• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역의 구성

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The Structual Restoration on Gyeongju-Style Piled Stone-Type Wooden Chamber Tombs (경주식 적석목곽묘의 구조복원 재고)

  • Gweon, Yong Dae
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.66-87
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    • 2009
  • The definition of the structure of wooden chamber tomb(piled stone-type) is as follows. It is a tomb with wooden chamber, and stones were piled on top of the wooden chamber, and then a wooden structure was placed on top of the piled stones, and more stones were piled on top of the wooden structure, and sealed with clay. Of course this definition can vary according to periods, the buried, etc. Gyeongju-style piled stone type wooden chamber tombs have some distinguished characteristics compared to general definition of piled stone type wooden chamber tombs. Outside the wooden chamber, either stone embankments or filled-in stones were layed out, and pilet-in stones are positioned right above the wooden chamber, and almost every class used this type, and finally, it is exclusively found in Gyeongju area. First generations of this Gyeongju-style piled stone type wooden chamber tombs appeared in first half of 5th century. These tombs inherited characteristics like ground plan, wooden chamber, double chamber(inner chamber and outer chamber), piled stones, burial of the living with the dead, piled stones, from precedent wooden chamber tombs. However these tombs have explicit new characteristics which are not found in the precedent wooden chamber tombs such as stone embankments, wooden pillars, piled stones(above ground level), soil tumuluses. stone embankments and wooden pillars are exclusively found on great piled stone type above-ground level wooden chamber tombs such as the Hwangnamdaechong(皇南大塚). Stone embankments, wooden pillars, piled stones(above ground level) are all elements of building process of soil tumuluses. stone embankments support outer wall of above-ground level wooden chambers and disperse the weight of tumuluses. Wooden pillars functioned as auxiliary supports with wooden structures to prevent the collapse of stone embankments. Piled stones are consists of stones of regular size, placed on the wooden structure. And after the piled stones were sealed with clay, tumulus was built with soil. Piled stones are unique characteristics which reflects the environment of Gyeongju area. Piled stone type wooden chamber tombs are located on the vast and plain river basin of Hyeongsan river(兄山江). Which makes vast source of sands and pebbles. Therefore, tumulus of these tombs contains large amount of sands and are prone to collapse if soil tumulus was built directly on the wooden structure. Consequently, to maintain external shape of the tumulus and to prevent collapse of inner structure, piled stones and clay-sealing was made. In this way, they can prevent total collapse of the tombs even if the tumulus was washed away. The soil tumulus is a characteristic which emerges when a nation or political entity reaches certain growing stage. It can be said that after birth of a nation, growing stage follows and social structure will change, and a newly emerged ruling class starts building new tombs, instead of precedent wooden chamber tombs. In this process, soil tumulus was built and the size and structure of the tombs differ according to the ruling class. Ground plan, stone embankments, number of the persons buried alive with the dead, quantity and quality of artifacts reflect social status of the ruling class. In conclusion, Gyeongju-style piled stone type wooden chamber tombs emerged with different characteristics from the precedent wooden chamber tombs when Shilla reached growing stage.

A study on Sesi Keesokshi in the late Joseon Period -Focusiong on Serial Sesi Keesokshi- (조선후기 세시기속시(歲時記俗詩) 고찰 -대보름 연작형(聯作型) 세시기속시를 중심으로-)

