• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rural Landscape Conservation

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Regional Ecological Network Design for Wild Animals' Movement Using Landscape Permeability and Least-cost Path Methods in the Metropolitan Area of Korea (경관투과성 및 최소비용경로 분석을 통한 수도권 지역의 광역생태축 구축 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Song, Won-Kyong;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2008
  • As populations inhabiting in natural ecosystem are fragmented by artificial barriers and habitats are destructed by development, extinction possibility of species is getting higher. It is necessary to design and to manage conservation areas and corridors considering animals' movement and migration for sustainable species diversity in present circumstances. 'Least-cost modeling' is one commonly employed approach in which dispersal costs are assigned to distinct habitat types and the last-costly dispersal paths among habitat patches are calculated using a geographical information system (GIS). This study aims to design ecological corridor using least-cost path method and to apply it to a regional ecological network considering movability of medium-large size mammals. This study was carried out over the metropolitan area, which has been deforested by rapid urbanization. Nevertheless there is connected with Gangwon province, Baekdudaegan mountain range and DMZ, considered where many forest species can migrate to this region. This study employs such an approach to develop least-cost path models for medium-large size mammals, have inhabited for this entire region. Considering those species, two forest areas as a source of species supply and forest areas more than 1,000ha are selected as focal forest areas. Movement and migration paths from species supply sources to focal forest areas are calculated by applying landscape permeability theory using land cover map, road density map and land slope map. Results showed least-cost paths from species supply sources to focal forest areas on two species. Wildcat and roe deer are different in some least-cost paths caused by their landscape permeability but paths show generally same specifics. The result of considering regional distribution of expected movement and migration paths to regional ecological network, low altitude mountains of western metropolitan area are evaluated important area for species connectivity. In national or regional levels ecological connectivity is essential to promote species diversity and to preserve integrated ecosystem. This study concludes that developing least-cost models from similar empirical data could significantly improve the utility of these tools.

Landscape Characteristics of the Sacred Dangsan Forests in the Neighborhood of Gyeokpo-ri, Buan-gun as a Potential World Heritage-Sacred Natural Site (세계유산 자연성지 잠재지로서의 부안군 격포리 일원 당산숲의 경관특성)

  • Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong-Yeob;Lee, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2015
  • UNESCO and IUCN established the term of 'Sacred Natural Sites' (areas of land or water having special spiritual significance to peoples and communities) for conservation of biological and cultural diversity. Dangsan forest, a traditional village forests of rural Korea is a representative 'Sacred Natural Site' with a history of more than several hundred years of Dangsan ritual. The Chungmak village, Gyeokpo-ri, Buan-gun is a small seashore village. It is an important place that has the largest ancient maritime ritual sites in Korea. Buan-gun have been tried to register the 'Chungmak-dong Ritual Site' for the World Heritage List. However, the fact that this 'Chungmak-dong Ritual Site'(5~6 century, Baekje of the Three-kingdom period) was located in the Dangsan forest, surrounding the shrine, is not much understood. In this study, the landscape characteristics and culture of the sacred Dangsan forest at Gyeokpo-ri, including Gyeokpo-ri, Dae-ri, Naesosa temple Seokpo-ri, Buan-gun and Dongho-ri, Gochang-gun were investigated. And, the potential of registering for World Heritage, 'Protected Area of Sacred Natural Sites' by linking the four site's Dangsan forests has been investigated. The sacred Dangsan forests in the neighborhood of Gyeokpo-ri have kept their landscape characteristics and retained Dangsan ritual. As a result of SWOT analysis for sacred natural sites, WT(weakness-threat) strategy has chosen as priority strategy. The reason is that there is few management scheme. The Dangsan forests at the neighborhood of Gyeokpo-ri need to be recognized by people in Korea, for their valuable landscape characteristics. The places should be managed and protected to remain as a sacred natural sites in order to be prepared for a World Heritage.

