• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2015개정 교육과정

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Middle School Science Teachers' Perceptions of Implementation and Challenges on Process-Based Assessment Emphasized in the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 과학교사들의 과정중심평가 실행 및 어려움에 대한 인식 탐색)

  • Lee, Hyunju;Baek, Jongmin;Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2020
  • As a part of the second-year monitoring study on the implementation of the 2015 revised science curriculum in middle schools, this study focuses more on examining middle school science teachers' perceptions on the process-based assessment (PBA). A total of 105 middle school science teachers (44 teachers from science leading schools, 61 teachers from ordinary schools) responded to the survey questionnaire, and 16 teachers participated in interviews. The results include teachers' perceptions on the changes in their teaching and assessment methods, some challenges of implementing PBA, and educational implications of PBA. Survey results indicate that the teachers perceived themselves using more PBA methods after the 2015 revised science curriculum was launched. The teachers in science-leading schools present statistically higher average scores to the items on the PBA utilization than the ones in ordinary schools. However, the teachers felt confused in conceptually differentiating PBA from prior performance-based assessment. They also experienced some conflicts when implementing PBA under the achievement-oriented school atmospheres. In addition, they often faced difficulties in securing objectivity and reliability of PBA and felt the burden of evaluating individual students. This study suggests the necessity of giving more authority and trust to science teachers regarding PBA, constructing more supportive environment to cultivate teacher competency as evaluation experts, and the need to reduce task burden. However, some teachers who actively implemented PBA express some level of satisfaction as observing students' positive reaction to PBA.

Comparison of Recurring Decimal Contents in Korean and Japanese Mathematics Textbooks (우리나라와 일본 수학 교과서의 순환소수 내용 비교)

  • Kim, Bumi
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.375-396
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, to provide an idea for the 2022 revised mathematics curriculum by restructuring the content of the 2015 mathematics curriculum, the content elements of recurring decimals of textbooks, which showed differences in the curriculum of Korea and Japan, were analyzed. As a result of this study, in Korea, before the introduction of the concept of irrational numbers, repeating decimals were defined in the second year of middle school, and the relationship between repeating decimals and rational numbers was dealt with. In Japan, after studying irrational numbers in the third year of middle school, the terminology of repeating decimals is briefly dealt with. Then, when learning the concept of limit in the high school <Mathematics III> subject, the relationship between rational numbers and repeating decimals is dealt with. Based on the results of the study, in relation to the optimization of the amount of learning in the 2022 curriculum revision, implications for the introduction period of the circular decimal number, alternatives to the level of its content, and the teaching and learning methods were proposed.

Exploration of the Direction for the Practice of Process-Focused Assessment (과정 중심 평가의 실행을 위한 방향 탐색)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Hwa;Kang, Hyun Young;Ko, Eun-Sung;Lee, Dong-Hwan;Shin, Bomi;Lee, Hwan Chul;Kim, Sun Hee
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.819-834
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    • 2016
  • As a method to lead a change in mathematics education, recently reformation of assessment appears as a concept of process-focused assessment. Process-focused assessment is the concept that 2015 revised mathematics curriculum aims for, which is promoted also in policy. This research suggested a significance of process-focused assessment that has not been determined in conceptualization and the practical model. For this, this research investigated the content of the assessment on 2015 revised mathematics curriculum, and explored process-focused assessment based on the recent education assessment theory and research. Also, we suggested a model of practical plan by investigating the condition to perform the process-focused assessment. This research could take a basic role to practice process-focused assessment and investigate the concrete plan in the mathematics class field.

A Comparative Study on 2011 Reformed Elementary School Mathematics Curriculum Between Korea and China (2011년 발표된 한국과 중국의 초등학교 수학과 교육과정 비교 분석)

  • Suh, Bo Euk
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2015
  • This study is a comparative study on the Korean and Chinese elementary school mathematics curriculum. Korea and China have announced a new mathematics curriculum in 2011, and have recently carried out in the whole school year. Korea and China are the countries to manage the national curriculum. The comparison with China is significant because of the similarity of our tradition and culture. In addition, the influence of Chinese education has been increasing gradually. Thus, the curriculum comparison between China and Korea has a significant value. Through this study, I extract the significant implications of mathematics education in Korea. This study can be summarized as the following. First, I have analyzed the elementary mathematics curriculum document systems in Korea and China. Second, I compared the goals of mathematics education in Korea and China. Third, this study compared the content areas and learning in elementary school mathematics curriculum in Korea and China. Fourth, I have analyzed the teaching and learning methods and the assessment of Korea and China. Finally, we compared and analyzed the proposed points for action set out in elementary school mathematics curriculum courses in Korea and China. The results of this study are expected to provide significant implications for the new curriculum document structure and mathematical contents of Korea.