  • Yang, Jin-jo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.40
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    • pp.307-323
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    • 2007
  • One of the distinguishing features of late Jeosun s Hanshi (poem in Chinese) is the numerous creation of Yeonjachyung Keesokshi (serial poem on folklore) which describes the folk manner and folk way of life in detail. Keesokshi s subject matter is the folklike in general including local features, geography, climate, local production, humanity, social conducts, and daily labor for living as well. By its material characteristics, Keesokshi reflects detailed life conditions of the society members in each levels, and represents the local customs as well as the folk emotions. Among the several kinds of Keesokshis, a Sesi Keesokshi focuses only in reciting the folk customs on each seasonal festival days, and the great numbers of such serial poems appear during the latter part of the Jeosun Dynasty. Its overall background is the transition of artistic trend which came after many social changes such as expansion of realism, uprising national consciousness, shaken status system, and the rising of 'Jeosun si motives in the Hansi history. Moreover, each writers various experiences and their interests in the reality and critical minds of common people contributed a crucial roll in creation of Sesi Keesokshi. 178 of the 584 remaining serial Sesi Keesokshi are written particularly about the folk customs in The Grand Full Moon Festival (the first full moon of a year by the lunar calendar). These Hanshis widely reflect the common ways of living by directly accepting the seasonal folk customs as the subject matters. Especially, close to the reality, these poems positively express the people's simple vigorous lives and create unrestrained lively image by describing the joys and sorrows of the folk ewistence along with their craving. Also, it is notable to have customs such as 'Shil-Ssa-Um' and 'No-gu-ban-kong-yang' as subjects for its rarity in other literatures.

A Comparative Study on the Change in Oriental Linked pearls Pattern (동전(東傳) 연주문의 변천과정 비교연구 -5세기~10세기 벽화복식 및 출토 직물을 중심으로-)

  • An, Bo-yeon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.40
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    • pp.243-270
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    • 2007
  • Linked pearls pattern expressed on textiles have no limited scale or shape when manufacturing, so they are free in expression. And from the design, material, and color we can analogize the social culture of that age. Oriental linked pearls pattern was started from the Sasanian Persia and introduced through the Silk Road, so it is closely connected with the East and the West culture. This study will consider from the 5th century to the 10th century; the mural costume of the West Central Asia, the ancient textiles excavated from the Sinjiang and Qinghai area of China, and the linked pearls pattern which are collected at Shosoin, Japan. And from this study, will concentrate on clarifying the linked pearls pattern's condition of the cultural exchange between the East and the West and it's structural variation process. The design of linked pearls pattern delivered to the East through the Silk Road is differed by area. For example, in the Western Pamir Plateau, where the ancient Sogdians mainly lived, the excavated linked pearls pattern's subject were deer or cassowary variated from the West Asian motif. But the ones excavated from Kucha Xingang had Chinese motifs added so they showed Chinese characters or Buddhist Bodhisattva image instead of Helios. Like this, the appearance of new patterns, which were accompanied by structural variations, gradually deviated from the standardized pattern of the Sasanian Persia. And this structural variation process has relations with the construction and arrangement method of various patterns of the after ages. The foliated floral Spray, which is placed at the lozenge space of linked pearls' space, had developed into ogival - shaped pattern (Neunghwamun). And the prevalence of geometrical structure pattern after the 10th century and the unfolding method of Tapjamun which is arranging unit pattern in order, are similar to the linked pearl pattern. In brief, linked pearls pattern accompanied by technical improvement let us understand the polished artistic code from its expression, and has importance in showing universal pattern beyond region and culture.

History and Archives : Colleagues or Strangers? (역사학과 기록학 학문의 인연, 학제의 괴리)

  • OH, Hang-Nyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.54
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    • pp.179-210
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    • 2017
  • By redefining the concept of history, my colleagues and I have reformed our department in terms of curriculum and faculty members. This paper is a report of some of the conclusions that we have obtained from this procedure. Despite a long relationship, two disciplines do not seem to match or complement each other in the Korean education system. We believe that this is due to the fact that the Department of Korean History has focused on "national history (NH)." By conferring a privilege on NH, persons, families, societies, regions, and others were removed from NH. To make matters worse, a biased view that history is just an interpretation has prevailed, and the empiricism of history was weakened, which brought about an indifference in keeping records and archives. In East Asia, "history" means both modern history and archives. The concern about the authenticity of records did not come from H. Jenkinson or L. Duranti, and not even from the electronic environment or the Public Records Act of 1998. Key concepts such as records, documents-archives, manuscripts, authenticity, compilation-appraisal, arrangement, and description are different from their signifiant but are same or similar to their $signifi{\acute{e}}$. In case of "provenance" and "original order," they are used in education and practice in the traditional archives. History includes the recording, archiving, and the story or historiography of an event. In this context, the Department of Korean History should contain a more archives-oriented curriculum and select an archival-trained faculty. On the other hand, the department has accumulated long-term experience with appraisal and description of records; thus, archival science should absorb the criticism of the material. History will be shaken without the help of archives, while archives will lose their root without history. We are at the point in which we need to be reminded why we want to be a historian or an archivist, and for this, the more colleagues, the better.

