• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction level

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Development of CPLD technology mapping algorithm for Sequential Circuit under Time Constraint (시간제약 조건하에서 순차 회로를 위한 CPLD 기술 매핑 알고리즘 개발)

  • Youn, Chung-Mo;Kim, Hi-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.224-234
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we propose a new CPLD technology mapping algorithm for sequential circuit under time constraints. The algorithm detects feedbacks of sequential circuit, separate each feedback variables into immediate input variable, and represent combinational part into DAG. Also, among the nodes of the DAG, the nodes that the number of outdegree is more than or equal to 2 is not separated, but replicated from the DAG, and reconstructed to fanout-free-tree. To use this construction method is for reason that area is less consumed than the TEMPLA algorithm to implement circuits, and process time is improved rather than TMCPLD within given time constraint. Using time constraint and delay of device the number of partitionable multi-level is defined, the number of OR terms that the initial costs of each nodes is set to and total costs that the costs is set to after merging nodes is calculated, and the nodes that the number of OR terms of CLBs that construct CPLD is excessed is partitioned and is reconstructed as subgraphs. The nodes in the partitioned subgraphs is merged through collapsing, and the collapsed equations is performed by bin packing so that if fit to the number of OR terms in the CLBs of a given device. In the results of experiments to MCNC circuits for logic synthesis benchmark, we can shows that proposed technology mapping algorithm reduces the number of CLBs bu 15.58% rather than the TEMPLA, and reduces process time rather than the TMCPLD.

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Study of Pro-environmental Development for Golf Course in Korea (한국 골프장의 친환경적 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 김광두
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 1998
  • Nowadays, there are increasing demands of golf courses and it is necessary to make more golf courses than the present. To do this, we need to improve the environmental problems with the regional inhabitants, and it is said that the first thing to be considered in developing any golf course in Korea is to preserve the environment. In this context, the purpose of this study is to set forth several design factors to lessen the negative impacts which are accompanied with the development of golf courses. 1. The present conditions of golf courses in Korea Many new golf courses have come into being, particularly since the late 1980s, and now, in the year of 1997, over one hundred of golf courses are doing their business, yet the number of golf course is still less than required. So far, over a half of them have been made in the vicinity of Seoul on account of various reasons, and this has adversely affected on our natural environment. This unreasonable development of golf courses has caused serious water pollution, landslides and the other problems. Also, the topography of Korea is not good for golf courses. Although the demands of golf courses are increasing, the suitable sites for them are very limited, and therefore it is sometimes unavoidable to make golf courses on steep hills. Consequently, in designing golf courses in Korea, the most important thing is the balance between natural environment and artificial environment. 2.Eco-friendly golf course design factors 1) The concept of eco-friendly golf courses Ecologically sustainable and sound golf courses which are made by eco-friendly approaches 2)Basic conditions of eco-friendly golf courses (1)The most suitable sites (2) Conservation of existing ground as much as possible (3)Proper use of agricultural chemicals which have great impacts on the environment (4) Reasonable use of fertilizers (5) Developing a specialized fertilizer only for grass (6) Adaptation of organic agriculture (7) Improvement of grass sorts (8) Establishing reservoirs for purifying the water from golf courses 3) Eco-friendly golf courses (1) Location-Enough area /Gentle slope/Winding ground/Including lakes or streams /Not crossing wind's main direction Facing south or southeast /Suitable soIl for grass /Good drainage /Low level of underground water (2)Course layout and design -Consideration about existing contours as much as possible -Adaptation of Scotish design trend -Various holes' configuration -Consideration toward surrounding landscapes -Reducing grass areas -Giving buffer zones -Adapting computer methods in the process of site analysis and design (3) Eco-friendly considerations in constructing and managing golf courses -Protection of wildlife -Reuse of existing forests and preservation of topsoil -Renovation of old-fashioned courses -Reducing grass areas -Purification of water -Standization of management -Strict regulations against chemicals -Recycling organic materials -Through separation of the water inside golf courses and out of bounds -Getting proper construction works done in a due time 4.Eco-friendly considerations from a viewpoint of cultural environment 1) Well-matched landscape design and events planning 2) Implement of identifications and awarding systerns 3)Acknowledgement of superintendents' qualitications in the maintenance of golf courses 4)Increasing public golf courses and keeping good relationships with the neighbors near golf courses Key words: Pro-environmental development, Golf course.

