• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역화과정

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Selection of a Mother Wavelet Using Wavelet Analysis of Time Series Data (시계열 자료의 웨이블릿 분석을 위한 모 웨이블릿의 선정문제)

  • Lee, Hyunwook;Song, Sunguk;Zhu, Ju Hua;Lee, Munseok;Yoo, Chulsang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.259-259
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    • 2019
  • 시계열 자료들을 분석하고자 하는 경우 자료가 정상성(stationarity)을 만족하는 경우는 드물다. 특히 계절성을 제거한 자료들에서는 정량화하기 어려운 주기성이 많이 관찰된다. 즉, 어떤 특정지역에서 나타나는 현상이 다른 기상 현상에 영향을 미칠 것은 자명한 일이나 그 관련성이 선형(linearity)일 가능성은 극히 드물다. 따라서 그들 사이의 관련성이 선형성에 근거한 지표들로 정량화되어야 한다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 다양한 방법이 사용되며 그중에서 웨이블릿 분석을 통해 본 연구를 진행하였다. 웨이블릿 변환(wavelet transforms)은 특수한 함수의 집합으로 구성되어 기존 웨이블릿 신호의 분석을 위해 사용되는 방법이다. 이 변환은 푸리에 변환에서 변형된 방법으로 특정한 기저 함수(base function)를 이용하여 기존의 시계열 자료를 주파수로 바꾸는 변환이다. 웨이블릿 변환에서 기저 함수를 모 웨이블릿이라고 하며 이를 천이, 확대 및 축소 과정을 통해 주파수를 구성한다. 웨이블릿 분석은 모 웨이블릿을 분해하고 재결합하여 시계열 분석을 할 수 있다. 모 웨이블릿 함수에는 Haar, Daubechies, Coiflets, Symlets, Morlet, Mexican Hat, Meyer 등의 여러 가지 종류의 모 웨이블릿 함수가 있으며 모 웨이블릿이 달라지면 결과가 다르게 나타난다. 기존에는 Morlet 웨이블릿을 주로 이용하여 주파수분석에 사용하여 결과를 도출하였다. 그리고 시계열 자료는 크게 백색잡음(White Noise), 장기기억(Long Term Memory), 단기기억(Short Term Memory)으로 나뉜다. 각 시계열 자료의 종류에 따라 임의의 시계열 자료를 산정하여 그에 따른 웨이블릿 분석을 통해 모 웨이블릿의 특성을 도출하였다. 본 연구에서는 웨이블릿 분석을 통해 시계열 자료의 최적 모 웨이블릿을 결정하고자 남방진동지수(SOI), 북극진동지수(AOI)의 자료를 이용하여 웨이블릿 분석을 시도하였다. 웨이블릿 분석은 모 웨이블릿에 따라 달라지는 결과를 토대로 분석하였으며 이를 정상성과 지속성에 따라 분류된 시계열에 적용하여 최적 모 웨이블릿을 결정하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 임의의 시계열 자료에서 설정한 최적의 모 웨이블릿을 AOI와 SOI와 같은 실제 시계열 자료에 대입하여 분석을 진행하였다. 본 연구에서는 시계열 자료의 종류를 구분하고 자료의 특성에 따라 가장 적합한 모 웨이블릿을 구하고자 하였다.

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Applying Digital Curation to Teaching and Learning Materials for Multicultural Students (다문화학생을 위한 교수학습자료의 디지털 큐레이션 적용방안)

  • Hyounmee Wee;Eungyung Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.5-30
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    • 2023
  • At public elementary schools in areas where multicultural students are concentrated, they have difficulty understanding classes due to their lack of Korean proficiency. Multicultural teaching and learning materials produced by teachers have not been managed or reused and stored individually. To overcome this situation and increase students' learning effect, the study applied digital curation to multicultural teaching and learning materials and suggested to link the materials with a platform that can be stored, used, and shared. The study was based on B Elementary School in A City, a multicultural international innovation school under the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education. The process of applying digital curation to multicultural teaching and learning materials was analyzed by collecting, organizing/selecting teaching and learning materials, categorizing subject, classifying subtopic, and linking with platforms. Practical issues and policy suggestions in school settings were also proposed.

