• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조화사상

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Kings Yao and Shun as Understood in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 요순관)

  • Lee, Eun-hui;Lee, Gyung-won
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.31
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    • pp.93-129
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    • 2018
  • These days, the world finds itself in a time when 21st century human and societal practices can benefit from alternative viable models; as such models are desperately needed. Daesoon Jinrihoe seeks to show one model inspired by the historical kings, Yao and Shun. In Daesoon Jinrihoe, King Yao and King Shun (堯舜 yo sun) are recollected and projected into modern times. This paper is a study that examines what aspects of Daesoon Thought go into understanding Kings Yao and Shun and what insights their example can provide for modern people today. In Daesoon Thought, the 'Dao of Kings Yao and Shun' has appeared again because the 'Era of the Great Opening (開闢時代 gaebyeok shidae)' has arrived, and this era is characterized by 'Seeking Out the Beginning and Returning to the Original Root (原始返本 wonshi banbon).' This is not simply a return to ancient times. The seeds that fall on the ground grow up to overcome winds and rains, bring forth new fruits in the autumn, and their fruits contain the original seeds. The seeds are simultaneously the original seeds, but not the seeds themselves. Rather, they are complete bodies condensed and infused with abundant experience gained after multitudinous trials. In Daesoon Thought, Kings Yao and Shun are analyzed from the following four perspectives: first, as an ideal human image that combines the qualities of Sages and Heroes (聖雄 seong oong), second, as the historical background behind the truth of the 'Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence (解冤相生),' third, as an ancient model of the ideal world, and fourth, as Daesoon Jinrihoe's 'Mind Dharma (心法)' and also as the classical basis for the 'Cultivation of Dao (修道).' However, the meaning of Kings Yao and Shun in Daesoon Thought is not limited to traditional philosophical thought but also contains certain crucial differences. In Daesoon Thought, the qualities of sages and heroes are combined in a way that does not compromise or penalize, but in accordance with the rule of law and beyond, the ideal world is understood as a world in which there are no natural disasters and everyone enjoys beauty and splendor. Mind Dharma means the spiritual cultivation of the 'Dao of Mutual Beneficence' as presented by Sangje (上帝 the Supreme God) through sincerity, respectfulness, and faithfulness (誠敬信 seong, gyeong, shin). In addition, through the core truth of Daesoon Thought, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence, the resolution of the grudges associated with Kings Yao and Shun will likewise eliminate the root-grudge plaguing humanity and divine beings. In this paper, I intend to deepen my understanding of Daesoon Thought through a study on our theology's understanding of Kings Yao and Shun, and I also wish to redefine the value of Daesoon Thought through the symbolization and reinterpretation of ancient historical figures.

The Concept of Tao and Ideological Characteristics in Daesoon Thought (대순사상에서의 도(道) 개념과 사상적 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jee-young;Lee, Gyung-won
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.219-255
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    • 2019
  • 'Dao' is an important research subject as it is the main term for 'ultimate reality' in East Asian religious thought. Understanding the concept of 'Dao' is essential to reach the state of 'Perfected Unification with Dao,' the ultimate aspiration in Daesoon Thought. The meaning of 'Dao' can vary such as 'Dao' meaning 'way', which was first introduced in Jinwen. There is also the 'Dao' of yin and yang, and Dao used to mean human obligation, or Dao meaning the way of Heaven. These can also be classified into five categories: Constant Dao, Heavenly Dao, Divine Dao, Human Dao, and the Dao of Sangsaeng. Every natural phenomenon of birth, growth, and death in the universe operates under the patterns of Heaven and Earth. Therefore, Constant Dao in Daesoon Thought is the ultimate pattern underlying human action and the operations of Heaven and Earth. These apply not only to the natural and the divine world but also to the human world. It can be said that 'Rather than natural law or moral symbol of the world, 'Heavenly Dao' means the great Dao that saves the world through the Daesoon Truth of Sangje, Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven. Divine Dao can be said to be 'the Dao by which man must complete his work according to the law and the will of God,' that is, 'the Dao by which God and man are united together by Sangje's heavenly order and teaching, which aims for humanity, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom.' When the world is in a state of calamity and crisis, the request for the saint's Dao can symbolized by the kings, Yao and Shun, in The Canonical Scripture (Jeon-gyeong). The saint's Dao saves the dying world and people's lives and is called 'saving lives by curing the world (濟生醫世)'. It can be regarded as a characteristic of Human Dao in Daesoon Thought, which is the human obligation to follow Sangje's order, the great Dao to save the world. The Dao of Sangsaeng is the true dharma that rectifies the world full of mutual conflict through the ethics of the Later World, which is to promote the betterment of others and to practice the human Dao that saves the world and rebuilds the Constant Dao. Thus, The concept of Dao in Daesoon Thought is Daesoon Truth which applies to and operates throughout all realms of Heaven, Earth, Humanity, and the Divine world. Dao in Daesoon Thought was influenced by the historical background in which it emerged and this can be seen in its ideological features. It embraces the traditional concept of Dao, which refers to the Chinese classics and represents the main schools of thought in East Asia: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. And it is unique in that it implies the will of Sangje as a religious object, a supreme being. It can be seen that Daesoon Thought has developed through the process of defining the concept of Dao by harmonizing both the universality and specificity of modern Korean religious thought.

