• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연수 개념의 역사

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Inference of the Conceptual Model of Wild Gardens - A Comparative Study of William Robinson and Gertrude Jekyll - (와일드 가든(Wild Garden)의 개념적 모형 유추 - 윌리암 로빈슨(William Robinson)과 거투르드 제킬(Gertrude Jekyll)의 비교 연구 -)

  • Park, Eun-Yeong;Yoon, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2013
  • The origin of natural planting, which is getting the spotlight in modern time facing natural and environmental problems, can be found from wild gardens. They were started by William Robinson and concretely embodied by Gertrude Jekyll. It is worth shedding new light on wild gardens, as they served as a pathbreaker for ecological design and an important foundation for the specialization of naturalism, which are part of the most important topics in modern gardens. This study aimed to infer the conceptual model of wild gardens and identify their historic significance by comparatively analyzing Robinson's Gravetye Manor and Jekyll's Munstead Wood. The results are: Firstly, they inherited inspirations for spatial organization from basic cottage gardens and introduced informal forms. Secondly, in terms of the use of materials, they had observed various climates in their journeys so that they could use both native and naturalized plants based on their understanding of the plants' hardiness and exotic species. They also displayed interests in plants in the woodlands and forests. Thirdly, in terms of design techniques, they investigated the colors and textures of individual plants and their relationships to produce a variety of views that resembled nature in microcosm. Fourthly, in terms of maintenance, their basic orientation was the minimum maintenance to allow plants to live according to their nature.

Changes of Exhibition Space and the Popularization of Art (변화하는 전시 공간과 미술의 대중화)

  • Moon, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2020
  • The aim of this thesis is to investigate exhibition spaces which are being expanded and transformed concurrently with social phenomena that are also the result of rapid changes, all of which are reflective of a modern society in transition. Such investigation would also include an analysis of changes in the viewing public and artworks themselves, and also an assessment of the public nature of art and its effective aspects. Expansion of exhibition spaces and the increasing connection between art and the public have very important ramifications, in many respects. They present opportunities for the viewing public to immerse themselves in artistic spaces, with some reaching further into other activities - activities that they often share with other individuals. This also leads them to expand their range of activities, turning them into more mobile, proactive audiences. In connection, many corporations have turned their attention to this public aspect of art, which has resulted in a display of art in different types of spaces. The government also began to adopt 'public art' as a matter of policy, using it as a medium of communication between the state and its populace. The public aspect of art, being highlighted as a result of expansion and diversification of exhibition spaces, will have a significant impact not only on the viewing public, but also on the art market. This represents a momentous change for creators of art, which naturally warrants close scrutiny and research.

Urban Drainage Simplification Using Meta-channel Concept (등가하천 개념을 이용한 관망 간략화 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hwan-Seok;Pak, Gi-Jung;Yoon, Jae-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1194-1199
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구에서는 도시배수관망의 간략화 모의 시 지선을 단순 생략하는 것이 아니라 2차원 관망을 1차원으로 전환시키는 방법인 등가하천 개념을 도입하여 도시유역의 유출량 산정에 있어서 여러 지선들을 개별적으로 모의하지 않으면서도 실제 존재하는 지선들의 효과를 고려할 수 있는 방법을 개발하고자 하였다. 자연하천에 대해 개발된 등가하천 개념은 최근의 수문모형의 경향인 물리적 분포형 모형의 복잡성을 피하면서 전통적인 개념적 집중형 모형이 가지는 간편성을 살리고 그 것이 가지고 있는 선형가정의 한계를 극복하기 위한 방안으로서 제안된 방법이다. 등가하천 개념을 도입하여 개발된 모형은 종국적으로 강우-유출관계에 있어서 강우의 크기, 선형 및 비선형성, 유역면적 등이 미치는 영향을 분석하기위한 도구로 개발되었으며, 본 연구에서는 출구로부터 동일 거리 s에 위치한 지점에서의 배수관망의 공간적인 분포 및 집중패턴을 파악하는 폭함수(width function, n(s))와 면적함수(area function, M(s))를 이용하여 관망을 간략화 하였다. 등가관의 수리기하조건 결정은 유역이 정상상태에 도달했을 경우에 대해서 이루어지게 되며 정상상태 모의를 통해 개별 관망단면들에 대해 얻어진 유량(Q), 면적(A), 수심(y) 자료간의 상관관계를 유추하여 Q(A), A(y) 함수를 유도하게 되면 종국적으로 관로홍수추적에 이용되는 지배방정식의 매개변수인 파속계수(c) 및 확산계수(D)를 계산할 수 있게 된다. 본 연구에서는 대상 유역으로 군자 배수구역을 선정하여 유역의 특성과 관망 자료를 수집하고 간략화 기법을 적용한 결과를 분석 하였다.다. 21세기 문화산업에서 우리가 판단하게 될 디자인의 가치는 계몽의 원리에 대한 '역사성'과 '현재성'의 변증법에 달려있는 것이며, 새로운 철학, 새로운 문명, 새로운 세계를 열어가는 것이다.r$ (地理志)에는 추현리와 이미 외리를 언급하면서 상주의 자기제작의 위상을 짐작하는 기록이 언급되면서 전국의 상품의 절반을 담당하고 있었음을 알 수 있었다. $\ulcorner$경상도지리지$\lrcorner$(慶尙道地理志)에는 상주가 8곳으로 1/3의 자기 생산을 담당하고 있었다. $\ulcorner$경상도지리지$\lrcorner$(慶尙道地理志)에는 $\ulcorner$세종실록$\lrcorner$(世宗實錄) $\ulcorner$지리지$\lrcorner$(地理志)와 동년대에 동일한 목적으로 찬술되었음을 알 수 있다. $\ulcorner$경상도실록지리지$\lrcorner$(慶尙道實錄地理志)에는 $\ulcorner$세종실록$\lrcorner$(世宗實錄) $\ulcorner$지리지$\lrcorner$(地理志)와의 비교를 해보면 상 중 하품의 통합 9개소가 삭제되어 있고, $\ulcorner$동국여지승람$\lrcorner$(東國與地勝覽) 에서는 자기소와 도기소의 위치가 완전히 삭제되어 있다. 이러한 현상은 첫째, 15세기

