• Title/Summary/Keyword: Decision-making processes

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A Study on the Structural Causal Relationship between Job Characteristics, Job Commitment, and Job Satisfaction of Industrial Organization Food Service Workers (산업체 단체급식 종사자의 직무특성과 직업몰입, 직무만족 간의 구조적인 인과관계에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Eun-Su;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2017
  • This study conducted a survey on 414 industrial organization food service workers in the Kyungnam area to find out the effect relationship of the job characteristics of organization food service workers and its effects on job commitment and job satisfaction by recognizing the need for job application through the job characteristic model, which was the beginning of the intrinsic motivation theory for the job of organization food service workers. To accomplish the purpose of this study, the method to analyze the survey was undertaken by using the SPSS 23.0 and Amos 21.0 statistic package program via a data coding process for collected data processing. We can confirm from the analysis results that there is a statistically significant causal relationship in all factors, except task identity, which is a sub factor of job characteristic. This result reaffirms the results of previous research by showing that the worker must be allowed to ensure completion of the entire job when performing the job as the job itself is not one part of the processes. Decision-making autonomy must be given in the work process when the worker performs their job in order to raise job satisfaction and furthermore to increase job commitment. The limitation of this study is that there are limits that making generalization as the study was conducted on industrial organization food service workers in the Kyungnam area as extracted samples.

Design and Empirical Study of an Online Education Platform Based on B2B2C, Focusing on the Perspective of Art Education

  • Hou, Shaopeng;Ahn, Jongchang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.726-741
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide instructive theoretical models for art (music) education institutions especially when unpredictable risks, such as pandemics, occur again. Based on the customer behavior theory of the business-to-business-to-customer (B2B2C) platform, and in combination with the technology acceptance model (TAM) and expectation confirmation model (ECM), this study proposes an online education model from the perspective of art education. The framework is based on the three decision-making processes of the customer, and includes the product owner, content owner, and customer area. This paper highlights the factors that influence customers in making decisions when art education institutions are product owners. Regression analysis was introduced to study the factors influencing the expectation confirmation, and the overall fitting testing and six hypotheses testing of 385 effective samples were performed using the structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that the course-design and after-service positively influenced the expectation confirmation, and the domain image positively influenced the continuance behavior. Negative emotions skipped the mediator (expectation confirmation) and directly exerted a significant negative impact on customers' willingness to continue system usage (continuance behavior). In addition, expectation confirmation positively influenced continuance behavior. The paths of detailed items comprising course-design, after-service, and negative emotion were also analyzed and discussed. In this path analysis, ordinary art learners did not believe that AI partners can play a very good auxiliary role. The findings contribute to the scope of information systems acting as an art education platform academically, and provide effective and theoretical support for the actual operation of art education institutions.

Development of an Enhanced Risk Management System for Construction Defect Control in Industrial Plants

  • Kihun Song
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1313-1313
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes the development of an advanced Risk Management System (RMS) using Risk-Based Methodologies (RBM) specifically tailored for addressing construction defects in industrial plants. Urbanization and industrialization demand robust frameworks to handle the complexities and safety concerns in construction projects. Traditional risk management often overlooks critical aspects such as persistent construction defects. This paper discusses the development of an innovative Risk Management System (RMS) that integrates Risk-Based Methodologies (RBM) specifically for construction defect mitigation in industrial settings. The study centers around the implementation of Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) techniques, tailored to enhance traditional risk management systems. This includes developing a specialized risk assessment tool alongside an online management platform, designed to provide continuous monitoring and comprehensive management of construction risks. The proposed system-RBE-i (Risk-Based Execution for Installation)-focuses on identifying, evaluating, and mitigating risks effectively, utilizing a systematic approach that integrates seamlessly into existing construction workflows. The RBE-i system's core lies in its ability to conduct thorough risk analyses and real-time data provision. It uses digital technologies to improve communication, operational efficiency, and decision-making processes across construction projects. By applying these methodologies, the system enhances safety and ensures more efficient project execution by preemptively identifying potential risks and addressing them promptly. Field applications of RBE-i have demonstrated its effectiveness in significantly reducing construction defects, thus validating its potential as a transformative tool in construction risk management. The system sets new industry standards by shifting from reactive to proactive risk management practices, ultimately leading to safer, more reliable, and cost-effective construction operations. In conclusion, the RMS developed through this study not only addresses the pressing needs of construction risk management but also proposes a paradigm shift towards more proactive, structured, and technology-driven practices. The successful integration of the RBE-i system across various pilot projects illustrates its significant potential to improve overall project outcomes, making it an invaluable addition to the field of construction management.

