• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D building model

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An Indoor Space Management System using a Spatial DBMS (공간 DBMS를 이용한 실내 공간관리시스템)

  • Yi, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Hye-Young;Jun, Chul-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2009
  • Most 3D models found in the literature focus on theoretical topology for exterior 3D volumes. Although there are a few indoor models such as CityGML or IFC, implementing a full topology for the indoor spaces is either less practical due to the complexity or not even necessary in some application domains. Moreover, current spatial DBMSs do not support functionalities explicitly for 3D topological relations. In this study, an alternative method to build a 3D indoor model with less complexity ernativespatial DBMS is suggested. Focusnation the fact that semantic attributes can be storedion the floor surface, we suggestivemulti-layered 3D model for indoor spaces. We show the process to build the proposed model in the PostGIS, a spatial DBMS. And, then, as an example application, we illustrate the process to build and run a campus building information system.

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Development of BIM Based Information Model Interface Module for a Modular Pier (모듈러 교각의 BIM 기반 정보 모델 인터페이스 모듈 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Wook;Lee, Kwang-Myong;Nam, Sang-Hyeok
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2015
  • Modular technology has become a major issue of the construction industries to enhance their productivity. Modular bridge construction generally requires the data exchange between the contractors, designers, fabricators and constructors. Therefore, a readily accessible information model interface module based on BIM technology is essential for their communication during a project life-cycle. In this study, BIM based information model interface module for a modular pier was developed. For the information models, the PBS(Product Breakdown Structure) and LOD(Level of Development) were defined. Next, all components of a modular pier were conducted by the parametric modeling technique, and then 3D cell library interface was developed. An nterface module was also developed using VBA(Visua basic Application) for exchanging a data from 3D model library to other softwares such as Microstation, AutoCad and Excel and was connected with MS Access database. The developed information model interface module would improve the design quality of the modular pier and reduce the time and cost for design. Updated 3D information models could be utilized for the fabrication, assembly, and construction process for modular piers.

A Study on the Expression Transformation of Visual Information in 3D Architectural Models (3차원 건축모델정보의 표현변용방식에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Ho
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the application and the change of various architectural models by analyzing expression viewpoint media, which were applied to the visual information of digitalized 3D contemporary architectural models. The purpose of this study was to specify how modern architects have changed 3D architectural models to conceptual, logical, and formational visual information in the process of design. This study discovered a framework of analyses by theoretically investigating a relationship between expression media and expression change in the process of visualizing architectural models. Using the framework of analyses, this study analyzed how the expression viewpoints of architectural model information have been changed and applied. The transformation media of the visual information of digitalized 3D architectural models can be classified into conceptual, analytical, and formational information: 1) Contemporary architects used author-centered subjective viewpoints to express architectural concepts, which were generated in the process of their design. They selected a perspective viewpoint and a bird's eye view in order to present their architectural concepts and to depict them with one architectural model by expanding the visual scope of conceptual information. 2) Contemporary architects adopted observer-centered objective bird's eye view expression media to effectively present their architectural information to building owners and viewers. They used transformal media, which integrate architectural information into 3D and change it to different scales, in order to express their architecture logically. 3) Contemporary architects delivered model information about the generation and change of forms by expressing the image of a project from an author-centered viewpoint, instead of objectively defining formational information. They explained the generation principle of architectural forms via transformal media which develop and rotate an architectural model.

Responses of high-rise building resting on piled raft to adjacent tunnel at different depths relative to piles

  • Soomro, Mukhtiar Ali;Mangi, Naeem;Memon, Aftab Hameed;Mangnejo, Dildar Ali
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2022
  • In this study, 3D coupled-consolidation numerical parametric study was conducted to predict the deformation mechanism of a 20 storey building sitting on (4×4) piled raft (with length of piles, Lp=30 m) to adjacent 6 m diameter (D) tunnelling in stiff clay. The influences of different tunnel locations relative to piles (i.e., zt/Lp) were investigated in this parametric study. In first case, the tunnel was excavated near the pile shafts with depth of tunnel axis (zt) of 9 m (i.e., zt/Lp). In second and third cases, tunnels were driven at zt of 30 m and 42 m (i.e., zt/Lp = 1.0 and 1.4), respectively. An advanced hypoplastic clay model (which is capable of taking small-strain stiffness in account) was adopted to capture soil behaviour. The computed results revealed that tunnelling activity adjacent to a building resting on piled raft caused significant settlement, differential settlement, lateral deflection, angular distortion in the building. In addition, substantial bending moment, shear forces and changes in axial load distribution along pile length were induced. The findings from the parametric study revealed that the building and pile responses significantly influenced by tunnel location relative to pile.

A Study on the Photo-realistic 3D City Modeling Using the Omnidirectional Image and Digital Maps (전 방향 이미지와 디지털 맵을 활용한 3차원 실사 도시모델 생성 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Hyungki;Kang, Yuna;Han, Soonhung
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 2014
  • 3D city model, which consisted of the 3D building models and their geospatial position and orientation, is becoming a valuable resource in virtual reality, navigation systems, civil engineering, etc. The purpose of this research is to propose the new framework to generate the 3D city model that satisfies visual and physical requirements in ground oriented simulation system. At the same time, the framework should meet the demand of the automatic creation and cost-effectiveness, which facilitates the usability of the proposed approach. To do that, I suggest the framework that leverages the mobile mapping system which automatically gathers high resolution images and supplement sensor information like position and direction of the image. And to resolve the problem from the sensor noise and a large number of the occlusions, the fusion of digital map data will be used. This paper describes the overall framework with major process and the recommended or demanded techniques for each processing step.