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A Study on Design Education in Primary School -With Emphasis on Analysing the Present Condition of Design Education in Korean Primary School- (초등학교 디자인 교육에 관한 연구 -국내 디자인 교육의 현황 분석을 중심으로-)

  • 김혜숙;권은숙
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.191-200
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    • 1999
  • Improving the design ability of idea developing and creative problem solving should be started from the primary school. Design education in the primary school should be not education for design but education by design. It helps students can naturally understand the basic concept of design and experience the process of activities. Therefore primary educational circle use the term of 'Design-related activities', or 'Design-Based Education'. It can be applied to variable themes of mathematics, science, music, society as well as Art. On the Basis of these literature review, the traditional design education as a part of the art education is analyzed in two aspects of its contents and behaviors. The contents in design education involve aesthetic·symbolic, useful·functional, and scientific·technological area. And, the basic design behaviors are classified with 'know', 'perceive', 'inquire', and so on. This concept becomes the analytic frame of the present condition of design education in Korean primary school. Through the analysis, it is found that the portion of scientific·technological area in contents and 'inquire' related behaviors are relatively very low. Also, the planning and teaching methods for leading children's opportunity of creative expression are found inadequate. This study proposes the potential capability and the integrative contents of design education in primary school.

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A Meaningful Interpretation on Concept of Byeulseo Scenic Spot (별서명승의 개념에 대한 의미론적 해석)

  • Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2010
  • This study is attempted to establish the concept of Byeulseo Scenic Spot that the definitions of Byeulseo and Scenic Spot would be presented first followed by clarifying the basis, reason and justification that Byeulseo would be called as Byeulseo Scenic Spot that the following is the major results formulated herein. First, the concept of scenic spot under the Cultural Property Act is the reference to the famous site with the building improvement well known for its great scenery or the point where splendid scenery is viewed that has the artistic value along with the trace of human lives in this cultural heritage that, although the scenery is important but the attention has to be on discovery of historic resources with the story telling in the subject site. Second, the criteria of designation on the Scenic Spot in Korea would be natural scenery, animal and plant site with well-known scenery, view point of scenery, famous building or garden and important places with legend that there lacks diversification. In this aspect, the intent of the concept of Scenic Spot would be facilitated to expand the designation of the Byeulseo Scenic Spot as the Scenic Spot of living style. Third, from the foreign cases, particularly, in Japan, it is needed to note that Byeulseos and housing gardens are designated for 196 places of Scenic Spot, reaching 55.4% of entire Scenic Spots. Laws, regulations, systems and designated criteria on the cases of designating the foreign Scenic Spots would be studied and quoted. Fourth, the classification work for each type to designate as cultural heritage has to be continued as the Scenic Spot of subject site with even more emerged for the value as the Scenic Spot in garden, original site and the like classified as historic site, important folk data and the like. Fifth, the designation of Scenic Spot of Byeulseo garden with splendid scenery as the living Scenic Spot has to be expanded. The pavilion existed now nationwide would be approximately 1,500, and these pavilions are the place where the scholars stay in the famous site, and this is the central space of Byeulseo to study, and if there is clear one that has written and record of deed to create the stories to people with the value for publicity campaign, it would be the subject of Scenic Spot. And sixth, for the case of view point with splendid scenery in Byeulseo Garden, it cannot be the subject of designation that the designation of Scenic Spot has to be expanded. In the event of the Byeulseo garden in Korea, there are many cases of having outstanding view points, and there is a few case of designating the subject site with great view point as a Scenic Spot.


