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A Study on Musculoskeletal Disorders of Workers in Clothing Design (의류디자인 근로자의 근골격계질환에 관한 연구)

  • Ho-Jun Lee;Young-Guk Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the effect of workers' socio-psychological burden factors on musculoskeletal disorders. A survey was conducted targeting office and field workers in the Seoul metropolitan area. Analysis was performed using the results of 357 surveys out of 400 surveys. The analysis results were derived as follows. First, the socio-psychological burden factor did not show statistically significant results for musculoskeletal disorders. Second, it was found that job stress factors also had a positive effect on musculoskeletal disorders. Third, social psychological burden factors were found to be more positive than office workers than field workers. Fourth, there was a statistically significant correlation between job stress and musculoskeletal disease risk scores. From the above results, job stress factors affect musculoskeletal disease risk factors (work frequency, pain level, and duration) and the increase in musculoskeletal disorders and the number of accidents.

Effect of Psychological Characteristics on Job Performances of Workers at Residential Homes for the Disabled

  • Seo, Kyung-seok;Cho, Sung-Je
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.268-278
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of psychological characteristics on job performances of workers at residential homes for the disabled. For the study, a survey was conducted on 170 workers at residential homes for the disabled in Gyeongsangbuk-do (Sangjoo-si, Andong-si and Yecheon-gun) from the 7th of October to 11th of November, 2016. For the analysis, SPSS WIN 18.0 and Amos 21.0 programs were used to conduct t-test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis at a significance level of 5%. The research results were as follows. First, it was found that the psychological characteristics of workers at residential homes for the disabled vary significantly upon their work loads. Second, the differences in job performances of workers at the residential homes for the disabled with their general characteristics were analyzed: it was revealed that the job performance of the workers varies significantly with their education levels, positions and monthly incomes. Third, the job performance of workers at the residential homes for the disabled was found to be having positive correlation with their psychological characteristics as follows: self-esteem (r=.363, p<.001) and self-efficacy (r=.275, p<.001), while having negative correlation with depression (r=-.267, p<.001). This paper is required to be used as a primary source for political development on the enhancement of the psychological characteristics of workers at residential homes for the disabled.

Influences of Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout on Positive Psychological Capital of Clinical Nurses (임상간호사의 공감만족, 공감피로, 소진이 긍정심리자본에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Eun;Jung, Mi-Ra
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.246-255
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting positive psychological capital in clinical nurses. The data were collected from 193 nurses working in the three general hospital located Y city using self-reported questionnaires and November 20 2017 to November 30 2017. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression with SPSS 20.0 program. Positive psychological capital had a significant positive effect on compassion satisfaction, while Positive psychological capital had a negative effect on burnout. The result of the multiple regression indicates the compassion satisfaction, burnout and job position predict 55.5% (F=30.88, p<.001) of positive psychological capital. Therefore, strategies to decrease burnout and to enhance compassion satisfaction for clinical nurses.

Effect of Adult Attachment, Attribution of Responsibility, and Self-esteem on Psychological Violence from Intimate Partner in Women (성인여성의 성인애착, 책임귀인, 자아존중감이 친밀한 관계의 심리적 폭력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwak, Sung-Jung;Woo, Chung-Hee;Kim, Nam-Yi
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of adult attachment, responsibility attribution, and self - esteem of adult women on psychological violence in intimate relationships. For the study, we analyzed the data of 137 women collected using self - report questionnaires. The results of the study showed that the higher the level of Age(over 36 years old), love experience(more than 4 times) and attribution of responsibility, the higher the victim of psychological violence. The higher the age (over 36 years old), the love experience(more than 4 times) and adult attachment, the higher the harms of psychological violence. On the other hand, self-esteem showed no effect. Therefore, efforts should be made to reduce the psychological violence of adult women by developing intervention strategies for secure adult attachment enhancement and hostile attribution reduction.

The Effect of Personalization and Accessibility of Online Shopping Cart on Fashion Product Purchase Intention -Focusing on the Mediation Roles of Psychological Ownership- (온라인 장바구니의 개인화와 접근성이 패션제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향 -심리적 소유감의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Dong, Jiyoon;Hur, Hee Jin;Choo, Ho Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.910-929
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    • 2019
  • This study identifies the effects of the characteristics of an online shopping cart based on the theory of psychological ownership. This study created experimental stimuli similar to the actual fashion website in order to derive the exact emotional and behavioral responses of participants. To test the hypotheses, four experimental groups of 2 (personalization: high / low) × 2 (accessibility: high / low) were formed with between-subject design. We selected 201 women in 20-30s as participants and they responded to an online survey after experiencing website stimuli. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 25.0 and SPSS PROCESS Macro program. The results show that the effects of personalization of an online shopping cart on the purchase intention of the fashion product in the cart is significant; in addition, the main effect of personalization of cart on consumer's psychological ownership was confirmed. It was also found that the path of personalization of the online shopping cart to purchase intention through psychological ownership was significant. The findings of this study contributes to the extension of online shopping cart research and provide suggestions to recognize the important role of psychological ownership in increasing the purchase conversion rate.

