• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rural facilities

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A study on the Survey System of a Rural Housing through the Integrated Approaching on Rural Village and Housing (농촌 마을과 주택의 통합적 접근에 의한 농촌주택 조사체계 정립방안 연구)

  • Bae, Woong-Kyoo;Kim, Owen;Jeong, Dong-Seop;Yun, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2014
  • This study intends to establish a system to investigate and analyze various impacting factors to Rural Housings such as the relationship of characteristics of Rural Housings located in a Rural Village to the Village and a Unit Housing, to the External and Internal Spaces inside the Unit Housing and the Village, and to Living Characteristics of the Residents and Space from an integrated point of view. The results of this study are largely summarized as following four kinds. Rural Housing Survey System can be largely classified into three stages, and they are a Preliminary Survey, Basic Survey and In-depth Survey. Along with these, the scope of the survey contents can be divided into a survey result by a unit of village, of land, of housing, and of resident's opinion survey. Secondly, the surveys by village unit are on location properties, Village Identity, Street Network, Land Use, Landscape Features and Public Facilities, and consist of Literature, Discussion and Field Survey. Thirdly, the land Unit Surveys are on a Driveway, Gate Location, Housing Placement, Outer Space Design in a Yard and Outer Space Use Characteristics, and consist of Questionnaire and Field Surveys. For the fourth, the Housing Unit Surveys are on an Internal Space Design and Placement, and consist of Questionnaire and Field Surveys. Finally, the Resident Questionnaire Survey consisted of Entire Discussion Survey and a Household one, and then the Entire Survey was on the Village's History, Village's Characteristics, Cultivation Characteristics and Community Activities while an individual one was on Main Living Characteristics, Satisfaction and Utilization Characteristics.

A Study on the Color Perception in Rural Villages (유형별 농촌마을의 색채 인식 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Ja;Han, Chae-Won;Lim, Chang-Su;Park, Mee-Jung;Choi, Jin-Ah;Kwon, Soon-Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.27 no.spc
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    • pp.573-591
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    • 2016
  • People are making multilateral efforts to create beautiful agricultural landscapes. In farming villages, however, large-scale facilities or houses do not blend in with the natural environment because of their outer colors, which are mostly primary colors that are not chosen in consideration of the natural environment. This was addressed in the three following steps: 1) Research tool was used to identify predominant colors and images that represent various types of rural areas; 2) landscape experts conducted a feasibility study and pilot study on using these colors; and 3) the main study was done by investigating how local people and out-of-town visitors perceive the colors. The villages involved in the development projects were mostly represented by achromatic colors, meaning white, black, and variations of gray. Also, adjectives such as "modern" were shown to be keywords that symbolize the atmosphere. Less developed villages had more greenish colors and "natural" as their keyword. Developed villages in suburban areas were mainly represented by shades of blue and green, while less developed ones were mainly represented by green and yellow. In special types of rural areas, developed and developing were represented by achromatic and green colors, whereas less developed ones were represented by green and blue. Respondents were also asked 1) whether they were satisfied with their village's current overall color scheme and 2) whether they thought there was harmony between the surrounding natural environment and artificial structures. People responded with "so so" for the first question, while some answered "not good enough" and "no" for the second.

The Spatial Location Analysis of Rural Village and Amenity Resources (농촌마을 공간특성과 어메니티자원의 입지분석)

  • Choi, Young-Wan;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2013
  • The aim of the research was to analyze a correlation between rural villages and a space of amenity resources in order to provide objective basic data for rural renewal planning in the future. 15 villages were selected to analyze amenity resources. A Space Syntax Method(SSM) was used to analyze a spacial structure of each village and location characteristics of amenity resources. Finally, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS) was used for a cluster analysis. The results of spacial analysis showed that the MeanDepth of rural villages was 4.482 and Global Integration Value(GInteg) was 0.956. Relatively, a depth was lower and GInteg was higher, compared to other villages. Rural villages were easily recognized and accessible by outsiders, compared to mountain and fishing villages. In the case of rural villages, the MeanDepth of amenity resources was low and GInteg was high in the results of cluster analysis using a nonhierachical method. Results indicated that an access was easy and amenity resources were closely located each other. However, the deviation of each village was great in mountain villages. This research suggests that an effective maintenance of road network for improving accessibility would be given priority in an undeveloped farming and fishing villages' renewal. Especially, using a spacial analysis in village renewal planning process can improve accessibility and maximize an utilization of public facilities and amenity resources.