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Classification of a Volumetric MRI Using Gibbs Distributions and a Line Model (깁스분포와 라인모델을 이용한 3차원 자기공명영상의 분류)

  • Junchul Chun
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : This paper introduces a new three dimensional magnetic Resonance Image classification which is based on Mar kov Random Field-Gibbs Random Field with a line model. Material and Methods : The performance of the Gibbs Classifier over a statistically heterogeneous image can be improved if the local stationary regions in the image are disassociated from each other through the mechanism of the interaction parameters defined at the local neighborhood level. This usually involves the construction of a line model for the image. In this paper we construct a line model for multisignature images based on the differential of the image which can provide an a priori estimate of the unobservable line field, which may lie in regions with significantly different statistics. the line model estimated from the original image data can in turn be used to alter the values of the interaction parameters of the Gibbs Classifier. Results : MRF-Gibbs classifier for volumetric MR images is developed under the condition that the domain of the image classification is $E^{3}$ space rather thatn the conventional $E^{2}$ space. Compared to context free classification, MRF-Gibbs classifier performed better in homogeneous and along boundaries since contextual information is used during the classification. Conclusion : We construct a line model for multisignature, multidimensional image and derive the interaction parameter for determining the energy function of MRF-Gibbs classifier.

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Maximum Power Dissipation Esitimation Model of CMOS digital Gates based on Characteristics of MOSFET (MOSFET 특성에 기초한 CMOS 디지털 게이트의 최대소모전력 예측모델)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Jung, Byung-Kweon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.36C no.9
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    • pp.54-65
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    • 1999
  • As the integration ratio and operating speed increase, it has become an important problem to estimate the dissipated power during the design procedure to reduce th TTM(time to market). This paper proposed a prediction model for the maximum dissipated power of a CMOS logic gate. This model uses a calculating method. It was constructed by including the characteristics of MOSFETs, the operational characteristics of the gate, and the characteristics of the input signals. As the construction procedure, a maximum power estimation model for CMOS inverter was formed first, And then, a conversion model to convert a multiple input CMOS gate into a corresponding CMOS inverter was proposed. Finally, the power model for inverter was applied to the converted result so that the model could be applied to a general CMOS gate. We designed several CMOS gates in layout level with $0.6{\mu}m$ design rule to apply both to HSPICE simulation and to the proposed models. The comparison between the two results showed that the gate conversion model and the power estimation model had within 5% and 10% of the relative errors, respectively. Those values show that the proposed models have sufficient accuracies. Also in calculation time, the proposed models were more than 30 times faster than HSPICE simulation. Consequently, it can be said that the proposed model could be used efficiently to estimate the maximum dissipated power of a CMOS logic gate during the design procedure.

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Environment Parameters Affecting Heavy Metal Concentration in Sand Collected from Children Playground in Seoul Metropolitan Area

  • An, Hyunsun;Kim, Juhee;Hyun, Seunghun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2013
  • The concentrations of heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), and arsenic (As) in sand samples collected from selected children's playground and their correlation with environmental parameters, such as concentration of particulate matter in the atmosphere ($PM_{10}$), apartment age (> 5 years), clay and organic matter contents in sand samples, were analyzed. The average heavy metal concentration in samples was 0.040 mg $kg^{-1}$ for Cd, 0.200 mg $kg^{-1}$ for Cr, 1.75 mg $kg^{-1}$ for Cu, 15.1 mg $kg^{-1}$ for Ni, 3.42 mg $kg^{-1}$ for Pb, 66.7 mg $kg^{-1}$ for Zn and 0.750 mg $kg^{-1}$ for As, all of which were below the environmental regulatory level established by Korea Ministry of Environment. However, in the consideration of direct and oral exposure by children to playground sand, the risk of the concentration range in the samples might be greatly enhanced. Heavy metal concentration in samples collected from high $PM_{10}$ (> $70{\mu}gm^{-3}$) area was slightly greater than in samples from low $PM_{10}$ (< $70{\mu}gm^{-3}$), indicating the contribution of particulate matter in air phase to heavy metal concentration in playground sand samples. The concentrations of both Cd and Pb were the highest in apartments older than 21 years (0.050 mg $kg^{-1}$ and 5.28 mg $kg^{-1}$ for Cd and Pb respectively) and showed positive correlation with apartment age (p<0.01 and p<0.001 for Cd and Pb, respectively). Clay content in playground sands ranged 3.8~11.2% and was positively correlated with heavy metal concentration. Organic matter content was negligible (mostly < 0.1%) and showed poor correlation with heavy metal concentration. In conclusion, concentration of heavy metals in playground sand was found to be predominantly influenced by the apartment age and clay content in sand samples and supplemented by dust deposition of particulate matter ($PM_{10}$) from atmosphere.

