• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역의 구성

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Effect of an Individually Tailored Program Based on Self-Measurement of Blood Glucose on Health Behavior and HbA1c in Diabetes and Pre-diabetes Patients (자가혈당측정 기반의 개별 맞춤형 프로그램이 당뇨병 및 당뇨병 전단계 환자의 건강행태와 당화혈색소에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yoon-kyung;Kim, Bo-Ra;Yoo, Eun-Suk;Yun, Seo-Yeong;Jeong, Mi-Jeong;Choi, Ji-Hye;Choi, Jae-Soon;Sung, Hyun-Jin;Kang, Young-Suk;Lee, Min-Sook;Hwang, Tae-Yoon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2022
  • Objective: This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an individually tailored program based on self-measurement of blood glucose on health behavior and HbA1c in diabetes and pre-diabetes patients. Methods: The program consisted of seven sessions for 12 weeks which were carried out every two weeks. Almost all sessions were progressed on untact method except for the first and last session. The 71 subjects were assessed for their knowledge of diabetes, health behavior, the experience of self-measurement of blood glucose, body mass Index (BMI) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) at before and after the program. They were also evaluated on their degree of utilization of blood glucose measurements after the program. Results: Each mean score on their knowledge of diabetes, health behavior and the experience of self-measurement of blood glucose was significantly increased from 14.77, 25.50, and 2.70 to 15.41, 28.40, and 4.81, respectively. Each mean score on both BMI and HbA1c (n=53) was significantly decreased from 24.47kg/m2 and 7.27% to 24.01kg/m2 and 6.67%, respectively. The post-HbA1c had a significant negative correlation(r=-0.415) with the degree of utilization of blood glucose measurements. The degree of utilization of blood glucose measurements had a significant positive correlation(r=0.581) with post-health behavior. Conclusions: The program shows effectiveness in improving HbA1c in Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes patients. The post-HbA1c might be related to the degree of utilization of blood glucose measurements which might be related to the health behavior.

A Study on the Landscape Cognition of Wind Power Plant in Social Media (소셜미디어에 나타난 풍력발전시설의 경관 인식 연구)

  • Woo, Kyung-Sook;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to assess the current understanding of the landscape of wind power facilities as renewable energy sources that supply sightseeing, tourism, and other opportunities. Therefore, social media data related to the landscape of wind power facilities experienced by visitors from different regions was analyzed. The analysis results showed that the common characteristics of the landscape of wind power facilities are based on the scale of wind power facilities, the distance between overlook points of wind power facilities, the visual openness of the wind power facilities from the overlook points, and the terrain where the wind power facilities are located. In addition, the preference for wind power facilities is higher in places where the shape of wind power facilities and the surrounding landscape can be clearly seen- flat ground or the sea are considered better landscapes. Negative keywords about the landscape appear on Gade Mountain in Taibai, Meifeng Mountain in Taibai, Taiqi Mountain, and Gyeongju Wind Power Generation Facilities on Gyeongshang Road in Gangwon. The keyword 'negation' occurs when looking at wind power facilities at close range. Because of the high angle of the view, viewers can feel overwhelmed seeing the size of the facility and the ridge simultaneously, feeling psychological pressure. On the contrary, positive landscape adjectives are obtained from wind power facilities on flat ground or the sea. Visitors think that the visual volume of the landscape is fully ensured on flat ground or the sea, and it is a symbolic element that can represent the site. This study analyzes landscape awareness based on the opinions of visitors who have experienced wind power facilities. However, wind power facilities are built in different areas. Therefore, landscape characteristics are different, and there are many variables, such as viewpoints and observers, so the research results are difficult to popularize and have limitations. In recent years, landscape damage due to the construction of wind power facilities has become a hot issue, and the domestic methods of landscape evaluation of wind power facilities are unsatisfactory. Therefore, when evaluating the landscape of wind power facilities, the scale of wind power facilities, the inherent natural characteristics of the area where wind power facilities are set up, and the distance between wind power facilities and overlook points are important elements to consider. In addition, wind power facilities are set in the natural environment, which needs to be protected. Therefore, from the landscape perspective, it is necessary to study the landscape of wind power facilities and the surrounding environment.

