• Title/Summary/Keyword: Intimacy Formation

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Key Factors Influencing Online Relational Intimacy in the Context of Social Networking Services (SNS 환경에서 온라인 관계 친밀도에 영향을 미치는 선행 요인들)

  • Kim, Byoungsoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the key factors affecting online relational intimacy in the context of SNS. Based on the use and gratification theory, self-presentation, relationship formation and information searching were identified as the main needs of SNS usage. These needs were expected to influence online relational intimacy through user satisfaction, subjective well-being, and disclosing information behaviors. The theoretical framework was validated by a longitudinal method. Hypotheses were tested by using the partial least squares to data from 199 Facebook users. Self-presentation and information searching had a significant impact on both user satisfaction and subjective well-being. However, relationship formation did not significantly affect both user satisfaction and subjective well-being. User satisfaction had a significant direct effect only on online relational intimacy. Subjective well-beings played a significant role in enhancing both disclosing information behaviors and online relational intimacy. Finally, it has been found that disclosing information behaviors are a key factor in enhancing online relational intimacy. The results of this study are expected to provide academic and practical implications for the key antecedents of online relational intimacy.

Inconsistency of Online Self-presentation across SNS Platforms and Its Impact on Impression Formation

  • Vyshemirskaya, Olga;Na, Eunkyung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2021
  • The goal of this study was to explore the use of multiple SNS platforms and determine whether the number of used platforms affects one's online self-presentations across the said platforms and if there is any difference in one's online and offline self-presentations based on how many SNS platforms are used. This work studied online self-presentations, compared the on/offline ones and tried to find out if the inconsistencies of one's own (observer's) self-presentations both online (across platforms) and on/offline affected the observer's impression formation (likability, trustworthiness and hypocrisy) of others. The study also aimed to find out if the impression of the others' inconsistency both online and offline would differ based on the level of intimacy between the observer and the discussant. Three levels of intimacy were studied in order to do this: friends, acquaintances and strangers (online-only friends). The results showed that the more platforms people used the more inconsistent their online self-presentations got. Even though the results of the study showed barely significant relationship between the number of SNS accounts and one's online and offline self-presentation, and partial connection between observer's inconsistent self-presentations and impression formation of others, interestingly enough, the results managed to find significant differences between the impressions based on the level of intimacy between the observer and the discussants.

The Effects of Gender-equal Parental Role Belief of Fathers and Maternal Gatekeeping Recognized by Fathers on Their Participation in Play and Father-Infants Intimacy (아버지의 양성평등한 부모역할신념과 어머니 문지기 역할이 아버지의 놀이참여와 영아기 자녀와의 친밀감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, KyungHee;Kim, Yumi
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2022
  • Objective: The aims of this study is to investigate the internal and external environment surrounding fathers and to promote play-participation with children and father-Infants Intimacy by identifying the influence of a father's belief concerning gender-equal parental role and the mother's roles as a gatekeeper. Methods: The participants of this study were 291 fathers who had infants ranging from 1-36 months of age and were living in Seoul and South Chungcheong Province. The data were collected through the questionnaires and analyzed using the SPSS 24.0. Results: The main results are as follows. First, gender roles, livelihood keeper-father beliefs, importance of father rearing, and the mother's role as a doorkeeper affect the father's participation in play. This differs according to the characteristics of each type of play. Second, it was found that the father's gender roles and the mother's role as a doorkeeper had a significant effect on the intimacy between the father and the infant. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study revealed that fathers' belief in gender-equal parenting and mothers' encouragement through opening the door as gatekeepers affect the formation of intimacy between fathers and their children in infancy, and are factors that influence play participation.

Understanding the formation mechanism of SNS addiction and its prevention strategy (SNS 사용자 중독 형성 매커니즘과 중독 예방 전략)

  • Kim, Byoungsoo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2019
  • Purpose The study examined the key factors influencing the formation mechanism of SNS addiction. Based on the use and gratification theory, we considered relationship maintenance, perceived enjoyment, and self-expression as main desires to induce SNS addiction. The characteristics of SNS users were also considered as major factors affecting SNS addiction. In particular, self-control and subjective well-beings were considered to be prevention factors that could reduce SNS addiction, while SNS relational intimacy was considered to be a facilitator that would increase SNS addiction. Design/Methodology/Approach A structural equation modeling (SEM) method was used to test the theoretical framework based on a sample of 224 Facebook users who have used it more than 6 months. Confirmation factor analysis was conducted to check the reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. Findings Relationship maintenance had a significant effect on self-disclosure intention and SNS addiction, respectively. Perceived enjoyment was significantly related to self-disclosure intention, while it was insignificantly associated with SNS addiction. However, self-expression was not significantly related to both self-disclosure intention and SNS addiction. Consistent with our expectations, both self-control and subjective well-beings had negative effects on SNS addiction. The analysis results found that SNS relational intimacy was positively related to SNS addiction.