Deforestation Patterns Analysis of the Baekdudaegan Mountain Range (백두대간지역의 산림훼손경향 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Song, Won-Kyong;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Sung, Hyun-Chan;Son, Dong-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2007
  • The Baekdudaegan Mountain Range is a backbone of the Korean Peninsula which carries special spiritual and sentimental signatures for Koreans as well as significant ecological values for diverse organisms. However, in spite of importance of this region, the forests of Baekdudaegan have been damaged in a variety of human activities by being used as highland vegetable grower, lumber region, grass land, and bare land, and are still undergoing destruction. The existing researches had determined the details of the damage through on-site and recent observations. Such methods cannot provide quantitative and integrated analysis therefore could not be utilized as objective data for the ecological conservation of Baekdudaegan forests. The goal of this study is to quantitatively analyze the forest damage in the Baekdudaegan preservation region through land cover categorization and change detection techniques by using satellite images, which are 1980s, and 1990s Landsat TM, and 2000s Landsat ETM+. The analysis was executed by detecting land cover changed areas from forest to others and analyzing changed areas' spatial patterns. Through the change detection analysis based on land cover classification, we found out that the deforested areas were approximately three times larger after the 1990s than from the 1980s to the 1990s. These areas were related to various topographical and spatial elements, altitude, slope, the distance form road, and water system, etc. This study has the significance as quantitative and integrated analysis about the Baekdudaegan preservation region since 1980s. These results could actually be utilized as basic data for forest conservation policies and the management of the Baekdudaegan preservation region.

A Study on Environmental Evaluation for Land Utilization and Conservation Using GIS and Gravity Model (GIS와 중력모형을 이용한 국토의 환경적 가치기준 평가모델 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 2004
  • The non-planned development of the rural area surrounding the Metropolitan area has become a social problem. The land development program until now has an aspect of not combining the spacial plan and the environmental plan. The land use and city development system based on development should change into a form that combines developing the area and conserving the environment. Therefore, this research attempts to compare the results of the overlay analysis and the gravity matrix which are ways to evaluate the value land that has a high environmental conservation value. The research area is the town of Seonggeo-eup, Cheonan City, and the reason for selecting this area is because it is expected to be densely populated as a connected area to the Metropolitan and the development pressure, such as expanding the industrial area, is high due to convenient transportation. The environmental factors used in the research are the relative altitude, incline, age-class, natural degree of the ecology, classification of the land covering and the NDVI, and the research methods used are the overlay analysis of the GIS and the statistical method. The overlay analysis results showed level 1 13.2%, level 2 30.7%, level 3 47.4%, level 4 1.0%, level 5 2.4%, level 6 5.4% and so on. The gravity matrix was classified as level 1 27.0%, level 2 9.3%, level 3 58.2%, level 4 2.4%, level 5 2.3%, level 6 0.9% and so on. These results are more appropriate than current methods for plans that value the environment because the analyzed results of the gravity matrix have a tendency to highly condense the environmentally valuable area. Consequently, if the spacial and environmental plans combine and therefore expand the efficient use of the land in the current state where the nation's concern in environment is getting higher, it is thought that it will contribute highly on the development of the nation's life quality.

Phylogenetics and Gene Structure Dynamics of Polygalacturonase Genes in Aspergillus and Neurospora crassa

