• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cognitive efficiency

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An Implementation of Brain-wave DB building system for Artifacts prevention using Face Tracking (얼굴 추적 기반의 잡파 혼입 방지가 가능한 뇌파 DB구축 시스템 구현)

  • Shin, Jeong-Hoon;Kwon, Hyeong-Oh
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2009
  • Leading of the computer, IT technology has make great strides. As a information-industry-community was highly developed, user's needs to convenience about intelligence and humanization of interface is being increase today. Nowadays, researches with are related to BCI are progress put the application-technology development first in importance eliminating research about fountainhead technology with DB construction. These problems are due to a BCI-related research studies have not overcome the initial level, and not toward a systematic study. Brain wave are collected from subjects is a signal that the signal is appropriate and necessary in the experiment is difficult to distinguish. In addition, brain wave that it's not necessary to collect the experiment, serious eyes flicker, facial and body movements of an EMG and electrodes attached to the state, noise, vibration, etc. It is hard to collect accurate brain wave was caused by mixing disturbance wave in experiment on the environment. This movement, and the experiment of subject impact on the environment due to the mixing disturbance wave can cause that lowering cognitive and decline of efficiency when embodied BCI system. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an accurate and efficient brain-wave DB building system that more exactness and cognitive basis studies when embodied BCI system with brain-wave. For the minimize about brain wave DB with mixing disturbance, we propose a DB building method using an automatic control and prevent unnecessary action, put to use the subjects face tracking.

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Dental IQ and Oral Health Care Status of Elementary School Students (초등학생의 Dental IQ 수준과 구강보건 관리실태)

  • 김광덕;전진호
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: Oral health care program for the elementary school children (ESOHCP) should be met the first priority because dental caries are highly sensitive and prevalent among them. This study was performed to enhance the efficiency of ESOHCP, and their oral health promotion. Methods: The Subjects were 346 students (3rd grade 163, 6th grade 185) of one elementary school in Busan. Dental IQ and actual oral health status; the decayed, mixing and filling teeth were checked through questionnaire and oral health examination from April to June 2002. Dental IQ was presented out of one hundred, and data analysis was done using SAS (ver 8.1) program. Results: The students' cognitive level about the causative and preventive factor of dental caries was relatively high. However, the practical aspects of preventive behavior - tooth brushing; three times per day (20%), three minutes per time (22%), oral health examination; one time per three months (10%) left much to be desired. And, only 27% of the subjects had experienced in school oral health education. The mean level of dental IQ was 79 out of 100, and 51 % and 42% of them had the decayed and teeth with filling, respectively, with the rate of DMFT 82%, DT 43%, FT 57%. The level of dental IQ was higher in case of having his (her) own tooth brush (p=0.072), standard tooth brushing (p<0.001) three times per day, post meal, three minutes per time, present experience of oral health examination (p<0.001) and dental clinic visit (p<0.001). The grade of caries was more serious in case of 6th grade (p=0.059), an absence of his (her) own tooth brush (p= 0.090), present experience of oral health examination (p=0.021), and an absence of regular dental clinic visit (p=0.003). The frequency of oral health examination (γ= 0.620), tooth brushing; times per day (γ=0.445), post meal (γ=0.355), expending times per brushing (γ=0.352), right cognition to the treatment of caries (γ=0.401), positive attitude to dental treatment (γ=0.387), the frequency of dental clinic visit for the past one year (γ=0.152) showed significant correlation with dental IQ. In the multivariate analysis, dental IQ was influenced by the frequency of oral health examination, right cognition to the cause of caries, times of teeth brushing per day, right cognition to the treatment of caries, etc., with adjusted R2=0.857. Conclusion: Though the students' cognitive level about the causative and preventive factor of dental caries was high, the practical aspects of preventive behavior left much to be desired. Ant the current ESOHCP considered to be still inefficient. However, frequent dental visits had apparent correlation with hish level of dental IQ. The specialized and practical program should be needed for the efficient ESOHCP. Harmonized effort from educational, health and dental society is essential.

A study on the attribute of infotainment design (인포테인먼트 디자인의 개념 연구)

  • Oh, Byung-Keun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.229-240
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    • 2006
  • It is very important issue in information design to improve information efficiency by adapting interesting factors in changing circumstance of information communication. The concept of infotainment is utilized in designing information contents in a way of combining entertainment factors with information itself based on various media and representation technologies. The information arousing user's attention, which includes interesting factors, is persuasive message comppared to the informative message conveying only information itself. The reason why infotainment is persuasive is because it makes the user absorb deeply in the information during the process of understanding by sensorial stimuli, cognitive interest, and situational interest. The sensorial stimuli originates from the expression elements of information design. The cognitive interest from the user's intellectual activities has a try to overcome mental block when user confronts with the redundant expression in the manner of unexpectedness and inharmony. The situational interest originates from user's optimum experience by the flow of satisfaction. Therefore, the attribute of infotainment is defined with the stimuli, the redundancy, and user's satisfaction. Its design elements consist of physical factors, organizational factors, and psychological factors. The physical factors through sensorial stimuli are utilized by visual manipulation such as visual analogy or visual pun, multimedia, and moving expression. The organizational factors through redundant expression bring user's imagination by adapting storytelling, event, and interaction in the process of understanding information. The psychological factors through expression of entertainment interests such as humor, play, and game give users psychological satisfaction with the flow. In conclusion the concept of infotainment can be adapted when the design factors should be integrated with its attributes, or the conveying information should go well with its purpose and characteristics.

