• Title/Summary/Keyword: Political Neutrality

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The Refinement Project of Health Insurance Relative Value Scales: Results and Limits (건강보험 상대가치 개정 연구의 성과와 한계)

  • Kang, Gil-Won;Lee, Choong-Sup
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2007
  • Relative value scales introduced in 2001 remarkably improved health insurance fee schedule, but current relative value scales have many problems. In the beginning the government intended to introduce 'resource based relative value scales(RBRVSs)' like USA, but political adjustment of RBRVS studied in 19.17 weakened the relationship between relative value scale and resource consumption. So unbalance of health insurance fees are existing till now. Also relative value was not divided to physician work and practice expense, and malpractice fee was not divided separately. To correct the unbalance of current relative value scales, the refinement project of health insurance relative value scales started in 2003. The project team divided relative value scales into three components, which are physician work, practice expense, malpractice fee. Physician work was studied by professional organizations like Korean medical association. To develop the practice expense relative value, project team organized clinical practice expert panels(CPEPs) composed of physicians, nurses, and medical technicians. CPEPs constructed direct expense data like labor costs, material costs, equipment costs about each medical procedures. The practice expense relative values of medical procedures were developed by the allocation of the institution level direct & indirect costs according to CPEPs direct costs. Institution level direct & indirect costs were collected in 21 hospitals, 98 medical clinics, 53 dental clinics, 78 oriental clinics, and 46 pharmacies. The malpractice fee relative values were developed through the survey of malpractice related costs of hospitals, clinics, pharmacies. Putting together three components of relative values in one scale, the final relative values were made. The final relative values were calculated under budget neutrality by medical departments, that is, total relative value score of a department was same before and after the revision. but malpractice fee relative value scores were added to total scores of relative values. So total score of a department was increased by the malpractice fee relative value score of that department This project failed in making 'resource based' relative value scales in the true sense of the word, because the total relative value scores of medical departments were fixed. However the project team constructed the objective basis of relative value scale like physician's work, direct practice expense, malpractice fee. So step by step making process of the basis, the fixation of total scores by the departments will be resolved and the resource based relative value scale will be introduced in true sense.

Presidential Archives Management in Crisis - An Archival Approach to the Solutions - (위기에 처한 대통령기록물관리, 문제의 인식과 해결을 위한 접근 방식)

  • Lee, Sang-Min
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.18
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    • pp.281-315
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    • 2008
  • This paper reviews recent records issues surrounding former president Roh Moo-Hyun's private possession of the copies of the presidential records in Korea. While the former president transferred his records to the National Archives of Korea, he copied his electronic presidential records and kept them in his house after the term. His retention of the "records copies" arouse critical records issues and criminal charges. In this paper, I examined the definition of presidential records and legal status of records copies, authenticity of electronic copies of public records in public and private records systems, nature and scope of presidential privilege of access to his records, and most importantly, political neutrality of national archives. I examined these issues comparing with foreign experience, especially that of the United States which has the Presidential Records Act like Korea. All issues are examined in the professional spirit of archives principles and archives ethics. Legal status of the electronic copies of presidential records is not firmly established and the criminal charge seems groundless. However, it is against public archives principles and ethics that private former president privately possesses and manages private information and national security information held in the electronic copies of the presidential records. Presidential Records Act of Korea provides an effective tool to protect the presidential records for 15 years and it should be respected. It is time to consolidate the public records management institutions in Korea, not to disintegrate them.

