• Title/Summary/Keyword: AI 디자인

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Development of AI education program based on Design Thinking (디자인 씽킹 기반 인공지능 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Jaeho;Lee, Seunghoon
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2021
  • In the era of the 4th industrial revolution represented by AI technology, various AI education is being conducted in the education field. However, AI education in the educational field is mostly one-off project education or teacher-centered education. In order to practice student-centered, field-oriented education, an artificial intelligence education program was developed based on design thinking. The AI education program based on design thinking will improve understanding and ability to use AI through the process of solving everyday problems with AI, and will develop the ability to create new values beyond understanding AI. It is expected that various AI education will take place in the educational field through design thinking-based artificial intelligence education programs.

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A Study on the Use of Generative AI and Learner Experience for Jewelry Design Education (주얼리 디자인 교육을 위한 생성형 AI의 활용 및 학습자 경험 연구)

  • Hye-Rim Kang
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.743-749
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the use of generative AI has become more active in university education, but jewelry design education and research using generative AI are still insufficient. Accordingly, we would like to discuss the possibilities and limitations of visualization of jewelry design ideation and expression using generative AI in the jewelry design development education and ideation stage, as well as the experience and application of generative AI by college students. To analyze the impact of generative AI on the learning experience, it was analyzed from the perspectives of 'usability', 'usefulness', 'reliability', and 'satisfaction'. As a result, generative AI confirmed positive results in terms of usability and usefulness to trainees, and confirmed the potential for effects using personalized education and collective intelligence. The combination of jewelry design education and generative AI is part of convergence education, and the significance of this study is to lay the foundation for effective use in jewelry design education by analyzing learners' experiences and perceptions of using generative AI. This kind of education reflects the trends of the times for nurturing future society's talents and will contribute to the promotion of learners' broad creative thinking.

"Hey Alexa, Would You Create a Color Palette?" UX/UI Designers' Perspectives on Using Natural Language to Interact with Future Intelligent Design Assistants ("알렉사, 색상 팔레트를 만들어줄 수 있어?" 지능형 디자인 비서와 자연어로 협업을 수행할 UX/UI 디자이너의 생각)

  • Bertao, Renato Antonio;Joo, Jaewoo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.193-206
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    • 2021
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been inserted into people's lives through Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVA), like Alexa. Moreover, intelligent systems have expanded to design studios. This research delves into designers' perspectives on developing AI-based practices and examines the challenges of adopting future intelligent design assistants. We surveyed UX/UI professionals in Brazil to understand how they use IVAs and AI design tools. We also explored a scenario featuring the use of Alexa Sensei, a hypothetical voice-controlled AI-based design assistant mixing Alexa and Adobe Sensei characteristics. The findings indicate respondents have had limited opportunities to work with AI, but they expect intelligent systems to improve the efficiency of the design process. Further, majority of the respondents predicted that they would be able to collaborate creatively with AI design systems. Although designers anticipated challenges in natural language interaction, those who already adopted IVAs were less resistant to the idea of working with Alexa Sensei as an AI design assistant.

A Study on the Feasibility Analysis of AI CARE Design Graphic Planning through Modern Design Trend Analysis -Focusing on AI CARE BED part-by-part analysis and design proposal- (현대 디자인 트랜드 분석 통한 AI CARE 디자인 그래픽 기획에 관한 타당성 분석에 관한 연구 -AI CARE BED 파트별 분석과 디자인 제안을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.599-604
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    • 2021
  • In an era where AI artificial intelligence converges into each field, design of AI-CARE function and UI UX design are in the spotlight. The application of shape design and the trend of color are important for visual effects to match new features. In this paper, we would like to use this to present an example of the arrangement and application of form trends and to present design directions. In the introduction, the latest design environmental factors were analyzed and studied in the direction of the new proposal. In the text, the design direction and consideration of the design in the planning were studied by separating the functional design form, and the direction of the design work was presented. At the stage of form and color, a plan was proposed to match the flow of minimalism, universal design, and affordance design. A study method based on case practice is a consideration of how to consider content on shapes and colors specialized in the partial design work, and proposed to enable graphic production of new areas of UI UX in content images to be feasible. Through this study, the design direction and planning of the derivative method of shape and color was reached by suggesting design directionality and validity for each AI CARE bed PART.

A Study on Enhancing the Efficiency of Design Work in Figma using Generative AI (생성형 AI를 활용한 프로그램 피그마(Figma)의 디자인 작업 효율성 증진 방안 연구)

  • Seo Dan Bi;Seung In Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates ways to enhance the efficiency of design work in Figma through the use of generative AI. By applying Stephen Anderson's Creating Pleasurable Interface Model, the analysis focuses on six key elements: functional, reliable, usable, convenience, pleasure, and meaningful. In-depth interviews and survey results indicate that Figma's generative AI plugins received generally positive evaluations, particularly for their convenience and usability. However, difficulties in prompt creation and the inconvenience of plugin searches were identified as areas needing improvement. This study provides directions for improving Figma's generative AI capabilities and suggests strategies to enhance the efficiency of design work in practical applications. The study outlines how generative AI can boost designers' creativity and productivity, offering personalized features. These findings serve as a foundation for future design research and practical applications.

