 간호사의 감정노동과 감성지능이 소진에 미치는 영향 요인)

  • Seung-Hyun Jeong;In-Sook Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • 제39권6호
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    • pp.727-737
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to identify the factors Influencing the burnout of general hospital nurses. Method: The study subjects were 150 nurses in three general hospital. The collected data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Multiple regression analysis. Results: The factors affecting the burnout of the subjects, multiple regression analysis results showed that emotional intelligence(β=-.441, p<.001), emotional labor(β=.403, p<.001), current position was more than responsible nurse(β=-.111, p<.018), and health status was healthy(β=-.100, p<.029). In addition, the F statistics for the fitness of the estimated regression model were 35.51(p<.001), which was very significant. The explanatory power was 79.7%. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that emotional intelligence of the general hospital nurse was the most influential factor on burnout, and the higher the position, the better the health status, the lower the emotional labor, the lower the burnout. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that it is necessary to find ways to reduce emotional labor and improve health and emotional intelligence in order to reduce burnout of nurses, and it is considered to be useful as basic data for developing intervention programs to lower burnout.

An Analysis of The Relationship Among Nursing Students' Perception of Target Vulnerability and Target Advocacy, Child Rights Awareness, and Child Abuse Reporting Intention (간호대학생이 지각한 대상자 취약성 및 옹호, 아동권리인식, 아동학대 신고의도 간의 관계 분석)

  • Ji-Ah Song;Jae Woo Oh
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2024
  • Nursing students, as prospective nurses, are expected to act as child abuse reporters and advocates for child targets. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a basis for developing a child abuse prevention education program for nursing students by determining the extent of nursing students' perceived target vulnerability and target advocacy, child rights awareness, and intention to report child abuse, and analyzing the relationships among the variables. This study is a descriptive survey study to identify the effects of target vulnerability, target advocacy, and child rights awareness on intention to report child abuse among 154 nursing students, and the data collection period was from July 3 to July 31, 2023, and the collected data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 program. As a result of identifying the influential factors on nursing students' intention to report child abuse, child abuse education, championing social justice as a sub-variable of target advocacy, and target vulnerability, the explanatory power of these variables was 35.8%. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that it is necessary to increase activities through the development and application of simulation education based on actual clinical cases in order to increase nursing students' interest in and education about child abuse.

Cluster Analysis for E-Government User Typology: By Purpose of Use, Channel of Use, and Perception of Information & Communication Technology (전자정부 이용자 유형화를 위한 군집분석: 전자정부 이용 목적, 이용채널, 정보통신기술에 대한 주관적 인식을 기준으로)

  • Kim, Si-jeoung;Kim, Hyun-Joon
    • Informatization Policy
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.48-71
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    • 2024
  • In the modern era of digital sophistication, effective public administration warrants a citizen-centric approach that not only anticipates the needs of public service users but also comprehends their behaviors in undertaking proactive measures to deliver public services as needed. This study adopts a typological perspective by viewing e-government users as distinct consumer groups with individualized demands, behavioral tendencies, and perceptual attributes. Utilizing data from a 2021 survey on e-government service utilization, a two-step cluster analysis was conducted to delineate user typology through an empirical study. The analysis incorporated variables such as the purpose of using e-government, selected e-government channels, subjective perceptions of technological risk, and personal innovativeness. Accordingly, e-government users were classified into five distinct typological groups labeled "Unilateral Active Users Geared to Social Media," "Versatile Power Users," "Unilateral Pragmatic Active Users," "Occasional Passive Users," and "Minimal Users." This typological differentiation of e-government user groups is intended to help identify unique user demands and characteristics so as to facilitate the delivery of tailored e-government services and informed policy decisions catering to the diverse needs of users.