Filter Media Specifications for Low Impact Development: A Review of Current Guidelines and Applications (LID 시설 여재에 관한 기술지침 및 적용에 관한 고찰)

  • Guerra, Heidi B.;Kim, Lee-Hyung;Kim, Youngchul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.321-333
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    • 2019
  • A primary aspect of low impact development (LID) design that affects performance efficiency, maintenance frequency, and lifespan of the facility is the type of filter media as well as the arrangement or media profile. Several LID guidelines providing media specifications are currently available and numerous studies have been published presenting the effectiveness of these systems. While some results are similar and consistent, some of them still varies and only a few focuses on the effect of filter media type and arrangement on system performance. This creates a certain level of uncertainty when it comes to filter media selection and design. In this review, a synthesis of filter media specifications from several LID design guidelines are presented and relevant results from different laboratory and field studies are highlighted. The LID systems are first classified as infiltration or non-infiltration structures, and vegetated or non-vegetated structures. Typical profiles of the media according to classification are shown including the different layers, materials, and depth. In addition, results from previous studies regarding the effect of filter media characteristics on hydraulic and hydrologic functions as well as pollutant removal are compared. Other considerations such as organic media leaching, clogging, media washing, and handling during construction were also briefly discussed. This review aims to provide a general guideline that can contribute to proper media selection and design for structural LIDs. In addition, it also identifies opportunities for future research.

A Study on Vector-based Converting Method for Hydrological Application of Rainfall Radar Image (레이더 영상의 수문학적 활용을 위한 벡터 변환방법 연구)

  • Jee, Gye-Hwan;Oh, Kyoung-Doo;An, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.729-741
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    • 2012
  • Among the methods of precipitation data acquisition, a rain gauge station has a distinctive advantage of direct measurement of rainfall itself, but multiple stations should be installed in order to obtain areal precipitation data required for hydrological analysis. On the other hand, a rainfall radar may provide areal distribution of rainfall in real time though it is an indirect measurement of radar echoes on rain drops. Rainfall radars have been shown useful especially for forecasting short-term localized torrential storms that may cause catastrophic flash floods. CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator), which is one of the several types of radar rainfall image data, has been provided on the Internet in real time by Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). It is one of the most widely available rainfall data in Korea with fairly high level of confidence as it is produced with bias adjustment and quality control procedures by KMA. The objective of this study is to develop an improved way to extract quantitative rainfall data applicable to even very small watersheds from CAPPI using CIVCOM, which is a new image processing method based on a vector-based scheme proposed in this study rather than raster-based schemes proposed by other researchers. This study shows usefulness of CIVCOM through comparison of rainfall data produced by image processing methods including traditional raster-based schemes and a newly proposed vector-based one.

Evaluation of GPS and Totalstation Surveying for Facilities Mapping (시설물 현황도 작성을 위한 GPS와 토털스테이션 측량의 적용 및 성과분석)

  • 박병욱;이대근;양경주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2003
  • This study presents the detailed methods for facilities mapping using GPS and Totalstation. From the control survey by GPS network adjustment, the level of significance fur the height value of fourth order triangulation stations used in this study was estimated about 10cm. According to the result of verification for the transformation coefficients of national coordinate, which were announced by the National Geographic Information Institute, RMSE f coordinate transformation was found out as $\pm$0.546m that can be applied to a map scale less than 1/10,000. The accuracy analysis of height determination by Totalstation for the traverse points spaced average 90m showed that RMSE came out $\pm$9mm on the basis of direct leveling, so it indicated that trigonometric leveling by Totalstation was correct comparatively. The result of accuracy analysis of GPS/RTK surveying on traverse points showed that RMSE came out $\pm$33mm in horizontal location on the basis of Totalstation's outcome and $\pm$15mm in height value on the basis of direct leveling. In the construction survey, GPS/RTK surveying is quicker and more economical than Totalstation surveying in the feasible areas of GPS surveying. but there were many impossible areas for GPS/RTK surveying by the obstacles like a building.

