• Title/Summary/Keyword: 회의명

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Effect of Fabric Sensor Type and Measurement Location on Respiratory Detection Performance (직물센서의 종류와 측정 위치가 호흡 신호 검출 성능에 미치는 효과)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seung;Yang, Jin-Hee;Lee, Kang-Hwi;Kim, Sang-Min;Lee, Hyeok-Jae;Lee, Jeong-Hwan;Kwak, Hwi-Kuen;Ko, Yun-Su;Chae, Je-Wook;Oh, Su-Hyeon;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the type and measurement location of a fabric strain gauge sensor on the detection performance for respiratory signals. We implemented two types of sensors to measure the respiratory signal and attached them to a band to detect the respiratory signal. Eight healthy males in their 20s were the subject of this study. They were asked to wear two respiratory bands in turns. While the subjects were measured for 30 seconds standing comfortably, the respiratory was given at 15 breaths per minute were synchronized, and then a 10-second break; subsequently, the entire measurement was repeated. Measurement locations were at the chest and abdomen. In addition, to verify the performance of respiratory measurement in the movement state, the subjects were asked to walk in place at a speed of 80 strides per minute(SPM), and the respiratory was measured using the same method mentioned earlier. Meanwhile, to acquire a reference signal, the SS5LB of BIOPAC Systems, Inc., was worn by the subjects simultaneously with the experimental sensor. The Kruskal-Wallis test and Bonferroni post hoc tests were performed using SPSS 24.0 to verify the difference in measurement performances among the group of eight combinations of sensor types, measurement locations, and movement states. In addition, the Wilcoxon test was conducted to examine whether there are differences according to sensor type, measurement location, and movement state. The results showed that the respiratory signal detection performance was the best when the respiratory was measured in the chest using the CNT-coated fabric sensor regardless of the movement state. Based on the results of this study, we will develop a chest belt-type wearable platform that can monitor the various vital signal in real time without disturbing the movements in an outdoor environment or in daily activities.

The Effects of Student Activity Centered Career Exploring Program on the Career Maturity Level in the Unit "The Choice of Career and Job Morals" of the 9th Grade Technology and Borne Economics (기술$\cdot$가정 9학년"진로의 선택과직업윤리"단원에서 학생활동 중심의 진로탐색 프로그램이 진로 성숙도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Young Mi;Kim Haeng Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.9-26
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    • 2004
  • The purposes of this study are to develop and apply the student activity centered career exploring program and to verify effectiveness on the students' career maturity level. The subjects of this study were 137 students. 4 classes of a middle school in Jinju. They were divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. For experiment, the career exploring program was input to the experimental group for 14 class hours. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The student activity centered career exploring program applied to the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$ was effective in raising the attitude of the career maturity level. As the result of verifying the differences. there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the planning quality and the attitude of works. 2. The student activity centered career exploring program applied to the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$ was effective in raising the ability field of the career maturity level. The experimental group showed more statistically meaningful differences in the knowledge of jobs, the information exploring, and the self-understanding than the control group. Consequently. the effects of the student activity centered career exploring program on the career maturity level in the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$. all the fields of the career maturity level showed the statistically meaningful differences except the independence quality of the attitude field and the decision making of the ability field. So it is concluded that the experiment program elevated the students' career maturity level. However. as the result of analysing independent sample t-test of the pre-test and the post-test. the program was ineffective in the independence quality and the decision making. When this career exploring program is applied to the unit $\ulcorner$The Choice of Career and Job Morals$\lrcorner$. it is recommended to strengthen the activities to cultivate the independence quality and the decision making power.

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Vietnamese Immigrants and Buddhism in Southern Louisiana: Ingredients for 'Melting Pot' or for Cultural Diversity? (남부루이지애나의 베트남 移民集團과 佛敎: 鎔鑛爐 속의 成分? 혹은 文化的 多樣性의 成分?)

  • Lee, Young-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.685-698
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    • 1996
  • Southern Louisiana has one of the largest Vitnamese refrgee neighborhoods after the mid-1970s. It is impressive that one of their adaptive strategies comes from their religious lives which are centered on either Catholicism or Buddhism. The Buddhism community, especially, exhibits an exotic symbolic system of value and attitude, and thus contributes to cultural diversity in the adopted country. The landscape of the Buddhist temple is a visible symbol to them that the host socirty accepts their maintenance of their own cultural identity and that they are also an integral part of American society. Their making-place and being-in-place procedures, although their culture is being transformed in the original shape, put an emphasis on interaction with the host xociety. These procedures have been facilitated by consolidating their identity as a minority group as well as by interacting with the host society. The on-going influx of foreign immigrant groups seems not to drive them to assimilate into the melting-pot society, but to contribute to contribute to the increase in the cultural diversity of the United States.

