• Title/Summary/Keyword: C*-algebra

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  • Bennis, Driss;Mikram, Jilali;Taraza, Fouad
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2017
  • Let R be a commutative ring with zero-divisors Z(R). The extended zero-divisor graph of R, denoted by $\bar{\Gamma}(R)$, is the (simple) graph with vertices $Z(R)^*=Z(R){\backslash}\{0\}$, the set of nonzero zero-divisors of R, where two distinct nonzero zero-divisors x and y are adjacent whenever there exist two non-negative integers n and m such that $x^ny^m=0$ with $x^n{\neq}0$ and $y^m{\neq}0$. In this paper, we consider the extended zero-divisor graphs of idealizations $R{\ltimes}M$ (where M is an R-module). At first, we distinguish when $\bar{\Gamma}(R{\ltimes}M)$ and the classical zero-divisor graph ${\Gamma}(R{\ltimes}M)$ coincide. Various examples in this context are given. Among other things, the diameter and the girth of $\bar{\Gamma}(R{\ltimes}M)$ are also studied.


  • Mirzargar, Mahsa;Pach, Peter P.;Ashrafi, A.R.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.1145-1153
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    • 2014
  • Let G be a finite group and X be a union of conjugacy classes of G. Define C(G,X) to be the graph with vertex set X and $x,y{\in}X$ ($x{\neq}y$) joined by an edge whenever they commute. In the case that X = G, this graph is named commuting graph of G, denoted by ${\Delta}(G)$. The aim of this paper is to study the automorphism group of the commuting graph. It is proved that Aut(${\Delta}(G)$) is abelian if and only if ${\mid}G{\mid}{\leq}2$; ${\mid}Aut({\Delta}(G)){\mid}$ is of prime power if and only if ${\mid}G{\mid}{\leq}2$, and ${\mid}Aut({\Delta}(G)){\mid}$ is square-free if and only if ${\mid}G{\mid}{\leq}3$. Some new graphs that are useful in studying the automorphism group of ${\Delta}(G)$ are presented and their main properties are investigated.

The Effect of Using Graphing Calculators on Students' Understanding Functions and Attitudes Towards Mathematics and Graphing Calculators

  • Kwon, Oh-Nam;Kim, Min-Kyeong
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using graphing calculators on students' understanding of the linear and quadratic function concepts. The populators of this study are tenth graders at high school in Seoul, one class for the treatment group and another class for the comparison group, and experiment period is 14 weeks including two weeks for school regular exams.Function tests used in the study was proposed which described a conceptual knowledge of functions in terms of the following components: a) Conceptual understanding, b) Interpreting a function in terms of a verbal experission, c) Translating between different representations of functions, and d) Mathematical modeling a real-world situation using functions. Even though the group test means of the individual components of conceptual understanding, interpreting, translating, mathematical modeling did not differ significantly, there is evidence that the two groups differed in their performance on conceptual understanding. It was shown that students learned algebra using graphing calculators view graphs more globally. The attitude survey assessed students' attitudes and perceptions about the value of mathematics, the usefulness of graphs in mathematics, mathematical confidence, mathematics anxiety, and their feelings about calculators. The overall t-test was not statistically significant, but the students in the treatment group showed significantly different levels of anxiety toward mathematics.

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  • El Khalfi, Abdelhaq;Kim, Hwankoo;Mahdou, Najib
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.1095-1106
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new class of rings that is closely related to the class of pseudo-Krull domains. Let 𝓗 = {R | R is a commutative ring and Nil(R) is a divided prime ideal of R}. Let R ∈ 𝓗 be a ring with total quotient ring T(R) and define 𝜙 : T(R) → RNil(R) by ${\phi}({\frac{a}{b}})={\frac{a}{b}}$ for any a ∈ R and any regular element b of R. Then 𝜙 is a ring homomorphism from T(R) into RNil(R) and 𝜙 restricted to R is also a ring homomorphism from R into RNil(R) given by ${\phi}(x)={\frac{x}{1}}$ for every x ∈ R. We say that R is a 𝜙-pseudo-Krull ring if 𝜙(R) = ∩ Ri, where each Ri is a nonnil-Noetherian 𝜙-pseudo valuation overring of 𝜙(R) and for every non-nilpotent element x ∈ R, 𝜙(x) is a unit in all but finitely many Ri. We show that the theories of 𝜙-pseudo Krull rings resemble those of pseudo-Krull domains.