A Study on the Changes of Literary Thought in the Middle of the Yi Dynasty through Seo Kyung Duk (서경덕(徐敬德)을 통해 본 조선 중기 근기(近畿) 문학 사상의 변화)

  • Kim, Seong-ryong
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.39
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    • pp.181-220
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    • 2018
  • I analyze Seo Kyung Duk's (徐敬德, 1489-1546) phonetic essay and deduce whether it is related to the Tang poetry style [唐詩風], which was popular in the 16th century. Seo Kyung Duk was known as a Ki[氣]-oriented scholar and a kind of numerologist. He taught people regardless of their status differences, which gave them an open-minded attitude. Most of them were active in the areas near Seoul. Around this time, the Tang poetry style began to be popular in the Yi dynasty. Most of the leading writers of this literary trend were his students. He thought that the universe was made up of the movement of Ki[氣] and that the movement followed the correct order of numbers. Ki[氣] is active, automatic, and inevitably creates the universe in the order of numbers. The reasons for their existence are clear. All present existences, including human beings, fit together and collectively harmonize by themselves. Beyond the present discrimination, the Great Body [本體] returns to a clean and transparent unity. As such, the school presented the political stance of taking the differences of the present world into harmony and the literary position of trying to experience the clean and transparent unity of the Great Body through an aesthetic experience.

하단전(下丹田)의 경혈(經穴)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察);관우하단전경혈적고찰

  • Sa, Hui-Su;Geum, Gyeong-Su;Lee, Myeong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Oriental Medical Informatics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2007
  • 종고대도현재하단전재건신양생방면점착흔중요위치. 의가(醫家), 도가(道家), 불가등위료보지건강타문주료흔다노력화각식적연구. 하단전시태아재모친복중생활적지방(下丹田是胎兒在母親腹中生活的地方), 시정자재부친체내생장적중요부위시생명성장적지방(是精子在父親體內生長的重要部位是生命成長的地方), 위료보유지건강적영혼화육체취요단련단전보지단전기중최보편적방법취시단전호흡화수기(爲了保維持健康的靈魂和肉體就要鍛鍊丹田保持丹田其中最普遍的方法就是丹田呼吸和手技)(침구(鍼灸), 약(藥), 안마(按摩)), 본고취시통과수기유지건강적단전소주적고찰(本告就是通過手技維持健康的丹田所做的考察). 한의학설(韓醫學說);(종동양사상주기초(從東洋思想做基礎))치인체질병유음양설(治人體疾病有陰陽說), 오행설등동양문화적근원음양설시포괄인간자연계적세계만물(五行說等東洋文化的根源陰陽說是包括人間自然界的世界萬物), 음화양적상대성(陰和陽的相對性), 상보성(相補性), 상련성등(相連性等) 원리주적관찰(原理做的觀察), 오행설시목(五行說是木), 화(火), 토(土), 금(金), 수자연계적삼라만상오류군적상생(水自然界的森羅萬象五類群的相生), 상극(相剋), 상화사득만물질서조율(相和使得萬物秩序調律), 인체시삼라만상(人體是森羅萬象), 우주중적소우주(宇宙中的小宇宙), 산화계곡(山和溪谷), 천화강해(川和江海), 동식물(動植物), 생활도구(生活道具), 건축물(建築物), 천체화무의등조성료인체구조자연화생명적조화중한의학시용침술화약재치료료인적질병(天體和巫醫等組成了人體構造自然和生命的造化中韓醫學是用鍼術和藥材治療了人的疾病). 저양조화유지료신체건강, 여과파배료저종조화상호보충적관계취회출현이상, 취회질인병기질병(就會疾引病起疾病), 소이위료유지신체적조화취요호호적이해신체적구성(所以爲了維持身體的調和就要好好的理解身體的構成), 관리호신체적각부분(管理好身體的各部分). 저시논문규명적취시신체내양생최중요적지방시단전, 하단전적구조이해지후취회명백유지신체조화적경혈적관계(下丹田的構造理解之後就會明白維持身體調和的經穴的關係).

