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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: BODY CONTRIBUTION

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A Study of the Safety Assessment for Combustion Products in the Exposure Human Bodies Rounding Missile Ejection (유도탄 사출시 연소 생성물의 인체 안전성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Kee Hyeok;Chung, Sung-Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.269-273
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to safety assessment for human body on the guided missile combustion products. This study is to verify the safety assessment when operating the interior missile ejection take on verify the safety of the human body. During the missile ejection of combustion products, this study is analyzed combustion products. Result are accepted NIOSH and KOSHA of the safe guideline, and 6 exposure gas to the specified values 42% (CO), 22% (CO2), not detected (others) are within minimal exposures criteria of the reference value respectively. Contribution of these results supported that interior missile ejection during combustion products may have been ensured human safely. Therefore, the future for improving the environmental safety of the shooting projectile steel plate round, dust collector, ventilation and other facilities is to improve environmental safety and efficient renovated design needed by target focused areas.

Effects of Energy Intake on Performance, Mobilization and Retention of Body Tissue, and Metabolic Parameters in Dairy Cows with Special Regard to Effects of Pre-partum Nutrition on Lactation - A Review -

  • Remppis, S.;Steingass, H.;Gruber, L.;Schenkel, H.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.540-572
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    • 2011
  • The present review focuses on the effects of energy intake on performance, changes in body tissue during lactation, and metabolic parameters in dairy cows. Especially, pre-partum nutrition and its influence on lactation are emphasized. In recent decades the increase in genetic potential of dairy cows has increased milk yield. This fact sharpens the problem of a negative energy balance in early lactation because the amount of energy required for maintenance and milk production exceeds the amount of energy cows can consume. Around parturition, reduced feed intake reinforces the situation. Continuing negative energy balance causes decreasing milk yield, fertility problems, and incidence of metabolic diseases. Hence, the cow has to rely on body reserves that were stored in late lactation and the dry period. It is evident that the nutritional status pre-partum acts as the key factor for milk yield and fertility parameters in the following lactation. Cows overfed during the foregoing gestation and which have gained large quantities of body fat have lower dry matter intake along with the need to mobilize larger quantities of body reserves in lactation. The milk yield in the following lactation is lower than in cows fed according to their requirements. Cows restrictively fed in late gestation have a higher feed intake in lactation and a lower mobilization of body reserves. The effect of energy intake post-partum plays only a minor role for performance parameters in lactation. Lipid mobilized from body reserves makes a substantial contribution to the energetic cost of milk production in early lactation and adipose tissue undergoes specific metabolic alterations. Adipose tissue is degraded to free fatty acids, which are used in liver for energy purposes. High lipid mobilisation promotes the development of a fatty liver and therefore a reduced gluconeogenesis.

Perception and Body: with a focus on Noe's theory (지각과 몸: 노에의 이론을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Bosuk
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.277-302
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims at providing a critical review of Alva Noe's enactive theory of perception. The discussion will be organized around the three issues: (i) Does the body make an ineliminable contribution to shaping the mind? (ii) Does Noe succeed in providing effective arguments against the brain-centrism? (iii) Does Noe's theory give a satisfactory explanation of how we can perceive external objects? In the sections 2 and 3 of the paper, I discuss possible criticisms that can be raised against Noe with regard to (i) and (ii). Although these are serious criticisms, they apply to the embodied cognition in general. That is, those criticisms are not restricted to Noe's theory. In order to understand the core aspect of Noe's theory, we need to pay attention to "the problem of perceptual presence" that is brought up in (iii). It is here that Noe's theory is supposed to make a distinct contribution to the discussion about the nature of perception. I argue, however, in the section 4 that Noe's theory fails to provide a satisfactory explanation of perceptual presence.

The positive contribution of Spirit (영성의 긍정적 기여)

  • Jongsung Kim;Sangseob Ahn ;Seongyeul Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.207-226
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    • 2009
  • Lately in the medical world, they realized that the spirit is important for health best of all, and in the WHO, the meaning of health was "The condition of being sound in body, mind", now as they added the spirit to there, it became "The condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit". Even though we know well about the importance of spirit, but it is difficult to make sure what that mean is. Even in the Psychology, they didn't distinguish clearly the spirit from the mind. In this report, we have revealed the traits of spirit from the classic theory of spirit to the today's, as studying at side of biology and psychology. Especially the spirit have been developed remarkably for a long time at every religion. Recently in the medical world, they connected 'the spirit of Buddhism' to 'MBSR', and 'the spirit of Christianity' to 'Breakout Principle' with medical method. So, we have studied how the spirit give the positive contribution to the Psycho-therapy.

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A Study on the Pattern Making Theory for Steeve Cap Part of Sleeve Pattern Appropriate for the Characteristics of Arm Form (팔 형태특성에 적합한 소매패턴의 소매산부분 제도이론)

  • Cho, Kyeong-Hee;Machiko, Miyoshi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.641-650
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    • 2008
  • In this study, seven models with distinctly different body types were researched and explanatory variables were reviewed. Review was done by using body measurements and the measurements of the appropriate bodice patterns in 1D, 2D, and 3D measurement methods in order to review the pattern making system and the equations for calculating the dimensions of the sleeve caps, which are readily available. Data on human bodies, which can be the criteria for each body part required for the new system for making sleeve cap part, were selected considering conditions such as items with a significantly high contribution rate from the results of regression analysis and the easiness of measurement. As a result of research, an explanatory variable required for the system for making sleeve caps with high general use was extracted. All items with the exception of the waist circumference and upper arm circumference were about the measurement of the form of human bodies, which were newly set in this study. As a result of this study, the equations for calculating the dimensions of each part of the sleeve caps showed distinct differences in comparison to the conventional system of construction.

