• Title/Summary/Keyword: 특성화 도서관

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LRM's Characterics and Applications Plan Through Comparing with FRBR (FRBR과 비교를 통한 LRM의 특징 및 적용방안)

  • Lee, Mihwa
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.355-375
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    • 2022
  • This study is to grasp LRM's feature and applications plan to reflect LRM to cataloging related standards and individual system through comparing and analyzing LRM with the FR model in terms of entities, attributes, and relationships. The application plan is suggested as follows. First, the entity can be extended by defining sub-entities of each entity in the standards and the individual system in order to reflect LRM, even though entities such as families, groups, identifiers, authorized access points, concepts, objects, events, agency and rules have been deleted in LRM. Second, the attribute should be subdivided in the standards and the individual system in order to apply LRM, though many attributes have been changed to relationships for linked data and decreased in LRM. In particular, more specific and detailed property names in the standards and the individual system should be clearly presented, and the vocabulary encoding scheme corresponding to each property should be also developed, since properties with similar functions or repetition in various entities, and material specific properties are generalized and integrated into comprehensive property names. Third, the relationship should be extended through newly declaring the refinement or subtype of the relationship and considering a multi-level relationship, since the relationship itself is general and abstract under increasing the number of relationships in comparing to the property. This study will be practically utilized in cataloging related standards and individual system for applying LRM.

A Study on Construction of Subject Headings for the Word Based Classification (이용자 중심의 주제어 기반 분류를 위한 주제명 개발에 관한 연구: 지식조직체계 분석을 바탕으로)

  • Baek, Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.171-193
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to analyse the necessity of the subject heading construction for the word based classification and to suggest a methodology that uses various knowledge organization systems(KOS). For this purpose, six kinds of KOS were collected for the 20 selected works in each subject. The collected subjects were analysed in terms of constructing a subject heading for the word based classification. The result of the analysis shows that there is a noticeable difference between the library oriented KOS and commercial oriented KOS. In addition, user oriented tags are more similar to the commercial sector's concerning subject categorization than the library oriented ones. However, there is no noticeable difference among the library oriented KOS, commercial sector oriented KOS, and user oriented tags regarding the subject vocabulary. Some practical implications were suggested for the application to the Korean libraries based on the findings of this study.

Discussions on the Theoretical Background for Librarianship as a Profession (전문직으로서의 사서직 논의를 위한 이론적 접근)

  • Kim, Gi-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.313-333
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    • 2008
  • Based on that the purpose of professionalization in librarianship is to achieve social recognition of its specialty, we discuss about theoretical background for the professionalization in librarianship in Korea. Some characteristics from the previous discussions are identified, such as functionalism, altruism in service, and individualism. Also, we identify organization-centered characteristic as an inherent one in librarianship. Based on the characteristics identified, we discuss about some supportive concepts, such as advanced or complex knowledge, service, organization-centered characteristic, and market, and their interrelationships. We hope such concepts would encourage further discussions on this topic for the professionalization.

Analysis of the Aesthetics of the Human Body Portrayed in Front Cover of Women's Magazines Prior to 1945 (1945년 이전 여성잡지 표지화에 나타난 인체미 분석)

  • Lee, Soon-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1737-1746
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to present a concrete image of the ideal beauty as shown in era preceding 1945 that effects the shaping of our aesthetic values; by analyzing its characteristics through the covers of women's magazines of that period, this research aims to promote the understanding of beauty of the human body. The scope of my research extends throughout the collection of women's magazines stored in the National Library and the Korea Magazine Information Center. The gathered research materials are: 5 kinds of Shin-Yeo-Sung (신여성), 51 kinds Yeo-Sung(여성) and 30 kinds of Ga-Jung-Ji-Woo(가정지우). The result of the research could be summarized as the followings. Before the 1920's in response to the violent opening, there was a trend of sticking to the traditional standard. In the 1920's, the prevalent images of women were meek and fragile. Japanese standard of beauty was explicitly indicated. In the 1930s, as Western movies started to be shown to the general public, western features were idealized and furthermore intelligence was required as a further condition. In the 1940s, preparation of the war led to encouragement of images of motherhood and natural beauty, and resistant to this trend led to pseudoclassicism.

Web Resources Based Collection Development for Digital Libraries (디지털 도서관의 웹자원 기반 장서개발)

  • Lee, Jee-Yeon;Kim, Sung-Un
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.111-127
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    • 2003
  • Web-based information resources should be managed and used methodically in the same manner as the paper-based resources are managed and used. It is necessitated by the prevalence of web-based delivery of a variety of information. To develop a web-based digital collection, it is critical to establish a set of standardized evaluation criteria for web-resources. The evaluation criteria needs to include authority, trustworthy, reliability, functionality, relatedness, accessibility, structure, design, user support, and security related matters. However, it is also necessary to have certain flexibility to either emphasize or include particular evaluation criteria to reflect varying characteristics of the web resources especially for the purpose of developing an effective digital collection. In addition, it is essential to review the evaluation criteria with respect to value, demand, duplication prevention, and intellectual property, which are relevant to the web-based digital collection development. Finally, various strategies were suggested as means to develop more effective web-based digital resource collection. These strategies include organizing a selection committee to ensure the objectivity and consistency in web-resource evaluation; developing a model for web-based digital resource collection; sharing new standards, protocols, markups, and metadata with other digital libraries; and developing user-centered digital resource collection.