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Meaning and Symbolism of the Patterns on Gilt Bronze Shoes from Three Kingdoms Era (삼국시대 금동신발 문양의 의미와 상징성)

  • Lee, Jae-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.618-630
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    • 2018
  • The contemporary shoes have been progressively trying a variety of designs using patterns as well as the formative change. However, for making those patterns secure the continuing values as the design having global competitiveness without being a temporal trend, it is required to develop the patterns which reflect the unique identity of Korea. Such development can be realized through the analysis on the traditional patterns of Korea. The patterns are the symbol of collective values. The traditional patterns implicitly express the philosophical thinking of members in a society as having been inherited up to now. Thus, this paper analyzed the gilt bronze shoes in Three Kingdoms Era using the patterns as unique design elements among traditional shoes of Korea. The symbolism of those patterns was expressed as transcendence of time and space, harmony of spirit and materials, and convergence of a region and religion. On the aspect that our ancestors interpreted and overcame the bounds of nature around human beings, pursued the ideal beyond reality and accepted a variety of thoughts, it is considered that the patterns used in gilt bronze shoes expressed anthropocentricism, idealism and inclusivism.

A Comparative Study of Zhuxi and Jeungsan's Theories of Sangsaeng (주자와 증산의 상생이론 비교 고찰)

  • An, Yoo-kyoung
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.38
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    • pp.83-114
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    • 2021
  • This paper identifies what the theoretical similarities and differences are in the concept of Sangsaeng held by Zhuxi (1130~1200) and Jeungsan (1871~1909). Human beings cannot live alone. For humans to survive, they must live with others. However, humans have an infinite desire not only for survival but also for material things, honor, and power. In other words, humans, on the one hand, seek harmony and symbiosis for survival, and on the other, constantly confront, conflict and compete with one another to satisfy their infinite desires. Thus, human-to-human interrelationship is not a co-prosperity that creates partnerships for harmony but one of adversaries within competition that must be fought and defeated. At the same time, humans can achieve harmony and cooperation by overcoming their infinite desires and realizing morality. Therefore, various social problems that originate from competitive structure, which are dominated by confrontation and conflict, can be solved through human effort and reflection, so that humans can focus on solving social problems by mobilizing their own wisdom. Jeungsan emphasized Sangsaeng as mutual beneficence and it became one of the creeds of Daesoon Thought. In the Neo-Confucianism of Zhuxi, there is an ideology of Sangsaeng as co-prosperity and this is comparable to mutual beneficence in Daesoon Thought. In Zhuxi's terminology it is called 'In (仁), humanity.' In Neo-Confucianism, a harmonious world is achieved by loving people and caring for and nurturing all things when the principles of humanity are realized. This means that when the principle of co-prosperity is realized in Daesoon Thought, there will be no conflict or grudges, and only an acquired vision of reconciliation and mutual beneficence will be achieved. Zhuxi also emphasizes the realization of humanity (cheonli) by eliminating self-interest. At this time, the relationship between humanity and 'self-interest' is similar to the relationship between the mutual beneficence and grievances in Daesoon Thought. Just as the principle of 'In' fosters love among people and the benefit of things immediately after self-interest is removed, the principle of mutual beneficence is realized immediately after grudges are resolved. This achieves an endless of paradise on earth.

