• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountain Landscape

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The End of the Milk Quota Regime in the European Union: The Perspective of the Dairy Sector with Particular Regard to Mountain Areas

  • Corazzin, Mirco;Piasentier, Edi;Park, Seung Yong
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2015
  • In March 2015, the milk quota system in Europe that had lasted for more than 30 years was abolished to improve the competitiveness of the European dairy sector in the international market. Despite an increase in the consumption of dairy products in Europe, the milk price is expected to stabilize in the next decade after a decrease between 2015 and 2016. This stabilization of prices will be caused by a significant increase in production, with the proportion exceeding domestic demand to be exported. In the international market, the price of milk will reduce in the next decade, leading to a restructuring of the milk sector with a lower number of farms, but with higher production and efficiency. Mountain farms will follow the same trend, although these farms play an important social role by providing ecosystem services such as maintaining cultural services, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting soil stability, and improving the aesthetic value of the landscape. Nevertheless, they remain at a disadvantage compared with lowland farms. To prevent the loss of mountain farms, there is thus a need to valorize the ecosystem services that they provide and promote the processing of milk into certified products of high quality.

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Comparison of the 3D Tab Page Type for the Small Screen Device (작은 스크린 환경에서 3D 페이지 전환 방식의 비교)

  • Lee, Jeonghyun;Park, Jaekyu;Choe, Jaeho;Park, Sungjoon;Jung, Eui S.
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2015
  • This thesis focuses on the 3D interface tab page type and mode of screen that affect the usability of the small screen devices such as smartphone. The experiments examined eight 3D UI designs, combinations of two modes (Portrait, Landscape) of screen, and four types (Vertical data mountain, Horizontal data mountain, Vertical carousel, Horizontal carousel). Twenty-six participants participated in the experiment. The completion time, preference and fun score were measured. The results showed that the vertical data mountain type provide the best performance in terms of the all conditions. The results of this study suggest a practical approach for the 3D UI tab page design for the small screen devices.

A Comparative Study on the Ways of Enjoying Xīsāishān Mountain, Scenic Site and Euisang(意象: Images) of it Shown on a Number of the Historic Korean and Chinese Literatures (한중 역대 문집에 나타난 명승(名勝) 서새산(西塞山) 향유방식과 의상(意象) 비교 고찰)

  • Park, So-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 2022
  • The travel notes and nature poems found in historic literary men's works can be considered historical records related to scenic sites. Such travel notes and nature poems are based on the writers' personal characters, experiences, learning and etc. Such works clearly show the characters of each literature, information of the related objects and the writers' thoughts of the objects. This study, thus, looked into Euisang on Xīsāishān Mountain that could be the origin of Eobusa(漁父詞) loved and sung by Korean historic literary men, and found that the Korean and Chinese literary men's thoughts were shown through their ways to enjoy Xīsāishān Mountain and their Euisang on the mountain, which was different between the Korean and Chinese literary men depending on the geographical locations described in their poems. In detail, the study results are: 1. Such difference of the ways to enjoy Xīsāishān Mountain, the scenic site described in historic Korean and Chinese literary men's work is broadly classified into the ways to enjoy the scenic site by seeing it in person and the ways to enjoy it under the mental structure of speculation. 2. Xīsāishān Mountain in Wuxing is the background of Yújiāzi(漁家子) of the painting Zhāngzhìhé, is boasting its distinguished beautiful nature, and is the place where the Confucian Study of Hú(湖學) was originated. It is also the place known of its warmhearted climate. Therefore, Euisang on Xīsāishān Mountain under such beautiful and warmhearted circumstance are realized as the complete freedom and seclusion in Taoism and the satisfaction with the given environment and position in Confucianism. 3. Xīsāishān Mountain in Wǔchāng is a military strategic point with rugged mountain terrain and scenery that has been a historic ferocious battlefield and related with the loyal civil servant Qū Yuán. The Euisang on Xīsāishān Mountain in Wǔchāng, therefore, represents the nature scenery of a rugged fortress and patriotism of Confucianism. 4. The Korean literary men's way to enjoy Xīsāishān Mountain is Shinyu(神遊: spiritual travel), so that their Euisang is formed according to the direction of the writer's values. Especially it is noted that Korean Euisang on Xīsāishān Mountain is originally based on the painting Zhāngzhìhé that shows the complete free mood of Taoism; and the Euisang on Xīsāishān Mountain that came from the mindful image by the poet monk Qíjǐ of Tang dynasty and Kim Si-seup appears with such Buddhist ways to seek the truth as SakGongIlYeo(色空一如: Being full is essentially as same as being vacant) and GyeonSeongSeongBul(見性成佛: Everybody can become Buddha by enlightenment).

