• Title/Summary/Keyword: ARCS theory

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The Development of the CAI Program and an Analysis of Its Effects, for the Learning of the Emergency Patient Triage (응급환자 중증도분류 학습을 위한 CAI프로그램 개발과 효과 분석)

  • 서영승
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.259-283
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    • 2004
  • This is an quasi experimental study using nonequivalent pre-test post-test control design for the development of the CAI program and an analysis of its effects, for nursing college students to learn emergency patient triage. This program was developed from November, 2000 to middle of September, 2001 with the aid of curriculum design experts. The subjects of this study were 86 randomly sampled freshmen students of C nursing college in Ulsan. They were divided into 45 for the test group and 41 for the control group. The CAI program for the learning of the emergency patient triage has been developed on the basis of Merrill's Component display theory and Keller's ARCS theory and through the curriculum design process of Hannafin & Peck. It has also been done with the use of Tool book 8.0, the multimedia righting tool. The experiment to verify the effect of the CAI program has been carried on from September, 20 to October, 8 2001. There were six hypotheses to accomplish the purpose of the study, and the analysis of the data was done with the use of SPSS/win program. As a result of this study, the author concluded that this CAI program is an effective mediation method to promote the learning accomplishment and learning motive for nursing college students. Therefore in the field of emergency nursing education, it would be possible to use this program as means for widening the possibility of self-learning and to promote individual learning of nursing college students.

Board Game Design for Disaster Safety Education for Elementary School Students Based on Learning Motivation Theory (학습동기이론 기반의 초등학생 재난안전 교육을 위한 보드게임 설계)

  • Kim Mira;Jung Hyungwon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2024
  • In order to improve safety consciousness due to the increase in disasters and safety accidents, safety education is necessary to prepare for disasters with interest in safety. This study is a board game design for disaster safety education for elementary school students based on Keller's learning motivation theory. By considering the school safety curriculum and the safety education contents of the School Safety Mutual Aid Association and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the content and goals of learning were derived and the order of learning was determined. When designing game content, the fun elements of the game were applied to Keller's learning motivation inducing factors such as attention concentration (A), relevance (R), confidence (C), satisfaction (S), and educational game design elements to induce the achievement of learning goals at the game planning stage. It is expected that the existing safety education focusing on lecture-style and audiovisual will be supplemented and used in the educational field.

The Effects of a Semantic Network Program Instruction for the Learning Achievement and Learning Motivation in High School Biology Class: Centering the Unit of Heredity (동기전략을 적용한 의미망 프로그램 활용 수업이 고등학교 생물 학업성취도와 학습동기에 미치는 효과: 생물I '유전' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dong-Ryeul;Moon, Doo-Ho;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of Semantic Network Program (SNP) instruction on learning achievement and motivation in high school biology classes. For this study, a SNP was designed by applying the recommendations in regard to student attention and satisfaction factors in Keller's ARCS theory. SNP instruction was conducted with an experimental group and a control group, each consisting of 62 high school biology class student. A pretest-posttest control group design was employed. The pre-test was used to analyze the learning achievement test, learning motivation test, and semantic forming test. For 4 weeks the experiment group was instructed using the developed SNP which centered on Keller's attention and satisfaction factors, and the control group was instructed via teacher-centered lectures based on the textbook. It was found that SNP instruction efficiently increased students' biology learning achievement (p<.001). It was also discovered that SNP instruction was effective in increasing Keller's motivation strategies on attention and satisfaction factors (p<.001). In addition, SNP instruction positively affected students' semantic formation (p<.001) and learning content retention (p>.05) in the heredity unit by aiding students in the area of active multimedia learning. An in depth interview with students in the class using SNP instruction showed that material learned via this method in biology had longer retention of problem-solving methods. Consequently, SNP instruction according to motivation strategies may high school biology teachers with meaningful teaching-learning methods strategies for the unit on heredity.

A Study on the Effect of Students' Pre-motivation and Class Related Factors on Class Evaluation in e-Learning (e-러닝에서 학습자의 사전동기와 수강관련 요인이 강의평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, In-Soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to find student factors associated with the students' evaluation of university teaching, and to provide a meaningful reference to policy-making of teaching evaluation. Based on the surveyed questionnaires from 232 students who participated in e-learning course. in combination with applying descriptive statistics, this study analyzes (1) the influences of students' pre-motivation level of student based-on ARCS theory on class satisfaction, (2) the influences of students' grade, attendance, and class involvement on class satisfaction, and (3) the influences of e-learning experience on students' pre-motivation level and class satisfaction. Result of this study shows that: (1) students' pre-motivation level including Attention(A), Relevance(R), Confidence(C), and Satisfaction(S) is positively correlated to students' evaluation for teaching, (2) students' grade, attendance. and class involvement are positively correlated to students' evaluation for teaching, and (3) students' e-learning experience is not related with students' pre-motivation level, whereas it is related with class satisfaction.