A way to improve the efficiency of Adobe design work using the generative AI Firefly program (생성형 AI 파이어플라이(Firefly) 프로그램을 활용한 어도비(Adobe) 디자인 작업 효율성 증진 방안)

  • Suk Kyung Yang;Seung In Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to explore ways to improve the efficiency of design work using Adobe Firefly, a generative AI program. To this end, we conducted an online survey and in-depth interviews with Firefly experts using a mixed research methodology that combines quantitative data analysis and qualitative research. Studies have shown that Firefly's image editing, text-to-image conversion, vector graphics conversion, and icon creation capabilities significantly improve user productivity and satisfaction. Additionally, the intuitive user interface and integration with the Adobe Creative workflow were found to contribute to increased efficiency. Based on this, this study proposes strategies such as active use of Firefly functions, integration with work flow, utilization of collaboration tools, and user education and experience enhancement. This is expected to increase the overall efficiency and productivity of the design team.

A Study on the Current Status and Qualitative Development of AI Midjourney 2d Graphic Results (AI미드저니 2d그래픽 결과물의 현황과 질적 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.803-808
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    • 2024
  • As a service that creates graphic work images with AI, DALL-E2, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, BING image generator, and Playground AI are widely used. It is that graphic also enables learner-led customized education. With this, it is worth studying detailed design customized learning materials and methods for designing efficient design in future 2D graphic work, and it is necessary to explore the areas of application. The current situation is that it is necessary to develop a design education system that can indicate the lack of AI technology through text security and questions. In this study, a successful proposal for a process that is produced through a process of creating AI design work through proxy work can be presented as a conclusion. Design, advertisement, and visual content companies are already using and adapting, and the trend is to reflect the AI graphic utilization ability and results in the portfolio along with interviews when hiring new employees. In line with this, detailed consideration and research on visual and design production methods for AI convergence between instructors and learners are currently needed. In this paper, proposals and methods for image quality production were considered in the main body and conclusions, and conclusive directions were proposed for five alternatives and methods for future applications.

Development of Design thinking-based AI education program (디자인 씽킹 기반 인공지능 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Jaeho;Lee, Seunghoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.723-731
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the AI education program for elementary school students was developed and applied by introducing the design thinking process, which is attracting attention as a creative problem solving process. A design thinking-based AI education program was developed in the stages of Understanding AI, Identifying sympathetic problems, Problem definition, Ideate, Prototype, Test and sharing, and the development program was applied to elementary school students in 4th-6th grade. As a result of pre- and post-testing of students' computational thinking skills to confirm the effectiveness of the program, computational thinking skills increased by grade level, and students experienced a process of collaboration for creative problem solving based on insights gained from sympathetic problem finding. In addition, it was possible to get a glimpse of the attitude of using AI technology to solve problems, and it was confirmed that ideas were generated in the prototype stage and developed through communication between team members. Through this, the design thinking-based AI education program as one of the AI education for elementary school students guarantees the continuity of learning and confirms the possibility of providing an experience of the creative problem-solving process.

A study on the Change in the Characteristics of Fashion Design Created through the Use of Fashion Flat Drawing and Midjourney (패션 도식화와 미드저니의 활용을 통하여 생성한 패션디자인의 특징 변화 연구)

  • Park, Keunsoo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2024
  • Today, in the field of contemporary fashion design, AI is being actively utilized as a new design tool, leading to a new paradigm of collaboration between designers and AI. This study is about a method for developing integrated fashion design through collaboration between human designers and AI. The purpose of this study is to analyze the visual and formative characteristics and changes of fashion design images generated using the AI generation program Midjourney, thereby expanding the understanding and utilization methods of AI image generation programs in fashion design development. The results of this study are as follows. First, Midjourney has the characteristic of relying more on the characteristics of the existing image used rather than the command when creating the image. It also creates new images by distributing and applying the design through an eclectic interaction between the costume and the image background. By excluding the names of fashion items from the commands, you can generate images that can give you more diverse ideas. Second, Midjourney initially expressed clothing colors using colors used in fashion schematics in color creation, and gradually expanded to various color series. Third, there is a kind of compromise between color and design when Midjourney creates an image, and accordingly, by specifying and limiting the image background and clothing colors, more diverse and advanced fashion design images can be created.

Navigating Ethical AI: A Comprehensive Analysis of Literature and Future Directions in Information Systems (AI와 윤리: 문헌의 종합적 분석과 정보시스템 분야의 향후 연구 방향)

  • Jinyoung Min
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2024
  • As the use of AI becomes a reality in many aspects of daily life, the opportunities and benefits it brings are being highlighted, while concerns about the ethical issues it may cause are also increasing. The field of information systems, which studies the impact of technology on business and society, must contribute to ensuring that AI has a positive influence on human society. To achieve this, it is necessary to explore the direction of research in the information systems field by examining various studies related to AI and ethics. For this purpose, this study collected literature from 2020 to the present and analyzed their research topics through researcher coding and topic modeling methods. The analysis results categorized research topics into AI ethics principles, ethical AI design and development, ethical AI deployment and application, and ethical AI use. After reviewing the literature in each category to grasp the current state of research, this study suggested future research directions for AI ethics in the field of information systems.