• Title/Summary/Keyword: ICT 활용학습

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A Box Office Type Classification and Prediction Model Based on Automated Machine Learning for Maximizing the Commercial Success of the Korean Film Industry (한국 영화의 산업의 흥행 극대화를 위한 AutoML 기반의 박스오피스 유형 분류 및 예측 모델)

  • Subeen Leem;Jihoon Moon;Seungmin Rho
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents a model that supports decision-makers in the Korean film industry to maximize the success of online movies. To achieve this, we collected historical box office movies and clustered them into types to propose a model predicting each type's online box office performance. We considered various features to identify factors contributing to movie success and reduced feature dimensionality for computational efficiency. We systematically classified the movies into types and predicted each type's online box office performance while analyzing the contributing factors. We used automated machine learning (AutoML) techniques to automatically propose and select machine learning algorithms optimized for the problem, allowing for easy experimentation and selection of multiple algorithms. This approach is expected to provide a foundation for informed decision-making and contribute to better performance in the film industry.

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A Study on the Implementation of Real-Time Marine Deposited Waste Detection AI System and Performance Improvement Method by Data Screening and Class Segmentation (데이터 선별 및 클래스 세분화를 적용한 실시간 해양 침적 쓰레기 감지 AI 시스템 구현과 성능 개선 방법 연구)

  • Wang, Tae-su;Oh, Seyeong;Lee, Hyun-seo;Choi, Donggyu;Jang, Jongwook;Kim, Minyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.571-580
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    • 2022
  • Marine deposited waste is a major cause of problems such as a lot of damage and an increase in the estimated amount of garbage due to abandoned fishing grounds caused by ghost fishing. In this paper, we implement a real-time marine deposited waste detection artificial intelligence system to understand the actual conditions of waste fishing gear usage, distribution, loss, and recovery, and study methods for performance improvement. The system was implemented using the yolov5 model, which is an excellent performance model for real-time object detection, and the 'data screening process' and 'class segmentation' method of learning data were applied as performance improvement methods. In conclusion, the object detection results of datasets that do screen unnecessary data or do not subdivide similar items according to characteristics and uses are better than the object recognition results of unscreened datasets and datasets in which classes are subdivided.

Anomaly Detection Method Based on Trajectory Classification in Surveillance Systems (감시 시스템에서 궤적 분류를 이용한 이상 탐지 방법)

  • Jeonghun Seo;Jiin Hwang;Pal Abhishek;Haeun Lee;Daesik Ko;Seokil Song
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2024
  • Recent surveillance systems employ multiple sensors, such as cameras and radars, to enhance the accuracy of intrusion detection. However, object recognition through camera (RGB, Thermal) sensors may not always be accurate during nighttime, in adverse weather conditions, or when the intruder is camouflaged. In such situations, it is possible to detect intruders by utilizing the trajectories of objects extracted from camera or radar sensors. This paper proposes a method to detect intruders using only trajectory information in environments where object recognition is challenging. The proposed method involves training an LSTM-Attention based trajectory classification model using normal and abnormal (intrusion, loitering) trajectory data of animals and humans. This model is then used to identify abnormal human trajectories and perform intrusion detection. Finally, the validity of the proposed method is demonstrated through experiments using real data.

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Analysis of difference in elementary-school students' recognition on CS education according to CS education with application of Education Programing Tool (교육용 프로그래밍 도구 활용의 정보과학교육을 통한 초등학생의 정보과학에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Shim, Jae-Kwoun;Kim, Ja-Mee;Lee, Won-Gyu
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.385-393
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    • 2010
  • Elementary information education is currently provided in accordance with the 2000 ICT educational guidelines. Although the focus of education has shifted from practical use to computer science since 2005, in which way academic education should be led isn't yet clear. The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of computer science education(CS education) by an education programming tool on school children's awareness of that education. The selected students received education about unplugged, scratch and robot programming, part of the computer science curriculum, in 12 sessions. As a result, there were significant differences between the experimental and control groups in all the variables that included attitude to computer science, interest in that, satisfaction level, self-efficacy and perception of the value of CS education. The findings of the study suggested that in CS education, the improvement of thinking faculty should take precedence over practical use of what's learned, which is expected to heighten the value of that education.

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Analysis of Status and Demand of Participation in Lifelong Education of Low-Income Class (저소득층의 평생교육 참여 실태와 요구 분석)

  • Kim, Hyeon Seong;Kim, Jin Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed status and demand of participation in lifelong education for 218 residents of low-income class according to National Basic Livelihood Security Act. The results of the study are as follows. First, among the statuses of participation in lifelong education, the abilities to study of the low-income class were reviewed. They showed 95.3% of foreign language ability, 66.1% of ICT utilization capacity and 75.7% of computer literacy ability. And the lifelong education participation rate of low-income people was 75.7% It was considered as passive participation in education. Voluntary participation was identified and analyzed. The the actual participation rate in lifelong education was very low at 22.9%. Social participation and awareness according to participation in lifelong education was 43.3% higher than that of respondents who had no participation experience. Especially, voluntary participants showed 73.3% higher than those who did not participate. Second, as a result of analyzing lifelong education of low income class, 74.8% of the respondents answered that there is wished education program. And 50.0% of them could not participate because they did not have enough time. The programs that they wanted to participate in were the programs that could help their real lives such as home life, health and medical courses, professional qualification obtaining process, etc. This indicates that the income level plays a significant role in participation in lifelong education. As a result of analyzing the results of this study above, Korean lifelong education is emphasized and the participation rate is increasing rapidly. However, participation of low-income class in lifelong education seems low.

