• Title/Summary/Keyword: Living GIS

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Creating and Using BIM waste energy map Study on Energy Management

  • Kim, Hye-Mi;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2010.09a
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    • pp.291-291
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    • 2010
  • Emerging global economic growth and increasing demand for energy supply and demand imbalance and the excessive use of fossil fuels existing the rapidly increasing greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion of global energy crisis is deepening. Accordingly, improvement of living conditions around and through the natural ecological preservation and the need for a comfortable life for the meeting the importance of energy management and consumption are emerging. Many in the field of architecture for energy-saving measures and conducts research and analysis from the early stages to verify the energy performance of BIM (Building Information Model) technology development and commercialization through the building's energy performance to an objective technology forecasts Analysis of the existing building energy performance in waste management also possible that "BIM-based green building process, the possibility of" suggested. In this study, BIM through the analysis of information using the structures for the management of waste, energy and physical data collected by Mapping it can effectively plan resources for recycling were analyzed.

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Evaluation Index of Rural Development for Producing Potential Value of Rural Regions on a Commercial Scale (농촌의 잠재적 가치에 의한 농촌지역개발 평가지표 연구)

  • Suh, Kyo;Lee, Ji-Min;Kim, Han-Joong;Jung, Nam-Su;Cho, Soon-Jae;Lee, Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.9 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research was to develop evaluation index of regional development for producing potential values of rural regions besides agriculture on a commercial scale. Rural regions have potential values such as preserved nature and spatial advantages and so on. For regional development, potential values should be synthetically evaluated by objective and standard index for supporting decision. For evaluation of plural functions of rural regions, evaluation index of rural regions was developed based on rural amenity. Applicability of evaluation index was studied using GIS and natural break method.

Development of a GIS Application Model for Evaluating Forest Functions (산림기능평가를 위한 GIS 응용모델의 개발)

  • Kim, Hyung-Ho;Chong, Se-Kyung;Chung, Joo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims to develop a GIS(Geographic Information System) application model as a decision-making support system in order to evaluate the potential of forests according to their functions, or to classify forest functions. The forest functions analyzed in this study are as follows: production of timber, stable supply of water resources, forest hazards prevention, recreation in forests, conservation of living conditions and natural environment. Using a model possible to evaluate the potential of each forest function and to assort forest functions by making priority-based decisions according to the functions, as well as allowing for various possible analysis environments, its application has been reviewed. Factors for assessing the forest functions could be built by using the following three categories: four maps-topographical map, vegetation map, forest site map and basic forest land use map-whose quantitative drawings had already been made; other self-established maps, such as one indicating the location of sawmills, location map of expressway interchanges, and spatial data of national population distribution map; and attribute data of population and precipitation. The GIS application developed here contributes to the evaluation of forest functions in all the subject areas by map units and national forest management districts based upon the assessment system.

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A Case Study for Evaluating Forest Functions by Watershed Unit: Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도 유역단위 산림기능평가에 관한 사례연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Ho;Park, Young-Kyu;Roh, Hye-Jung;Jeon, Jun-Heon;Hwang, Jin-Yeong;Kang, Hyeon-Deug;Park, Joon-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2011
  • This paper, as a case study on the evaluation of nationwide-unit forest functions, targeting the entire Gyeongsangnam-do region, examined the integration measures for the evaluation of national, public and private forest functions, as well as GIS data problems and GIS data building methods. Also, the distribution and characteristics of Gyeongsangnam-do's forest functions were examined. First, as integration measures for forest function evaluation, evaluation unit was proposed as watershed unit, and GIS techniques were proposed to correct some patterns of errors shown in the watershed maps. Also, of GIS data used for forest function evaluation, maps of locations of saw mills to be revised, expressway interchange location maps, and population distribution maps were built nationwide. Based on watershed units, the forest functions of 20 cities and counties in Gyeongsangnam-do were evaluated, revealing that wood production function and forest recreation function potentials, high-ranking was high distributed throughout the site, while most functions potentials, low-ranking was low distributed. In forest function maps with the application of priority by city and gun, the area size was ranked in the order of forest recreation, timber production, natural conservation, water yield, living environment conservation, and prevention of natural disaster. Case analysis results for large areas can be used in evaluating nationwide forest functions.

Assessment of Geographic Factors with Time on Longevity using Geographic Information System (지리정보시스템을 이용한 시간에 따른 지리 환경의 장수에 대한 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Yun-Soon;Yoon, Seong-Soo;Kim, Han-Joong;Lee, Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.8 no.3 s.17
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2002
  • Spatially distributed characteristic of longevity regions analysed using GIS tools. Fundamental factors for long life are categorized into natural conditions and artificial conditions. Degree of longevity is defined and used as a key parameter in analyzing longevity region. It is visually shown that aging areas are moving with time and variances of social and economic status. It is concluded that the degree of longevity is increased with improving living quality because of improvement of economic activities and living environment. However, longevity regions of recent times have slightly reversed tendency against urban areas in the manner of moving toward areas where social and economical activities are relatively weaker.