Coarse Woody Debris (CWD) Respiration Rates of Larix kaempferi and Pinus rigida: Effects of Decay Class and Physicochemical Properties of CWD (일본잎갈나무와 리기다소나무 고사목의 호흡속도: 고사목의 부후등급과 이화학적 특성의 영향)

  • Lee, Minkyu;Kwon, Boram;Kim, Sung-geun;Yoon, Tae Kyung;Son, Yowhan;Yi, Myong Jong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.1
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2019
  • Coarse woody debris (CWD), which is a component of the forest ecosystem, plays a major role in forest energy flow and nutrient cycling. In particular, CWD isolates carbon for a long time and is important in terms of slowing the rate of carbon released from the forest to the atmosphere. Therefore, this study measured the physiochemical characteristics and respiration rate ($R_{CWD}$) of CWD for Larix kaempferi and Pinus rigida in temperate forests in central Korea. In summer 2018, CWD samples from decay class (DC) I to IV were collected in the 14 forest stands. $R_{CWD}$ and physiochemical characteristics were measured using a closed chamber with a portable carbon dioxide sensor in the laboratory. In both species, as CWD decomposition progressed, the density ($D_{CWD}$) of the CWD decreased while the water content ($WC_{CWD}$) increased. Furthermore, the carbon concentrations did not significantly differ by DC, whereas the nitrogen concentration significantly increased and the C/N ratio decreased. The respiration rate of L. kaempferi CWD increased significantly up to DC IV, but for P. rigida it increased to DC II and then unchanged for DC II-IV. Accordingly, except for carbon concentration, all the measured characteristics showed a significant correlation with $R_{CWD}$. Multiple linear regression showed that $WC_{CWD}$ was the most influential factor on $R_{CWD}$. $WC_{CWD}$ affects $R_{CWD}$ by increasing microbial activity and is closely related to complex environmental factors such as temperature and light conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to study their correlation and estimate the time-series pattern of CWD moisture.

The Hydrochemistry of ChusanYongchulso Spring, Cheonbu-ri, Buk-myeon, Northern Ulleung Island (울릉도 북면 천부리 추산 용출소의 수질화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Byeong Dae;Cho, Byong Wook;Choo, Chang Oh
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.565-582
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    • 2018
  • We investigated the hydrochemical properties of ChusanYongchulso Spring located in Buk-myeon, Ulleung Island, focusing on the formation and characteristics of aquifers in and around the Nari caldera. Abundant pumice with high permeability and numerous fractures (including faults and joints) that formed as a result of caldera subsidence are widely distributed in the subsurface, favoring the formation of aquifers. Because of the presence of porous pyroclastic rocks with a high internal surface area, the water type of the springs is characterized by $NaHCO_3$, with upper stream waters and the upper spring being characterized by $NaHCO_3$ and NaCl, respectively. Components with a high coefficient of determination with EC are $HCO_3$, Na, F, Ca, Mg, Cl, $SiO_2$, and $SO_4$. The high concentrations of Na and Cl might be attributable to the main lithologies in the area, given that alkaline volcanic rocks are distributed extensively across Ulleung Island. Eh and pH, which are considered to be important indicators of water-rock interaction, are unrelated to most components. According to the results obtained from factor analysis, the variance explained by factor 1 is 54% and by factor 2 is 25.8%. Components with a high loading on factor 1 are F, Na, EC, Cl, $HCO_3$, $SO_4$, $SiO_2$, Ca, $NO_3$, and Mg, whereas components with a high loading on factor 2 are Mg and Ca, along with K, $NO_3$, and DO with negative loadings. It is suggested that the high concentrations of Na, Cl, F, and $SO_4$ are closely related to the presence of fine-grained alkaline pyroclastic rocks with high permeability and porosity, which favorintensewater-rock interaction. However, a wide-ranging investigation that encompasses methods such as geophysical prospecting and geochemical analysis (including isotope, trace-element, and tracer techniques) will be necessary to gain a better understanding of the groundwater chemistry, aquifer distribution, and water cycling of Ulleung Island.