Adolescent's Self-Esteem, Environmental Characteristics and Life Satisfaction: Interaction of Positive Self-Evaluation and Negative Self-Evaluation (청소년 자아존중감과 환경특성이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 긍정적 자아평가와 부정적 자아평가의 상호작용)

  • Jung, Deuk;Lee, Jongseok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.273-284
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzes the effects of the self-esteem on the life satisfaction of 2,040 middle school senior students using the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2012 Data (KCYPS 2012) provided by the National Youth Policy Institute. In the ecological perspectives, this study considers two factors which influence the life satisfaction of the students; one factor is the environmental characteristics like parent intimacy, friend intimacy, teacher intimacy and study adaptation, and the other factor is the individual characteristics. In particular, self-esteem as one of the individual characteristics is divided into two separate categories, positive self and negative self. The two categories are found to have some interaction effects on the life satisfaction at the evaluation level. The effects of the negative self-evaluation on the life satisfaction appear to be different depending on the level of the positive self-evaluation. As the level of the positive self-evaluation becomes higher, the effects of the negative self-evaluation on the life satisfaction decreases. The life satisfaction becomes higher as the level of the negative self-evaluation is lower, and the life satisfaction is not high relatively at the low level of the positive self-evaluation. These results suggest that solving the adolescent's negative self-formation problem can not bring out the positive self-formation and there should be some plans for the positive self-formation more than simply solving the negative self- formation problem in order to improve the life satisfaction.

A Study on the Effects of Traditional Dance Program on the Improvement of Interpersonal Relationships of Foster Care Children (전통춤프로그램이 가정위탁아동의 대인관계향상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Na-Rae;Cho, Tae-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.242-247
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    • 2017
  • The foster care system is a social welfare service that supplements the functions of the family while enabling children, who cannot receive proper care from their biological parents, to receive the necessary protection under the plan within the prescribed period of time within a substitute or foster family. A large part of the emotional instability experienced by foster care children is interpersonal maladjustment. Low self-esteem leads to difficulty in forming social relationships due to negative interpersonal relationships. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of traditional dance programs on the foster children who live in Daejeon Metropolitan City. A comparison between the pre- and post-interpersonal scores showed that the scores were improved after the traditional dance program, and the children's intimacy formation and communication were also improved. The participants were less active at the beginning of the program, but became more interested and more active toward the middle of the program. The majority of the participants increased their degree of communication with the formation of intimacy toward the middle of the program, and their self-confidence improved in terms of their peer relationships. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of traditional dancing on the development of interpersonal relationships. In a subsequent study, a traditional dancing program consisting of various contents will be applied over a long period of time, which should provide them with the opportunity to improve their interpersonal skills. In addition, it is necessary to provide educational opportunities for helping foster children reduce their emotional instability with systemic and diverse traditional dance programs.

A Study on the Characteristics of Landscape cognition and Image in Deagu City (대도시 경관인지 및 이미지 특성에 관한 연구 -대구시를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to focus on the townscape of Daegu based on the urban characteristics of the landscape cognition and images captured by citizens. The analysis was performed by the data obtained from questionnaires and interviews. This study methods were deals the cognition characteristics, landmark landscape, visual preference landscape, image and satisfaction. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The orders of cognition landscapes were estimated Apple> Weather> Texture> Mt.Palgong> Daegu Tower> Pretty Girl> Mt. Apsan> Dalsung Park> Conservative> Dongsung Road, etc. That is constructed Nonphysical elements(62.0%) and Physical elements(38.0%) 2. The orders of representative landscape(Landmark) in city were estimated Mt.Palgong> Daegu Tower> Gat Rock> Mt.Apsan> Dalsung Park, etc. As a whole middle and old people(over 30gen) preferenced as a history landscape or natural landscape, but youth people(10-20gen) preferenced as visible and interesting artifical places. 3. While the positive attitudes for the image of city were traditional(3.30), intimacy(3.58), and rest(2.90), the negative attitudes were unnewly(2.34), closing(2.37) and narrow(2.40). Also total satisfaction for that was estimated 5.51. 4. Psychological factors, related to the satisfaction of the image of city were composed of four factors, individuality character, pleasure character, amenity character, formation character. And the presumption formula of satisfaction was: Satisfaction = 5.477 + 0.752(Individuality) + 0.470(Pleasure) + 0.413(Amenity) + 0.241(Formation).