A Study on the Residential Institution for the Disabled in Korea based on Welfare Rights - between Self-Reliance and Caring - (복지권 관점에서 본 한국 장애인 거주시설의 개선방안 -자립과 돌봄 사이-)

  • Yu, Dong Chul;Kim, Kyung Mee;Kim, Dong Ki;Shin, Yu Ri
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.409-436
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the residential institutions for the disabled in Korea on the base of welfare rights, and to propose some actual ways for improvement. For this, we analyzed the attributes of the residential institutions for the disabled in Korea. The results shows that the residential institutions for the disabled in Korea are characterized by massiveness, isolation, inequality in power, and no choice. For improvement we suggested that the residential institutions for the disabled should be run by the principles of supplement, normalization, inter-reliance, and individualization. In order to achieve these goals, the government has to invest the needs for de-institutionalization of the users, run the institutions on the smaller scale and replace them in communities, and systemize the person-centered support and service provision processes. In addition to them, the managers of the institutions should try to socialize the institutions, and to increase the participation of the users in management.

Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Pedestrian Environment Assessment Factors Using Urban Street View Images (도시 스트리트뷰 영상을 이용한 딥러닝 기반 보행환경 평가 요소 분석)

  • Ji-Yeon Hwang;Cheol-Ung Choi;Kwang-Woo Nam;Chang-Woo Lee
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2023
  • Recently, as the importance of walking in daily life has been emphasized, projects to guarantee walking rights and create a pedestrian environment are being promoted throughout the region. In previous studies, a pedestrian environment assessment was conducted using Jeonju-si road images, and an image comparison pair data set was constructed. However, data sets expressed in numbers have difficulty in generalizing the judgment criteria of pedestrian environment assessors or visually identifying the pedestrian environment preferred by pedestrians. Therefore, this study proposes a method to interpret the results of the pedestrian environment assessment through data visualization by building a web application. According to the semantic segmentation result of analyzing the walking environment components that affect pedestrian environment assessors, it was confirmed that pedestrians did not prefer environments with a lot of "earth" and "grass," and preferred environments with "signboards" and "sidewalks." The proposed study is expected to identify and analyze the results randomly selected by participants in the future pedestrian environment evaluation, and believed that more improved accuracy can be obtained by pre-processing the data purification process.

A Qualitative Study on the Forces that Influence the Article Production of Local Newspapers Focus on the Article Production of Gwangjudream (지역신문 기사생산에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 질적 연구 "광주드림" 기사생산을 중심으로)

  • Her, Jin-Ah;Lee, Oh-Hyeon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.449-484
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    • 2009
  • It has been said that Gwangjudream, nevertheless a free press, plays a role as a local press that it should be, in a situation that other local papers do not. This study aims to reveal the forces that influence the article production of Gwangjudream, and to examine the interrelations between them, through using the methods of participant observations and depth interviews. In this course, it is eventually purpose of providing more deep understandings on the present circumstances and problems of the local papers and having a chance to concern the concrete ways to enhance them. This study results in revealing the five forces that primarily influence the article production of Gwangjudream: 1) as a historical force, keeping the spirit of the first publication that look forward to playing a role as a local press that it sound be, 2) as an individual force, the habitus of its members that is critical of mainstream society and culture, 3) as an organizational force, non-hierarchical culture and the independence of the editorial rights, 4) as a habitual force, the deny of beat system, 5) as an economical force, the power of sponsors, financial poorness, and the competition for attracting subscribers. While the historical force and the individual force play a role as fundamental circumstances and the organizational force and the habitual force as practical circumstances for producing articles, they encourage to emerge the characteristics of the articles that are related to citizens' everyday life and reflect locality, and criticize and keep an eye on government and other public offices. However, the economical force provides the circumstances that weaken the characteristics of Gwangjudream. The results of this study question the perspective to overly regard it as coming from their economical weakness that the local newspaper do not play a role as a local press that it should be.

