• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow of space

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Fault Reactivation Modeling Using Coupled TOUGH2 and FLAC3D Interface Model: DECOVALEX-2019 Task B (TOUGH2-FLAC3D Interface 모델을 통한 단층 재활성 모델링: DECOVALEX-2019 Task B)

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Park, Eui-Seob;Lee, Changsoo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.335-358
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    • 2020
  • We present a numerical model to simulate coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of fault using TOUGH-FLAC simulator. This study aims to develop a numerical method to estimate fluid injection-induced fault reactivation in low permeability rock and to access the relevant hydro-mechanical stability in rock as part of DECOVALEX-2019 Task B. A coupled fluid flow and mechanical interface model to explicitly represent a fault was suggested and validated from the applications to benchmark simulations and the field experiment at Mont Terri underground laboratory in Switzerland. The pressure build-up, hydraulic aperture evolution, displacement, and stress responses matched those obtained at the site, which indicates the capability of the model to appropriately capture the hydro-mechanical processes in rock fault.

Coupled Hydrological-mechanical Behavior Induced by CO2 Injection into the Saline Aquifer of CO2CRC Otway Project (호주 오트웨이 프로젝트 염수층 내 CO2 주입에 따른 수리-역학적 연계거동 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Shinn, Young Jae;Rutqvist, Jonny;Cheon, Dae-Sung;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.166-180
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    • 2016
  • The present study numerically simulated the CO2 injection into the saline aquifer of CO2CRC Otway pilot project and the resulting hydrological-mechanical coupled process in the storage site by TOUGH-FLAC simulator. A three-dimensional numerical model was generated using the stochastic geological model which was established based on well log and core data. It was estimated that the CO2 injection of 30,000t over a period of 200 days increased the pressure near the injection point by 0.5 MPa at the most. The pressure increased rapidly and tended to approach a certain value at an early stage of the injection. The hydrological and mechanical behavior observed from the CO2 flow, effective stress change and stress-strength ratio revealed that the CO2 injection into the saline aquifer under the given condition would not have significant effects on the mechanical safety of the storage site and the hydrological state around the adjacent fault.

Subsurface Characterization using the Simultaneous Search based Pilot Point Method (SSBM) in Various Data Applications (지하수 흐름특성 분석을 위한 동시 검색기반 파일럿 포인트 방법 적용 - 다양한 데이터 활용 기반)

  • Jung, Yong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.579-586
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    • 2019
  • Pilot Point Method (PPM) is one of the popular methods to search hydraulic conductivities in the inverse method using groundwater flow equations. In this study, the Simultaneous Search based Pilot Point Method (SSBM) was applied with diverse information (e.g. hydraulic heads and/or tracer concentration) applications over previously developed sensitivity based Pilot Point Method (e.g. D-optimality based Pilot Point Method: DBM). In the case of DBM, due to the minimized the variance size, tracer concentration can be recognized as a tool to control the searching space of hydraulic conductivities. SSBM reduced the procedure of hydraulic conductivity searching, though it produced more variance for exploring hydraulic conductivities. In addition, SSBM was dependent on the initial hydraulic conductivity values for search finalized hydraulic conductivities. When tracer concentration was applied, searching hydraulic conductivities was more preferable than only when hydraulic head was applied. Applications of various data for searching hydraulic conductivities is recommended as a more efficient way.

A Study on the Architectural Plan Composition in High School which Designed to the Department System (교과교실형 고등학교의 건축 평면적 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Lee, Young-Soo
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2010
  • The Ministry of educational science and technology is about to conduct its 7th &8th curriculum. However, there are some problems in achieving its goals under the current class model system in both educational and architectural. This study finds the characteristics of the arrangements and architectural planning in the departmental system - designed high schools. As a result, the arrangement was tend to be 'overall type' or 'central type' depending on the teaching-learning efficiency. Liberal arts and science&technology groups were placed close, and foreign languages and general cultural studies were arranged close as well. Importantly, there were supporting facilities such as a gymnasium, a cafeteria, a library, a computer lab, and an all-purpose-room, and this arrangement provided convenience. It is for the better learning effect and the high efficiency. It is worthy noticing that the placement and formation of individual or study space is regarded importantly. In flow planning, it seemed that it was designed to reduce the users' movement to a minimum. However, there are still some problems compared to Japan or the States, who already has an established departmental system. I think that the government should enforce its necessity of planning to schools, relevant divisions, or architects to bring it up. Furthermore, it is urgently needed a practical and future-oriented study that can forecast any changes in architectural spaces within the ever-changing teaching and learning environment in the information-oriented society.

Use of an Imaging Technology for Characterizing Core-scale Multiphase Flow: Application to CO2 Geological Storage (이미징기술을 활용한 코어규모의 다상유체 유동 특성화: 이산화탄소 지중저장 연구에의 적용)

  • Kim, Kue-Young
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2018
  • Imaging technologies are applied at various geological scales including pore scale, core scale and intermediate scale in order to characterize pore space of rocks as well as to map the fluid distribution in porous media. This technical report presents experimental results using core-flooding apparatus suited with imaging technology. Three different core samples, that are homogeneous, fractured and heterogeneous cores, were used to assess the two-phase fluid migration behavior as $CO_2$ displaces resident brine. We show that imaging technology can be effective in characterizing salt-precipitation, capillary pressure and spatio-temporal variation of trapping mechanisms.

