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A Study on the Reflective Practice Experience of a Home Economics Teacher Professional Learning Community Operator (가정과 교사학습공동체 운영자의 성찰적 실천 경험에 관한 실행연구)

  • Lee, Gyeong Suk;Yoo, Taemyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to share the experience of reflective practice of a Home Economics teacher professional learning community(PLC) operator and to share better suggestions through reflection on PLC operation. All conversation in the 18 sessions of the PLC totally from May 31st 2013 to May 19th 2014 was recorded and transcribed. All materials of PLC activity were qualitatively analysed. Its themes were grounded on its coding and categorization scheme. Findings and conclusions of this study are as followings. The experience of learning the PLC for a year has found that it is the power to keep the PLC alive: courage and anxiety to face anxiety and anxiety about new challenges, the importance of theme selection, a teacher with a reckless challenge, shares of becoming a leader. Through reflection, I learned that concerns require attention to other teachers and the need for a 'New Round' for ongoing meetings. I, as a operator, did not fully consider participant's different interest as well as a program for a new round due to the lack of management experience. It led to the low participations in latter sessions of PLC. Suggestions are put as solutions to improve these problems; (1) grouping participants by school levels when collecting participants, (2) setting operation period and program applying participants' opinions, and (3) operating short-term PLC with certain themes to immerse reaching goal and satisfaction in short time.

The Case Study of Reflective Practice of the Liberal Dance Class in University (대학 교양무용 수업의 반성적 실천 사례)

  • Park, Ji-Won;Kim, Je-Young;Kim, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.626-635
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to research the practical cases of the reflective curriculum design and the improvement of the dance courses as a general education at University. This study deals with the recreation dance program with 40 students participating for 15 weeks. This study is qualitative research to explore the practical meaning and value the process on the basis of the interviews and reports of the students and the class evaluation of the instructors. The results were as follows: First is the experience of 'thinking dance'. Not just a functional movement, but moreover, they could experience the attraction, sensitivity and culture of the dance altogether. Second is the experience of 'communicating dance'. They experienced the sociability from the relationship with new partners, the overcome of the passivity (shyness) and the manner of consideration. The third is the experience of 'creating dance together'. As a member of a group, they could learn the integrity, responsibility and satisfaction in the middle of cooperative task performance. The view from the teacher regarding the class reflective assessment is as followed: The importance of dance instruction is to improve the expressive personality and potentiality of the students. Forcing the students to follow the basic choreography could be exhaustive.

Cultural Landscape Analysis of Changbai Mountain as Sacrifice Space (제사공간으로서 장백산의 문화경관적 해석)

  • Xu, Zhong-Hua;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2016
  • This study looked at the sacrifice space building in the Changbai Mountain area to a specific era in terms of the cultural landscape. The scared of Changbai Mountain how changes in history came despite the regime and national change, interpretation of the reason was the scared maintained. The results of this study are as follows. First, Replacement of the regime in the Republic of China in the Qing period, ethnic diversity, underwent a cultural acceptance. So Changbai Mountain nature of sacrifice, the divine subject has formed the changes. Second, the Qing Royal sacrifice space Wangji Temple(望祭殿) have formed a unique cultural space and the sacrifice of authoritative content with only space. The Republic of China period, a new folk beliefs were born between the defense in the face of the Han Chinese migration and settlement process. Build Sacrifice space of Rulai Temple(如來寺) and Shanshenlaobatou Temple(山神老把頭廟). Third, the spatial relationship between the priest and the Changbai Mountain area Wangji Temple(望祭殿) is the power of space as vertical space. Rulai Temple(如來寺), Shanshenlaobatou Temple(山神老把頭廟) is located in the Changbai Mountain and horizontal space was obedient to the space. Fourth, the sacrifice ritual Wangji Temple(望祭殿) of the Qing Dynasty is the only ritual sacrifice of satisfaction. It is cut off depending on the abolition of imperial power. Currently, public ritual sacrifice is commonplace rituals and sacrifices of the Qing Dynasty is only formally underway. In conclusion, as it has been maintained for the sanctity historically Changbai Mountain. Changbai Mountain sacrifice space was changing through the acceptance of the replacement of the regime and culture of ethnic offerings from a single culture of the Qing Dynasty. Currently, to form a sacrifice space and culture overlap through a mutually acceptable.