A Study on Optimal Design of Panel Shape of a Body Structure for Reduction of Interior Noise

  • Kim, Hyo-Sig;Yoon, Seong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.694-698
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents an optimal design process using beads on a body panel to improve interior noise of a passenger vehicle. Except modification of structural members, it is difficult to find effective countermeasures that can work for the intermediate frequency range from 100 Hz to 300 Hz which lies between the booming and low medium frequency. In this study, it is a major goal to find additional counter-measures for this intermediate frequency range by performing optimal design of beads on body panels. The proposed method for design optimization consists of 4 sub-steps, that is, a) problem definition, b) cause analysis, c) countermeasure development and d) validation. The objective function is minimization of interior noise level. The major design variables are the geometrical shape of a bead and combination of beads on the critical panels. Sensitivity analysis and optimization are performed according to the predefined process for an optimal design. It is verified that the proposed design decreases the level of noise transfer function above 5 dB.

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Some Theoretical Considerations in Body Tide Calculation (고체지구조석계산에 있어 몇 가지 이론적 고찰)

  • Na, Sung-Ho;Shin, Young-Hong;Baek, Jeong-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2011
  • The largest terms in the solid Earth body tide calculation are second degree spherical harmonic components due to the moon or the sun, and they compose about 98 percent of total contribution. Each degree harmonics of the tidal perturbation should be evaluated through multiplication with distinct Love numbers or their combinations. Correct evaluation of these terms in gravity tide is considered with re-calculated Love numbers. Frequency dependence of Love numbers for spherical harmonic tide upon the order number is discussed. Tidal displacement and tidally induced deviation of the vertical are also evaluated. Essential concepts underlying the body tide calculation are briefly summarized.

The Extension of Social Insurances to the Nonstandard Workforce : Issues and Policy Options (비정규 근로자'에 대한 사회보험 확대 : 쟁점과 정책)

  • Kim, Yeon-Myung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.45
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    • pp.72-100
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    • 2001
  • Despite the rapid expansion of social security coverage in the 1990s, many wage earners in Korea, especially the majority of the nonstandard workforce are excluded in the social insurance programs. In this regards, the purpose of this paper is to analyze causes of the exclusion of nonstandard workers to the social insurance scheme and to suggest the feasible policy options. Through this paper, four arguments are addressed as follows. First, the main issue for exclusion from coverage of those workers is that they have no entitlement to social insurance. This is not an issue of that they fall below hours or income thresholds for the entitlement Second, the top-down process of the extension in the Korean social insurances have divided the wage earners into two groups, the insider (the included) and the outsider (the excluded). Many nonstandard workers belong to the latter category. Third, the social insurance systems have been designed for the regular workers who were characterized by a full-time with some degree of stability. Reform designed to cope with the growth of nonstandard workers must build on the existing structure of social insurance. Finally, the governance capacity by social security administration body must be improved in order to provide a basic social protection for those workers. For that, four separated social insurance administration bodies could be unified to one administrative body, or tax and contribution of social insurance could be collected by one integrated administration body, the National Tax Service.

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Effect of a Standing Body Position during College Students' Exam: Implications on Cognitive Test Performance

  • Isip, Marc Immanuel G.
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2014
  • This study stems from the work of Lehman et al. (Ergonomics, 2001) which concluded that standing yields better work performance, and from the growing health trend of recommending the reduction of the amount of time spent in sitting (Owen et al., Exercise and Sport Science Reviews, 2010). Lajoie et al. (Experimental Brain Research, 1993) provided an initial significant contribution to a theory that standing requires a person to control balance, equating to demand higher productive output from the cognitive system than when a person is sitting. An assumption was formulated that standing position during class is feasible and can be adopted on the belief that it might contribute positive results to students' performance. The purpose of this study is to identify whether a body position during exams tested along with exposure durations has a significant effect on college students' performance. Mathematical analysis and reading comprehension exam was used to measure the cognitive performance of the students. Two factors, position and duration, were tested for significance with two levels each subjected to six replicates. Twenty-four students from the College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, University of the Philippines Los Ba˜nos were randomly selected. The experiment showed that the body position during exams is a significant factor for the Math exam, but insignificant for the Reading Comprehension exam.

Weight change pattern and weight control behavior among middle school girls (일부 지역 여중생의 체중변이양상과 체중조절행위에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young Im;Kim, Yoon Dul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 1995
  • The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which sociodemographic and health related life-style variables explain body weight distribution and to understand weight contol behavior. To study this study 298 students were selected, it was consisted of obesity group(101) and control group(197). The average age of subjects was 14.2 and the prevalence of obesity was 2-3 per class as 5.6% among 1,793. 71% among same subject was showed higher weight pattern than last one year, ovesity group which was obesity both in 93 and 94 was 34%. Correlation between body weight(under weight/obesity) and independent variables including sociodemographic factor and health- related life style tested through Multiple Classification Analysis was very significant, explained 36% of the total variance. Sociodemografic and hereditary factors such as education level, age of father and physical features of parents, life style factors as exercise preference and perceived health status showed highly contribution to body weight. Concretely, there were showed a higher obesity prevalence tendency when education level and age of father was high, physical features of parents was obesity. In otherwise, there were showed a higher underweight prevalence tendency when education level and age of father was low. Experience rates of weight control was 53% generally, 84% in obesity group, and 11% in underweight group. There were utilized weight control behaviors through diet method mainly in obesity group, diet and exercise methods in underweight group. There were showed that underweight group are prefer exercise to obesity group. Conclusionally, These findings suggest that education, age, physical features of parents, exercise preference and perceived health status is important factors related to body weight among middle school girls. Therefore, there will be considered as valuable factors when we practice health education and consultation related to body weight. Furthermore it is necessary to provide of various informations about weight control and to develop systematic weight control program.

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