  • Hong, Jin-Sung;Ryu, Ki-Hyun;Kwon, Soon-Jae;Kim, Jin-Won;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Park, Kyong-Cheul
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.234-241
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    • 2013
  • Polygalacturonase (PG) gene is a typical gene family present in eukaryotes. Forty-nine PGs were mined from the genomes of Neurospora crassa and five Aspergillus species. The PGs were classified into 3 clades such as clade 1 for rhamno-PGs, clade 2 for exo-PGs and clade 3 for exo- and endo-PGs, which were further grouped into 13 sub-clades based on the polypeptide sequence similarity. In gene structure analysis, a total of 124 introns were present in 44 genes and five genes lacked introns to give an average of 2.5 introns per gene. Intron phase distribution was 64.5% for phase 0, 21.8% for phase 1, and 13.7% for phase 2, respectively. The introns varied in their sequences and their lengths ranged from 20 bp to 424 bp with an average of 65.9 bp, which is approximately half the size of introns in other fungal genes. There were 29 homologous intron blocks and 26 of those were sub-clade specific. Intron losses were counted in 18 introns in which no obvious phase preference for intron loss was observed. Eighteen introns were placed at novel positions, which is considerably higher than those of plant PGs. In an evolutionary sense both intron loss and gain must have taken place for shaping the current PGs in these fungi. Together with the small intron size, low conservation of homologous intron blocks and higher number of novel introns, PGs of fungal species seem to have recently undergone highly dynamic evolution.

A Study on the Roadiside Forest in Jungeup-Gun, Chunbuk-Do -ase Study on the Roadside Forest from Wonpyung to Kamgok- (전북 정읍지역 도로 주변림에 관한 연구 -김재 원평에서 정읍 감곡 사이의 지방도 사례로-)

  • 박재철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1994
  • There are lots of forests around the Korean rural village. This study was conducted to investigate the state of the forests by the 15 forests case study of the Kamgok region in Chon-guk-Do province, Korea. The results are as follows. 1. The forests lose mostly original form by the construction of road and forest clearing for the land development business. And almostly the form of the forests is a trapezoid or roundness. 2. The forests were remained on account of the Korean cemetery customs which is burying underground. 3. The conservation of the forests becomes more difficult because of the continuous development pressure. 4. Because the scale of the forests is so small, they aren't named as the natural resort forest by the forest law. So it will be the better alternative that they are conserved and used by inducing the concept of the village resort forest. 5. Because the owenership of the forests exists in a person or a family, the forests will be destructed continuously by the cemetery development. 6. The vegetation of the upper trees in the forests is the simple forests of Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida and bamboo. The height of upper tree is average 10-12m. And average root diameter is 13-29cm. The age of the tree is average 50 years old. The state of the forests is mostly fine. 7. It is clarified that the price of the forest land is 3-5 times expensive than the other cultivated land. 8. The forests were made by the forefathers for the purpose of the practical use and were reforested in the era 1960s, 1970s.

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3D spatial data generation and data cross-utilization for monitoring Geoparks: Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Virtual Reality (지질공원 모니터링을 위한 3D 공간데이터 구축과 데이터 교차활용 방안연구: 무인항공기와 가상현실을 이용하여)

  • Park, Haekyung;Lee, Dongkun
    • Journal of the Geological Society of Korea
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.501-511
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    • 2018
  • Geoparks are worth preserving in an environmentally and heritage. Monitoring and public attention are essential for the conservation and protection of geoparks. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Structure from Motion algorithm enables effective monitoring of geoparks that are difficult to manage due to their wide range of manpower, and various spatial data derived from SfM can be utilized to improve awareness of geoparks that have been lacking. In order to prove this, firstly, we created the 3D spatial data by using the UAV and the SfM algorithm, which is one of the National geoparks of the Hantan-Imjin River area. Using this 3D data for Virtual Reality and 3D printing. After that, we verified the possibility of promoting the geopark through a simple online survey. Finally, we propose a method to utilize all the generated data from each step to promote and research for geoparks.