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Analysis of the Perceptions of Teachers about Effective Application of National Competency Standards Based Vocational Education Curriculum in Technical Specialized High Schools and Meister High Schools (공업계 특성화고·마이스터고에서의 NCS 기반 직업교육과정의 효과적인 적용에 대한 전문교과 교원의 인식 및 요구 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Ahn, Jae-Yeong;Kang, Chol-Min
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 2015
  • This study tried to investigate the possibility and expectation effect to organize and operate NCS(national competency standards)-based vocational education curriculum in technical specialized high schools and meister high schools and the perceptions of specialty subject teachers about support plans for effective operation of the NCS-based curriculum. For this, the survey was conducted targeting 286 specialty subject teachers in technical specialized high schools and meister high schools. And the results are as follow: First, the specialty subject teachers in the technical specialized high schools and meister high schools recognized that the positive expectation effect can be obtained through the NCS-based vocational education curriculum and the NCS-based vocational education curriculum should very much be applied to the school curriculum but it is impractical to organize and operate the NCS-based vocational education curriculum as the school curriculum from 2016. Second, the specialty subject teachers in the technical specialized high schools and meister high schools recognized that industrial education needs can be analyzed, industry duties-based educational objectives and contents can be set up, industrial duties-based education can be done, the capability to develop and operate teachers' curriculum can be improved, and the NCS-based curriculum will be effective for industrial and academic cooperation and connection with communities by applying it but the realistic possibility will relatively be low. Third, the specialty subject teachers in the technical specialized high schools and meister high schools recognized that tools for practice should be reorganized and expanded, the number of students targeting practical classes should be reduced by 15 to 20 persons, teachers' field education capability should be strengthened, supply and demand of teachers should be supported, industrial and academic cooperation-based field-centered education should be reinforced, and support of the NCS-based teaching materials to be textbooks should be required in terms of operating schools to operate the NCS-based vocational curriculum effectively. Support of finding jobs and field education which correspond with the NCS-based vocational curriculum should be provided, field instruction by ability of the national competency standards should be supported, field practice education projects about the NCS-based vocational curriculum should be provided and introduction and operation of the industrial employee performance evaluation system should be required in terms of the support plans of relevant organizations.

Skarn Formation in Metamorphic Rocks of the Chungju Mine Area (충주광산 지역 계명산층의 텅스텐 스카른화작용)

  • Kim, Gun-Soo;Park, Maeng-Eon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 1995
  • Tungsten skarns in the Chungju mine which consists mainly of strata-bound type iron ore deposits are found in the vicinity of the contact between the age-unknown Kyemeongsan Formation and granitic rock intrusions of Mesozoic age($134{\pm}2Ma$). Tungsten skarns were formed extensively from alumina and silica-rich schistose rocks by the introduction of calcium and iron from hydrothermal solution. The skarns comprise a metasomatic column and are subdivided into four facies; garnet facies, wollastonite facies, epidote facies and chlorite facies. The skarn process in time-evolutional trend can be divided broadly into the four facies in terms of the paragenetic sequence of calc-silicates and their chemical composition. Skarn and ore minerals were formed in the following sequence; (1) garnet facies, adjacent to biotite granite, containing mainly garnet(>Ad96) and magnetite, (2) wollastonite facies containing mainly wollastonite and garnet(Ad95~60), (3) epidote facies, containing mainly epidote(Ps35~31), quartz, andradite-grossular(Ad63~50), and scheelite, (4) chlorite facies, adjacent to and replacing schist, containing mainly chrolite, muscovite, quartz, calcite, epidote(Ps31~25), hematite and sulfides. The mineral assemblage and mineral compositions. suggest that the chemical potentials of Ca and Fe increased toward the granitic rock, and the component Al, Mg, K, and Si decreased from the host rock to granitic rock. The homogenization temperature and salinity of fluid inclusion in scheelite, quartz and epidote of epidote facies skarn is $300-400^{\circ}C$ and 3-8wt.% eqiv. NaCl, respectively. ${\delta}^{34}S$ values of pyrite and galena associated with chlorite facies skarn is $9.13{\sim}9.51%_{\circ}$ and $5.85{\sim}5.96%_{\circ}$, respectively. The temperature obtained from isotopic com· position of coexisting pyrite-galena is $283{\pm}20^{\circ}C$. Mineral assemblages and fluid inclusion data indicate that skarn formed at low $X_{CO_2}$, approximately 0.01. Temperature of the skarn mineralization are estimated to be in the range of $400^{\circ}C$ to $260^{\circ}C$ and pressure to be 0.5 kbar. The oxygen fugacity($fo_2$) of the skarn mineralization decreased with time. The early skarn facies would have formed at log $fo_2$ values of about -25 to -27, and late skarn facies would have formed at log $fo_2$ values of -28 to -30. The estimated physicochemical condition during skarn formation suggests that the principal causes of scheelite mineralization are reduction of the ore·forming fluid and a decrease in temperature.