A comparison of the Features of External Representations Presented in Paper Textbooks and Digital Textbooks: Focused on the 'Force' Related Units of Middle School in the 2009 and 2015 National Science Curricula (서책형교과서와 디지털교과서에 제시된 외적 표상의 특징 비교: 2009 및 2015 개정 교육과정의 중학교 '힘' 관련 단원을 중심으로)

  • 김노아;장진아 ;송진웅
    • School Science Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.309-330
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    • 2018
  • Digital textbooks will be an important media for expanding learning materials and ways of communicating in the classroom in a 'hyper-connected society'. The purpose of this study is to compare the types and features of external representations presented in paper textbooks and digital textbooks to see how they were constructed meaningful in a different way. In particular, through comparison of digital textbooks that were approved by the 2009 and 2015 national science curricula, this study intended to diagnose large or small changes depending on the curriculum and seek directions for future developments. As a result, digital textbooks provided quantitative extended data and representations in space beyond physical limits, but these representations were focused on linguistic representations. This tendency was the same in both curricula textbooks, but more diverse types of representations were found in the 2015 national science curriculum. In addition, in th1 digital textbooks, illustrative and explanatory representations was used the most, such as the paper textbooks. However, in the digital textbooks, complementary representations were much bigger than the paper textbooks and summative and performative representations were added. In the digital textbooks of the 2015 national science curriculum, the complementary representations were slightly reduced, and summative and performative representations were relatively more used. Also, in the digital textbooks, space was used as a way of presenting various representations through the pop-up and screen switching functions by click. In particular, in the 2015 national science curriculum, many screen switching functions were presented. Finally, this study suggested implications for the improvement of digital textbooks and science classroom.

Study on Continuity of Elementary Mathematics Curriculum and Nuri Curriculum (유치원 교육과정과 초등수학 교육과정의 내용 연계성 분석 -누리과정과 2009 개정 수학과 교육과정을 대상으로-)

  • Chang, Hyewon;Lee, Hwayoung;Lim, Miin
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.207-223
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to find ways for securing continuity of elementary mathematics curriculum and kindergarten curriculum. To do this, we considered the status of 'mathematical exploration' in Nuri curriculum and analysed the correspondence of content-domains and the continuity between Nuri curriculum for ages three to five and 2009 revised national elementary mathematics curriculum, based on the reconstructed achievement criteria. The result of these analyses reveals that the classification of five content-domains both for 'mathematical exploration' of Nuri curriculum and for 2009 revised national elementary mathematics curriculum coincides. We also recognized the reconstructed achievement criteria which are considered as reverse continuity or as discontinuity of Nuri curriculum and 2009 revised national elementary mathematics curriculum in all the five content domains. The former means being lower in levels or reduction in ranges from Nuri curriculum to elementary one. The latter means that some reconstructed achievement criteria are included in only one of the two curriculum. Based on these results, we suggested several ways to secure the continuity between Nuri curriculum and 2009 revised national elementary mathematics curriculum in the perspective of mathematics education.

A Study on the Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective Aspects of Software Education by Exploring Computational Thinking (컴퓨팅 사고력에 관한 탐색을 통한 소프트웨어 교육의 지식, 기능, 태도적 측면에 관한 고찰)

  • Jeon, Yong-Ju
    • Proceedings of The KACE
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    • 2017.08a
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    • pp.241-243
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    • 2017
  • 2015 개정 교육과정 총론에서는 Bloom의 교육목표분류에 기반하여 지식, 기능, 태도 영역에서 균형 있는 수업과 평가를 하도록 강조하고 있으며, 국외에서도 컴퓨팅 교육에서 지식, 기능, 태도 등에서 균형있는 접근을 하기 위한 노력을 기울이고 있는바, 현재 제안되고 있는 대부분의 수업 및 평가가 지식 측면을 중심으로 구성되어 있는 점을 보완하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 컴퓨팅 사고력에 대한 국외의 동향과 2015 개정 교육과정 총론에 비추어 소프트웨어 교육의 지식, 기능, 태도적 측면의 의미와 다룰 수 있는 내용을 고찰하였다.