A Study on the Evaluative Models and Indicators for Diagnosis of Urban Visual Landscape - Focusing on Seoul City - (도시경관 진단을 위한 평가모델 및 지표개발 연구 - 서울시를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seung-Ju;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2009
  • Recently, there seems to besome problems in the urban visual landscape as a result of continuous economic growth and industrial development. At the same time, the public has begun to be aware of the importance of visual resources, and the necessity for visual landscape conservation and improvement. Therefore, the development of evaluative indicators for systematic visual landscape planning and design is urgent. The purpose ofthis study is to discover evaluative models and indicators for the diagnosis of urban visual landscapes. This study included the selection of 18 physical indicators(statistical data) by literature reviews, adoption of field and questionnaire surveys at 12 autonomous districts in Seoul and surrounding major mountain valleys and river streams(i.e. Mt. Nam and Han-River). The content of the questionnaire is scenic beauty. Moreover, the linear regression analysis between the scenic beauty mean scores and the physical indicator scores figure out the scenic beauty prediction model. As this study suggests, the most important indicators in urban visual landscapes are 'Greens', 'Park' and 'the number of apartment buildings(higher than 20 stories).' Based on the results, greens and parks should be priority elements to considerin urban landscape planning and design. Moreover, since the number of apartment buildings that are higher than 20 stories has a negative correlation with the scenic beauty score, it can be used as basic data for landscape planning. For the scenic beauty prediction models and evaluative indicators suggest a direction of urban management, each indicator becomes basic data for visual landscape planning and design. In following studies, if physical indicators and case studies are added, the scenic beauty prediction models and evaluative indicators could be more synthetic and systematic. Moreover, the development of physical indicators in three dimensions(3D)(i.e. results from visual district analysis, view surface analysis) could be expected to obtain more general and varied results.

A Study on Satisfaction by Visitors' pull factors and push factors - Focusing on Yangdong Ethnic Village in Kyeong-Ju - (전통민속마을 방문의 추진 요인 및 유인 요인이 만족도에 미치는 영향 연구 - 경주 양동민속마을을 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, Young-Eun;Yang, Byeong-E
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed push, pull motivation factors and satisfaction of visitors who visited Yangdong village in order to maintain, conserve and seek for effective utilization of this village. The result of this study was summarized as follows. Firstly, the result was that 'personal relations' has a positive impact on 'regional environment' and 'amenities', 'the pursuit of knowledge' has a positive impact on 'regional environment' and 'amenities' on the correlation between the visit motivation and the visit satisfaction. Secondly, 'the pursuit of knowledge' and 'the desire to new experience' have positive impact on the visit satisfaction on a part of the push factor generally. Physical environment was a only factor that has a positive impact on the visit satisfaction on a part of the pull factors. Thirdly, the intention of recommendation was a only factor to has a positive impact on the visit satisfaction on the correlation between the intention of return visit, recommendation and the visit satisfaction. It was proved that the intention of return visit was strongly associated with the intention of recommendation. This result of this study confirmed the important pull and push factor to enhance the tourist attraction of Yangdong village. It will be helpful to make the preliminary data for planning and conservation guidance of traditional village.

Estimating Length of Jeju Batdam Using Cadastral Information (지적 정보를 이용한 제주 밭담 길이 추정)

  • Park, Jong-Jun;Kwon, Yoon-Ku
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • The value of Jeju Batdam has been reexamined as it is listed as a nationally important agricultural heritage and globally important agricultural heritage systems. However, it is already exposed to threats such as reduction of agricultural population and cultivation area. Despite efforts like the agricultural heritage system to preserve traditional agriculture, there is few basic investigation into the current status of Jeju Batdam. The purpose of this study is to estimate the length of Jeju Batdam. We used the continuous cadastral map of Jeju area to extract the boundaries of the field lot. In the cadastral map, the farmland was selected by selecting dry fields, paddy fields and orchards. 300 sample site were selected from the extracted farmland, and the boundaries between the Internet map and the parcels were superimposed and the differences were confirmed on the drawing. After that, field survey was conducted to confirm the boundary of the parcels and the existence of actual Batdam. It is estimated that the length estimated from this study is at least 23,983km and maximum 142,353km, which is at least 1,830km longer than 22,108km announced in 2007. Since Jeju Batdam is based on land parcel boundary, it is an objective and efficient method to utilize intellectual information. In addition, because it is subordinate to farmland, new information can be extracted reflecting the change of land use and make the spatial database based on the cadastral maps.