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Evaluation of Real-time Measurement Liver Tumor's Movement and $Synchrony^{TM}$ System's Accuracy of Radiosurgery using a Robot CyberKnife (로봇사이버나이프를 이용한 간 종양의 실시간 움직임 측정과 방사선수술 시 호흡추적장치의 정확성 평가)

  • Kim, Gha-Jung;Shim, Su-Jung;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Min, Chul-Kee;Chung, Weon-Kuu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study aimed to quantitatively measure the movement of tumors in real-time and evaluate the treatment accuracy, during the treatment of a liver tumor patient, who underwent radiosurgery with a Synchrony Respiratory motion tracking system of a robot CyberKnife. Materials and Methods: The study subjects included 24 liver tumor patients who underwent CyberKnife treatment, which included 64 times of treatment with the Synchrony Respiratory motion tracking system ($Synchrony^{TM}$). The treatment involved inserting 4 to 6 acupuncture needles into the vicinity of the liver tumor in all the patients using ultrasonography as a guide. A treatment plan was set up using the CT images for treatment planning uses. The position of the acupuncture needle was identified for every treatment time by Digitally Reconstructed Radiography (DRR) prepared at the time of treatment planning and X-ray images photographed in real-time. Subsequent results were stored through a Motion Tracking System (MTS) using the Mtsmain.log treatment file. In this way, movement of the tumor was measured. Besides, the accuracy of radiosurgery using CyberKnife was evaluated by the correlation errors between the real-time positions of the acupuncture needles and the predicted coordinates. Results: The maximum and the average translational movement of the liver tumor were measured 23.5 mm and $13.9{\pm}5.5\;mm$, respectively from the superior to the inferior direction, 3.9 mm and $1.9{\pm}0.9mm$, respectively from left to right, and 8.3 mm and $4.9{\pm}1.9\;mm$, respectively from the anterior to the posterior direction. The maximum and the average rotational movement of the liver tumor were measured to be $3.3^{\circ}$ and $2.6{\pm}1.3^{\circ}$, respectively for X (Left-Right) axis rotation, $4.8^{\circ}$ and $2.3{\pm}1.0^{\circ}$, respectively for Y (Crania-Caudal) axis rotation, $3.9^{\circ}$ and $2.8{\pm}1.1^{\circ}$, respectively for Z (Anterior-Posterior) axis rotation. In addition, the average correlation error, which represents the treatment's accuracy was $1.1{\pm}0.7\;mm$. Conclusion: In this study real-time movement of a liver tumor during the radiosurgery could be verified quantitatively and the accuracy of the radiosurgery with the Synchrony Respiratory motion tracking system of robot could be evaluated. On this basis, the decision of treatment volume in radiosurgery or conventional radiotherapy and useful information on the movement of liver tumor are supposed to be provided.

Relationship between Sleep Disturbances and Cognitive Impairments in Older Adults with Depression (노인성 우울증 환자에서 수면 장애와 인지기능 저하의 관련성)

  • Lee, Hyuk Joo;Lee, Jung Suk;Kim, Tae;Yoon, In-Young
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Depression, sleep complaints and cognitive impairments are commonly observed in the elderly. Elderly subjects with depressive symptoms have been found to show both poor cognitive performances and sleep disturbances. However, the relationship between sleep complaints and cognitive dysfunction in elderly depression is not clear. The aim of this study is to identify the association between sleep disturbances and cognitive decline in late-life depression. Methods: A total of 282 elderly people who underwent nocturnal polysomnography in a sleep laboratory were enrolled in the study. The Korean version of the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery developed by the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD-K) was applied to evaluate cognitive function. Depressive symptoms were assessed with the geriatric depression scale (GDS) and subjective sleep quality was measured using the Pittsburg sleep quality index (PSQI). Results: The control group ($GDS{\leq}9$) when compared with mild ($10{\leq}GDS{\leq}16$) and severe ($17{\leq}GDS$) depression groups, had significantly different scores in the Trail making test part B (TMT-B), Benton visual retention test part A (BVRT-A), and Stroop color and word test (SCWT)(all tests p<0.05). The PSQI score, REM sleep duration, apnea-hypopnea index and oxygen desaturation index were significantly different across the three groups (all indices, p<0.05). A stepwise multiple regression model showed that educational level, age and GDS score were predictive for both TMT-B time (adjusted $R^2$=35.6%, p<0.001) and BVRT-A score (adjusted $R^2$=28.3%, p<0.001). SCWT score was predicted by educational level, age, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and GDS score (adjusted $R^2$=20.6%, p<0.001). Poor sleep quality and sleep structure alterations observed in depression did not have any significant effects on cognitive deterioration. Conclusion: Older adults with depressive symptoms showed mild sleep alterations and poor cognitive performances. However, we found no association between sleep disturbances (except sleep apnea) and cognitive difficulties in elderly subjects with depressive symptoms. It is possible that the impact of sleep disruptions on cognitive abilities was hindered by the confounding effect of age, education and depressive symptoms.