Analysis of the Focal Issues on the Digital Textbook Policy and Exploration for the Improvement of the Policy (디지털교과서 정책의 쟁점 분석 및 개선을 위한 시사점 탐색 연구)

  • Jang, Deok-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the issues of digital textbook policy in Korea, using the four dimensional model of Cooper, Fusarelli, & Randall(2004). Building upon systematic review of the policy documents, journals, and articles, I found some issues and implications for the betterment of the policy: From normative dimension, it is important to overcome widespread view of textbook based on positivist epistemology. From structural dimension, we need to move to curriculum-based textbook system and stabilize the organization in authority within the Ministry of Education. From constituentive dimension, much more consideration and support within the authority are to be provided to teachers and students. Lastly, it is critical to develop and disseminate an effective instructional model and build capacity of teachers' ICT from technical dimension. Building upon the results, clarification of policy objectives, establishment of priorities for school grades and subjects in the mid- to long-term perspective, and the establishment of communicative venue for the gathering of opinions of teachers and students who are key participants and activation of operations.

SNS Utilization of Youth and Use as a Learning Tool (청소년의 SNS 이용실태 및 학습도구로써의 활용방안)

  • kang, Hyun-joo;Kim, Chee-Yong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2020
  • Korea, as a leader of Internet and game sector in IT industry, has been playing an important role in increasing its industrial development. This country has won the first place in wireless broadband usage and contributed to Internet game industry development. This means that Korean use smartphones most. It is juveniles that use Internet and smartphones most among Korean who use teenage., the number of the teenagers who overuse smartphones or Internet has surpassed 200,000. The number of the adolescents who spend more time using smartphone and Internet is about 180,000 and the number of the teens who are over-dependent to smartphone having trouble living their lives is over 22,000. The SNS usage rate of the contents that teens are most likely to use has accounted for over 80 percent. Among teens, SNS is being considered as a major means that builds relationship due to smartphone technology and the prevalence of smartphones. However, the use of SNS among youths has two sides; one is positive, the other negative. Not only does SNS have a positive function that it keeps relationship but it also has a negative function that it can lead to smartphone addiction.

A Study on Instructional Methods for Illustration Using Digital Media (디지털 매체를 활용한 일러스트레이션 교육 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Un-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.6
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    • pp.120-130
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    • 2014
  • The present study aimed to find out the most effective instructional method for illustration to aid the $21^{st}$-century post digital generation learners in their education. Although the literature discusses government-led enactment and revision of educational policy and curriculums and research reports by the Ministry of Education and other government agencies as well as many other research articles deal with futuristic instructional methods, the instructional methods in practice have not fully changed yet. Illustration is a means of visual communication and a subject that best represent 'expressionism' and 'speed' of the post digital generation. The present study exemplifies instructional methods to establish the need for lesson plans that best suit individuality of students and for re-training instructors. Also, the feedback process with students proved that the post digital generation learned Photoshop quickly and improved creativity via image synthesis even in short-term instructions. The present findings can be possibly used as reference data for instructional methods for illustration using digital media that best suits learners of the post digital generation. This being said, further studies should delve into specific instructional methods.

Deep Learning City: A Big Data Analytics Framework for Smart Cities (딥러닝 시티: 스마트 시티의 빅데이터 분석 프레임워크 제안)

  • Kim, Hwa-Jong
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2017
  • As city functions develop more complex and advanced, interests in smart cities are also increasing. Smart cities refer to the cities effectively solving urban problems such as traffic, safety, welfare, and living issues by utilizing ICT. Recently, many countries are attempting to introduce big data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence into smart cities, but they have not yet developed into comprehensive urban services. In this paper, we review the current status of domestic and overseas smart cities and suggest ways to solve issues of data sharing and service compatibility. To this end, we propose a "Deep Learning City Framework" that incorporates the deep learning technology into smart city services, and propose a new smart city strategy that safely shares spatial and temporal data in cities and converges learning data of various cities.

Operation of a 3-Year Training Program for Elementary and Secondary Administrators to Foster Creative Convergence Talent (창의융합 인재 양성을 위한 3년간의 초·중등 관리자 연수 프로그램 운영)

  • Jung, Yujin;Park, Namje
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2021
  • The 2015 revised curriculum is structured around the core competencies of the 21st century, this is in line with the world's flow of education, such as OECD Education 2030. A future practical leading model was studied to provide a variety of creative teaching and learning experiences to elementary and Secondary students using intelligent information technology to cultivate core competencies such as ICT and computing thinking. In order for this practical model to stably settle the school field, the training was planned and operated to strengthen the creative convergence education capacity required by the teachers at the unit school through various types of the training. In particular, a nationwide administrators training program was operated for three years, reflecting the new curriculum, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation that can lead to future convergence talent training. In this paper, the perception of creative convergence education was investigated and analyzed considering the influence that administrators may have on the school field. Based on this, through the three-year operation results of the training, it was intended to establish a new training method for stable access to future creative convergence education under the post-corona era's social issues.