A study on the use of a Business Intelligence system : the role of explanations (비즈니스 인텔리전스 시스템의 활용 방안에 관한 연구: 설명 기능을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, YoungOk
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.155-169
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    • 2014
  • With the rapid advances in technologies, organizations are more likely to depend on information systems in their decision-making processes. Business Intelligence (BI) systems, in particular, have become a mainstay in dealing with complex problems in an organization, partly because a variety of advanced computational methods from statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence can be applied to solve business problems such as demand forecasting. In addition to the ability to analyze past and present trends, these predictive analytics capabilities provide huge value to an organization's ability to respond to change in markets, business risks, and customer trends. While the performance effects of BI system use in organization settings have been studied, it has been little discussed on the use of predictive analytics technologies embedded in BI systems for forecasting tasks. Thus, this study aims to find important factors that can help to take advantage of the benefits of advanced technologies of a BI system. More generally, a BI system can be viewed as an advisor, defined as the one that formulates judgments or recommends alternatives and communicates these to the person in the role of the judge, and the information generated by the BI system as advice that a decision maker (judge) can follow. Thus, we refer to the findings from the advice-giving and advice-taking literature, focusing on the role of explanations of the system in users' advice taking. It has been shown that advice discounting could occur when an advisor's reasoning or evidence justifying the advisor's decision is not available. However, the majority of current BI systems merely provide a number, which may influence decision makers in accepting the advice and inferring the quality of advice. We in this study explore the following key factors that can influence users' advice taking within the setting of a BI system: explanations on how the box-office grosses are predicted, types of advisor, i.e., system (data mining technique) or human-based business advice mechanisms such as prediction markets (aggregated human advice) and human advisors (individual human expert advice), users' evaluations of the provided advice, and individual differences in decision-makers. Each subject performs the following four tasks, by going through a series of display screens on the computer. First, given the information of the given movie such as director and genre, the subjects are asked to predict the opening weekend box office of the movie. Second, in light of the information generated by an advisor, the subjects are asked to adjust their original predictions, if they desire to do so. Third, they are asked to evaluate the value of the given information (e.g., perceived usefulness, trust, satisfaction). Lastly, a short survey is conducted to identify individual differences that may affect advice-taking. The results from the experiment show that subjects are more likely to follow system-generated advice than human advice when the advice is provided with an explanation. When the subjects as system users think the information provided by the system is useful, they are also more likely to take the advice. In addition, individual differences affect advice-taking. The subjects with more expertise on advisors or that tend to agree with others adjust their predictions, following the advice. On the other hand, the subjects with more knowledge on movies are less affected by the advice and their final decisions are close to their original predictions. The advances in predictive analytics of a BI system demonstrate a great potential to support increasingly complex business decisions. This study shows how the designs of a BI system can play a role in influencing users' acceptance of the system-generated advice, and the findings provide valuable insights on how to leverage the advanced predictive analytics of the BI system in an organization's forecasting practices.

The Effect of Personal Creativity on Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Behavior: Focused on Retail Workers (개인 창의성이 지식공유와 혁신행동에 미치는 영향: 유통업 종사자를 중심으로)

  • LEE, Joon-Pyo;PARK, Kye-Hong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - First, empirical research will reveal how personal creativity affects the knowledge sharing and innovation behaviors of organizational members. Second, self-management competency will be verified to explain the causal relationship between independent and dependent variables as a mediating variable and to reduce the time interval. Research design, data, and methodology - There are two major research models. First, personal creativity (professionalism, emotional intelligence, internal motivation) has a positive impact on knowledge sharing (creation of knowledge, organization of knowledge, use of knowledge) and innovation behavior (deriving ideas, implementing ideas, promoting ideas). Second, self-management competency (intellectual capacity, emotional capacity, personality capacity) plays a mediating role. In addition to descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, Cronbach's α was calculated for 259 workers in the retail industry. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the AMOS 24.0 program, and the influence on the measurement model was analyzed to verify the structural equation model. Results - First, personal creativity had a positive effect on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. In other words, it was confirmed that the decision-making process accompanied by individual creativity can create an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and continue to innovate. Second, personal creativity had a positive effect on self-management competency, and self-management competency had a positive effect on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. Third, self-management competency was found to partially mediate the influence of personal creativity on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. Conclusions - First, it is important for managers to recognize the value of creative talents who can be a fundamental source of organizational success and competitive advantage, and to attract talented people. Second, managers should be able to develop decision-making processes to develop potential creativity and encourage creative ideas, opinions, or solutions when organizing the work environment of their members. Third, managers should promote the sharing and integration of new knowledge that underlies the creative views and attitudes of teams and organizational members. Unlike previous studies, which emphasize the role of the work environment in which creative behaviors are promoted, this study shows that creativity of individual members, itself, is an important determinant of knowledge sharing and innovation behavior.