Development and Evaluation of Family Life Culture Education Program in Preparation for the Reunification of Korea aimed at Pre-Service Home Economics Teachers (예비 가정과교사를 위한 통일대비 가정생활문화교육 프로그램의 개발과 평가)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Yookyung;Song, Jieun;An, Soon-Hee;Lee, Yonsuk;Lee, Yhe-Young;Lee, Hana;Lim, Jung Ha;Chung, Soon Hwa;Jung, Min-Young;Han, Youngsun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2017
  • This program aimed at preparing the pre-service teachers to teach about North Korean family life culture to secondary school students, by promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between the two Koreas. Based on the literature review, the educational contents were developed to reflect general aspects of North Korean family life. The program was implemented with 35 undergraduate students in a home economics teacher education program. The program consists of 15 units of 150-minute instructional sessions. The first three introductory sessions dealt with the definitions of family life culture and multiculturalism, as well as a historical review of South-North relationship. The following nine sessions were devoted to North Korean family life culture in five different domains: consumption and leisure, family and child-caring, food and dietary life, housing and neighborhood life, and clothing/fashion. During the final two weeks, pre-service teachers conducted mock-teaching. For evaluation, pre- and post-session scores on general teaching efficacy and understanding of cultural differences were compared using paired t-tests. The pre-/post-test results confirmed that the program was successful in promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between two Koreas of pre-service teachers.

Factors Associated with Critical Thinking Disposition in Dental Hygiene Students (치위생(학)과 학생의 비판적 사고 성향과 관련 요인)

  • Cho, Young-Sik;Bae, Hyun-Sook;Hwang, Hye-Rim
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.543-551
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    • 2011
  • Critical thinking is recognized as core competency for dental hygiene practice. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between critical thinking disposition and grade, types of educational programs and satisfaction with interpersonal relationship, major, clinical practice. Total 909 students in associate and baccalaureate dental hygiene educational program completed self-reported questionnaire on critical thinking disposition inventory developed by Yoon(2004). The mean score for critical thinking disposition was 3.38~3.39 on a 5 point scale. There was no difference in critical thinking disposition scores between students of associate and baccalaureate programs. There was no difference in critical thinking disposition scores between grade of students. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between critical thinking disposition and satisfaction with interpersonal relationship and major. Multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA) revealed that all subscales for three groups according to satisfaction with interpersonal relationship were significantly different(Pillai's trace=0.075, F(14,1782)=4.979, p<0.001) and all subscales for three groups according to satisfaction with major were significantly different(Pillai's trace=0.035, F(14,1728)=2.257, p=0.005).