  • PDF

A Comparative Study of Physics Textbooks based on 2015 Revised National Curriculum and IB DP: Focused on the 'Relativity' Unit (2015 개정 교육과정과 IB DP에 따른 물리학 교과서 비교 연구: '상대성 이론' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Munho
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.15-37
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    • 2020
  • Unlike Korean science curriculum's continued push for "relevance of contents" to reduce the burden of learning on students, IB DP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) is chosen in many countries and the number of IB world schools continues to grow, although it contains not only a large amount of learning but a substantial amount of content that requires quantitative calculations. Through this study, we suggest implications for Korean science curriculum and textbook, by comparing the constructions of chapters, the achievement standards, the learning contents, and the formulas of physics textbook, focusing on the 'relativity' unit of the 2015 revised national curriculum and IB DP, and by analyzing the questions of college scholastic ability test (CSAT) and external assessment (EA).

Perceptions and Perspectives of Secondary Science Teachers on Core Concepts (핵심 개념에 대한 중등 과학 교사들의 인식 및 관점)

  • Eun-Jeong Yu
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2023
  • Rather than an abstract discourse, the purpose of this study is to outline the core concepts in the 2015 revised curriculum as a concrete teaching and learning method in the school context. We interviewed eight secondary science teachers and reported their perceptions and perspectives on core concepts using a backward design model based on the cyclical process of the platform, deliberation, and design for developing teaching and learning materials to understand core concepts. The participants perceived these core concepts differently, such as big ideas corresponding to the ultimate principle, minimum science concepts required for daily life, and primary and significant key concepts. In addition, this affects the association of teaching and learning. When core concepts are understood as transferable and expandable big ideas, there is a tendency to focus on the relationship between concepts and design project learning in a specific direction. However, if core concepts are identified as minimum science concepts at the level of science literacy, that can be recalled within the context of life, there is a tendency to emphasize on activities that make a meaningful difference to the lives of students with focus on case studies that are relevant to everyday life. Once core concepts are identified as key scientific content elements, such as basic or significant concepts, teachers recognize that it is essential to emphasize concept changes by correcting misconceptions, acquiring accurate scientific knowledge, and developing problem-solving items through paper-and-pencil evaluation. As the 2015 revised curriculum is finalized and the 2022 revised curriculum is scheduled for release, effective policy support is required to ensure that the curriculum is revised, which emphasizes the purpose of big ideas by naming core concepts as core ideas, to be stably implemented in schools.

Ways to Improve In-Service Science Teachers' Expertise with the Introduction of 'Integrated Science' in the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정의 '통합과학' 도입에 따른 중등 과학과 현직교사 역량 제고 방안)

  • Kwak, Youngsun;Lee, Jaebong;Lee, Yangrak
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2017
  • Teacher reeducation is required to be comfortable with the 'Integrated science' subject as introduced in the 2015 revised curriculum. In this research, we designed in-service teacher training programs according to the types of secondary school science teacher's certificates, and developed ways to improve in-service science teachers' competencies. Through Delphi surveys with 22 science education experts, we investigated the features of the 2015 revised 'Integrated science' curriculum in light of its characteristics, purposes, contents system, contents, and so on, and explored teachers' competencies to teach the subject. Based on the analysis of the features of each type of secondary school science teachers' certification and required teacher competencies for teaching 'Integrated science', we developed three types of teacher training programs: in-service training courses for understanding the 2015 revised 'Integrated science' (Type A), in-service training courses for 'Integrated science' (Type B), and in-service teacher training certificate program for 'Integrated science' (Type C). For each teacher training program, we suggested the target of the training program in light of teacher certificates, operation systems, and ways to organize the program. In addition, we also suggested ways to improve 'Integrated science' teacher education programs for pre-service as well as in-service teachers, and examined ways to improve educational requirements for qualification in 'Integrated science' teaching based on the opinions of experts. Discussed in the conclusion are ways to design in-service teacher training programs for 'Integrated science' teaching and ways to improve 'Integrated science' teacher training.