Factors Required to Sustain Pastoral Farming Systems and Forage Supply In Winter-Cold Zones in Korea (한국의 동계한냉지역에 있어서 초지개발과 조사료 공급의 활성화에 필요한 요인)

  • 김동암
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 1992
  • The area of grassland established and the arable land in forage production have been decreased recently in Korea. As a result, forages available from the grassland and the arable land provided only 40% of the total roughage consumed by cattle in 1991, compared with 54% in 1989. The decreasing trend of the forage production has been impinged on by a number of legislative. socio-economic. technical and other constraints negatively affecting grassland and forage development. Consequently. effective systems and strategies are quite necessary to have sustainable grassland farming in Korea. In spring and autumn, temperatures are too low for subtropical forage crops, and the summer monsoon climate is another serious limitation to the use of cool-season species. Therefore it is an imperative that not only the research-based grassland development but also the forage crop production should be strongly supported by the government authorities to overcome such climatic limitations. Private forest land holdings are of relatively small units in Korea. Accordingly. it is necessary and important to enlarge the forest land holdings per farm to develop as economic units of grassland. For this the government should introduce new policy measures such as for example: long-term leases of Sorest land and the idle arable land of absentee owners ; rational rental system of national and public forest lands; integrating livestock and forest production. All the laws and regulations standing in the way of the grassland development in forest lands should be modified and revised to open the way for much easier development of grassland. It is also proposed that a high level of financial incentives -hould be provided for structural improvements for the grassland development. They may be: mechanization facilitation, construction of new roads relating to grassland, and land exchange and consolidation. And it is basically necessary that financial enumeration or profits must be garanteed in order to motivate farmers to keep up farming continuously. For more efficient grassland development in mountainous areas, reorganization of Alpine Experiment Station and NAB1 Namwon Branch Station may be needed. Research should be strengthened for completion of pasture mixtures, development of maximum forage production methods with a view to saving labor and reducing production costs, introduction of grazing and forage conservation techniques. and utilization of rice straw as more palatable and nutritious forage source. In order to have more efficient and effective transfer of advanced forage production technologies to livestock farmers the user-clients. it is also essential that special training measures should be given to livestock farmers through making greater use of specialized research and extension workers.

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A Study of Potential Buyers' Consciousness of Single-Family Housing in Ulsan (단독주택에 대한 울산시 거주자의 주의식 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Suk;Yang, Se-Hwa
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the study was to identify the potential buyers' consciousness of single-family housing to provide useful data to help future single-family housing supplies in Ulsan. The study selected residents in Ulsan, who were over twenty and had an interest in living in a single-family housing. A survey was conducted from September 11, 2008 to September 25, 2008. The sample consisted of 364 persons who are currently live in Ulsan metropolitan area. The results are as following. About two thirds of the sample had the desire to live in a single-family housing. Moving into a single-family housing had financial preparation as the greatest issue. When moving into a single-family housing, the convenience of the residential district was the greatest consideration, whether or not it is a green environment, pollution level, etc. The potential buyers valued environment-friendly features and also had a very strong desire to own their own house. Many of them wanted to design and build their own single-family housing within a budget of 100-200 million KRW. In terms of the location, there was a higher preference for the riverside or lakeside rural areas outside the city. In terms of size, the preference was less than $330m^2$, which includes $99-132m^2$ for residential. When considering a single-family housing the direction was the most important feature, along with eco-friendly and safer materials and equipments. When building the single-family housing the potential buyers considered the community spaces first with a preference for having three bedrooms and two bathrooms. For the exterior, they wanted a unique shape of roof and there were high preferences for brown and beige colors. In terms of housing complexes, the potential buyers preferred individual unit types over complexes. If they preferred housing complexes, they wanted the cluster form complex with about 10-30 units. The complex also required a park-like setting with a guard system, which shows that convenience and safety were the most important features. In terms of complex management, they considered environmental management as the most important feature. The potential buyers were willing to pay belw 200,000 KRW, which showed their desire to minimize financial burdens.