A Study on the Accessibility Requirements Analysis Model for the Preventive Safety and Disaster Service Information System - Focusing on the Communication Ability (정보시스템을 통한 생활안전 위험의 예방·대응을 위한 안전약자 요구사항 분석모델 연구 : 의사소통기능을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yong-Jick;Ji, Seok-yeon;Kim, Sang-hwa
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to present an analysis model in developing an inclusive response for safety hazards and disaster preventive information system for vulnerable people to the disaster including persons with disabilities, and those with specific needs. Methods : In this study, the persona analysis method is used to analyze fictitious characters that correspond to various characteristics such as age, disability, environment, occupation, etc. in terms of the scenario of some particular disaster subjects. Based on the user's communication problems derived from the persona analysis, focused group interview and ICF based analysis were implemented to identify needs and arbitration methods. Results : The needs from persona analysis and ICF-based communication items analysis identifies the factors that make each fictitious character difficult in terms of communication in obtaining the benefits consistent with the purpose of the service. The study derives service requirements that can provide arbitration or facilitation methods to increase communication ability of the users. Conclusion : Through the persona analysis method, difficulties that could occur when receiving disaster information using communication devices were identified and analyzed in conjunction with communication problems described in the ICF. In building information services for the prevention of safety hazards and disasters, this study presented a model that uses the persona analysis method and the ICF classification system to derive user requirements for accessible information system.

Development and evaluation of semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for marriage migrant women in multicultural families (다문화가정 결혼이주여성 대상 식사조사를 위한 반정량 식품섭취빈도 조사지의 개발 및 평가)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Oh Yoen;Lee, Min June;Park, Eunju
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.76-94
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study was implemented to develop and validate a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) to assess the dietary intake of married migrant women in multicultural families. Methods: The SQ-FFQ consisting of 41 food items was selected based on the information of frequently consumed foods from the preliminary studies on dietary intake survey for married migrant women or a Korean Health and Nutrition Examination survey. Thirty-five subjects who visited the Multicultural Family Support Center in Seoul and Daejeon area completed their three-day diet records and SQ-FFQ 2 times. The reproducibility and relative validity of SQ-FFQ were assessed by comparing the 1st and 2nd SQ-FFQ and by comparison with the three-day diet records, respectively. Results: The reliability of SQ-FFQ, which was examined 1-2 weeks apart, showed no significant difference in the energy and macronutrient intake (carbohydrate, fat, protein), while the average intakes of vitamin A, riboflavin, calcium, and potassium were slightly higher in the 2nd than 1st SQ-FFQ. All correlation coefficients for the reliability for nutrients were statistically significant, ranging from 0.453 to 0.885. The mean intakes of energy, carbohydrate, vitamin C, thiamin, folate, vitamin B12, calcium, and sodium obtained from the SQ-FFQ were greater than those of the 3-day dietary records. The Spearman's correlation coefficient between the 2 methods was the highest for plant fat (r = 0.602; p < 0.001) and relatively higher for energy, carbohydrate, fat, and thiamin ranging from 0.512 to 0.599; and protein, riboflavin, niacin, folate ranging from 0.335 to 0.499, while no significant correlation was observed for vitamin A, C, calcium, iron, and sodium. Conclusion: The developed SQ-FFQ for married migrant women in multicultural families in this study appears to be useful for estimating the nutritional status, particularly energy, carbohydrates, fat, and vitamin B group.