A Study on the Principle of Making-Music of the Chaegut ("Stroke Music") in Farmers' Band Music (풍물굿 채굿 가락의 형성원리에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Shik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.39
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    • pp.669-700
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    • 2019
  • Farmers' band music is a religious ritual in Korea. It is a solemn ritual to exhibit the auspicious holiness of the people to the God. Most of the ritual is accomplished by music. The music of the farmers 'band, in this sense, has its meaning as the expression of holiness by sound. In this paper, I will explore the principle to make various rhythms of farmers' band music, especially focusing on the chaegut (lit. "stroke music"). It is very symbolic because the name of the music shows the strokes of the gong, called jing, in a rhythmic phrase. In this sense, the chaegut is man-made music based on the specific principles in accordance with the strokes of the gong. Among many chaegut rhythms, samchae (lit. "three strokes") to chilchae (lit. "seven strokes") are the main rhythms. They were made after the principle of 'forward with drums, backward with gongs' in Five way procession. It the basic principle of military procession from the early Joseon Dynasty. The procession follows with the sound of the drums and gongs. There was always a principle of "five strokes" to control the procession. The "five strokes" became the basis of the making of chaegut rhythms. The rhythms of the samchae to chilchae are based on the rhythm of samchae. The samchae has three gong strokes in a cycle, which exhibits the chaotic moment with the rhythmic noise. The name of the rhythm exhibits the correspondence of the signifiant, that is the name "three strokes" and the signifié, that is the real three strokes of gongs in music. Other four rhythms has made up from the samchae with half cycles are added in accordance with the strokes of the gongs. In this way, the chaegut shows the principle of "five strokes" in the military procession. The rhythm of ochae jilgut is a mixture of ochae (lit. "five strokes") and jilgut (lit. "road music") which is usually performed on the road to a mountain shrine. The musical structure of ochae jilgut corresponds to the colotomic structure of Southeast Asian music and the 15th-century music of old musical scores. The rhythm of gilgunak chilchae is a mixture of gilgunak (lit. "road military music") and chilchae (lit. "seven strokes"). The rhythmic structure is similar to other regional music, sijo ("short song") of the literati music and norae garak (lit. "some melody") of the shaman music. In sum, the chaegut is very artistic music made from the military procession of the Joseon Dynasty. The name of the rhythm corresponds with the strokes of the gong in a cycle. In this way, the chaegut shows the principle of music-making to exhibit the ritual characteristics of the Korean people.

Levels of Physicians' Self-assessment of Life Satisfaction and Associated Factors (임상의사의 삶의 만족도 자가평가 수준과 관련 요인)

  • Jong Sun Ok;Hyeongsu Kim
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.28-40
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aimed to identify the level of self-assessment of life satisfaction and various factors related to the life satisfaction of Korean physicians. Methods: This study is a secondary data analysis using the 2016 Korean physician survey Korean Physician Survey(KPS) data collected by the Research Institute for Healthcare Policy of the Korean Medical Association. The member database(DB) of the Korean Medical Association was used for sampling and the target population was formed and surveyed by using stratified quota sampling. A questionnaire was sent by E-mail as an online survey method and was conducted for a total of 7 weeks from November 21, 2016 to January 8, 2017. The final number of respondents was 8,564 (response rate 13.8%). In this study, a total of 7,228 physicians, excluding residents and public health doctors who are currently treating patients directly, were studied. Factors affecting the life satisfaction of physicians were analyzed using ordinal logistic regression analysis. Results: The physical factors positively related to the life satisfaction of physicians were those who were in their 60s, female, and thought they had good health status. As for psychological factors, stress was low. As for economic factors, satisfaction with income was high. As for social factors, the physicians lived with their families and were satisfied with the time they could spend with them. Also, the physicians were satisfied with the social respect they received as a doctors. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it is thought that a multifaceted approach is needed to increase the life satisfaction of physicians.