A Study on Foodservice Facilities, Utilities, and Physical Environment in the Chonbuk Area of Korea (전북 지역 학교급식소의 시설.설비 및 물리적 환경에 대한 연구)

  • Kook, Sook-Ja;Choi, Byung-Sook;Rho, Jeong-Ok
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.497-507
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    • 2009
  • The principal objective of this study was to assess the situation of foodservice facilities, utilities, and physical environment in the Chonbuk area. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 252 nutrition teachers and school dietitians. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SPSS v. 11.5 program. The results were summarized as follows: Approximately 99.2% of the subjects were women 76.6% were married, over 87% were between the ages of 30 and 40(p<0.01) and 56.8% had more than 11 years of experience(p<0.001). Among the 252 school foodservice systems evaluated, 51.6% of the schools were located in urban areas and 48.0% were in rural areas(p<0.01). Approximately 68.0% of the schools prepared meals in the conventional way, and 32.3% prepared them in the commissary way(p<0.001). The number of employees at each institution was separated into the following categories: 1 to 3(37.7%), 4 to 6(27.8%), and 7 to 9(25.4%, p<0.01). Approximately 54.0% of schools had been running a school meal service for longer than 11 years(p<0.001). However, 67.5% of those facilities had not been remodeled since the initial implementation of foodservices. Approximately 94.0% of the school foodservice facilities were located on the first floor. 72.2% among them were constructed of reinforced concrete and 16.7% were prefabricated(p<0.001). As the result of our evaluation of related physical evidence and the atmosphere of the space, the average importance grade was 4.41±0.46, and the average performance grade was 2.78±0.67. Most nutrition teachers and school dietitians in elementary, middle, & high schools responded that the related physical evidence and the atmosphere of the space in school foodservice facilities were important, but the satisfaction level among the nutrition teachers and school dietitians was quite low. Therefore, it's important and necessary to analyze the opinions of the stakeholders in the foodservice industry prior to the remodeling of school foodservice facilities and utilities.

Railway Governance and Power Structure in China

  • Lee, Jinjing
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.129-133
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    • 2008
  • Over the last 1520years, many countries have adopted policies of railway privatization to keep up with increasing competition from road and air transport. Although each country and case has its own history, market characteristics, political context as well as administrative process, railway privatizations (including railway restructure, concession etc.) in the west usually are accompanied with the establishment of new regulatory regimes. Therefore, railway governance has been innovating towards an interaction of government, regulator, industry bodies, user groups, trade unions and other interested groups within the regulatory framework. However, it is not the case in China. Although China had seen a partial privatization in some branch lines and is experiencing a much larger-scale privatization by establishing joint-ventures to build and operate high-speed passenger lines and implementing an asset-based securitization program, administrative control still occupies absolutely dominant position in the railway governance in China. Ministry of Railway (MOR) acts as the administrator, operator as well as regulator. There is no national policy that clearly positions railway in the transportation network and clarifies the role of government in railway development. There is also little participation from interested groups in the railway policy making, pricing, service standard or safety matter. Railway in China is solely governed by the mere executive agency. Efficiency-focused economic perspective explanation is far from satisfaction. A wider research perspective from political and social regime is of great potential to better explain and solve the problem. In the west, separation and constrains of power had long been established as a fundamental rule. In addition to internal separation of political power(legislation, execution and jurisdiction), rise of corporation in the 19th century and association revolution in the 20th century greatly fostered the growth of economic and social power. Therefore, political, social and economic organizations cooperate and compete with each other, which leads to a balanced and resonable power structure. While in China, political power, mainly party-controlled administrative power has been keeping a dominated position since the time of plan economy. Although the economic reform promoted the growth of economic power of enterprises, it is still not strong enough to compete with political power. Furthermore, under rigid political control, social organizations usually are affiliated to government, independent social power is still too weak to function. So, duo to the limited and slow reform in political and social regime in China, there is an unbalanced power structure within which political power is dominant, economic power expanding while social power still absent. Totally different power structure in China determines the fundamental institutional environment of her railway privatization and governance. It is expected that the exploration of who act behind railway governance and their acting strength (a power theory) will present us a better picture of railway governance as a relevant transportation mode. The paper first examines the railway governance in China and preliminarily establishes a linkage between railway governance and its fundamental institutional environment, i.e. power structure in a specific country. Secondly, the reason why there is no national policy in China is explored in the view of political power. In China, legislative power is more symbolic while party-controlled administrative power dominates political process and plays a fundamental role in Chinese railway governance. And then, in the part three railway finance reform is analyzed in the view of economic power, esp. the relationship of political power and economic power.