The Persuit of Rationality and the Mathematics Education (합리성의 추구와 수학교육)

  • Kang Wan
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 1986
  • For any thought and knowledge, its growth and development has close relation with the society where it is developed and grow. As Feuerbach says, the birth of spirit needs an existence of two human beings, i. e. the social background, as well as the birth of body does. But, at the educational viewpoint, the spread and the growth of such a thought or knowledge that influence favorably the development of a society must be also considered. We would discuss the goal and the function of mathematics education in relation with the prosperity of a technological civilization. But, the goal and the function are not unrelated with the spiritual culture which is basis of the technological civilization. Most societies of today can be called open democratic societies or societies which are at least standing such. The concept of rationality in such societies is a methodological principle which completes the democratic society. At the same time, it is asserted as an educational value concept which explains comprehensively the standpoint and the attitude of one who is educated in such a society. Especially, we can considered the cultivation of a mathematical thinking or a logical thinking in the goal of mathematics education as a concept which is included in such an educational value concept. The use of the concept of rationality depends on various viewpoints and criterions. We can analyze the concept of rationality at two aspects, one is the aspect of human behavior and the other is that of human belief or knowledge. Generally speaking, the rationality in human behavior means a problem solving power or a reasoning power as an instrument, i. e. the human economical cast of mind. But, the conceptual condition like this cannot include value concept. On the other hand, the rationality in human knowledge is related with the problem of rationality in human belief. For any statement which represents a certain sort of knowledge, its universal validity cannot be assured. The statements of value judgment which represent the philosophical knowledge cannot but relate to the argument on the rationality in human belief, because their finality do not easily turn out to be true or false. The positive statements in science also relate to the argument on the rationality in human belief, because there are no necessary relations between the proposition which states the all-pervasive rule and the proposition which is induced from the results of observation. Especially, the logical statement in logic or mathematics resolves itself into a question of the rationality in human belief after all, because all the logical proposition have their logical propriety in a certain deductive system which must start from some axioms, and the selection and construction of an axiomatic system cannot but depend on the belief of a man himself. Thus, we can conclude that a question of the rationality in knowledge or belief is a question of the rationality both in the content of belief or knowledge and in the process where one holds his own belief. And the rationality of both the content and the process is namely an deal form of a human ability and attitude in one's rational behavior. Considering the advancement of mathematical knowledge, we can say that mathematics is a good example which reflects such a human rationality, i. e. the human ability and attitude. By this property of mathematics itself, mathematics is deeply rooted as a good. subject which as needed in moulding the ability and attitude of a rational person who contributes to the development of the open democratic society he belongs to. But, it is needed to analyze the practicing and pursuing the rationality especially in mathematics education. Mathematics teacher must aim the rationality of process where the mathematical belief is maintained. In fact, there is no problem in the rationality of content as long the mathematics teacher does not draw mathematical conclusions without bases. But, in the mathematical activities he presents in his class, mathematics teacher must be able to show hem together with what even his own belief on the efficiency and propriety of mathematical activites can be altered and advanced by a new thinking or new experiences.

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Recognition of Advance Directives by Advanced Cancer Patients and Medical Doctors in Hospice Care Ward (호스피스병동 말기 암 환자 및 내과의사의 사전의료지시(서)에 대한 인식)

  • Sun, Der-Sheng;Chun, Yeon-Joo;Lee, Jeong-Hwa;Gil, Sang-Hyun;Shim, Byoung-Yong;Lee, Ok-Kyung;Jung, In-Soon;Kim, Hoon-Kyo
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: We undertook this study to find out the recognitions of terminal cancer patients and doctors about advance directives (ADs), of how they would do in non-response medical conditions and whether ADs could be one of medical options for their dying with dignity. Methods: One hundred thirty four cancer patients in the Hospice Unit, St. Vincent's Hospital, and 97 medical doctors in the Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic Medical Center, were asked about ADs, including Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR), medical power of attorney, living will and medical options. Results: One hundred thirty patients (97%) and 38 doctors (39.2%) were unfamiliar with ADs, however, 128 patients (95.5%), 95 doctors (97.9%) agreed with it. Seventy nine patients (59.0%) and 96 doctors (99.0%) wanted DNR rather then intensive treatments if they were in non-response medical conditions. Eighty four patients (62.7%) and 75 doctors (77.3%) were agreeable to medical power of attorney. One hundred Thirty four patients (100.0%) and 94 doctors (96.9%) did not want medical options to be in terminal conditions, and hoped to die in peace. Conclusion: Most of patients did not know about ADs and how to make it. However, they showed positive attitudes about it. If we advertise it properly, it is highly likely that a large number of cancer patients would make their living wills easily by ADs. Nevertheless, many legal and ethical problems have to be solved. Doctors should engage their patients in an ongoing communication about the end-of-life. Therefore, let the patients have opportunities to plan their own deaths.