  • Abdelamir Dabbabi;Ahmed Maatallah
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.611-622
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new class of rings containing the class of m-formally Noetherian rings and contained in the class of nonnil-SFT rings introduced and investigated by Benhissi and Dabbabi in 2023 [4]. Let A be a commutative ring with a unit. The ring A is said to be nonnil-m-formally Noetherian, where m ≥ 1 is an integer, if for each increasing sequence of nonnil ideals (In)n≥0 of A the (increasing) sequence (∑i1+⋯+im=nIi1Ii2⋯Iim)n≥0 is stationnary. We investigate the nonnil-m-formally Noetherian variant of some well known theorems on Noetherian and m-formally Noetherian rings. Also we study the transfer of this property to the trivial extension and the amalgamation algebra along an ideal. Among other results, it is shown that A is a nonnil-m-formally Noetherian ring if and only if the m-power of each nonnil radical ideal is finitely generated. Also, we prove that a flat overring of a nonnil-m-formally Noetherian ring is a nonnil-m-formally Noetherian. In addition, several characterizations are given. We establish some other results concerning m-formally Noetherian rings.

Two Cubic Polynomials Selection for the Number Field Sieve (Number Field Sieve에서의 두 삼차 다항식 선택)

  • Jo, Gooc-Hwa;Koo, Nam-Hun;Kwon, Soon-Hak
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.10C
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    • pp.614-620
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    • 2011
  • RSA, the most commonly used public-key cryptosystem, is based on the difficulty of factoring very large integers. The fastest known factoring algorithm is the Number Field Sieve(NFS). NFS first chooses two polynomials having common root modulo N and consists of the following four major steps; 1. Polynomial Selection 2. Sieving 3. Matrix 4. Square Root, of which the most time consuming step is the Sieving step. However, in recent years, the importance of the Polynomial Selection step has been studied widely, because one can save a lot of time and memory in sieving and matrix step if one chooses optimal polynomial for NFS. One of the ideal ways of choosing sieving polynomial is to choose two polynomials with same degree. Montgomery proposed the method of selecting two (nonlinear) quadratic sieving polynomials. We proposed two cubic polynomials using 5-term geometric progression.

On the Composition of Evaluation Questions Corresponding to Each Level in Matrix Chapter of the High School (행렬의 수준별 평가에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Jung;Lee, Yang
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.357-379
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    • 2010
  • There are many studies about the method of trying leveled class because we say the Excellence of Education after high school's Equalization Policy. After the leveled c1ass, Ministry of Education, Science and Tech. announced the induction of leveled classes' evaluation in 2008, it is called that students take classes adapted to their levels. This study illustrates criteria of forming evaluation, it composes leveled assessment tests referenced by Gibb's evaluation effects & Cotton's evaluation principles. Before anything else, this study induced contents of studies which is emphasized the structure rather than the arithmetic that is based on Foucault' s analysis of mathematics' class and examination & MacGregor's point of algebra. Since then we made leveled assessment tests which made by students' Question. And then, In this study, we modified evaluation tests appropriately by criteria of evaluation and analysing the result.