Current status of cherry trees (Prunus subg. Cerasus) planted in Korea: A case study of Bundang Central Park and adjacent area (국내 벚나무류(Prunus subg. Cerasus) 식재 현황: 분당중앙공원 일대 사례연구)

  • HAN, Byungwoo;JUNG, Jongduk;NA, Hye Ryun;KANG, Kyoungsuk;CHANG, Hany;KIM, Seryoung;KIM, Youme;KWON, Heejeong;HYUN, Jin-Oh
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2022
  • Prunus subg. Cerasus is the most planted street and landscaping tree in South Korea, but it is difficult to identify species according to their macro-morphologies, leading to problems when attempting properly to manage species quantities. The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of plant types and species compositions in Bundang Central Park in Bundang-gu of Seongnam City and to discuss the necessity of the management of landscaping tree planting. In April of 2021, during the cherry blossom season, a total of 5,866 planted cherry trees were investigated within an area of 6 km2 of Bundang-gu in Seongnam City. As a result, 5,744 trees were sorted into eleven taxa, but the remaining 122 trees were not determined due to their complex morphologies. Prunus ×yedoensis Matsum. accounted for the highest proportion (52.1%), followed by P. serrulata Lindl. var. pubescens Nakai and P. jamasakura Siebold ex Koidz. P. ×nudiflora (Koehne) Koidz., a plant native to Jejudo Island, was not found in this survey. In order to help identify cherry trees based on micro-morphologies, an identification key was presented for the eleven taxa planted as major landscaping trees. It is known that cherry trees frequently form interspecific hybrids in nature. In order to prevent a loss of the genetic originality of native species due to hybridization and gene introgression from foreign cherry trees, it is necessary to manage planting species near the habitats of native taxa and track their origins.

Impact of Sluice Gates at Stream Mouth on Fish Community (하구의 배수갑문 설치 유무가 어류군집에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jun-Wan;Kim, Kyu-Jin;Choi, Beom-Myeong;Yoon, Ju-Duk;Park, Bae-Kyung;Kim, Jong-Hak;Jang, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2022
  • Total of 325 estuaries in Korea were surveyed to analyze the effect of presence of sluice gate on the estuary environment and fish community from 2016 to 2018. Fish community in closed and open estuaries showed differences generally, and the relative abundance (RA) of primary freshwater species in the closed and migratory species in the open estuaries were high. The result of classifying species by habitat characteristics in closed and open estuaries showed similar tendencies at the estuaries of south sea and west sea. The relative abundances of primary freshwater species in the closed estuaries at the estuaries of south sea and west sea were the highest, but estuarine and migratory species were high in both closed and open estuaries at the estuaries of east sea. Primary freshwater species showed higher abundances in the closed estuaries with reduced salinity due to blocking of seawater since they are not resistant to salt. However, primary freshwater species in open estuaries at east sea was higher than that of the closed estuaries, which is considered to be the result of reflecting the characteristics (tide, sand bar, etc.) of the east sea. Korea Estuary Fish Assessment Index (KEFAI) was showed to be higher at open estuaries than closed in all sea areas (T-test, P<0.001), the highest KEFAI was observed in closed estuaries at south sea, and open estuaries in east sea. Fish community of closed and open estuaries in each sea areas showed statistically significant differences (PERMANOVA, East, Pseudo-F=3.0198, P=0.002; South, Pseudo-F=22.00, P=0.001; West, Pseudo-F=14.067, P=0.001). Fish assemblage similarity by sea areas showed a significant differences on fish community in closed and open estuaries at east sea, south sea, and west sea (SIMPER, Group dissimilarity, 85.85%, 88.36%, and 88.05%). This study provided information on the characteristics and distribution of fish community according to the types of estuaries. The results of this study can be used as a reference for establishing appropriate management plans according to the sea areas and type in the management and restoration of estuaries for future.