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Interaction between Navigation Officer and SCMS for Ship Control and Safe Navigation (선박조종과 안전항해를 위한 항해사와 SCMS의 상호작용)

  • Kim, Bi-A;Lee, Jae-Sik;Kim, Jong-Do;Oh, Jin-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.10 s.116
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    • pp.833-837
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    • 2006
  • Effective interaction between navigation officer and automated navigation-support system is essential for ship-handling and safe navigation In this study, the functions of the SCMS(Ship Control and Management System) which was developed and implemented to support navigation officer's ship control and to guide safe navigation were described in terms of navigation officer's tasks(i.e., watchkeeping, positioning, and maneuvering), and the interactive relationship between navigation office and the system were analyzed in addition, the effectiveness of the system was evaluated in the scope of training efficiency and subjectively rated safety level.

The Dutch RE;MIND Design's Conceptual and Critical Aesthetics of Use (네덜란드 RE;MIND 디자인의 개념적·비평적 사용미학)

  • Park, Young-Tae
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2014
  • Aesthetics of use for modern people can be regarded as being weighted toward universal and rational function since it has focused on an 'automation and efficiency' and 'smartness' in terms of technological and human engineering position. Thus, aesthetics of use as an individual agent has remained in minimal level. This study attempts to seek conceptual model of design regarding the behavior of users from the systematization of critical theories about the usability. To do that, 'HERTZAIN TALES' written by Anthony Dune and the concept and system of Droog Design have been used as a core standard. In line with the various experiments by artist groups such as Fluxus, Memphis group and the work of product semantics, and inherent characteristics of Droog design, which has surfaced from the 1990s, concepts that has mentioned in the Hertzain tales have been organized into main texts. By overcoming cognitive bias inherent in the material culture and by overcoming an existing usability based on immateriality and dialectic solution, the autonomy of critical design and instrumentality of Droog design have been systemized. By interpreting the design aspect of 12 pieces that have been submitted to the RE;MIND section, the core of this study, it has been confirmed that conceptual and critical design's aesthetics of use From the interpretation of the design aspect of 12 pieces that have been submitted to the RE;MIND section, the core of this study, it has been confirmed that conceptual and critical design's aesthetics of use has established the autonomy and independence of the behavior of users, created functional articulation of materials and secured new conceptual model and thus, could be an effective methodical clue for creating an emergent design.

Analysis of Improved Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing with SLC Diversity over Composite Multipath Fading-Lognormal Shadowing Channels

  • Zhu, Ying;Liu, Jia;Feng, Zhiyong;Zhang, Ping
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.799-818
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    • 2014
  • Spectrum sensing is a key technical challenge for cognitive radio (CR). It is well known that multi-cycle cyclostationarity (MC) detector is a powerful method for spectrum sensing. However, conventional MC detector is difficult to implement due to its high computational complexity. This paper pays attention to the fact that the computation complexity can be reduced by simplifying the test statistic of conventional MC detector. Based on this simplification process, an improved MC detector is proposed. Compared with the conventional one, the proposed detector has the low-computational complexity and sufficient-accuracy on sensing performance. Subsequently, the sensing performances are further investigated for the cases of Rayleigh, Nakagami-m, Rician, composite Rayleigh fading-lognormal shadowing and composite Nakagami fading-lognormal shadowing channels, respectively. Furthermore, the square-law combining (SLC) is introduced to improve the detection capability over fading-shadowing channels. The corresponding closed-form expressions of average detection probability are derived for each case by the moment generation function (MGF) approach. Finally, illustrative and analytical results show that the efficiency and reliability of proposed detector and the improvement on sensing performance by SLC over composite fading-shadowing channels.

A Interdisciplinary Study about Voice Change of the Presidential Candidate and Cognition Change of the Voters (선거 연설에서 대통령 후보자의 목소리 변화에 따른 유권자의 인지 변화에 대한 융합 연구)

  • Hahm, Sang-Woo;Park, Hyungwoo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2018
  • In a formal speech, the speaker's voice has a variety of effects on the listener. Depending on the voice characteristics, the effectiveness and efficiency of the speech change as well. In the presidential election, the candidate's voice characteristics will affect the cognition of voters. Thus, we need to understand about the a more effective voice of candidate. This study proves whether voters will change their cognition if the candidate changes owe voice. If the cognition of voters can be changed according to the changed voice characteristics of the candidate, we will be able to explain what voices are needed for the candidate. We will also be able to suggest the necessary voice change strategies for effective speech. We describe cognition change of the voters according to the change of the voices of the presidential candidates by the dimension of the sori-engineering and the cognitive dimension. Hence, this study explains the voice characteristics and change strategies needed for candidates for effective speech.