A Study on Designed Landscape Characteristics of Le Corbuiser's Architecture in Mountain and Residential Area (산간지역과 주거지에 입지하는 르 코르비지에 건축의 의도된 경관특징 연구)

  • Chong, Geon-Chai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to understand what Le Corbuiser has intended on a panoramic landscape view through his modern architectural design. This paper is willing to improve that he considered both natural and local landscape scenery, when he designed architecture with drawing images. He designed various ways to see outside scenery and community culture through ribbon windows, piloti, architectural promenade, picture frame, and rooftop garden as the angle of view inside the building, 'designed landscape panorama' from his architecture. Therefore the contents of the study include the analysis of the local landscapes shown through his architecture by photograph, drawing of a real scenery, and his sketches with biology to find what he has intended. The following conclusions have three points. First, Le Corbuiser has a basic idea to bear a natural and local scenery from his architecture through five points of new architecture. Second, pilotis, ribbon windows, and roof garden with picture frame and architectural promenade are pathways of his architecture to see 'designed landscape panorama'. Third, it comes from his early architecture like Villa Savoye in 1920s to Couvent de Sainte Marie de la Tourette in 1950s, but Ronchamp church converts his idea on previous thoughts.

Types and Historical Transition of Korean Traditional Seokgasan (한국 전통 석가산의 유형과 역사적 변천)

  • Yoon, Young-Jo;Yoon, Young-Hwal
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 2010
  • Seokgasan which is artificial rock mountain had been developed into one of the axes of traditional rock landscape of Goryo period and Joseon period as the central component of Korean traditional landscaping, but the legacy was cut off at the present. In the middle of the Goryo period, the Seokgasan made by piling rocks which were started from replicating miniature landscape has been developed into presenting the symbol and Seokgasan so it faced the new transition period of traditional rock garden culture. Seokgasan so it as small knoll, the Korean traditional Seokgasan was made differently the the surrounding landscape with big Seokgasan in China which overwhelms so it harmonize the surrounding landscape to build Korean style of the Seokgasan. This study is the objective investigation based on the old literature and the field remains, so it aims to so it comprehend the type of Seokgasan and developmental forms. At the result of investigation, 5 types of Seokgasan such as rocks piling on a pond, piling rocks, rocks in a pond, rocks on a ground, rock in a pot etc. has been developing in addition to the rocks which the oddly shaped rock is piled up as the basic framework. Among those, the piling rocks on a pond of Seokgasan which means water flows in Seokgasan is the representative Seokgasan which has been continued since the middle of the Goryo period until the end of the Joseon period. This study is expected to be the foundation which will succeed to legacy of Seokgasan tradition which was cut off and to develop by recovering historical landscaping value and identity of Seokgasan.

The Visual Preference for Damaged Mountainous Landscape (산지훼손 유형에 따른 경관 선호의 변화)

  • Huh, Joon;Kim, Dae-Soo;Joo, Shin-Ha;Kim, Choong-Sik;Ahn, Myung-Jne
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the criteria for the damaged mountainous landscape based on the shape, location and ratio of damaged landscape. For the study, the preference and landscape adjectives were analyzed on visual images and simulations. The variables for analysis were the amount of the damaged ratio(10%, 30%, 50%), the location of the damage (upper, middle, lower) and the various forms of the damage(spot, line, area). According to the results of this study, in accordance with the amount of damage, the visual preference recorded its lowest with the a rate of 50%. As for the location of the damage, the lower-ridge of the mountain showed the highest preference, and the upper-ridge was recorded as the lowest. The linear damage type showed the highest preference. On the other hand, the spotted damage type showed lowest. The results indicate that the visual preference increases when there is a lower ratio of damage, as the damage locates at the lower-ridge, and also when there is a presence of linear formation development. The group of linear formation-the lower ridge-10% showed the highest preference, and the group of linear formation-the mid ridge-50% was the lowest with the results of 3-way ANOVA. The group of linear formation-lower ridge-10% in particular had virtually no differences of visual preference when it was compared with the original scene. The damage with the spotted formation, on the mid-upper location and the high ratio of damage were analyzed as factors that give negative influence on the mountainous landscape. The main features of mountainous landscape were reduced into two factors, 'total estimation' and 'spatial scale' by the factor analysis with total variance of 65.96%.