Toponymic Practices for Creating and Governing of Cultural Heritage (문화유산 관리를 위한 지명(地名)의 가치와 활용 방안)

  • KIM, Sunbae
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.56-77
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    • 2021
  • Toponyms are located not only in the site between human cognition and the physical environment but also in the name of cultural heritage. Accordingly, certain identities and ideologies for which human groups and community have sought, their holistic way of life, and all cultural symbols and cosmos, such as sense of place and genius loci, are included in their toponymic heritage. Denoting, symbolizing, integrating and representing the culture and nature belong to the human community. Based on these perceptions of the toponymic heritage, the aims of this article are to examine the values of a toponym as an Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and to suggest the application methods using the toponymic functions for governing of tangible cultural heritage. This article discusses the multivocality, diversity, and non-representational theory of landscape phenomenology intrinsic to the terms of culture and cultural landscape and then the domestic and international issues on the toponymic heritage in the first chapter on the values of toponym as a part of the ICH. In particular, it analyzes the preceding research in the field of toponymy, as well as the Resolutions of UNCSGN and UNGEGN on "Geographical names as culture, heritage and identity" including indigenous, minority and regional language names since 1992, which is related to the UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003. Based on this, I suggest that the traits of toponymic cultural heritage and its five standards of selection, i.e., cultural traits of toponyms, historical traits, spatial traits, socio-economic traits and linguistic traits with some examples. In the second chapter discussing on the methods using the toponymic denoting functions for creating and governing of the tangible cultural heritage, it is underlined to maintain the systematic and unified principle regarding the ways of naming in the official cultural heritage and its governing. Lastly, I introduce the possible ways of establishing a conservative area of the historical and cultural environment while using the toponymic scale and multi-toponymic territory. Considering both the spatial and participatory turns in the field of heritage studies in addition to the multiple viewpoints and sense of cultural heritage, I suggest that the conservative area for the cultural heritage and the historical and cultural environment should be set up through choosing the certain toponymic scale and multi-toponymic territory.

Cloud Computing Adoption and Job Performance based on Diffusion of Innovation Theory (한국 중소기업의 클라우드 컴퓨팅 오피스환경 도입에 따른 확산요인이 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong Mok;Lee, Junkwan;Kim, Hyung Jae
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 2017
  • This research highlights the process of adopting cloud computing technology from users' perspective. Concentrating on perceived mechanism from employees side that lead to job performance at work. Cloud computing, the new player in our modern business environment, authors employ diffusion of innovation theory to capture how this new technology affect employees in workplace in terms of job performance. Education for this new system and managerial support by firm were used as moderating variable to test dependent variable, job performance. Research was done through survey from total 284 people working in metropolitan area at South Korea. The result shows that cloud computing system affect positively on work efficiency, and the extent of diffusion factors that influence from the most to least are as follow: 1. Users' Skill, 2. System Quality, 3. Information Quality, 4. Group Awareness, 5. Attitude towards New System. To test diffusion factors of cloud computing and job performance, South Korean people actually felt that cloud computing help their job performance and the extent of diffusion factors that influence from the most to least are as follow: 1. Users' Skill, 2. System Quality, 3. Information Quality, 4. Attitude towards New System, 5. Group Awareness. As for diffusion factors of cloud computing and productivity, result proved that cloud computing really helps firms, and the extent of diffusion factors that influence from the most to least are as follow: 1. Information Quality, 2. Attitude towards New System, 3. Group Awareness, 4. System Quality, 5. Users' Skill. Two moderating variables, employee education and managerial support were tested to prove whether these two variables affect the job performance and the result displays positive affect for both two factors. To conclude, adopting cloud computing helps firms by increase employees' work efficiency and job performance. In order to accelerate the process employees education really matters because users' skill is the most crucial among diffusion factors.