An Evaluation of A Youth Reading Promotion Program: Focusing on '1318 Bookworm Program' (청소년 독서진흥 프로그램 운영평가 - '1318 책벌레들의 도서관 점령기'를 중심으로 -)

  • Ha, Eun-Hye;Chang, Yun-Keum;Kwon, Na-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.181-200
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    • 2011
  • This study purposed to evaluate a youth reading promotion program that is designed and operated by the National Library for Children & Young Adults. The study specifically assessed the '1318 Bookworm Program' by conducting an in-depth survey and a focus group interview for school librarians who had participated in the program between 2007 and 2010. According to the study findings, the program participants were highly satisfied with the program outcomes. The librarians believed that the program brought positive effects on the cognitive, emotional, and social developments of the participated teens. Among the 1318 program operation process, namely designing, planning, and implementation, both planning and implementation processes were the determining factors for the outcome satisfaction. Finally, study participants expressed the needs for increasing the number of the certified professional school librarians active in the field, expanded organization structure, and further research on youth reading promotion programs in order to facilitate the program support and to enhance its efficiency. They also suggested diversified program contents development and the dissemination of manuals for youth reading promotion programs.

Using Design to Make Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment Safer for Healthcare Workers (의료종사자의 안전한 개인보호장비 탈의를 위한 공간 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Matic, Zorana;Oh, Yeinn;Lim, Lisa
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This paper presents research evidence that the environmental design of the doffing area in a biocontainment unit (BCU) can have a measurable impact on increasing the safety of frontline healthcare workers (HCW) during doffing of high-level personal protective equipment (PPE), and proposes optimized biocontainment unit design. Methods: From 2016 to 2019, The SimTigrate Design Lab conducted 3 consecutive studies, focusing on ways in which the built environment may support or hinder safe doffing. In the first study, to identify the risky behaviors, we observed 56 simulation exercises with HCWs in 4 BCUs and 1 high-fidelity BCU mockup. In the second study, we tested the effectiveness of a redesigned doffing area on improving the HCWs performance and used simulation, observation, and rapid prototyping in 1 high-fidelity mockup of a doffing area. In a follow-up study, we used simulation and co-design with HCWs to optimize the design of a safer doffing area in a full-size pediatric BCU mock-up. Results: We identified 11 specific risky behaviors potentially leading to occupational injury, or contamination of the PPE, or of the environment. We developed design strategies to create a space for safer doffing. In the second study, in a redesigned doffing area, the overall performance of HCW improved, and we observed a significant decrease in the number of risky behaviors; some risky behaviors were eliminated. There was a significant decrease in physical and cognitive load for the HCWs. Finally, we propose an optimized layout of a BCU for a safer process of PPE doffing. Implications: The proposed BCU design supports better staff communication, efficiency, and automates safer behaviors. Our findings can be used to develop design guidelines for spaces where patients with other highly infectious diseases are treated when the safety of the patient-facing HCWs is of critical importance.

A Study on the Architectural Characteristics and Its Implications in Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck (브로드벡 하우스와 오이리트메움의 건축 특성과 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Chang-Ok;Kim, Mun-Duk
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2014
  • Located in Dornach, Switcherland Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck (Rudolf Steiner-Halde, Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck, 1923-1935) is one of the architectural works created by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) who has studied and established the cognitive and spiritual aspects of a human being, and is often cited as being the founder of anthroposophy. In fact, Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck is not as well known as Steiner's other works, and it is perceived as less important than his major works of architecture including "Goetheanum", "Modellbau zu Malsch", and "Rudolf Steiner Haus Stuttgart". Nonetheless, this study is meaningful in itself since it is an important piece of architecture to gain an understanding of the characteristics of Steiner's late works, and the architectural characteristics of the Waldorf School where various active educational activities are taking place around the world. Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck clearly exhibits the characteristics of the architectural space based on Steiner's anthroposophy as well as provides a window into promoting space efficiency by extending an existing building. Moreover, it provides a good learning opportunity to find out about how Steiner's architectural disposition has changed and developed with the use of new materials. With these points as a backdrop, the study aims to develop an understanding of the architectural characteristics of Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck. Another important objective of this paper is to gain insight into the architectural implications in connection with the influence Eurythmeum Anbau zu Haus Brodbeck has had on Steiner's later works, by comparing his early works of architecture with those of his late works.