The Study on the Institutional Trend and Introduction of SEA in Korea (전략환경평가의 제도화 동향과 국내 도입 방안)

  • Kim, Im-Soon;Kim, Yoon-Shin;Seo, Yong-Seok;Chang, Sung-Oun;Choi, Won-Wook;Han, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.171-188
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    • 2003
  • Environmental Impact Assessment(ElA) in Korea has been used to improve environmental conservation and decision-making since environmental impact statement(EIS) was introduced in 1981 with the promulgation of the Environmental Preservation Act in 1977. which replaoed the Pollution Control Act legislated in 1%3. Together with a rapid growth of environmental perception as well as the diversification of development activities, however, it has recently bring about a strong demand for a new assessment process related to the strategic level of policies, plan, programs. In order to overcome such a limit in ElA system, Prior Environmental Review System(PERS) was introduced for assessment of administrative plans mainly concerned with development projects in 1993. In 1999. the regulations for PERS have been established by an amendment of the Basic Environmental Policy Act.Therefore the foundation of EIA system to integrate environmental concerns in planning processes and project works has been refonned. However the results of the execution of PERS were somewhat insuffident due to the institutional and technical matters. As the world's attention turns to sustainability and the considerations of cumulative effects, the concept of strategic envirorunental assessment(SEA) has taken on more significance and urgency and increasing number of countries and international organizations now undertake some form of SEA. The term SEA, however, is variously defined and understood, generally it means a formal process of systematic analysis of the envirorunental effects of development policies, plans, programmes and other proposed strategic actions. This process extends the aims and principles of EIA upstream in the decision-making process, beyond the project level and when major alternatives are still open. In this paper, we are discussing the significance of SEA and its relevance to EIA and the international trends and institutionalization of SEA. In conclusion we are discussing the comprehensive developing plan for SEA in Korea, then proposing a plan to make institutional arrangements for its application.

Students’ Perception of Landscape Design Studio Education (조경설계 스튜디오 교육에 대한 학생들의 인식)

  • Kim, Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.9-24
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates how students perceive landscape design studio classes and provides basic data to set guidelines for future student-oriented pedagogical strategies in landscape architectural design education. This study is based on the premise that the current dominant educational method, which is based on positivism, should shift to a constructivist approach, which allows students to question objective and absolute truths and restructure knowledge based on their own experiences. Unlike lecture-oriented classes, studio education relies heavily on the perceptions, attitudes, and capabilities of individual students because the nature of the class asks each student to find solutions to given project problems in creative and visual ways. Therefore, it is important to understand the psychological state of students during these classes in order to set alternative criteria for design studio education. This study contains three parts. The first part reviews theoretical discourses to understand the demands for a student-oriented educational paradigm shift and the nature of the design studio at many levels. The second part analyzes how students perceive design studio classes in terms of their satisfaction and stress levels and how studio classes affect their decision making regarding future careers. The stress levels accompanying the design process are also investigated, based on a survey of undergraduate students who are enrolled in the landscape architecture programs of four universities in Korea. According to the findings, design studio classes play a specific role in students' decision making about their future careers. Almost half of students turn out to be dissatisfied with their design education, and half of students suffer from high stress levels caused by studio classes, especially in the early phases of the design process. The findings suggest that instructors should give more attention to discovering ways to help students initiate the design process and bridge ideas and forms, provide clear guidelines for evaluation of students' abilities, and develop a more holistic approach in design studio classes that is based on individual problem-solving processes.

The Effects on SSI program of elementary pre-service teachers in 'The Universe and the Earth' ('우주와 지구' 분야에서 초등 예비교사들의 SSI 프로그램 수업 적용 효과)