An Experimental Study of Supersonic Underexpanded Jet Impinging on an Inclined Plate (경사 평판에 충돌하는 초음속 과소팽창 제트에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 이택상;신완순;이정민;박종호;윤현걸;김윤곤
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 1999
  • Problems created by supersonic jet impinging on solid objects or ground arise in a variety of situations. For example multi-stage rocket separation, deep-space docking, V/STOL aircraft, jet-engine exhaust, gas-turbine blade, terrestrial rocket launch, and so on. These impinging jet flows generally contain a complex structures. (mixed subsonic and supersonic regions, interacting shocks and expansion waves, regions of turbulent shear layer) This paper describes experimental works on the phenomena (surface pressure distribution, flow visualization) when underexpanded supersonic jets impinge on the perpendicular, inclined plate using a supersonic cold-(low system. The used supersonic nozzle is convergent-divergent type, exit Mach number 2, The maximum on the plate when it was inclined was much larger than perpendicular plate, owing to high pressure recoveries through multiple shocks. Surface pressure distribution as to underexpanded ratio showed similar patterns together.

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Hardware Synthesis From Coarse-Grained Dataflow Specification For Fast HW/SW Cosynthesis (빠른 하드웨어/소프트웨어 통합합성을 위한 데이타플로우 명세로부터의 하드웨어 합성)

  • Jung, Hyun-Uk;Ha, Soon-Hoi
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.232-242
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    • 2005
  • This paper concerns automatic hardware synthesis from data flow graph (DFG) specification for fast HW/SW cosynthesis. A node in BFG represents a coarse grain block such as FIR and DCT and a port in a block may consume multiple data samples per invocation, which distinguishes our approach from behavioral synthesis and complicates the problem. In the presented design methodology, a dataflow graph with specified algorithm can be mapped to various hardware structures according to the resource allocation and schedule information. This simplifies the management of the area/performance tradeoff in hardware design and widens the design space of hardware implementation of a dataflow graph compared with the previous approaches. Through experiments with some examples, the usefulness of the proposed technique is demonstrated.

Generation of Triangular Mesh of Coronary Artery Using Mesh Merging (메쉬 병합을 통한 관상동맥의 삼각 표면 메쉬 모델 생성)

  • Jang, Yeonggul;Kim, Dong Hwan;Jeon, Byunghwan;Han, Dongjin;Shim, Hackjoon;Chang, Hyuk-jae
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.419-429
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    • 2016
  • Generating a 3D surface model from coronary artery segmentation helps to not only improve the rendering efficiency but also the diagnostic accuracy by providing physiological informations such as fractional flow reserve using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This paper proposes a method to generate a triangular surface mesh using vessel structure information acquired with coronary artery segmentation. The marching cube algorithm is a typical method for generating a triangular surface mesh from a segmentation result as bit mask. But it is difficult for methods based on marching cube algorithm to express the lumen of thin, small and winding vessels because the algorithm only works in a three-dimensional (3D) discrete space. The proposed method generates a more accurate triangular surface mesh for each singular vessel using vessel centerlines, normal vectors and lumen diameters estimated during the process of coronary artery segmentation as the input. Then, the meshes that are overlapped due to branching are processed by mesh merging and merged into a coronary mesh.

Evaluation on the Discontinuity Characteristics and Rock Quality Designations of the Rock Mass around KURT (KURT 주변 암반에 대한 불연속면 분포와 암질지수 평가)

  • Seungbeom, Choi;Kyung-Woo, Park;Yong-Ki, Lee
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.397-410
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    • 2022
  • The safety of the disposal repository for high level radioactive waste should be guaranteed for a quite long period so that the precise evaluations are required. The site characteristics of the discontinuities are essential part of the safe repository design including engineered barrier and natural barrier systems. The discontinuities act like weak planes and at the same time, they act as flow paths so that their features should be investigated thoroughly. RQD (Rock Quality Designation) is one of the most widely applied characterizing methods due to its simplicity, however, modified designations have been proposed because RQD has some drawbacks, such as its directivity and dependence on the threshold length. This study aims to evaluate the applicability of the modified designations by applying them to the rock mass around KURT and to produce fundamental database that will be utilized in future studies.

Development of Stochastic-Dynamic Channel Routing Model by Storage Function Method (저류함수법에 의한 추계동역학적 하도홍수추적모형의 개발)

  • Bae, Deok-Hyo;Jeong, Il-Mun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2000
  • The objectives of this study are to develop a state-space form of stochastic dynamic storage function routing model and to test the model performance for real-time flow forecast. The selected study area is the main Han River starting from Paldang Dam site to Indogyo station and the 13 flood events occurred from 1987 to 1998 are selected for computing model parameters and testing the model performance. It was shown that the optimal model parameters are quite different depending on Hood events, but the values used on field work also give reasonable results in this study area. It is also obvious that the model performance from the stochastic-dynamic model developed in this study gives more accurate and reliable results than that from the existing deterministic model. Analysis for allowable forecast lead time leads that under the current time step the reasonable predicted downstream flows in 5 hours time advance are obtained from the stochastic dynamic model on relatively less lateral inflow event in the study area.

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