A Study of Damage District Forecast by Combine Topograph Modeling of Insular Areas Using GIS

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Ahn, Soon Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2017
  • Natural disasters caused by climate change are increasing globally. There are few studies on the quantitative analysis methods for predicting damages in the island area due to sea level rise. Therefore, it is necessary to study the damage prediction analysis method using the GIS which can quantitatively analyze. In this paper, we analyze the cause and status of sea level rise, quantify the vulnerability index, establish an integrated terrestrial modeling method of the ocean and land, and establish a method of analyzing the damage area and damage scale due to sea level rise using GIS and the method of making the damage prediction figure was studied. In order to extract the other affected areas to sea level rise are apart of the terrain model is generated by one requires a terrain modeling of target areas are offshore and vertical reference system differences in land, found the need for correction by a tidal observations and geoid model there was. Grading of terrain, coastline erosion rate, coastal slope, sea level rise rate, and even average by vulnerable factors due to sea level rise indicates that quantitative damage prediction is possible due to sea level rise in the island area. In the case of vulnerable areas extracted by GIS, residential areas and living areas are concentrated on the coastal area due to the nature of the book area, and field survey shows that coastal changes and erosion are caused by sea level rise or tsunami.

GIS Foundation Establish Mountain Paths to Consider Exercise of Powerfulness (운동강도를 고려한 GIS기반의 탐방경로 설정)

  • Hong, Soon-Heon;Kim, Young-Jong;Choi, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2009
  • The increased person interests in health in accordance with improved living standards result in the booming population who enjoy mountain climbing. Although there are more climbers than ever, most existing mountain paths are those which have been made naturally by people utilizing them to get to the peak and therefore cannot meet the various needs of emerging mountain climbers. Thus, this study that establish a data using numerical map and TotalStation aimed to provide them with beneficial information on mountain paths, analyzing each path using GIS. The subjects of this study are limited to Kum-Am which is in Kyungnam province, Korea. According to out research, proper slopes for the majority of mountain climbers, mostly in their from 30s to 50s, are turned out to be HG1 and JG1-JG2-JG3.

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A Study on the Implementation of Historical and Cultural Information System based on Web GIS for Youngsan River Area (Web GIS 기반의 영산강유역권 역사문화정보시스템 구축 연구)

  • Jang, Mun-Hyun;Lee, Jeong-Rock
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2009
  • A historical and cultural map needs an overall reflection of the links based on time and space among the various composite factors, instead of requiring a simple collection of the respective relics in a particular region. The study of history, culture and living environment of river system area, a place that is known to as a cradle of civilization, will be able to undertake a role in the research and comparison with other cultural regions, reaching beyond the regional units until now and moreover investigation the international and intercontinental history of civilization. In this context, this research focuses on the establishment of a cultural information system for the public use and the insight to the regional identity and materialization of culture based on Korea's peculiar history and culture. Thus, the information system for Youngsan River area aims to create a form of electronic map that contains various cultural and historical information on river system area, which is a integrated information system based on Web GIS that is open to public use through the internet. The above mentioned system is a combined product from the basic research data on various fields of study, including archaeology, architecture, arts, ecological environment, history, folk customs, literature, and food, while it aims for not only its utilization in interdisciplinary studies but also creating new value as a public database. As a result, the expected effects due to the establishment of historical and cultural information system based on Web GIS of Youngsan River area are as follows: First, the study can contribute to verify a road map of the study on Youngsan River area. Second, it will take a role to stimulate the academical research on the dynamic structure and characteristics of the Youngsan River area. Third, we can also expect an effect of gaining a full foothold in providing an electronic academic source specialized for the study of the historical and cultural map.

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Impervious Surface as a Thematic Parameter of Analysis for Childhood Asthma Hospitalizations : Spatio-temporal Approaches (소아천식 유병율 분포의 분석변수로서 불투수면 : 시공간적 접근)

  • Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.706-723
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    • 2010
  • The impervious surface was frequently employed as a proxy of the total environmental burden in the urban area. The impervious surface was extracted from a satellite image and the GIS (Geographical Information System) database for childhood asthma hospitalizations was generated for a total of 62,136 children using the National Health Insurance database of South Korea. Children living in an impervious environment do result in almost twice as many hospitalizations (26.58%) for asthma, as compared to the sub-urban pervious living (15.82%). Furthermore, the risk zones with persistently high hospitalizations for three years were specifically identified over the impervious sub-district alone. The impervious zone showed a small inter-year variation of hospitalizations (r: 0.937) while the sub-urban pervious fringe was found to display a yearly variation(r: 0.371). The strong temporal autocorrelation means that the impervious areas have frequent long-lived hospitalizations for asthma, thus children living in impervious areas were likely to have had more chronic asthma attacks than those living in pervious areas. These experimental results indicate that an impervious surface as thematic parameter of analysis is a crucial explanatory variable for asthma hospitalizations and its longer persistence among children.

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GIS-based Study on Residential and Neighboring Environment and Residents' Social Exclusion in Slum Area (쪽방밀집지역의 주거환경과 주민들의 사회적 배제에 대한 GIS 활용 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 2017
  • This study examines the effect of residential and neighboring environment on the residents' social exclusion in Daejeon Chokbangchon, the city's slum area. Based on GIS methodology with residents' addresses and other characteristics, this study finds out the feminization and the ageing trends in the central part of this area. Besides, longitudinal data between 2007 to 2016 shows this area's depopulation resulting in people's spread into other parts of the city. This study took pictures of 252 images of in the streets and indoors, analysed them and defined the problems of residential and neighboring environment. According to this picture analysis, the predicaments of this area was categorized into 4 types such as appearance-hygiene, narrowness-lack of residential functions, safety-privacy violation and stigma. This area ranging 1 km from north to south adjacent with Daejeon railway station was divided into 4 sections with different main problems. The follow-up survey for residents living in each section showed each section was different in work state, neighbor satisfaction, stigma and social exclusion. Finally, residential satisfaction was found to be the most important affecting factor on social exclusion. Based on these results, this study suggests government's housing policy on this area to be more enthusiastic and specific to cope with each problems of sections.