The character of the archives and records management 'reform' from the third quarter of 2004 in korea (한국 국가기록 관리 체제 '혁신'의 성격 - 기록관리법 개정안 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kwak, Kun-Hong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.13
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    • pp.3-40
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    • 2006
  • The archives and records management 'reform' has spreaded out through the third quarter of 2004. There are many evidences such as the change of the Office of the President's management on the record production, 'the reforming road map for the final draft on the archives and records management.' This method spreads into the Cabinets. So it is improved these rosy conditions was upgraded by the laws and regulations. We also hope that the conditions of the records management to be a higher level than before. However the actual conditions of the records management are not good comparing with the law and regulations. I think this unbalance is a serious problem. The reason of the 'failed history' during past time was caused not by the laws itself but by the indifference and negligence on the laws. The academic field and NGO have continuously required some essential suggestions on that problem; political neutrality and independent of the National Archives, the employment of specialists and the improvement of their skills etc. But these requirements have not accepted yet. This revised records management law also has not applied to the road map wholly. Even though the outward growth during that time is remarkable, we need to learn some instructions by way of the 'failed history'. Therefore our urgent task is to narrow the gap between the new system and the actual conditions based on long and short term projects.

A Study on Introduction of Autonomous Police System in Korea (우리나라 실정에 맞는 자치경찰제 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Su-Young;Kim, Sang-Woon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.573-580
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the Police Reform Committee on May 10, 2017, with the aim of enforcing the nationwide autonomous police system in 2020. In addition, the government is promoting reforms of autonomous police and investigative structures, On April 5, 2018, a special committee of autonomous police system consisting of academics, civic groups, and legal professors was established. In 1991, the local council was established in Korea. In 1995, the local autonomous government era was launched with the election of local autonomous governors, but the field of security did not bring decentralization. This study suggests direction of organization and manpower management, personnel management and distribution, financial management, and political neutrality in order to introduce autonomous police system considering regional characteristics. Also, it should be promoted in the direction of maximizing the advantages of the decentralization system and national police without causing civil unrest and social disorder caused by the introduction of the rapid system. Self-governing police should reflect on the trend of autonomous decentralization in order to secure the Republic of Korea with a more secure policing policy, along with organic cooperation and mutual competition system with the national police.

A study on factors causing legislative failure of bills related to democratic citizenship education (민주시민교육 관련 법안의 입법 실패 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Sang-Ho Jeong
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.137-167
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    • 2024
  • This study sought to explain the reasons why the civic education bill failed to be enacted as many as 13 times. What we discovered as a result of our research is, first, the absence of a legislative strategy by the minority member of the national assembly on this bills. The Citizenship Education Bill was a controversial bill with great potential for ideological conflict, and after the 19th National Assembly, this bill was promoted by a minority of a specific political party. The Democratic Party's sponsoring lawmakers did not use active legislative strategies, such as exerting influence within the party to have these bills adopted as the party's platform, or developing them into major pledges for the general and presidential elections. Second, there is a consistent passive response from civic groups as well as lawmakers who signed the bill in an unfavorable public opinion environment. During the legislative process, opposing opinions were overwhelming, including concerns about the spread of leftist ideology, waste of budget and organization, and violation of neutrality and fairness in education. In addition, the passive attitude of field teachers and civic groups, who should be in charge of civic education, also served as a background for the legislative failure. Third, due to a lack of sharing of reliable information on recent theoretical research and global policy trends among stakeholders, legislation through an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties failed.

A comparative study on the distribution transaction policy between Korea and Japan: focused on unfair transaction behavior prohibition (유통부문에 있어서 경쟁정책의 비교 연구 - 불공정거래행위에 대한 한국과 일본의 대응방식 -)

  • Yoo, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.103-126
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    • 2010
  • The development of an industry including distribution sector is influenced by not only government policy but the related firms' behaviors. Recently the large-scale retailers have had more enormous channel power than any other distributors including monopolistic makers. Now is the time for government to prepare some policies against the unfair transaction behaviors by large-scale retailers. In this paper I tried to inquire into the distribution competition policy from a political correspondent point of view related with the transition of distribution system. For the purpose of this article I compared the case of Korea with Japan. According to the results so far inquired, there are some commons and differences in the cases of the two. Some suggestions are as follows. Considering the predominant position the concept of large-scale retailers is to be extended from a single store to numerous chain stores in the political level. Government needs to examine the standard propriety for large-scale retailer; the size of selling area and amount of sales a year. When a large-scale retailer store is to be established, it need to be taken a permit or a pre-inspection. The Fair Trade Commission have to secure the neutrality from Government's strategies. And government should find out the examples of unfair transaction behavior types and prepare some proper guidelines continually. For the last time statistical data by distributors are to be fitted out and the actual investigations for estimating the effects of government policies need to be enforced.