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A Study on the Political Campaign Strategy applying the effect of Media Engagement (미디어 인게이지먼트의 효과를 활용한 정치캠페인의 전략 연구)

  • Kim, Man-Ki;Kim, Su-Bean
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2014
  • This study is the first model to apply the concept of media engagement to a political campaign by which the voters' mind toward the supporting political candidates, are read. Thus it provides the theoretical and practical implications to the political campaign, and eventually contributes to the development of democracy. For these objectives, the total of 729 people who have the right to vote were telephone surveyed using the peoplemeter, CATI program in the 18th Presidential Election (12 areas including Seoul) of Dec. 19th 2012, and Re and By-election of April 24th 2013. Research question is to examine how the 5 attributes of the media engagement (interest, immersion, relevance, satisfaction and participation), play a role as the moderating variables in cross-correlation, socio-economic status and media properties. The result shows that of the five properties of media engagement, the relevant factor is the important parameter of mediating variable to the causal relationship. The media usage (TV, SNS, print media), socio-economic status (gender, age, income, marriage and area), involvement and the Presidential Election, and Re and By-election are also effective in the five attributes of media engagement. These results suggest that the a study model can measure the campaign effectiveness. This study will contribute significantly to the development of politics, election, media, advertising, and public relations area as well as to promote interdisciplinary research.

A Study on Hybrid Expressed in Modern Fashion - Focusing on the End of 1990s - (현대패션에 표현된 하이브리드 경향 연구 - 1990년대 후반을 중심으로 -)

  • 임영자;한윤숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.113-134
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out with an objective to prepare the framework of conformity for the 21st century modern fashion, which is interactive with mankind, based on a position that the 21st century contemporary fashion with its amalgamating trend of diversified artistic forms may not be elucidated on a standpoint centering on one certain modality. The hybrid fashion trend of historical modality which provides freedom and satisfaction in creation of an individuals expressive power in expressing true desire of mans inside through man-centered thought of the times has made multifarious motives of the past and present fragmentary. It thus extracts inner divisions and the concept of consolidation through three-dimensional form. Modern fashion is newly interpreted by the material and details of high technologies. and is harmonized by mix and match with various expressions. By having it, it is being expressed together with many types of dresses and ornaments. Modern fashion is being expressed together with many types of dresses and ornaments by new interpretations with the material and details of high technologies and by being harmonized with mix and match with various expressions. The hybrid fashion design trend of regional elements formed by stimuli and contacts of diverse local culture by globalization of network that was achieved by scientific technologies of the contemporary information society has disintegrated varied boundaries in the conventional culture by the latest communication technology-new media on the basis of newly created culture. The fact that regional elements could be expressed as if they were interrelated without each being deprived of originality may be explained with an interpretation on pluralism. The hybrid fashion design trend of cultural aspect, which manifests in the background of scientific technological culture as it transcends the societal-cultural boundaries based on the de-centralization theory of Frederic Jameson, has supplemented the imperfect meanings through conversional correlation with other forms and internal program changes. The middle stratal and polyhedral characteristics are seen as each cultural element is dismantled and reassembled by application of 'multiple-time point expression'. Design forming method is not to bring destruction from outside, but to embrace instability and chaos through radical dismantling of the inside. and to pursue diversity and openness. Thus. it is implemented by an approach that takes the role of design process. In communication of discontinuity, continuity was dismantled through forms of mixing, overlap, perversion, insertion and coincidence.