Study of Dental Hygienist's Stress Degree and Adaptation Method (치과위생사의 스트레스 정도와 적응 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Gwon, Mi-Young;Jung, Mee-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2004
  • It examines closely the occupation characteristic primary factor which the dentistry hygienic company field which is working to presence at a sickbed is undergoing the degree and from the research which it sees and it grasps the adaptation method against it gropes bitterly with development of the dentistry hygienic company individual to join in, it contributed in dentistry medical treatment service quality improvement and the research which tries to sleep it attempted. Currently the dentistry hygiene which works from Seoul and the condition area subject matter dentist unit, the dentistry hospital and the general hospital dentistry back it did in the object which it will burn. 116 issues which become frequency in question 120 it used SPSS 10.0 and it analyzed. Result of this study is as following. (1) Was expose that stress degree by factor feels about commonness on the whole, and angle prospects and support connection stress at company were the biggest item by item, and appeared as on the other hand relation connection stress with patient is the smallest. (2) Stress that stress degree by each receives in case of there are a lot of other businesses to characteristic businesses except appeared highest. On the other hand, was expose that feel the lowest stress degree an item that other a type of occupation and discord are. (3) 'Do action of that throw goods or closes the door bump' appeared article highest by short term adaptation method about stress, and 'Think and gives up by fate' appeared highest by special skill adaptation method. Short term adaptation method appeared high than special skill adaptation method on the whole but the difference appeared as is very small. (4) Stress degree comparison by general special quality was shown difference that stress by only dental hygiene administration of justice selection motive keeps in mind. (5) All of the result that compare short term, long term adaptation method about stress that feel new dental higienist apple career dental higienist same difference be, but displayed high result in same munhang. (6) Was expose that difference that keep in mind from all arguments in comparison of short term adaptation method by general special quality does not exist, on the other hand, comparison of long-term adaptation method displayed result that religion among only variable keeps in mind statistically.

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Policy suggestions to educate and produce outstanding paramedics in Korea (우수한 1급 응급구조사 인력 양성 및 배출을 위한 정책 제안)

  • Choi, Eun-Sook;Koh, Bong-Yeun;Park, Hee-Jin;Kim, Hyo-Sik;Kwon, Hay-Rran;Choi, Hea-Kyung;Lee, Kyoung-Youl;Yun, Jong-Geun;Hong, Sung-Gi;Cho, Keun-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: With the purpose of educating and producing outstanding paramedics by enhancing their competencies, this study aimed to make policy suggestions to re-establish the education system and improve the national examination and the certification scheme. Methods: This study used focus group interviews and questionnaires to collect data. Totally, there were 277 subjects, including experts from the education and field. Data were collected from September 9 to 20, 2016, and analyzed using SPSS 22.0. Results: To strengthen the curriculum of paramedics, this study suggested 27 courses with 94 credits as the standardized curriculum and derived 9 core competencies of paramedics. For the national examination, this study suggested consolidating written test subjects, adding scenario questions to practical tests, and applying critical criteria to simple practical tests that performs a procedure, grading these tests on a pass/fail basis. In addition, this study suggested converting certification into license, reflecting paramedics' healthcare job characteristics. Conclusion: The quality of emergency medical services in Korea will improve when those with core competencies that originated from the standardized curriculum based on the results of this study acquire their certification through the national test scheme, and the certification management system creates a virtuous cycle to further enhance paramedics' professionalism.

Sleep Patterns of Pregnant Women (임부의 수면양상)

  • Choi, Byeung-Sun;Yoon, Jin-Sang
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1998
  • Objectives : The change of sleep patterns commonly occurs in association with the pregnancy. This study was to investigate sleep habits during the course of normal pregnancy. Methods : Sleep habits questionnaire was administered to healthy women in their first trimester(TR1) of pregnancy and then the same questionnaire was repeatedly administered during their second(TR2) and third(TR3) trimesters. The following aspects were assessed : patterns of night sleep, daytime status, sleep posture, reasons for sleep alteration, and the experience of any particular parasomnias, as well as sleep problem-related treatment or medication. Data analysis was based on 26 women who maintaind good health throughout their pregnancy and completed the questionnaire three times. Results : In comparisons between each trimester and non-pregnant state, total night sleep time, daytime tiredness, and sleepiness were significantly increased in all trimesters. Sleep latency was significantly decreased in TR1 and TR2, but not in TR3. In addition, refreshed feeling on waking the following day was significantly decreased and the number of awakenings during night sleep was significantly increased in TR3, but not in TR1 and TR2. In comparisons between trimesters, there was a significant increase in sleep latency, daytime sleepiness and the number of awakenings during night sleep and a significant decrease in refreshed feeling on waking the following day in TR3 compared to TR1 and TR2. Over the course of pregnancy, the rate of lateral position during sleep was gradually increased and all the pregnant women took the lateral sleeping posture in TR3. The major reasons for sleep pattern alteration were nausea, vomiting and heartburn in TR1, urinary frequency, fetal movement and ache in hips in TR2, and urinary frequency, fetal movement, cramp in legs and backache in TR3. Conclusion : These findings are expected to be useful for educating pregnant women about sleep hygiene. In future studies, the underlying factors and mechanisms regarding sleep patterns during pregnancy will need to be clarified.

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