• Title/Summary/Keyword: Middle School Career Education

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A Study n the Application of Career Education Materials in Middle School Home Economics Instruction (진로 교육 자료의 중학교 가정과 수업에의 적용 연구)

  • 강인애;윤인경
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 1993
  • This study in order to seek for a more effective teaching method, I am to propose a measure that the career education material for female middle school students a program produced already could be applicable on the class and to understand the efficiency by examining practically it to the student. The research method was to make up a questionnaire and gaze two kinds of educational effect. The procedure was that, after surveying the general features in order to help them known their consciousness on the career education Researcher practiced common theorectical teaching on comparative class and moduling teaching on comparative class through making a guiding data. Then Researcher analysed the changing o consciousness on career, knowledge on kinds and numbers of jobs, and the results and rate of interest in the teaching with persentage and t-test. The results are as followed; First, on the consciousness on career, both group showed little change on their wishful job between before and after teaching. On the purpose to get a job, consciousness on work and job, and fixed idea of job on gender, there were some changes, but both groups had few defferences in the changing rate. Second on the consciousness on work and job experimental group recognized the variety of job more than comparative group and wrote more hind of job. Third on the evaluating result, the record of experimental group was higher. Fourth, on the rate of interesting in learning the rate of experimental group was higher. As observed the class applied by the module of female career education is effective, since experimental group showed more consciousness on work and job, evaluation of record after teaching and the rat of interesting in learning, through there was no difference in the consciousness of the career.

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Effects of the mathematics integrated career education on students' affective characteristics (수학교과 통합 진로교육이 학생들의 정의적 특성에 미치는 효과)

  • Chung, Hea Jin;Kim, Won Kyung
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.167-194
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze effects of the mathematics integrated career education on students' affective characteristics. For this purpose, 3 hours of lesson materials of the mathematics integrated career education were developed and applied to 65 students of the 10th ~11th graders selected in two high schools. After 3 hours of lessons, the following research findings are obtained. Fisrt, it is revealed from the pre-post test of 65 subjects that the mathematics integrated career education can help students improve their mathematical attitude and belief. Second, it is shown from the interview with 4 students that they became not only to recognize the usefulness and value of mathematics, but also got changed their self-concept for mathematics.

Effectiveness of a Motion Picture Contents in Middle School Career Education (중학교 진로교육에서 동영상 콘텐츠의 교육효과성 및 선호도에 대한 연구)

  • Chung, Yon-Soon;Yu, Byeong-Min;Roh, Kyung-Ran;Lee, Seung-Chul;Park, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.101-128
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of instructional method using by a motion picture at cognitive and affective learning domain, and students' preferences for instructional methods in middle school career education. The nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest research design was applied to an experimental group and to a control group. A pair of 75students from four classes participated in an experiment. The results show higher learning achievements both of cognitive and affective domains in experimental group than in control group. Higher students' preferences for instructional methods were found in experimental group than in control group. It is concluded that a motion picture could give a more concrete experience and a more pleasure to students than traditional lecture. Higher learning achievements in cognitive and affective learning domain of career education and higher preferences were came out in consequence of using a motion picture.

Image analysis of Specialized Vocational high school recognized by middle school student (중학생이 인식하는 특성화 고등학교 이미지 분석)

  • Kim, Yeong-Hun;Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.114-135
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to provide base line data for right concept and identity establishment of Specialized Vocational high school, to identify recognition of Specialized Vocational high school, to analyze image of Specialized Vocational high school recognized by middle school student. The population was all middle school third year students in Korea. Using random sampling technique, 50 classes of 61 schools were sampled for the study. A survey questionnaire used Semantic Differential(SD) suggested by Osgood(1957). SD consisted of a number of adjective pairs, finally, this study used 11 adjective pairs to have validity. 1,198 out of 1,441 questionnaire were returned (a return rate of 83.14%), among which 935 were used for the analysis after data cleaning. An alpha level of 0.05 was established a prior for determining significance. All data analysis was accomplished using the SPSS 20.0 Win. Based on the finding of the study, the major results of the this study were as follows : 1. Higher average is female students' image of Specialized Vocational high school than male students' that, but, The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant. 2. It was only 20% that receive career education of Vocational high school. It is necessary to accomplish and expand career education of Specialized Vocational high school for proper career education from middle school, to realize career exploration and decide one's career path based on one's specialty. 3. They have positive images who hope for going on to the Specialized Vocational high school of education than the others. 4. It is necessary to accomplish and expand career education of Specialized Vocational high school for proper career education from middle school, to realize career exploration and decide one's career path based on one's specialty, because the result was statistically significant. 5. They have the more possitive image of Specialized Vocational high school, the more know it, totally.

Development of a Career Education Program Linked to Home Economics in Middle School to Cultivate Entrepreneurship (창업가정신 함양을 위한 중학교 가정교과연계 진로교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Park, Ye-Ra;Shim, Huen-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.13-31
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a career education program linked to home economics in middle school to improve adolescents' ability to respond to the rapidly changing future society. The research procedure was conducted in four steps: Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation. In the analysis step, related prior studies were analyzed to identify the units and contents that linked home economics and career education. In the design step, learning topics and contents according to the design thinking process were selected and the overall program process was designed to cultivate entrepreneurship based on the textbook analysis results. In the development step, the goals and achievement standards of school career education linked to home economics were set for each class, and a total of eight teaching and learning plans, twenty-three types of teaching and learning materials, and expert validity verification questionnaires were developed. In the evaluation step, the validity of the developed program was verified by nine experts. The developed program was verified for overall programs, and the validity of the program was 0.94. It is expected that the career education program linked to home economics will contribute to foster the adolescents' entrepreneurship so they can design their future on their own and allow them to manage their life proactively.