Analysis on the Settlement Conditions in the Troubled Reclaimed Areas Under State Control (III) - Living Conditions in Rural communities - (未完工干拓地의 定住生活 實態分析 (III) - 部落의 生活環境 -)

  • Choi, Soo-Myung;Hwang, Han-Cheol
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 1991
  • In Korea, small-scale reclaimed areas have been suffering from many problems because of the lack of comprehensive developing strategy although considerable investments have been inputed by the public sector since 1970's. For 3 reclaimed sites in Chonnam Province chosen as case study areas, the analysis, the third attempt of widely-spanned studies on areal conditions, concentrated on their living conditions. Its results were as follows : 1. Although rural residents have increased their concern on health and medical services, the public sector can only serve basic and emergent level of them, and therefore, the private sector, which is mostly placed in urban areas and costed much higher than public one, has the dominant share of those services. So, because those costs are a great expense to rural residents, their supplying system should be planned with special reference to lightening the economic burden of them. 2. By the development of locally fitted programs and innovative systems, the rural education should be qualitatively improved to deal successfully with its small scale. That will result in increasing the schooling rate to schools in rural communities, lightening the economic burden of rural residents on education services and finally activating them to contribute the betterment of rural education. 3. Servicing level of water supply, sewerage and garbage disposal in the reclaimed areas has been remaining at the lower order even in other rural areas. In the design of rural water supply, average daily consumption per capita should be changed according to the composition rate of fishing households and variety of the source of water supply. 4. Most of rural residents in the reclaimed areas want to establish the welfare facilites for the infant, youth, aged and public bath However in the long-term basis, the cooperative production and processing facilities should be considered for modernized efficient farming.

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A Study on the Change of Living Service and Spatial Structure according to the Change of Accessibility in Vulnerable Areas in Rural Areas - Focusing on Sayang Village, Goheung-gun - (농어촌 취약지역 접근성 변화에 따른 생활서비스와 공간구조 변화에 관한 연구 - 고흥군 사양도 사양마을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Gyun;Kim, Sang-Bum;Kim, So-Ra
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated changes in the spatial structure of rural villages in Sayang Village, where accessibility restrictions to island areas were improved, and analyzed the spatial composition of houses according to changes in the living environment. First, despite the island's vulnerable transportation requirements being resolved by the completion of the land and bridge in 2018, the local economy continues to stagnate due to a vicious cycle of local living services and job losses. Second, when a survey of residents' changed living services was conducted through the continuation of the specification map, the scope of living areas was expanded by analyzing the frequency and place of visit of fresh food purchases, use of convenience facilities, and medical visits. Third, it is judged that the naturally formed village is composed of small roads to the inside of the village due to the disorganized street system and the form of walking instead of vehicles. Finally, as a result of analyzing the residential space of houses in fishing villages, the aging rate of houses over 30 years old was 62 (91.2%), and the average area of the first house space built was 65.2m2 to 14.1m2, an increase of 17.8% of the total area.