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Dual Faces of Nationalism reflected in Contemporary Korean Art and Society (현대 한국미술과 민족주의란 두 개의 얼굴)

  • Choi, Tae-Man
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • 제4호
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    • pp.145-180
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    • 2006
  • In Korea, nation and nationalism are undeniable justice, absolute virtue and moreover system of desire. From the late Chosun Dynasty when the Korean Peninsula had to survive from the critical situation of being the arena of competition, and through the colonial period under Japanese imperialism, nationalism became stronger as a logic of survival. The policy of seclusion under closed and exclusive nationalism that didn't recognize the world situation well enough, eventually gave more pain to the nation. Nationalism in colonial Korea which was as reformed nationalism and on the other hand, as intransigent, resisting nationalism. Since the purpose of this writing is not for clarifying the argument raised on Korean nationalism, there is no use mentioning how it went with the change of time. But we have to focus on the fact that the word 'nation' which appeared under the influence of popular revolution and capitalism meaning 'a group of people', was translated and understood as a racial concept for strengthening the unity of 'single-race nation with five thousand years' history. First of all, there is nationalism used to fortify the system. 'The Charter of National Education' and 'The Pledge of Allegiance' were ornaments to intensify the ruling ideology and dictatorship to militarize entire South Korea for 'settling Korean democracy' professed nationalism. Also, another ruling ideology armed with 'self-reliance' put North Korea into the state of hypnosis called nationalism. Nationalism, claiming 'nation' outwardly, but in reality, being an illuminating, instructing ideology isolating each other was indeed a body with two faces. This made 'nation' in Korea mysterious and objective through work such as. The statue commemorating patriotic forefathers' and picture of national records' in South Korea art. Nationalism used to strengthening the system encountered the magical 'single-race' and made 'ghost' being an extreme exclusion to other nations. We can find pedigreed pureness not allowing any mixed breeds from the attitude accepting western art -via Japan or directly- and making it vague by using the word Korean and Asia. There's nationalism as a resistant ideology to solidify the system on the other side. It came out as a way of survival among the Great Power and grew with the task of national liberation to became as a powerful force facing against the dictatorship dominating South Korea after the liberation. This discussion of nationalism as a resistance ideology was active in 1980s. In 1980, democracy movement against the dictatorship of 5th Republic originated from military power which came out suppressing the democratic movement in Gwangju, spread out from the intellects and the students to the labors, farmers and the civilians. It is well known that the 'Nation-People(Minjoong)'s Art Movement could come out under this social condition. Our attitude toward nationalism is still dual in this opening part of 21st century. On one hand, they are opposing to the ultra-nationalism but are not able to separate it from nationalism, and on the other, they have much confusion using it. In fact, in a single-race nation like Korea, the situation of being nationalism and jus sanguinis together can cause dual nationalism. Though nationalism is included in the globalization order, it is evidence that it's effective in Korea where there are still modern fetters like division and separation. In particular, in the world where Japan makes East Asia Coalition but exposed in front of nationalism, and China not being free from Sinocentrism, and American nationalism taking the world order, and Russia fortifying nationalism suppressing the minority race after the dissolution of socialism, Korean nationalism is at the point to find an alternative plan superior to the ruling and resisting ideology.