A Verification of the Accuracy in BIM-Based Quantity Taking-Off - Focusing on Finishing Work (BIM 기반 물량 산출의 정확성 검증 - 마감공사 공종을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun;Yoon, Su-Won
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • Currently, various studies and applications related BIM based quantity take-off have been attempted, because of the accuracy of cost estimating and reliability by using the BIM model information in automatical calculation. Finishing works that have a large number of various types and materials need the higher accuracy and reliability on the BIM-based quantity take-off. Therefore, this study compared and analyzed 2D and 3D based quantity through Test-bed and determine the cause of the quantity difference. This verified the accuracy and efficiency in the BIM-based quantity take-off for finishing works. Also this study has been proposed opinions for calculating the exact BIM-based quantity take-off.

Semi-Automatic Method for Constructing 2D and 3D Indoor GIS Maps based on Point Clouds from Terrestrial LiDAR (지상 라이다의 점군 데이터를 이용한 2차원 및 3차원 실내 GIS 도면 반자동 구축 기법 개발)

  • Hong, Sung Chul;Jung, Jae Hoon;Kim, Sang Min;Hong, Seung Hwan;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2013
  • In rapidly developing urban areas that include high-rise, large, and complex buildings, indoor and outdoor maps in GIS become a basis for utilizing and sharing information pertaining to various aspects of the real world. Although an indoor mapping has gained much attentions, research efforts are mostly in 2D and 3D modeling of terrain and buildings. Therefore, to facilitate fast and accurate construction of indoor GIS, this paper proposes a semi-automatic method consisting of preprocessing, 2D mapping, and 3D mapping stages. The preprocessing is designed to estimate heights of building interiors and to identify noise data from point clouds. In the 2D mapping, a floor map is extracted with a tracing grid and a refinement method. In the 3D mapping, a 3D wireframe model is created with heights from the preprocessing stage. 3D mesh data converted from noise data is combined with the 3D wireframe model for detail modeling. The proposed method was applied to point clouds depicting a hallway in a building. Experiment results indicate that the proposed method can be utilized to construct 2D and 3D maps for indoor GIS.

창의성경영과 R&D성과의 관계에 관한 탐색적 연구 - 과학기술분야 정부출연연구기관을 중심으로-

  • 손태원;신유정;유성재
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 2003.02a
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    • pp.201-220
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of creativity management factors on R&D performance. To do this, the data(885 cases) was collected from 19 Korean Government-supported Research Institutes, and 3 hypothesis derived from model of creativity management(after here CM) were tested. Major findings are as follows: 1) CM factors are grouped into diversity, autonomy, connectivity, redundancy and flexibility factors; 2) The factors that can explain R&D performance are connectivity, autonomy, diversity and flexibility factors; 3) All CM factors have significant relationship with satisfaction of the employees; 4) Flexibility and connectivity factors give effects on turnover intention of the members. This study has some limitations in model building and empirical testing. But this study provided the theoretical and managerial implications about CM and R&D management, especially Government-supported Research Institute.

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CAD Data Conversion to a Node-Relation Structure for 3D Sub-Unit Topological Representation (3차원 위상구조 생성을 위한 노드 - 관계구조로의 CAD 자료 변환)

  • Stevens Mark;Choi Jin-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.2 s.113
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2006
  • Three-dimensional topological data is essential for 3D modeling and application such as emergency management and 3D network analysis. This paper reviewed current 3D topological data model and developed a method to construct 3D topological node-relation data structure from 2D computer aided design (CAD) data. The method needed two steps with medial axis-transformation and topological node-relation algorithms. Using a medial-axis transformation algorithm, the first step is to extract skeleton from wall data that was drawn polygon or double line in a CAD data. The second step is to build a topological node-relation structure by converting rooms to nodes and the relations between rooms to links. So, links represent adjacency and connectivity between nodes (rooms). As a result, with the conversion method 3D topological data for micro-level sub-unit of each building can be easily constructed from CAD data that are commonly used to design a building as a blueprint.

A Study on methodology of physical Fabrication & reorganization of Epidermis in Space Design - Focused on reorganization of Epidermis, Fabrication - (공간디자인에서 디지털 표피 재 조직화, 물리적 구현 방법 연구 - 표피 재 조직화, 가공 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jeong-Joo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.150-161
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    • 2008
  • It requires more close cooperation process and mediator for smooth communication in this industry structure where design and engineers are separated. The database of design integrates separate system and helps connection between organizations. The application category is utilized variously from formation to operation. Architectures addressed in this content as Frank Gehry and Nox are making differentiated design on the base of 3d digital methodology and using it widely from generation to fabrication. Especially they got to be free from the generative limit as it became available to analyse, digital surface organization, and realize the complex system form. Now more integrated and delicate works got to be affordable owing to various kinds of improved CNC, RP(rapid-prototype) machines, and architecture hardwares. With a linkage of software now at their disposal, architects can create a digital model of a building and all of its design elements, and in turn use this 3d information to construct actual building components using machines driven by CNC and other advanced manufacturing techniques. Digital technologies are enabling a direct correlation between what design and construction, thus bringing to the forefront the issue of the significance of information, the production, communication, application, and control of digital information in the industrial system. The central requirement is the clear, reliable, and consistent exchange of information among all parties involved in creating a given project.