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Downscaling of Sunshine Duration for a Complex Terrain Based on the Shaded Relief Image and the Sky Condition (하늘상태와 음영기복도에 근거한 복잡지형의 일조시간 분포 상세화)

  • Kim, Seung-Ho;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2016
  • Experiments were carried out to quantify the topographic effects on attenuation of sunshine in complex terrain and the results are expected to help convert the coarse resolution sunshine duration information provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) into a detailed map reflecting the terrain characteristics of mountainous watershed. Hourly shaded relief images for one year, each pixel consisting of 0 to 255 brightness value, were constructed by applying techniques of shadow modeling and skyline analysis to the 3m resolution digital elevation model for an experimental watershed on the southern slope of Mt. Jiri in Korea. By using a bimetal sunshine recorder, sunshine duration was measured at three points with different terrain conditions in the watershed from May 15, 2015 to May 14, 2016. The brightness values of the 3 corresponding pixel points on the shaded relief map were extracted and regressed to the measured sunshine duration, resulting in a brightness-sunshine duration response curve for a clear day. We devised a method to calibrate this curve equation according to sky condition categorized by cloud amount and used it to derive an empirical model for estimating sunshine duration over a complex terrain. When the performance of this model was compared with a conventional scheme for estimating sunshine duration over a horizontal plane, the estimation bias was improved remarkably and the root mean square error for daily sunshine hour was 1.7hr, which is a reduction by 37% from the conventional method. In order to apply this model to a given area, the clear-sky sunshine duration of each pixel should be produced on hourly intervals first, by driving the curve equation with the hourly shaded relief image of the area. Next, the cloud effect is corrected by 3-hourly 'sky condition' of the KMA digital forecast products. Finally, daily sunshine hour can be obtained by accumulating the hourly sunshine duration. A detailed sunshine duration distribution of 3m horizontal resolution was obtained by applying this procedure to the experimental watershed.

Assessing Potential Damage of Flood Eventsfor Ecosystem Service Account (생태계서비스 계정화를 위한 홍수의 잠재적 피해 평가)

  • Tae-Ho Lee;Hee-Jin Moon;Ji-Min Lee;Gum-Sung Cheon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.409-421
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    • 2024
  • Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of floods, and damage to life and property caused by floods is increasing. Among various alternatives for flood mitigation, interest in nature-based flood mitigation is gradually increasing. Ecosystem service accounting is being discussed internationally for the purpose of maintaining and preserving natural ecosystems with flood control functions. In order to account for ecosystem services, evaluation of the relevant services must be conducted first. For evaluation, the three elements of 'potential supply capacity of the ecosystem', 'human demand', and 'flow', which is the amount of benefits, and the relationship between them must be considered. In existing flood control ecosystem service evaluation studies, definitions and methodological studies on ecosystem supply capacity contributing to flood control and demand benefiting from it have been limited. However, actual quantification and monetary evaluation of service flow have not been conducted, so the usability of research results in terms of ecosystem accounting is low. In this study, flood control ecosystem service flow in a national basin was estimated in monetary value by applying a flood-depth damage function by land characteristics to areas expected to be flooded. The study results show that the ecosystem service benefits of the upstream ecosystem of the river basin, which controls flooding in the downstream area, received by the country with a 500-year rainfall frequency are estimated to be a total of 25 trillion 4,571 billion per year. If the benefits are calculated as annual units for accounting by considering the occurrence probability, it is approximately 50.9 billion won. These results assume that the entire upstream ecosystem of the river basin performs flood functions and that the functions of existing disaster prevention facilities are not being performed. In future studies, to solve these problems, it is necessary to measure the service flow considering existing disaster prevention facilities and conduct research considering various flood frequencies and occurrence probabilities.

Error analysis on factorization and the effect of online individualization classes (인수분해에 대한 오류 분석과 온라인 개별화 수업의 효과)

  • Choi, Dong-won;Heo, Haeja
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.83-105
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we analyzed the misconceptions and errors incurred during factorization learning. We also examined whether online individualization classes had a positive effect on students' mathematical achievement. The experiment was conducted for 4 weeks (16 times in total) on middle school juniors in rural areas of Gyeonggi Province, where the influence of private extra education was small. In the class, the 'Google Classroom' was used as a LMS, the video lecture was uploaded to YouTube, and the teacher interacted with the students through "Zoom" and "Facetalk". In the online class situation, students' assignments and test answers were checked in real time through 'Google Classroom', and immediate feedback was provided to the experimental class group's students. However, for the control group students, feedback was provided only to those who desired. A total of 7 achievement evaluations were conducted in the order of pre-test, formative evaluation (5 times), and post-test to confirm the change in students' ability improvement and achievement. Through the formative evaluation analysis, it was possible to grasp the types of errors and misconceptions that occured during the factorization process. Students' errors were divided into four types: theorem or definition distortion error, functional errors such as calculation, operation, and manipulation, errors that do not verify the solution, and no response. As a result of ANCOVA, the two groups did not show any difference from the 1st to 4th formative assessment. However, the 5th formative assessment and post-test showed statistically significant differences, confirming that online individualization classes contributed to improvemed achievement.