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Assessment Using Practices and Quality of Food Safety Information on the Internet (인터넷 위생 정보 이용 실태 조사 및 질 평가)

  • Lee, Hye-Yeon;Lim, Tae-Youn;Lee, Jin-Hyang;Park, Min-Kyung;Chae, Mi-Jin;Bae, Hyun-Joo
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.229-237
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to suggest potential future directions in the effective operations of food safety information on the internet. This study consisted of two sections. The first section was a survey that was performed by 186 dieticians in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. The second section was the assessment of the quality of food safety information on the internet. 163 web sites that provided food safety information on three major searching engines using the search words 'food safety' and 'HACCP' were investigated. The trained panels evaluated the contents of the web sites using a 3-point scale assessment tool. The data collected data from the questionnaires were statistically analyzed using the SPSS package program (version 14.0). The results of this analysis were as follow. The primary purpose of internet usage by detitians was to search for information (87.2%). In addition, the detitians' satisfaction degree of food safety information on the internet was 3.17 out of 5 points. The operators of web sites that were evaluated by the researchers were business and industries (76.1%), public organizations (15.3%), and individuals (8.8%). The following four items, update of content, offer scientific basis or explanation of content, offer useful information and new informations, should be improved immediately. Among evaluation items, six items were shown to be significantly different according to the operators of web sites. The evaluation scores of web sites that were operated by public organizations were significantly higher than those of web sites operated by individuals or business and industries. In conclusion, regular and consistent qualitative evaluation of web sites is needed to improve the quality of information that is provided via the internet. In addition, web sites that provided information on food safety should be actively operated by public organizations.

Effect of Busan Yacht Experience Tourism on the Stress Recovery and Behavioral Intention of Tourists (해양 요트 체험 매력 속성이 스트레스 회복과 행동 의도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Park, Seung-Hwa;Jeong, Chul
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.111-128
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    • 2023
  • Due to the coronavirus pandemic, interest in outdoor leisure activities is growing. Among outdoor leisure activities, marine sports can be seen as having good conditions to enjoy in Korea. In the case of yachting among marine sports, a number of yacht experience programs have recently been operated centered on Gwanganli and Suyeong Bay in Busan. This yacht experience is an attractive tourism product that can be enjoyed casually, and can bring stress relief to many users. This study tried to verify the effect of the attractiveness of the yacht experience on the stress recovery based on the tourists' experiences using the yacht experience tour. In addition, we tried to verify the intention of revisiting the yacht experience or sharing it with others through SNS through this stress recovery. In addition, as a moderator variable, the difference between the MZ generation and other generations, which use SNS more actively than other generations, was presented and its significance was verified. The survey of this study was conducted online for tourists who experienced yacht experience in Busan. As a result of the analysis, among the attractive factors of the yacht experience, the program, landscape, facilities and service was found to have a significant influence on the users' stress recovery, and satisfaction through stress recovery had a significant effect on the intention to revisit and to share the SNS. In the verification of the moderating effect according to age, a generational difference in revisit intention between the MZ generation and other generations was confirmed. Through this study, it was suggested that various programs of yacht experience should be developed to induce users to revisit, and various marketing using SNS should be carried out.

About Child Abuse A Study on the Perception of Parents and Early Childhood Teachers (아동학대에 대한 학부모와 유아교사의 인식 차이)

  • Ha, Jung-Sun;Kim, Yong-sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the perception of child abuse by parents and early childhood teachers. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted with parents and early childhood teachers belonging to kindergarten in G district. The frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were calculated using the SPSS 21.0 program, and the t-test and the χ2 test were used to obtain data on child abuse(physical, language, emotion and thinking, neglect, preventive measure, improvement plan). The results of this study are as follows: First, the difference of perception about child abuse was higher in early childhood teachers than parents. Recognition of subordinate content is neglected in both parents and early childhood teachers, body, emotion and thinking, and language. Second, parent awareness of child abuse prevention education and participatory seminar education was more perceived than subcontent of preventive measures. The awareness and satisfaction of child abuse preventive education, the awareness of the legal role and function of the child protection agency, the mandatory reporting of child abuse, and the perception of the obligor were more perceived by early childhood teachers. Third, the subcontracting of the child abuse improvement measures, the provision of child abuse preventive education and provision of data, the actual situation of child abuse through mass media and promotion of measures, expansion of child abuse prevention education using mass media, Teachers were more aware of education. These results are expected to provide basic data on understanding and recognition of the prevention of child abuse by parents and early childhood teachers.