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A Study on the Shinmoongo System: Issues of the Origin and Changes of Function and Institution (신문고 제도에 대한 몇 가지 쟁점: 기원과 운영, 기능.제도의 변천을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Ju
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • 제39권
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    • pp.250-283
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    • 2007
  • The Shinmoongo (Shinmoon-drum) system is known as the last means of petition, appeal, and, denunciation during the Chosun dynasty. The purpose of this study is first to examine the system's origin and changes of its function and operation. The study further looks at several issues around the striking gong system, an alternative appealing method, and its background and transition. Introduced by King Taejong, the Shinmoongo was a kind of the press (or communication) system which was intended to deliver various cases of personal appeal, social petition, national denunciation, etc. Since the 2nd year of King Sejong, the system had been changed into the legal system which mainly to settle personal mortifying problem. Originally, the system was institutionalized for the common people who were hard to appeal their mortifying affairs to the supervisory administration. This reporting system to a superior was utilized as an institutional device to remedy abuses from 'complaint to the King near his sedan chair' and 'direct complaint out of order' during the early disordered years of Chosun dynasty. The system was often abused for the devices of private interest by illustrious officials. Meanwhile, it carried out a role of checking power abuses of provincial governors and magistrates. There were many obstacles for the common people and lowly people to turn to the means. The drum was located at the palace of capitol, less accessible for most people at the time. The petition had to be processed through several steps in written forms. The punishment on a false drummer was heavy. It inhibited any appeal concerning the superior under the rigorous caste system. The Shinmoongo system is regarded as a legitimate press system. Also, it is taken as informal or semi-official press system such as 'document to send around', 'document for agitation', 'joint petition', 'striking gong to complain', 'complaint to the King near his sedan chair', 'scream to complain', etc. Connecting together, the tools resulted in the increase of regal power and decrease of divine authority.

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A Proposal on a Management Model Applicable to Visiting Nursing Program for a Low-income Group (저소득층 방문간호 관리를 위한 제안 - 강북구 방문간호 대상자를 중심으로-)

  • Ko Mee-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.118-138
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    • 1996
  • Because of accelerated urbanization public body visiting nursing project that started according as matter of health on urban class in the lower brackets of income was concentrated on Social interests has a unsatisfied points to propel project efficiently from the lack of rating materials. Therefore centering around written contents in documentary literature of citizen health by household in five years from starting year of project to now. visiting frequency by medical manpower was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively in aspect of management hereupon. for the sake of giving a basic materials for public health project of this field. This research presents documentary literature of citizen health which become materials is that as one person's charged region of nurse in duty scale. district is Kang-Buck Gu. the object is resident in the lower brackets of income grounded livelihood protection law and who is admitted by the head of organ~chief of health care). and the number of material centering around the head of a household is 415 copy. The result of research is summarized. as follow. 1. Average visiting frequency examinated by medical manpower show difference according to valuables of supervision characteristics namely average visiting. Frequency of nurse has long term residence in case registration season is early and supervision season is the first year and is high incase a kind of house is unlicdnsed mountain town. Average visiting frequency with doctor is high incase supervision season is the first year and the medical insurance system is admitted by chief of health care. That shows that a man of discomfort behavior left alone are yet many in local society. The meaning of this result shows that the continuity of official relation about class in the lowest brackets of income of long term residence goes well between househole who is a user of visiting nursing service of the object according to midway income under management influences a given duty of nurse s and so causes quantitative decrease. 2. In case behavier and condition of health that nurse diagnoses are bad. as the type matter is a lack of health and the number of patient is large. the average visiting frequency of nurse is high. because average visiting frequency with doctor is high as the condition of health is bad and the number of patient is large. That is similar with that of nurse. CD Average visiting frequency of nurse s seen by matter of disease is very high only in apoplexy by 39.50 and is confined within limits from 7.63 to 11.36 in other disease. But average visiting frequency with doctor is double as many as that of nurse but defined in apoplexy hypertension and articulate. (1) Average visiting frequency of nurse by existence in inoculation of hepatitis is low by 6.73 in unidentified group and very high by 26.89 in group of non-inoculation and the case of the antigenic positive man of B type hepatitis or epileptic who can't be inoculated shows 13.00 and that even family nursing service is needed to them. That result shows that though one person nurse of local charge has a large scale of duty. as visting nursing service is given a class who has a large demand preferentially by respectively accurate nursing diagnosis. the number of diagnosis service is similar with it. 3. During five years. average visiting frequency of nurse is 10.84 and average visiting frequency with doctor is 76.50 seeing from the official scale of nurse. visiting by household is performed two more per year to the average. Seeing this by type of service. average visiting frequency of nurse is higher in indirectly nursing than in directly nursing and that suggests that at the time of visiting household nurse performs education of protection lively save patient but at the time of contrastedly visiting with doctor. directly nursing is more contents of service show no difference by man power and medication dressing by demand is 14.3 and 18.6 the aid of hardship term of doctor and nurse is high by 18.7 and 17.00 in the request of hospitalization when seeing by demands. 4. Action by turns exemplified 1994 is well in sequence of 2/4 turn. 3/4 turn. 1/4 turn. 4/4 turn. When seen by average visiting frequency of nurse but gradually is even. Without difference by turns. average visiting frequency of doctor is much higher in 1/4 turn than other turns. Type of service by turns is all even but directly nursing is inactive in 4/4 and indirectly nursing. Very increases in 4/4 and so. Nurse's quantity of duty is plentiful that shows that by evaluation of last turn and plan of project. Contents of service follows that medication and dressing is the highest by' 5.57 in 1/4turn. goes down gradually by turn. becomes 3.57 in 3/4 turn. and increases again by 4.83 in 4/4 turn. the rest service is higher in 2/4 turn than other turns. 5. Total visiting frequency of nurse is explained to total $37.5\%$ by six valuables of visiting frequency of doctor. nursing demand. demand of diagnosis. condition of behavior. year. Special terms and magnitude of influential power is the same as sequence of enumerated valuables. Namely. the higher the visiting frequency of doctor. the bigger nursing and demand of diagnosis is. the worse the condition of behavior is. the older the object is and the more the household of special terms is. the high total visiting frequency of nurse is.