The Mediation Effects of Ambivalence for Elderly Parents on the Relations among Dependence and Intrusiveness of Elderly Parents and Psychological Well-Being of Middle Aged Children: Focusing on Gender Differences (노부모의 의존성 및 과잉간섭과 중년자녀의 심리적 안녕감 간의 관계에 있어 노부모에 대한 양가감정의 매개효과: 자녀의 성별차이를 중심으로)

  • Mun, Jung-Hee;An, Jeong-Shin
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the mediation effects of adult children's ambivalence for elderly parents in the relation of psychological well-being of middle aged children with dependence and the intrusiveness of elderly parents that examines the difference of mediation effects by children's gender. We collected data from 659 middle aged children of 40 to 59 years old who have living mother or father. The main findings are as follows. First, there were mediation effects of ambivalence for elderly parents in the relation between psychological well-being of middle aged children and dependency and intrusiveness of elderly parents. The perceived dependence and intrusiveness of elderly parents had a positive influence on the ambivalence of middle aged childen for their elderly parents. Ambivalence for elderly parents had a negative effect on the psychological well-being of middle aged children. In addition, the dependence and intrusiveness of elderly parents did not directly influence the psychological well-being of middle aged children. Second, the mediation effect of ambivalence for elderly parents indicated a gender difference of middle aged children. The dependence of elderly parents affected the ambivalence for elderly parents in the woman group and the intrusiveness of elderly parents only affected ambivalence for elderly parents in the man group. The results were discussed in terms of gender difference.

The Mediating Effect of Social Support and Stress on Optimism and Psychological Well-being in Clinical Nurses (임상간호사의 낙관성과 심리적 안녕감 간의 관계에서 사회적 지지와 스트레스의 매개효과)

  • Sohn, Sue Kyung;Kim, Mi Sook;Lee, Young Sin;Park, Hae Kyeong;Roh, Mi Young
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study proposed to identify the mediating effect of social support and stress on optimism and psychological well-being in clinical nurses. Methods: Data were collected through structured questionnaires. The participants of this study were 207 clinical nurses who worked at hospitals in the metropolitan cities of B & U. Data were collected from September 3 to September 30, 2013. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression with SPSS WIN v 20.0. Results: The mean scores of optimism, social support, stress, psychological well-being were 3.61±0.62, 3.65±0.64, 0.82±0.59, 3.36±0.38 respectively. Social support and stress showed mediating effects between optimism and psychological well-being. Conclusion: Based on this study, intervention programs to reduce stress and create support systems for clinical nurses should be developed to improve their psychological well-being.

The Effect of Hotel Culinarian's Psychological Ownership Based upon Social Exchange Relations on His Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment (호텔 조리사의 사회적 교환 관계에 따른 심리적 소유감이 직무 만족 및 조직 몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Ahn, Dae-Hee
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2010
  • This study intends to examine the effect of hotel culinarian's psychological ownership based upon social exchange relations on his job satisfaction and organizational commitment. There are main results in this research focusing on deluxe hotel restaurants culinarian's in Seoul. The results of analyzing the data obtained from an empirical analysis were as follows: First, the more they perceive team-membership exchange relations and organizational support, the higher rises their psychological ownership. Second, the mire they perceive organizational support, the higher goes their job satisfaction. Third, the more they perceive team-membership exchange relations, leader-membership exchange relations and organizational support, the more they commitment themselves to their organizations, Fourth, the mopre they have psychological ownership, the higher increases their job satisfaction. Fifth, the mire they have psychological ownership, the higher rises their organizational commitment.

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A longitudinal study of the stress factors of parents between psychological maladjustment and the risk of school interruption in multicultural adolescents: The Application of Autoregressive Cross-lagged Model (부모의 스트레스와 다문화청소년의 심리적 부적응, 학업중단위험 간 종단적 인과관계: 자기회귀교차지연모형 적용)

  • Lee, Hyoung-Ha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.373-385
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the Korea Youth Policy Institute applied a self-registering model to verify the patterns of parental stress, multicultural youth psychological maladjustment, and interdependence between three factors by using five-point-time data tracked from middle school to high school. According to the analysis, First, Parent' stress at the time of the five surveys had a significant positive effect on the psychological maladjustment and the risk of academic interruption of multicultural adolescents at that point. Second, the psychological maladaptation of multicultural adolescents at the time of the previous five surveys had a significant positive effect on the risk of academic interruption at that point. Based on these analysis results, various support measures were proposed to cope with the stress of multicultural youth parents, and policy alternatives were proposed to prevent the risk of academic interruption by reducing the psychological maladjustment of multicultural youth.

The influence of parental psychological control perceived by middle school students on relational aggression: The mediating effect of rejection sensitivity and friendship jealousy (중학생이 지각한 부모의 심리적 통제가 관계적 공격성에 미치는 영향: 거부민감성과 우정관계 질투의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Joo Hye;Park, Eun Young
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.351-370
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the effect of parental psychological control on relational aggression among middle school students, the mediating effects of rejection sensitivity and friendship jealousy, and whether there were differences in these variables by the demographic characteristics of gender and family form. Data of 554 middle school students living in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do were used for the final analysis. There were two major results. The first major result was what rejection sensitivity and friendship jealousy sequentially mediated the relationship between parental psychological control and relational aggression. The second major result was gender differences which was shown by a multi-group analysis to examine in the path from parental psychological control to rejection sensitivity, the path from parental psychological control to relational aggression, and the path from friendship jealousy to relational aggression. This study was meaningful in that it expanded the understanding of relational aggression and identified directions for therapeutic interventions.