Effects of Group Art Therapy to Improve Self-esteem and Enhance Self-integrity of Rural Elderly Women (농촌여성노인의 자아존중감 향상 및 자아통합감 증진을 위한 집단미술치료 프로그램 효과)

  • Kim, Jong Hee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.259-275
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to check if group art therapy is effective in improving self esteem and self integrity of rural elderly women. Study subjects are forty seven rural elderly women in A-city who have participated in producing specialized products in their rural area. They are divided into experimental group (EG, n=25) who wish to participate in the group art therapy program, a part of the A-city sponsored program named 'Making the Rural Elderly Happy', to improve and enhance the elderly's self esteem and self integrity, and control group (CG, n=22) with no wish to participate. However, only forty four elderly women are selected as the final study subjects for data analysis, due to those who either missed the program session more than once or died of old age during the program period. The group art therapy program was given from March 16 to May 18 of 2010, every Tuesday between 1pm through 3pm for a total of 12 sessions, with the help of two college student assistants in the region and one staff member for the city program. SPSS WIN version 12.0 is adopted to evaluate and analyze the effects of the therapy program, independent t-test for equivalence check of pretests, and frequency check for general characteristics of each group. The study results are obtained by the mean and standard deviation to grasp the changes between pretest and post-test on both groups, together with ANCOVA to evaluate effects of the therapy program with the pre-test as covariant. The results are as follows. First, self esteem of EG is significantly improved than that of CG after intervention of group art therapy. Second, self integrity is significantly higher in EG than CG after the group art therapy intervention. Therefore, it can be claimed that group art therapy is effective in improving and enhancing self esteem and self integrity of the rural elderly women.

A Study on the Knowledge of and Attitudes toward the Elderly of College Students in Korea and the United States (한국과 미국 대학생의 노인에 대한 지식 및 태도 연구)

  • Kim, Wook
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.505-526
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    • 2011
  • The purposes of this paper were to examine the level of knowledge of and attitudes toward the elderly and investigate the differences in the level of knowledge of and attitudes about the elderly by selected socio-demographic factors and aging related factors in Korea and the United States. The research subjects were 1129 college students attending 10 schools in Korea and the United States(840 Korean students in 5 schools, located in Seoul City, Gyeonggi-Do, Chungcheong-Do in Korea and 289 American students in 5 schools located in the State of New York of the United States). They were interviewed, using the structured questionnaire, and the data were analyzed by SPSS 15.0 for Windows. The research questionnaire was composed of Fact on Aging Quiz Part 1(FAQ 1) developed by Palmore(1998), Semantic Differential Scale development by Sanders et al., and several socio-demographic and aging related variables. The results indicated that, first, the level of knowledge of the elderly for Korean students was 12.51/25 and for American students was 11.57/25, resulting that the knowledge level of the elderly in Korea was higher than that of the United States. In addition, the results of students' knowledge differences between korea and the United States showed that Korean students showed high ratio of correct answer in 9 questions while American students showed high ratio of correct answer in only 4 questions, resulting that Korean students have higher knowledge than American students. Second, the level of attitudes toward the elderly for Korean students was 77.54 and for American students was 70.07 in 20-140 points, resulting that the attitude level of the elderly among American students were more positive than that of Korean students. The results of students' attitudes differences between Korea and the United States showed that Korean students responded positive tendency in only one question while American students responded positive tendencies in 14 questions, resulting that American students were more positive attitudes toward the elderly than that of Korean students. Third, there is a significant correlation between the knowledge of and attitudes toward the elderly in both Korean and American students. Based on these results, implications for policy, practice, and research were further discussed.