A Study on Movement Characteristics of Dalgubal Drum Dance (달구벌 북춤 춤사위의 특성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Won-sun
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.42
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    • pp.147-181
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    • 2021
  • Dalgubal drum dance is inherited in a recreated form by incorporating regional symbolism and the dance philosophy and artisticity of Young Hwangbo, the creator, based on the traditional drum dance of the Yeongnam region. This dance having popularity with the transformation of traditional Korean culture has been invited not only to Yeongnam region including Daegu but also to international various venues. This study explores what the movement characteristics of this Dalgubal drum dance are and the unique charm and symbolic meaning of this dance. Specific analysis was conducted through analyzing Dalgubal drum dance video film of the 89th Korean Myeongmujeon's by using Laban Movement Analysis as a research method. The special features of this dance resulted from the LMA analysis in terms of the four categories-Body, Effort, Shape, and Space-reveal simple yet cheerful personalities and strong yet patient characteristics of the people in Daegu. The harmony of drum sounds(music) and movements(dance) creates various characteristics of dances and reveals the beauty and excitement of unique Korean dance. In particular, drum play and its related dance movements create curved linear spatial pattern of arm movements, Spiral Shape in body posture, and diverse floor patterns occupying whole stage space. These movements show the three-dimensional spatial beauty and the artistic ideas for recreation of traditional drum dance, which considered with the spatial structure of the proscenium stage. In addition, the well-organized structure and harmonious movements of this dance show the traditional Korean philosophy, implying heaven, earth, and human being and the wholeness, and the harmony of yin and yang. The dance aims at communication between the audiences and dancers through sharing excitement and the aesthetic beauty of dance. This can be interpreted as a meaningful expression of traditional Korean philosophy developed with the unique value and characteristics of Korean dance.

A Moral Approach of Yulgok Philosophy on Environmental Issue (환경문제에 대한 율곡철학의 도덕론적 접근)

  • Jeong, Won-Gyo
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.43
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    • pp.33-53
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    • 2014
  • It's the situation that modern technological civilization shakes the life environment fundamentally without a serious reflection on the dangers. The sense of crisis' brought the rise of modern Ecology in awareness of survivability of the humanity. Because the serious reflection is not just a campaign for environmental protection, but is to establish the values which is possible to coexist and to make harmony between the nature and man, man and man, and to form a healthy relationship through philosophical thought and practice has intrinsic value for human and nature. Under these circumstances, if Yulgok lives now and he is questioned by the ecological theorists of the 21st century that "What do you think about the serious environmental problem of present times?", what really would be his explanation? In the presentation methods of the explanation, will question first what contents western ecologists who study Theory of the environment in technology, Deep Ecology, and Social Ecology propose, then will compare and introduce what similarities and differences from theirs. As a result, we'll be found that Yulgok's thought, moral consciousness, about the nature and humanity as a confucian scholar.

A Study on Communal Action as Found in the Ox Seeking Pictures of Daesoon Thought (대순사상 심우도의 공공작용 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-hwan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.31
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    • pp.165-197
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this article is to investigate communal action in the Ox Seeking Pictures of Daesoon Thought as an expression of future prospects. The Ox Seeking Pictures in Daesoon Thought seeks out renewal of thought, renewal of life, and true living. Here, the Ox Seeking Pictures symbolize a world in which good fortune comes true according to faith in Gucheon Sangje. The correlation between searching for the ox and the supporting teachings of the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth in Daesoon shows the transformation of Daesoon prospects for achieving the renewal of thought. The correlation between Deep Contemplation Leading to Awakening and Finding and Following Heavenly Teachings shows the transformation of Daesoon reason into a practice implemented in daily life. The correlation between a human being's awareness and the heavenly paradise of the Later World shows transformation into true living based on everyday practice and the practical transformation of one's livelihood. In this investigation, we can say that the Ox Seeking Pictures of Daesoon symbolizes the realization of human dignity and respect for lives. No life should be destroyed or violated by another. Heaven, Earth, and Humanity can be changed and born anew. The visions of the realization of the heavenly paradise of the Later World show that this paradise in the world results from Daesoon principles. This provides a unique insight when compared to the bodhisattva ideal conveyed through the Ox Seeking Pictures of Mahayana Buddhism. Daesoon's Ox Seeking Pictures consist of a three-way interlocking of renewal of thought, implementation in life, and the practical transformation of one's livelihood. The communal spirituality based in Daesoon Truth connects and mediates among people and appears in three aspects. Firstly, it is thought to be a vision of the renewal of thought through the 'Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang.' Secondly, it is thought to be the vision of a new life based upon the spirit of Mutual Beneficence. Thirdly, it is thought to be a vision of true living through the realization of human dignity. Because of the appearance of the Ox Seeking Pictures of Daesoon Thought, this narrative picture shows the oxherd as searching for an ox which is the symbol of Daesoon Truth and Dao. Even though he catches the ox, he is still holds the rope to tie the ox to himself. He makes an effort to keep the ox steady. Finally, the oxherd's enlightenment becomes the source of responsibility to help unenlightened people in their struggles. In conclusion, it is necessary to interpret these paintings as the start of the Later World.