: Plant Commumity Structure of Pinus densiflora Forests in Odaesan National Park (오대산 국립공원 소나무림의 식물군집구조)

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Cho, Woo;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 1996
  • To investigate the plant community structure in Pinus densiflora forests of Odaesan National Park, fourty plots(each size was 100m$^{2}$) were set up in Sogumgang and Woljongsa area. The classification by the TWINSPAN and DCA ordination techniques were applied to the survey area. Pinus densiflora forests were divided into five community types, which were Betula schmidtii-Acer pseudosieboldianum-Styrax obassia, Quercus variabilis-S. obassia, Q. serrata-Q. vareabilis, Q. mongolica, Abies holo[hylla. The successional trend of Pinus densiflora forests was seem to be seral stage from Pinus densiflora to Quercus spp.. And Abies holophylla was competition species with Pinus densiflora in Woljongsa area. So, management of Pinus densiflora forests requires to conserve for the diversity of mountain landscape resource and gene science.

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Vegetation Structure and Management Planning of Mountain Type Urban Green Space in Inchon, Korea : a case study of land area (인천광역시 산지형 도시녹지의 식생구조 및 관리계획: 육지지역을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate vegetation structure and present management planning of mountain type green space using the green space changes during the 20 years, actual vegetation, and plant community structure in land area of Inchon, Korea. The actual vegetation area in survey sites was consisted of Quercus acutissima community, Robinia pseudoacacia forest, Pinus rigida forest, Q. mongolica-Pinus rigida community, P. rigida-Q. mongolica community, Q. monogolica community and so on. According to the classification by TWINSPAN, 61 survey plots were divided into 9 groups; Q. mongolica-Alnus japonica-R. pseudoacacia-P. densiflora, R. pseudoacacia-Styrax japonica, P. rigida-R. pseudoacacia-Q. mongolica, R. pseudoacacia-P. rigida-Q. mongolica-A. hirusta, Q. mongolica-P. thunbergii, and prunus sargentii-Zelkova serrata community. From this result, ecological succession trend of vegetation seems to be change from artificial result, ecological succession trend of vegetation seems to be change from artificial planting forest to native plant community which was dominated by Quercus spp.. This study area need to manage for the increase of biodiversity through the restoration of naturalness by ecological management of artificial planting forest and ecological planting of injured green space.

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A Study on Design and Construction of Anap Pond with a Comparative Study of Ancient Palace Ponds in Korea, China and Japan (한.중.일 고대 원지 비교 분석을 통한 안압지 조영계획의 연구)

  • 박경자;양병이
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this article is to study the design and construction of Anap pond with a comparative study of ancient palace ponds in Korea, China and Japan. Anap pond was excavated in 1975-6 and is the oldest orignal pond to be found among Koran garden sites. Anap pond was made just before Shilla drove out Tang, after Shilla ruined Paekjae and Koguryo with the Tang army. This was a time Shilla enjoyed a multi-cultural situation due to interaction with Paekjae and Koguryo refugees, as well as information provided by the ambassadors sent to Tang who were well aquainted with Tang culture. Anap pond shows the influence of not only the indigenous mountain-god myth, but also the theoretical background common among Korea, China and Japan. But it also depicts the special form of space inbued with the exquisite aesthetic taste of Shilla people, which started with Anap pond hardened in Gaen temple, and which bloomed in Sukgulam. Scenery structure analysis gives a supposition of the center building on the western coatland, and sequential analysis gives the feeling of being at sea, analysised by root square shape analysis, equal ratio square shape and golden section, sow we can see the planned space organization by speculated planning. Thus, Anap pond is a garden of Shilla in which the cultural exchange has been inculturated and made our own, and the special aesthetic taste embodied.

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A Study on the value decision and the application method of USLE factors for the soil loss estimation in the large scale site development area using GIS-In the Case of BuJu Mountain in MokPo City- (GIS를 이용한 대규모 단지 개발지의 토양유실량 추정을 위한 USLE의 인지값 결정과 적용 방법에 관한 연구-목포시 부주산을 대상으로-)

  • 우창호;황국웅
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.115-132
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the soil loss amount with Geographic Information System according to the land use change of Buju mountain area in Mokpo city. To estimate the soil loss, Universal Soil Loss Equation which is the most proper technique to predict soil loss in this site condition is adopted and IDRISI, a raster GIS software, is used. GIS application with USLE is very efficient to estimate soil loss accurately and fastly. In order to decide value and to find application method of USLE factors, we used existing rainfall erosion index, soil erodibility analysis, slope length, slope steepness, vegetation management and practices, which are rated by GIS through the analysis of various studies related USLE. The result of this study was compared with the previous other researches to verify our method of constructing numerical data of USLE's factors. The result of verification of our way showed significance for the soil loss in forest area. But the result of verification for the soil loss in forest area. But the result of verification for the soil loss of cultivated area showed some errors. It seems that this result was due to local variation of topographical map.

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