A Study of Formation & Application of step-wise level curriculum of Mathematics (수학과 단계형 수준별 교육과정 편성.운영에 관한 연구)

  • 최택영;함석돈
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.179-194
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    • 2001
  • The seventh curriculum put into operation gradually from first-year student in 2000 academic years of elementary school is subject to form and apply a step-wise level curriculum. Mathematics(correspond to junior high school course from 7th school year to 9th school year) should apply a step-wise level curriculum from 7th school year in 2001 academic years. Accordingly, mathematics teachers must diagnose actual conditions of educations, distribution tables of test results, step-wise teaching-studying programs etc. They also make proper plans suitable for actual situations of each school, prepare appropriate teaching materials and aids. I investigated preceding studies planned for preparation of putting into operation of a step-wise level curriculum. It showed that most of the studies were conducted at schools of medium or large scale and studies conducted at schools of small scale was rare. There were 113 small scale middle schools out of total 297 middle schools in Kyongsangbuk-do area in 2000. In this situation, I felt necessities of modeling of a step-wise level curriculum suitable for small scale schools. In this study, I modeled a step-wise level curriculum suitable for small scale middle schools, applied this model to 44 students in M middle school. I modeled two types of curriculum. One is a step-wise level curriculum that execute special supplementation process to students who do not complete 7-가 step successfully. The other is a step-wise level curriculum which is a regular model for a step-wise level of 7-나 step. I carried out an academic achievement test and intimacy test about mathematics before and after the application of the model. In this study, I found out that this model was very effective in academic achievement of students and helpful to declined students in scholarship. In the intimacy test, It was found out that most of the students gained confidence in mathematics, felt less anxiety, formed positive self consciousness. Therefore, I think that this model will be helpful to the application of the seventh step-wise level curriculum.

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An Analysis of the Socio-Cultural Parameters in the Impacts of Industrialization on the Traditional Dwelling Space (산업화가 전통주거공간에 미치는 영향에 있어서 사회문화적 매개변인들에 대한 분석)

  • 김정아
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to identify the effects of industrialization upon the traditional house and dwelling space and their socio-cultural parameters. By now, in architecture the industrialization has been studied in relation to the formation of modern architecture and the traditional hose or hosing, as though it were a thing already concluded. for this reason, the relationship between industrialization and traditional housing has not been surveyed sufficiently. In reality, the traditional house, however, survives in spite of industrialization, but certainly modified. To examine the effects of industrialization on the traditional house and housing, we must deepen the concepts of both and sow how they are entangled in the socio-cultural context and that they are internal to each other. The parameters does not act independently on the organization of the dwelling space, but in a system formed by them. After all, the combined action of the parameters effected by industrialization entails the de-structuration of the traditional arrangement in traditional house, and tends toward, although it does not realize completely, the re-structuration for the arrangement of intimacy embodied in modern house.

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Brand Relationship Formation Process of Apparel Products(Part I) (의류제품의 상표관계 경로모형 연구(제1보))

  • 조희라;이선재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.790-800
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    • 2002
  • Brand relationship, which refers to the bond between brands and consumers, plays an important role in marketing due to its positive or negative effects on consumer behavior. The goals of this research were 1) to identify the types of brand relationships between young female consumers and apparel brands, and 2) to examine the influence of brand relationships over consumers'favorable attitudes and strong attachment (durability) to the brands. For the purpose of this study, ten casual wear brands, which are highly perceived by and popular with high school and university female students, were chosen by a preliminary inquiry. And then focused group interviews were performed to develop a questionnaire. The main examination was performed from August 20 to September 12, 2000, using five types of surveys each of which contained two brands. SPSS 8.0 was used for factor analysis and recession analysis. Four types of brand relationships were categorized based on the results of factor analysis: self-devotion, intimacy, rejection and trust. Each factor showed significant influence on both positive altitude and durability.