The Relationship between Daesoon Thought and Prophecies of Jeong Gam: Emphasizing the Chinese Poetic Sources Transfigured by Jeungsan (대순사상과 『정감록』의 관계 - 증산이 변용한 한시 전거(典據)를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sang-kyu
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.36
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2020
  • It has been suggested that Jeungsan's prophetic poem that starts with the verse "For about seven or eight years, there will be a castle in the ancient country [七八年間古國城] ⋯" originally comes from Prophecies of Jeong Gam (鄭鑑錄). Despite Jeungsan, himself, obviously having been critical of that text, this claim has become the basic grounds for discourse suggesting that Jeungsan was not only interested in Prophecies of Jeong Gam but also considerably influenced by the text. However, the claim itself was formulated due to misunderstandings of the Chinese poems that had been included in A Compilation of Secret Prophecies Hidden in the Family-clan of Seogye (西溪家臧訣). These poems pursue a different ideological orientation than the poem from Prophecies of Jeong Gam. Ultimately, the Chinese poem in the verse 84 the chapter titled, Prophetic Elucidations in The Canonical Scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe cannot provide a basis for the claim that Jeungsan was strongly influenced by Prophecies of Jeong Gam. This claim that Prophecies of Jeong Gam made a deep impact on Jeungsan and Daesoon Thought was based on three other texts outside of those that appear within verse 84 of Prophetic Elucidations. The first supposedly-related line is: "Heaven opens at the period of the Rat (Ja 子), Earth opens at the period of the Ox (Chuk 丑), humankind starts at the period of the Tiger (Ihn 寅)." This line comes from from Shao Kangjie's Book of Supreme World Ordering Principles (皇極經世), and the line could be quoted idiomatically as an expression in the Joseon Dynasty. Accordingly, attempts to relate Daesoon Thought to Prophecies of Jeong Gam are a distortion that arise from the assumption that Jeungsan had a significant interest in Prophecies of Jeong Gam. The second related line is "At the foot of Mount Mother (母岳山), a golden icon of Buddha has the ability to speak [母岳山下 金佛能言]." That line is nearly identical to the verse "On the summit of Mount Mother, a golden icon of Buddha has the ability to speak [母岳山頭 金佛能言]." Yet, Jeungsan changed '頭 (du, the summit)' to '下 (ha, the foot or under)' and express his own unique religious prophecy. This allusion to the prophecies of Jeong Gam is actually a criticism designed to disprove the earlier prophecy. Third, is the verse, "The form of Buddhism, creation of daoism, and propriety of Confucianism [佛之形體仙之造化儒之凡節]," which is characteristically related to Daesoon Thought. This verse can only be found in the prophetic text, Prophecies of Chochang (蕉蒼訣), and it is provided a main source when alleging that Prophecies of Jeong Gam was an influence on Daesoon Thought. However, considering the context of Prophecies of Chochang and the year of its publication (it is assumed to be compiled after 1950s), this does not hold water as Jeungsan had already passed into Heaven several decades before that time. This disqualifies the verse from being a basis for asserting Prophecies of Jeong Gam as an influence on Daesoon Thought. Contrary to the original assertion, there is a considerable amount of evidence that Prophecies of Chochang absorbed aspects of Daesoon Thought, which were simply revised in a novel way. There is no truly compelling evidence underpinning the argument that Prophecies of Jeong Gam had a unilateral impact on Daesoon Thought. There seems to be a great deal of confusion and numerous misinterpretations on this matter. Therefore, the claim that Daesoon Thought, as developed by Jeungsan, was influenced by the discourse on dynastic revolution and feng shui contained in Prophecies of Jeong Gam should be re-examined at the level of its very premise.