A study on the Policy Formation Process of Multi-Functions of Social Welfare Facilities (사회복지시설 다기능화 정책 형성과정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin Woo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.69 no.1
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    • pp.125-145
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    • 2017
  • The Purpose of this research is to draw implications of Multi-Functions of social welfare facilities on non-public social welfare delivery system especially in the rural area where there is not enough welfare infrastructure. The policy formation process of social welfare facilities was reviewed with 'Modified Policy Streams Framework" which combined Kingdon's Model with Mucciaroni's Model. Multi-Functions Policy of Social Welfare Facilities was led by the government with background of powerful President's initial stage of taking the power and finally legislated by amending Social Welfare Service Act in line with efficiency of non-public social welfare delivery system. However, the process did not represent the summation of needs originated from social work practice. The government just play the role of collecting some evidence underpinning the necessity of multi-functions of social welfare facilities and rearanging how to deploy the multi-functions policy. As the result the multi-functions policy is not activated and is not able to be the key criteria in expanding social welfare infrastructure. However, in spite of these limitation, the issue of multi-functions of social welfare facilities can cast the light on expanding infrastructure in the rural area where the gross size of area in larger in comparison to the district in the metropolitan city whereas residents are scattered because more number of social welfare facilities can not be the solution due to the limitation of finance and logic of efficiency.

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A Study on the Unified Operation and Maintenance System of Irrigation Facilities in Korea - With Reference to the Survey Results on the Activities of Irrigation Fraternities in Chungnam Province - (농업용수리시설의 유지관리체제일원화에 관한 연구 - 충남지역 수리계 운영실태조사결과를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Min;Lim, Jae-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 2004
  • This study is aimed at identifying the national economic value of the irrigation facilities by reviewing the existing papers on economic values of the irrigation facilities and presenting current status of dual O & M problems of the irrigation facilities. This study suggested the unified O & M system rather than continuing the existing dual O & M system of irrigation facilities based on the surveyed results of the activities of irrigation fraternities in Chungnam Province. The findings and proposals for the successful unified and mono O & M system of the irrigation facilities are as follows: (1) Total number of irrigation facilities in the nation accounts for 67,582, while the total length of irrigation and drainage canals amounted to about 174,259km. On account of the total length of structural canals was estimated at 31%, much losses of water and much O & M costs have been inevitable for the full irrigation rice culture. In spite of the past heavy investment for irrigation facilities, the ratio of rain-fed and partially irrigated paddy fields accounts for 23% in 2003. Both Korea Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation (KARICO) and the city and Gun Governments have managed the irrigation facilities separately by irrigation fraternities. The KARICO have commanded 59% of irrigation paddy area with 18% of the total irrigation facilities, while the city and Gun governments covered 41% of irrigation paddy area with 82% of the existing number of irrigation facilities representing small and medium scale. (2) The 1999 demand prices of irrigation water per ton expressed in 2000 constant market price was estimated at 388 won, the supply price was amounted to 184 won per ton. Considering the supply and demand curve of the irrigation water, the existing irrigation facilities could not satisfy the demand of irrigation water. (3) In 1999, total present added value of the irrigation facilities during the economic life accounted for 48 trillion won, while total supply cost was 44.7 trillion won. The marginal benefit and cost ratio of irrigation water was 1.08. (4) The total O & M cost per year amounting to 681.1 billion won have been required to maintain and repair the existing irrigation facilities in Korea. For the successful unified O & M of irrigation facilities covering whole irrigated paddy field in Korea, 950 billion won of O & M costs are required to keep up the marginal benefit of irrigation water as 2,800 billion won per year. The total O & M cost as 950 billion won should be allocated 40%, 380 billion won for O & M costs of irrigation facilities and 60%, 570 billion won for improvement of irrigation facilities. (5) The study investigated and reviewed the present O & M status of the irrigation facilities by small and medium irrigation fraternities. Most of the farmers belong to the irrigation fraternities preferred not only unified O & M but also KARICO take-over of the whole O & M activities of the irrigation facilities. The prevailing O & M cost per 10a expended by the Corporation was amounted to 104,890 won, while that of city and Gun governments was only amounted to 4,600 won per 10a. regarding the small amount of O & M cost expended by city and Gun governments, it is evident that the existing irrigation system have been managed ineffectively and deteriorated the facilities comparing that of KARICO. In conclusion, the Government could not satisfied the demand of irrigation water by suppling water with existing irrigation facilities. Therefore new additional investment and financial support for irrigation water development should be made to convert rain-fed and partially irrigated paddy fields into fully irrigated ones. The operation and maintenance cost should be supported to keep the marginal values of rice production of existing irrigation facilities in the national economy and to modernize the obsolete irrigation facilities. By unifying the existing dual O & M systems, all the farmers belong to the irrigated paddy fields have to be equally benefited and could be increased their farm income and be stabilized their rural lives.

