Development of Guidebook for Teachers about Coping Behavior Education to Emergency Situations for Elementary School Students

초등학생을 위한 응급상황에 대한 대처교육 교사용 지침서 개발

  • Received : 2011.07.23
  • Accepted : 2011.10.08
  • Published : 2011.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a guidebook for teachers about coping behavior education in emergency situations for elementary school students. Method: Dick and Carey's teaching model (1996) and Keller's ARCS theory (1985) was applied to develop this guidebook. Results: The contents consist of subjects, reference materials for teachers, a case study, and worksheets for students. The contents of the 5 units are as follows: 1)Identifying a dangerous situation around the school area and in school, 2)Coping tips in dangerous situations that can occur at school, 3)Prevention and coping method of sexual violence, 4)Coping method for natural disasters, and 5)First aid in emergency situations. The presented case study was a real case scenario and the worksheets contained various activities initiated by students. Conclusions: This guidebook can be an effective tool in coping education classes for emergency situations at elementary schools. The goal of the guideline book is reach as many elementary schools as possible.



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