A Study on the Quality of Life of Elderly People with Dementia and the Environmental Factor of Facilities (치매노인의 삶의 질과 시설 환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sejeong;Kim, Hangon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1361-1381
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    • 2009
  • There have lately been a variety of social issues in our society due to rapid social changes. Specifically, how to approach elderly people who suffer from dementia is never an easy task, and few in-depth studies have ever focused on their quality of life due to that. The purpose of this study was to examine the quality of life of elderly people with dementia and the relationship between their quality of life and the environments of facilities for them in an attempt to lay the foundation for the development of compatible programs tailored to the environments of the facilities and for relevant policy setting. It's ultimately meant to improve the quality of life of the elderly with dementia and the environments of facilities for them. The subjects in this study were elderly people with dementia who were housed in senior residential and medical welfare facilities in Daegu and Gyeongsangbukdo. The collected data were analyzed with a SPSS 12.0 program, and frequency analysis, cross-tabs and multiple logistic regression analysis were utilized. As a result, facility environments were identified as one of the variables that had a significant impact on the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia. There are some suggestions about how to boost their quality of life: First, good environments should be prepared in consideration of the characteristics of elderly people with dementia in order for themto be satisfied with their own quality of life, and the way of looking at their potentials should be changed. Second, it's found that main caregivers affected the quality of life of the elderly people with dementia, and the kind of programs that focus on the improvement of the relationship between elderly people with dementia and their main caregivers is required. Third, there should be a change in the environments of the facilities. The facilities should be well equipped to successfully respond to the symptoms of elderly people with dementia. To redress their poor accessibility to the facilities, infrastructure involving nursing homes and professional personnels should be built by utilizing the Internet, and the facilities and local community should make concerted efforts to provide quality care to elderly people in want of it.

A Study on the Musical Characteristics of Fishing songs in North Korea (북한 어업노동요의 음악적 특징)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hee
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.39
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    • pp.279-323
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    • 2019
  • The musical characteristics of Fishing songs in North Korean which recorded on Anthology of North Korean Folk Songs were examined in this paper. The results are as follows. Among Fishing songs in North Korea, there are "Rowing Song," the "Song for Hauling Nets," and the "Song for Picking Up Fish" in songs related to walleye pollack fishing and in songs related to croaker fishing, the "Song for Dropping Anchor" and the "Full-Load-of-Fish Song" in songs related to croaker fishing, the "Song for Weighing Anchor," the "Song for Shaking Fish," the "Full-Load-of-Fish Rowing Song," and the "Song for Hanging Walleye Pollack" in songs related to walleye pollack fishing. There are the "Song for Setting a sail" and the "Song for catching shells" in Fishing songs in North Korea, too. In the rhythmic elements of Fishing songs in North Korea, the tempo of the "Songs for Setting a sail" is moderato, and that of the "Songs for Picking Up Fish" of songs related to anchovy or herring fishing is quite slow. "Rowing Songs"(croaker fishing) have various tempos but faster than moderato, and usually get faster and faster as time goes by. Most songs have 4/♩. time and there are some of 2, 3 or 5 time. Some songs use irregular time or 6 time overlapping 2 beats. The mode Menari is the most common tonal system used in fishing songs of North Korea. And the mode Susimga, the mode Changbutaryeong, the mode Nanbongga, and the mode Odolttogi are also used in the tonal system of Fishing songs in North Korea. There are shoutting intonations that have indefinite pitch, too. Modulation or interaction by the mode Changbutaryeong appeared in songs of the mode Menari. There is a tendency to favor a certain tonal system by category. Responsorial form is mostly used, but in the most cases, they were sung in solo. In responsorial songs, several calling songs overlap with the responding songs. Durchkomponiert form is sung by antiphon or in solo, but the case sung in solo originally seems to have been sung by antiphon or unison, if we consider the procedure of the work. The "Song for Picking Up Fish" of Seonbong-gun of North Hamgyeong Province and Yangyang-gun of Gangwon Province, the "Full-Load-of-Fish Song-Bongjuktaryeong" of Jeungsan-gun of South Pyeongan Province and "Full-Load-of-Fish Song-Baechigisory" of Taean-gun of South Chungcheong Province, "Rowing Song" of Nampo City and Ganghwa-gun of Gyeonggi Province are resembled. In neighboring areas, even if the songs of different categorys, sometimes share a same melody. In a certain category, sometimes a same melody is shared to a considerable distance. It was first identified that in anchovy or herring fishing or dybowskii' sand eel fishing, the "Song for Picking Up Fish" is widely shared in the East Sea Coast area.