  • PDF

Study on Implementation Measures of Provincial Self-governing Police System : Focusing on the Implication from Enlargement of Work Scope of Self-governing Police of Jeju Province (광역자치경찰제의 정착방안에 관한 연구 - 제주자치경찰의 사무확대에 대한 시사점을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seong-Hee
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.59
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    • pp.37-69
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    • 2019
  • According to viewpoints of researchers and stakeholders, various opinions can be suggested on self-governing police system. Therefore, success of Korean self-governing police system will be defending on how to balance among conflicting values such as Empowerment, Political neutrality, Financial issues, Comprehensive competence in maintaining public safety. Before the launching of self-governing police system nation-wide, the experience of Jeju provincial police will be valuable model case. In specific, enlargement of work scope of self-governing police in Jeju province which has been introduced since last year will be a useful reference. There is more pessimism about self-governing police of Jeju province so far. However, this perspective is mostly based on the issue regarding hardwares such as manpower, equipment, law and organization. Issues regarding softwares such as organizational culture, operation system and work process need more attention to evaluate self-governing police system properly. To mark the first year after enlargement of work scope of Jeju police, this study demonstrate the overall result and implications of self-governing police of Jeju province based on documents, statistics, reports and media reports. In result, several preconditions are needed to implement the self-governing police system nation-wide successfully. 1. Strengthen the link between local government and local police 2. Establish the foundation for collaboration of state and local police 3. Enhance the aspect of citizen autonomy in local level 4. Reinforcing the capability of handling situation of state and local police 5. Invigorating the inter-organizational working group to operate self-governing police system effectively. The self-governing police system is unclosed topic to discuss. After this study, in-depth studies should be followed with more resources. Particularly, additional perspective including redundancy and equity need to be considered regarding self-governing police. By getting with the changes of macroscopic trends - lowbirth and aging, the fourth industrial revolution and possible reunification of north and south Koreas - these studies should suggest the long-term blueprint of self-governing police system of Korea.

A Study on a Democratic Records Management System in Korea (자율과 분권, 연대를 기반으로 한 국가기록관리 체제 구상)

  • Kwak, Kun-Hong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.22
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    • pp.3-35
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    • 2009
  • We have innovated the records management since 2004. So, We innovated the electronic records management, transparency, and accountability. From these results, we could mark a turning point to plant the democratic values in the government It is very surprising, but it is fact that there are the estrangement between the high level institutionalization and low level records cultural soil. But after starting new government, things have been going backward. We have experienced the hyper-politicized problem, shrinking governance problem, regressive personnel policies in the National Archives of Korea. 'New Innovation Model' has resulted the shrinking democratic values, and the growing the bureaucratism. At this point of change, it will be meaningful to review the future of records management. First, we should make the more archives to realize the self-control decentralization model. It means that all local governments has the duty to build the archives, and to operate it with a principle of autonomy. Second, We should start the culture movement to build the more archives, the small archives in private sector. Archives are necessary in the NGO, Universities, firms, art, media, etc. And the small archives are necessary in the various communities, which enhance the rights of minority. All these will spread the democratic values in our society. Third, right democracy system should be operated for the political neutrality, independency. This problem is not prohibited within the national archives innovation model. So, we should transfer the powers of government to local government, and we should re-innovate the National Archives Committee will have the role to make the important records management policies. In short, Unless going to forward with the more democratic values, it would go backward 'records management without democracy'.