  • Lee, Yong-Seob;Kim, Soon-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.338-346
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    • 2014
  • In this study, find out of recognition of the effect of science, society and ethical aspects on natural disasters and understanding degree of knowledge applying for SSI class aimed at elementary pre-service teachers by developing SSI training program of the 'Earth and Space' field. Also, after SSI class application we examined the change perceptions of elementary pre-service teachers. SSI training program was that elementary pre-service teachers participated in the SSI class of a variety of subjects in the field of 'Earth and Space' and directly joined in the decision-making process and reflectional discussion with colleagues as conducted in this class reflective discussion with the pre-primary teachers pre-service teachers. Elementary pre-service teachers were understanding of the nature of the science and to understand in more depth about the SSI class characteristics. This study, second grade 115 people who was taking 'science and teaching materials' course in B National University of Education at B city participated. In order to apply for SSI class, one semester based on 15 weeks until seven weeks were science and teaching materials and based on the nature of science, after 8 weeks we set the theme of the contents related to the Earth and space and give lesson applied for SSI. During 8 weeks, test subjects 4 classes were taking 50 minutes a week 100 minutes. First time has theoretical lessons in topics related to the 'Earth and space' and on the second week, each classes participate in the decision-making processes respectivly by dicussing and debating on the first week's topic as regarding social and moral aspects of it. We obtained the following results. First, elementary pre-service teachers were acquiring the results of 67% in the knowledge aspects of the 'Earth and space'. This result was determined that most of the elementary pre-service teachers were liberal arts in high school. Second, while participating in the SSI class, elementary pre-service teachers were concretely aware of the nature of SSI and the characteristics of the class. Third, the elementary pre-service teacher are thaught that introduction education courses about 'Earth and space' are needed but most of the students responded that this would require a lot of effort of teachers. This was derived from not familiar class form that did not fulfill in the science teaching methods until now.

Preference on the locations of Future House in Metropolitan Area, In Case of Taegu-si and Its Neighboring Areas (대도시권 지역의 미래 주택입지 선호도, 대구광역시권을 사례로)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Park, Kyu-Taeg
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.216-228
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    • 2002
  • This study analyzes the decision-making processes for university students to choose the location of their future houses in metropolitan area. Based on their intuitive judgment, the university students prefer the general criteria, transportation, facility, education and society, and economy in order. The Kendall coefficient of concordance W which determines the association among the rankings of the students' judgement on the importance of the general criteria is so low. It means that the students highly disagree their rankings of the importance of the general criteria. The rankings of the importance of the criteria like as transportation and education society are concentrated on a mean value, but those of the criteria like natural environment and economy are relatively dispersed. The students prefer the area between the center of Taegu-si center and its outskirts, the outskirts of Taegu-si, and the center of Taegu'si in order as an alternative location of their future house. From the specific criteria like the price of land and house, the student's preferences on the alternative locations of future house are varied as compared with those of the general criteria. According to a sensitivity analysis, the student's preference on the center of Taegu-si is increased, but that on the the outskirts of Taegu-si is decreased as the importance of facility and transportation factor is increased. On the contrary, the student's preference on the outskirts of Taegu-si is increased, but that on the center of Taegu-si is decreased as the importance of natural environments is increased.

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A Study on the Determinants of Purchasing Decision Making for Effective Branding Strategy: Focusing the Medicine Treatment in Infantile Obesity (효과적인 브랜딩 전략을 위한 소비자 구매의사 결정 요인 분석: 소아비만 치료제 유통시장을 중심으로)

  • Park, Mun-Seo;Kim, Hyung-Joon;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2011
  • This study is important in its focus to find key clues in the marketing strategy, consumer behavior, and communication processes that define the infantile obesity market. The study, the first of its kind, surveyed a target audience, purchasing group, and housewives in their quest to determine purchasing decisions and effective branding strategy planning for the infantile obesity market. Another key component of the study was to focus on the key direct and/or indirect distribution channels for the subject market. Recently, obesity has emerged as a major social concern; some studies show that the onslaught of an adverse eating culture in Korea emanates from the prevalence of fast-food dining establishments. Obesity among children leads to adult obesity, especially if the young people's parents are overweight; notably, if either one or both of the parents are obese, the percentage of young people eventually being obese is approximately 80 to 85 percent. Because obesity is the cause of many major health concerns later in life, the struggle for a healthy life is considerably adversely affected by parents' consumer behavior. Infantile obesity, resulting in adult obesity, is also an important national economic and social issue. The sizable direct and indirect economic costs, as well as the tremendous social costs of obesity, cannot be overstated. Effective food branding and advertising centered on food preferences and dietary behaviors, especially to children, creates an effective marketing effort that, ultimately, leads to positive results. Thus, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the treatment of childhood obesity in Korea, through the activation of a brand and retail market, can effectively solve social and economic problems that result from infantile and childhood obesity. In this study, obesity markets and distribution channels in the purchase decision-making factors determining factor based on it effective inspection and branding strategies and brand marketing communications strategy proposed measures contribute to the obesity drug market and further enable the childhood obesity problem is intended to assist in solving.

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