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The Joseon Confucian Ruling Class's Records and Visual Media of Suryukjae (Water and Land Ceremony) during the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (조선 15~17세기 수륙재(水陸齋)에 대한 유신(儒臣)의 기록과 시각 매체)

  • Jeong, Myounghee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.184-203
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    • 2020
  • The Confucian ruling class of the Joseon Dynasty regarded Buddhist rituals as "dangerous festivals." However, these Buddhist ceremonies facilitated transitions between phases of life from birth till death and strengthened communal unity through their joint practice of the rites. Ritual spaces were decorated with various utensils and objects that transformed them into wondrous arenas. Of these ornaments, Buddhist paintings served as the most effective visual medium for educating the common people. As an example, a painting of the Ten Kings of the Underworld (siwangdo) could be hung as a means to illustrate the Buddhist view of the afterlife, embedded in images not only inside a Buddhist temple hall, but in any space where a Buddhist ritual was being held. Demand for Buddhist paintings rose considerably with their use in ritual spaces. Nectar ritual paintings (gamnodo), including scenes of appeasement rites for the souls of the deceased, emphasized depictions of royal family members and their royal relatives. In Chinese paintings of the water and land ceremony (suryukjae), these figures referred to one of several sacred groups who invited deities to a ritual. However, in Korean paintings of a nectar ritual, the iconography symbolized the patronage of the royal court and underlined the historicity and tradition of nationally conducted water and land ceremonies. This royal patronage implied the social and governmental sanction of Buddhist rituals. By including depictions of royal family members and their royal relatives, Joseon Buddhist paintings highlighted this approval. The Joseon ruling class outwardly feared that Buddhist rituals might undermine observance of Confucian proprieties and lead to a corruption of public morals, since monks and laymen, men and women, and people of all ranks mingled within the ritual spaces. The concern of the ruling class was also closely related to the nature of festivals, which involved deviation from the routines of daily life and violation of taboos. Since visual media such as paintings were considered to hold a special power, some members of the ruling class attempted to exploit this power, while others were apprehensive of the risks they entailed. According to Joseon wangjo sillok (The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), the Joseon royal court burned Buddhist paintings and ordered the arrest of those who created them, while emphasizing their dangers. It further announced that so many citizens were gathering in Buddhist ritual spaces that the capital city was being left vacant. However, this record also paradoxically suggests that Buddhist rituals were widely considered festivals that people should participate in. Buddhist rituals could not be easily suppressed since they performed important religious functions reflecting the phases of the human life cycle, and had no available Confucian replacements. Their festive nature, unifying communities, expanded significantly at the time. The nectar ritual paintings of the late Joseon period realistically delineated nectar rituals and depicted the troops of traveling actors and performers that began to emerge during the seventeenth century. Such Buddhist rituals for consoling souls who encountered an unfortunate death were held annually and evolved into festivals during which the Joseon people relieved their everyday fatigue and refreshed themselves. The process of adopting Buddhist rituals-regarded as "dangerous festivals" due to political suppression of Buddhism in the Confucian nation-as seasonal customs and communal feasts is well reflected in the changes made in Buddhist paintings.