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An Exploratory Study on Awareness Change of Participants in Agricultural Education - Focused on the Agricultural Career Program for Adolescents - (농업교육 참여자의 인식변화에 대한 탐색적 연구 - 청소년 농생명산업 진로체험 프로그램 -)

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Chae, Hye-Sung;Hwang, Dae-Yong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.205-219
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    • 2019
  • It is more important than ever to have talent with innovative capacities for sustainable agriculture and rural areas, but adolescents's interest in and understanding of agriculture and rural areas is very low. Therefore, this study analyzed the experiences of participants in the Agriculture Career Exploration Activities Program. and suggests strategies to improve and revitalize agricultural education based on these findings. First, Institutions and facilities that run agricultural education programs need opportunities for self-checks. Second, it is necessary to develop various contents and its distribution channels to enable the experience related to it in daily life. Third, it is important to provide experience in the middle school curriculum, which requires the use of a system such as the Free Semester System. Fourth, education and promotion to parents and teachers is also important, as it has a direct impact on youth's perception of it.

Changes in Use and Functions of Second Doors in Detached Houses of Rural Area (농촌 단독주택 부출입문의 기능 및 이용변화에 대한 사례조사)

  • Byun, Kyeonghwa;Lee, Yunjeong;Kwon, Young-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2015
  • In contrast to apartments, detached houses offer the possibility of more than one entrance connecting interior and exterior spaces. This study examines the location, function, and use of second doors in detached houses in rural areas. The study employs survey and interviews conducted in 2015, focusing on 18 detached houses among 40 houses previously surveyed in 1995. In 1995, 21 second doors were found, while in 2015, 19 were found. The study led to the following conclusions. First, most houses did have second doors installed by 1995 or 2015. Second doors tended to be installed in kitchen and utility rooms. The function of second doors was most closely connected to the kitchen because utility rooms were placed adjacent to kitchens. Secondly, changes in the use and number of second doors were changes in family life cycle and composition, the need for new equipment facilities, the use of new architectural materials, and the installation of new second doors for extension of space. Finally, exterior spaces accessed by second doors tend to be a meeting of semi-interior or semi-exterior space and exterior space only. Those spaces tended to be designed for kitchen fixtures or to support kitchen activities.

A Comparative Study on the Utilization Policy for Closed Schools in Korea and Japan (한국과 일본의 농촌지역 폐교활용 정책 비교)

  • Kim, Hong-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the number of closed rural schools is increasing due to the decrease in school age population. This study aims to comparative analysis of utilization policies for closed schools in Korea and Japan. The results are as follows. First, Both Korea and Japan was expected to increase the number of closed schools since the standard of abolition of small schools has been strengthened. Second, In Korea, it was possible to know the detailed information of closed schools through 'Eduinfo' website, but it was hard to know the detailed information of utilization cases of closed schools. On the other hand, Japan not only provided information about the unused school facilities but also introduced the utilization cases of closed schools and financial support system for utilization of closed school. It was characterized by linking with the information of unused schools and company, NPO, elderly welfare facility, etc. Third, In korea Superintendent established plans to use closed schools to respond flexibly to local circumstances. Japan simplified the procedures for closed schools to promote the utilization of closed schools. Finally, In Japan, there was various financial support system. But in Korea, it supported the cost of subsidy reduction, free loan, maintenance and management and operation.