Cataloging Trends after LRM and its Acceptance in KORMARC Bibliographic Format (LRM 이후 목록 동향과 KORMARC 통합서지용에서의 수용 방안)

  • Lee, Mihwa;Lee, Eun-Ju;Rho, Jee-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2022
  • This study was to develop KORMARC-bibliographic format reflecting cataloging trends after LRM using literature review, analysis of MARC 21 discussion papers, and comparison of the fields in MARC 21 and KORMARC. The acceptance and consideration of fields and sub-fields that need to be revised in KORMARC are as follows. First, in terms of LRM / RDA, fields 381 or 387 for the representative expression, field 881 and the change and addition of its sub-fields for the manifestation statement, and data provenance code to ▾7 sub-field for date provenance may be considered. Second, in terms of Linked Data, ▾1 sub-field for RWO, and field 758 for related work identifier can be added. Third, for the data exchange of KORMARC and BIBFRAME, it should be developed in consideration of mapping with BIBFRAME classes and attributes in KORMARC. Fourth, additional fields such as 251 version information, 334 mode of issuance, 335 expansion plan, 341 accessibility content, 348 format of notated music, 353 supplementary content characteristics, 532 accessibility note, 370 associated place, 385 audience characteristics, 386 creator/contributor characteristics, 388 time period of creation, 688 subject added entry-type of entity unspecified, 884 description conversion information, 885 matching information could be developed. This study will be used to revise KORMARC-bibliographic format and to build and utilize bibliographic data in domestic libraries.

A Study on Subject Guide Development for Modern Korean Literature (한국근대문학 주제가이드 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Hyun-Jin;Kang, Mi-Hee;Jeong, Dae-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.315-341
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    • 2016
  • This study developed subject guides for modern Korean literature materials that National Library of Korea owns. These were developed through processes such as domestic and foreign case studies, research on user's awareness, and theoretical investigation of modern Korean literature and subject guides in order to reflect characteristics unique to modern Korean literature which existed under special historical conditions. The results of acquiring actual data are as follows. First, this study acquired bibliographic data on 23,731 cases of works and information about figures regarding 117 authors of modern Korean literature. Second, this study covered raw data generated by the corresponding authors from 1894 to 1945 and the derived data generated by other authors until now on the basis of that. Third, an attempt was made to cluster the relevant information through arrangement system by author, genre and time period. The above-mentioned study results are regarded to be significant because an attempt is made to systematize and structure modern Korean literature existing in a complicated condition to such an extent that it was not possible for even the relevant academic world to find exact statistical data on author at that time.

A Study on the Gap Between University Academic Information Resource Using Gini Coefficient (지니계수를 활용한 대학도서관 학술정보자원 격차 연구)

  • Cho, Jane;Lee, Jiwon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.29-47
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    • 2020
  • This study uses Gini coefficient to index the inequality of academic information resource among universities to identify the areas where the gap is extremely severe, and analyzes the Gini coefficient over time for 10 years to show how the gap is changing. In addition, the degree and characteristics of the gap appearing by type of universities such as metropolitan universities, local national universities, private universities, and colleges were also compared. As a result, first, the university library academic information infrastructure showed a severe level of disparity (0.6 - 0.9), and the inequality was more severe in serials, electronic resources, and reference service. Even when the relative Gini coefficient was calculated considering the number of students, the inequality was over 0.4 in serial etc. Second, the Gini coefficient trend over the last decade shows that the inequality has decreased toward equality in the re-education time of employees and electronic information resources, but not in other sectors. Third, it was found that special universities and universities in the metropolitan area showed a large gap between universities of the same kind, and local national universities showed the best gap level as well as the best academic information infrastructure.

Facilities of Z39.50 client for Networked information retrieval (네트워크 정보 검색 지원 Z39.50 클라이언트 비교 연구)

  • 유사라;한승희
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 1998
  • Most of the work done in developing Z39.50 was carried out in the basic protocol framework. It becomes apparent that some problems would be quite unacceptable in implementing and reinforcing the networked information retrieval and that it needs some other arrangement such as ISP. This article discussed the current modifications like ISPs by reviewing the unique characters of Z39.50 and the overall design of a client-server search systems, and also distinguished the Z39.50 clients that have been developed as non-profits from those of profits in the perspective of Z39.50 function-expanding.

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A Study on the Development of Continuing Education to Enhance the Specialization of Librarians (사서직의 전문성 제고를 위한 계속교육발전 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 임동빈
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.51-77
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to took for systematic, effective ways of providing continuing education for incumbent librarians in order that they could be more specialized in their profession. For the purpose, this research performed pervious literature reach and then a questionnaire survey for the librarians to determine their service periods and opinions, requirements and suggestions about continuing education as above and the current status of the education. The result of the study can be described as below. First, few incumbent librarians generally participate in continuing education. The participation, if any, is different in degree according to types of the librarian's library and task. Second, continuing education provided by responsible agencies is seen negative in value, but relatively positive in validity. it is agreed that the education is not easy to be provided due to a lack of time. Third, individual incumbent librarians are little devoted to continuing education, although the devotion is somewhat different according to the type of library. Fourth, an absolute majority of the librarians want the establishment of an authorities exclusively assuming continuing education service and the provision of informal continuing education related to computer during their working hours or vacation period. Fifth, the librarians under survey suggests that it is necessary for the development of continuing education to establish an exclusively responsible authorities as mentioned before and a system for evaluating each of agencies providing continuing education service, implement relevant, specific programs, introduce incentives for those librarians who receive the education and thereon make studies, help and promote librarians to be trained abroad, apply new ways of continuous education and extend the range of such educational process.

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