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미분구적법을 이용한 곡선보의 내평면 진동분석

  • Gang Gi-Jun;Han Ji-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2000
  • The early investigators into the in-plane vibration of rings were Hoppe $Hoppe ^{1)}$ and $Love ^{2)}$. $Love ^{2)}$ Improved on Hoppe's theory by allowing for stretching of the ring. $Lamb ^{3)}$ investigated the statics of incomplete ring with various boundary conditions and the dynamics of an incomplete free-free ring of small curvature. Den $Hartog ^{4)}$ used the Rayleigh-Ritz method for finding the lowest natural frequency of circular arcs with simply supported or clamped ends and his work was extended by Volterra and $Morell ^{5)}$ for the vibrations of arches having center lines in the form of cycloids, catenaries or parabolas.(omitted)

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The Vacuum Arc Analysis of Vl Applied Axial Magnetic Field (축자계형 진공차단기의 진공아크 해석)

  • Kang, Jin;Kim, Min-Soo;Choi, Seung-Kil;Ko, Kwang-Cheol;Kang, Hyung-Boo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07e
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    • pp.2221-2223
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    • 1999
  • Axial magnetic field($B_z$) generated by special electrode construction in vacuum interrupters(Vl) is used to extinguish electric plasma arcs because that restrains this form expending. So VI applied axial magnetic field has more interruption capacity as compared with other VI. Also, the profile of toroidal field($B_{\theta}$) generated by $B_z$, is important to VI design. In this study, it was represented that the behavior of vacuum arc. In addition, The relationship between $B_z$ and $B_{\theta}$ was represented by using Dynamo theory. I hope that this study will be a good data in design of vacuum interrupters.

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Spatial and Temporal Behavior of Arc with Magnetic Field (자계가 인가된 아크의 공간적, 시간적 거동)

  • Choi, Won-Joon;Kang, Jin;Choi, Seung-Kil;Ko, Hwang-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07e
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    • pp.1809-1811
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    • 1998
  • Axial magnetic field restrains arc diffusion that appear at cutting off fault current in vacuum interrupter(VI). In this study, spatial and temporal behavior simulation of arc is carried out for various axial magnetic field. Also the results of this simulation show that axial magnetic field controls and helps to extinguish arcs. This study can be applied to design and analysis of VI. Dymo theory that is not considered in this study will be considered latter.

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Development of Guidebook for Teachers about Coping Behavior Education to Emergency Situations for Elementary School Students (초등학생을 위한 응급상황에 대한 대처교육 교사용 지침서 개발)

  • Kang, Kyung-Ah;Kim, Shin-Jeong
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.478-486
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a guidebook for teachers about coping behavior education in emergency situations for elementary school students. Method: Dick and Carey's teaching model (1996) and Keller's ARCS theory (1985) was applied to develop this guidebook. Results: The contents consist of subjects, reference materials for teachers, a case study, and worksheets for students. The contents of the 5 units are as follows: 1)Identifying a dangerous situation around the school area and in school, 2)Coping tips in dangerous situations that can occur at school, 3)Prevention and coping method of sexual violence, 4)Coping method for natural disasters, and 5)First aid in emergency situations. The presented case study was a real case scenario and the worksheets contained various activities initiated by students. Conclusions: This guidebook can be an effective tool in coping education classes for emergency situations at elementary schools. The goal of the guideline book is reach as many elementary schools as possible.

Development of a Safety Education Guideline Book for Teachers of Elementary School Students (초등학생을 위한 교사용 안전교육 지침서 개발)

  • Kim, Shin-Jeong;Kim, Sung-Hee
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a guide book on safety education for teachers to use in education classes for elementary school students. Methods: Dick & Carey's teaching model and Keller's ARCS theory were used in the development of this guide book. Results: This guide book was developed for lower grade (1st$\sim$3rd) and higher grade (4th$\sim$6th) elementary school students. The content consisted of subjects, worksheets, content for teachers, statistical data, case studies, and a safety letter to the parents. The 10 subjects were as follows: "Importance of injury prevention", "Safety at home", "Accident prevention at school", "Violence prevention", "Vehicles safety", "Water safety", "Prevention of Fires & Burns", "Safety of Toys & home supplies", "Safety in Sports & Recreation activity", "Prevention of injury caused by animals". Statistical data was presented by graphs and case studies were presented of cases of real occurrences of accidents. Worksheets contain various activities for students. Safety letters were composed for each student's parents. Conclusion: This guide book presents effective material for safety education classes in elementary school and the authors hope it will be widely used in elementary schools.

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Development of a CD Program Applied Logotherapy for Promoting Quality of Life of Adolescents with Terminal Cancer (말기 암 청소년의 삶의 질 증진을 위한 의미요법 프로그램 개발)

  • Kang, Kyung-Ah;Kim, Shin-Jeong;Song, Mi-Kyung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to develop a CD program of applied logotherapy to improve the quality of life of adolescents with terminal cancer. Method: Keller's ARCS theory and a model for developing internet learning materials(Kang) was applied to develop this program comprised four distinct phases: planning, designing, development, and execution stages. Results: This program was entitled 'Finding treasures in my life' and consisted of 5 sessions and its educational contents were made up as follows: "Treasure One" is 'learning three natures of the human mind', "Treasure Two" is 'learning creative value as first method to find meaning of life', "Treasure Three" is 'learning experiential value as second method to find meaning of life', "Treasure Four" is 'learning attitudinal value as third method to find meaning of life', and "Treasure Five" is 'Becoming the master of my life'. The sub-menu was made up of 'Beginning', 'What is it?', 'Travelling'. 'Laughing Song', 'End'. Conclusions: This CD program applied logotherapy with flash animation technique as an emotional and spiritual nursing intervention program for easier and more scientific application in pediatric oncology and hospice area.

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