A Relationship Analysis between Video Game Behaviors and Related Variables in Middle and High School Boys (중.고등학교 남학생의 전자오락행동과 관련변인간의 관계)

  • 양남희;홍은실
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between behaviors of the video game(frequency, time career) and related variables in middle and high school boys. The data were collected using questionnaires from 342 boys. The major results of this study are summarized as follows : (1) A correlation between the frequency and the time of video game was significant. but correlations between the career and the frequency. the time of video game were not significant. (2) The frequency of video game showed significant relationship with place. preference formation, relative preference. and parents involvement. The time of video game showed significant relationships with place. preference formation, relative preference, and cost. The career showed significant relationship with place and cost.

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An Analysis of the Practical Mathematics Curriculum and Textbooks (실용수학 교육과정 및 교과서 분석)

  • Kim, Eun Young;Noh, Jihwa
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.241-256
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    • 2022
  • Practical Mathematics is one of the career elective subjects in the 2015 revised mathematics curriculum for high school. This study examined how well the practical mathematics textbooks reflect the recommendations and visions suggested by related professions and organizations with respect to career preparation, especially for students enrolling in engineering industry-focused specialized high schools. Also, this study looked more closely into the contents of practical mathematics in terms of the consistency among different textbooks and the advancement from middle school contents in similar domains.

Exploring the Factors Influencing Students' Career Maturity in Seoul City Middle School: A Machine Learning (머신러닝을 활용한 서울시 중학생 진로성숙도 예측 요인 탐색)

  • Park, Jung
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.155-170
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to apply machine learning techniques (Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost) to data from the 4th~6th year of the Seoul Education Longitudinal Study to find the factors predicting the career maturity of middle school students in Seoul city. In order to evaluate the machine learning application result, the performance of the model according to the indicators was checked. In addition, the model was analyzed using the XGBoostExplainer package, and R and R Studio tools were used for this study. As a result, there was a slight difference in the ranking of variable importance by each model, but the rankings were high in 'Achievement goal awareness', 'Creativity', 'Self-concept', 'Relationship with parents and children', and 'Resilience'. In addition, using the XGBoostExplainer package, it was found that the factors that protect and deteriorate career maturity by panel and 'Achievement goal awareness' is the top priority factor for predicting career maturity. Based on the results of this study, it was suggested that a comparative study of machine learning and variable selection methods and a comparative study of each cohort of the Seoul Education Termination Study should be conducted.

Impact of Climate Action on Participants and Why Climate Action Education is Difficult in High Schools (기후 행동이 참여자에게 미치는 영향과 고등학교에서 기후 행동 교육이 어려운 이유)

  • Ki Rak Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.70-85
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to find out what impact climate action has on study participants and why climate action education is difficult in high schools. For this purpose, a basic qualitative research method was selected, and the study participants were five middle school students at the time of the activity. The results of this study are as follows. Due to the climate action in middle school, the participants' career path changed specifically and their climate literacy was cultivated. And climate action education in high schools was not enough. Environmental subjects that provide climate action education were difficult to open because they were not chosen by many students, and it was unrealistic to provide climate action education during creative experiential activities due to the burden of college entrance exams. The discussion points of this study are as follows. Climate action needs to be encouraged among middle school students because it helps shape career paths and cultivate climate literacy. Additionally, because sustainability is important in climate action, there is a need to establish specialized courses in climate action education in the curriculum of elementary, middle, and high schools so that climate literacy can be maintained consistently.

A study on the Career of the civil engineering student at Technical High School (공업계 고등학교 토목과 학생의 진로에 대한 조사연구)

  • Kwon, Young hwan
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the basic academic achievement of technical high school students, their learning capability about major, their adaptability to school instruction and whether those factors of them was linked to their career in an effort to suggest workable reform measures. Technical high school seniors to grasp their basic learning capabilities and their opinions on the curricula. The findings of the study were as follows: First, the civil engineering students at technical high school weren't fully able to understand what they learned because of their poor basic achievement. They should take all the required courses to fix their academic deficiencies in the first year of high school, and client-centered additional education should be provided about particular subjects, such as mathematics, which they should learn to study their major. Second, many of the students chose technical high school through the advice of parents or since they weren't able to go onto academic high school. So they entered technical high school without knowing well about their major, and vocational education wasn't properly publicized. As students make a critical career decision in middle school, the government should build permanent pavilions for vocational-education exhibition where interested students can acquire information and explore their career without any restraints. Current fragrant vocational education that is based on experiential learning should be avoided. Third, the government substituted regular classroom teaching for field practice, and that resulted in providing just uniform instruction, destroying learning atmosphere and eventually holding teachers back from offering quality education. To remedy the situation, two different sorts of classes should be prepared. One type of classes are for college- bound students, and the others are for job-seeking students. College- bound students should receive education about humanities to improve their academic deficiencies, and job-seeking seniors should be allowed to take field-practice courses at authorized companies in the second semester. It's advisable personally and socially to help ensure their successful and immediate social adjustment.

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