This study examined the relativity between school uniform behavior(especially attitude toward school uniform, school uniform satisfaction, school uniform alteration) and attitude toward appearance in the adolescence. From November to December in 2007, 898 middle school and high school students from four schools in Jeollabuk-do Province were analyzed and the influence of relevant variables was understood to gather basic information about the fashion life in the adolescence. This study used SPSS 11.5 for Windows Program to conduct frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, χ2-test, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple comparison test, and Pearson's correlation. The following summarizes the findings of this study: The results of analysing the factors to the response attitude toward uniforms and attitude toward appearance and clothing attitude emerged four dimensions(fashion, symbolism, cleanliness, alternation), three dimensions(needs value conformity toward appearance). In attitude toward uniform, female students were more actively altering their uniforms than male students and middle school students were more sensitive to trends than high school students. However, high school students were more aware of the cleanliness and alteration of uniforms. Overall, most students were not very satisfied with their uniforms (design, color, texture). When students' attitude toward appearance and demographical characteristics were examined, it was found that female students were more aware of desire, value, and conformity in appearances than male students. By age, it was found that high school students were more aware than middle school students. Also, students receiving KRW 30,000 or more for monthly allowance were more aware than others who receive a lower amount between KRW 10,000 and KRW 20,000. Therefore, most students(62.1%) have experiences in altering uniforms. Especially, more female students and more high school students had such experiences. Uniform alteration is more related to attitude to appearance. In other words, students who choose to alter their uniforms are highly aware of desire, value, and conformity toward appearance. Students who are satisfied with all factors regarding attitude toward uniform, except for alteration, did not alter their uniforms that much. In addition, when the relativity between students' attitude toward appearance with uniform was considered, students that are not very satisfied with their uniforms were more aware of desire, value, and conformity toward appearance. In conclusion, it was found that students' attitude toward appearance and school uniform behavior are closely related and their interests in appearance lead to alteration of uniforms, the clothing in which they spend most time of the day. From now on, students' opinions shall be considered when selecting or designing school uniforms.