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Comparison of Three Kinds of Methods on Estimation of Forest Carbon Stocks Distribution Using National Forest Inventory DB and Forest Type Map (국가산림자원조사 DB와 임상도를 이용한 산림탄소저장량 공간분포 추정방법 비교)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Roh, Young-Hee;Kim, Eun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2014
  • Carbon stocks of NFI plots can be accurately estimated using field survey information. However, an accurate estimation of carbon stocks in other unsurveyed sites is very difficult. In order to fill this gap, various spatial information can be used as an ancillary data. In South Korea, there is the 1:5,000 forest type map that was produced by digital air-photo interpretation and field survey. Because this map contains very detailed forest information, it can be used as the high-quality spatial data for estimating carbon stocks. In this study, we compared three upscaling methods based on the 1:5,000 forest type map and 5th national forest inventory data. Map algebra(method 1), RK(Regression Kriging)(method 2), and GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression)(method 3) were applied to estimate forest carbon stock in Chungcheong-nam Do and Daejeon metropolitan city. The range of carbon stocks from method 2(1.39~138.80 tonC/ha) and method 3(1.28~149.98 tonC/ha) were more similar to that of previous method(1.56~156.40 tonC/ha) than that of method 1(0.00~93.37 tonC/ha). This result shows that RK and GWR considering spatial autocorrelation can show spatial heterogeneity of carbon stocks. We carried out paired t-test for carbon stock data using 186 sample points to assess estimation accuracy. As a result, the average carbon stocks of method 2 and field survey method were not significantly different at p=0.05 using paired t-test. And the result of method 2 showed the lowest RMSE. Therefore regression kriging method is useful to consider spatial variations of carbon stocks distribution in rugged terrain and complex forest stand.

A Case Study on the Students' Covariational Reasoning in the Continuous Functional Situations (함수적 상황에 대한 초등학생들의 공변추론 사례연구)

  • Hur, Joonho;Park, Mangoo
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.55-73
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of cognitive activity on cognitive activities that students imagine and cope with continuously changing quantitative changes in functional tasks represented by linguistic expressions, table of value, and geometric patterns, We identified covariational reasoning levels and investigated the characteristics of students' reasoning process according to the levels of covariational reasoning in the elementary quantitative problem situations. Participants were seven 4th grade elementary students using the questionnaires. The selected students were given study materials. We observed the students' activity sheets and conducted in-depth interviews. As a result of the study, the students' covariational reasoning level for two quantities that are continuously covaried was found to be five, and different reasoning process was shown in quantitative problem situations according to students' covariational reasoning levels. In particular, students with low covariational level had difficulty in grasping the two variables and solved the problem mainly by using the table of value, while the students with the level of chunky and smooth continuous covariation were different from those who considered the flow of time variables. Based on the results of the study, we suggested that various problems related with continuous covariation should be provided and the meanings of the tasks should be analyzed by the teachers.

Symbol Sense Analysis on 6th Grade Elementary School Mathematically Able Students (초등학교 6학년 수학 우수아들의 대수 기호 감각 실태 분석)

  • Cho, Su-Gyoung;Song, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.937-957
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to discover the features of symbol sense. This study tries to sum up the meaning and elements of symbol sense and the measures to improve them through documents. Also based on this, it analyzes the learning conditions about symbol sense for 6th grade mathematically able students and suggests the method that activates symbol sense in the math of elementary schools. Considering various studies on symbol sense, symbol sense means the exact knowledge and essential understanding in a comprehensive way. Symbol sense is an intuition about symbols that grasps the meaning of symbols, understands the situation of question, and realizes the usefulness of symbols in resolving a process. Considering all other scholars' opinions, this study sums up 5 elements of the symbol sense. (The recognition of needs to introduce symbol, ability to read the meaning of symbols, choice of suitable symbols according to the context, pattern guess through visualization, recognize the role of symbols in other context) This study draws the following conclusions after applying the symbol questionnaires targeting 6th grade mathematically able students : First, although they are math talents, there are some differences in terms of the symbol sense level. Second, 5 elements of the symbol sense are not completely separated. They are rather closely related in terms of mainly the symbol understanding, thereby several elements are combined.

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