  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Professional Engineer Association Conference
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    • 1995.12b
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    • pp.30-48
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    • 1995
  • 서울시는 국가의 수도로서 이제 6n년의 역사를 맞이하였다. 뛰어난 산수와 자연 경관을 가진 서울시의 자연은 근세이후 도시의 발전에 따른 점차적으로 훼손되어 왔으며, 특히 1960년대 이후의 도시성장기에 시행된 개발 위주의 도시 정책은 공원 녹지의 잠식을 가속화시켜 본래의 자연은 양적, 질적 측면에 많은 피해가 발생되었다. 또한 도시 정책의 부분으로서 공원 녹지 정책은 개발 위주의 도시 정책에 밀려 제기능을 발휘 할 수 없었으며, 정책에 있어서도 목표와 미래 방향에 대한 뚜렷한 비전을 제시하지 못하였다. 현재 공원 녹지와 관련된 정책 환경을 볼 때, 각종의 도시개발 사업, 지방 자치제 시행에 따를 도시의 난 개발은 부족한 공원녹지를 더욱 잠식하는 위협요소가 되고 있으며, 토지수요에 대한 공급의 한계 상황에 직면해 있는 시점에서 개발론자 들은 공원 녹지를 개발의 주요대상으로 인식하는 자세를 견지하고 있다. 그러나 최근 들어 지구 환경의 문제의 대두, 환경에 대한 시민의 관심, 정책 집행자들의 환경 보전과 관리의 움직임이 나타나기 시작하고 있어 서울시의 공원 녹지의 미래 전망을 밝게 해주는 긍정적인 요소가 되고 있다. 2000년대를 바라본 현시점에서 도시의 기간 요소로서 공원 녹지는 단지 존재만의 가치가 아니라 적정한 기능을 부여하고 이용의 활성화를 통한 공원 녹지의 새로운 탄생이 요구되고 있다. 이것은 공원 녹지정책 측면에서 공원 녹지의 양적 측면에서의 풍요로움과 질적 측면에서의 기능성의 회복과 도시 구성적 측면에서의 공원 녹지의 네트워크의 구성이라는 3가지의 정책 이슈를 제기한다. 양적 측면에서 녹의 풍요로움을 확보하기 위해서는 기존의 공급 지표 위주의 정책보다는 공원 녹지의 총량적인 관리 체제를 통한 전 도시적 차원의 공원녹지 관리 시스템이 필요하며, 공원 녹지로서 잠재 가치를 가지고 있는 새로운 유형의 공원 녹지의 조성과 각종 개발사업에 대한 공원 녹지의 잠식 방지를 위한 명확한 사회적인 공감대의 형성이 요구된다. 질적 측면에서는 공원 녹지의 기능성의 회복이라는 측면과 시대에 부합되는 새로운 기능 및 가치의 부여가 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 공원의 매력, 공원의 시설기능 증진, 녹지의 질의 향상 및 녹지 가치의 증진에 대한 다양한 시책이 요구된다. 구성적 측면에서는 공원녹지의 개별적 존재보다는 공원 녹지를 상호간 유기적인 계통을 확보하여 공원 녹지의 네트워크를 형성하여 도시 속의 산재된 고립된 섬으로서의 공원 녹지가 아닌 시민생활에 늘 가까이 있는 생활 속의 공원녹지로 재편되어야 한다. 이러한 정책의 의제는 양적 측면에서 보전(CONSERVATION)과 창출(CREATION), 질적 측면에서 쇄신(RENOVATION)과 복구(RESTORATION), 그리고 구성적 측면에서 공원 녹지의 연결(CONNECTION)과 시민 참여에 의한 운동(MOVEMENT)이라는 정책 개념의 구현을 통해 가능하다. 이러한 정책 개념과 의제를 가지고 서울시 공원 녹지 정책을 구체화시키기 위해서 푸르름의 새로운 탄생이라는 기치 아래 풍요로운 서울, 사랑 받는 공원, 생활 속의 녹지의 3대 목표, 공원 녹지의 보전, 잠재 공원 녹지의 창출, 공원의 활성화, 녹지의 복구, 경관 보전 및 복구, 공원 녹지의 네트워크, 도시 녹화의 7대 과제를 설정하고 미시설 공원 녹지 집행, 개발 사업시 공원 녹지의 확보, 환경 녹지의 총량 보호 관리, 도시 소공원 개발, 역사 문화 공원 조성, 하천 공간 복원, 공원 시설 기능 개선, 이용 프로그램 개발, 공원 관리 개선, 환경 피해 녹지의 회복, 도시 환경 림 조성, 녹지 기능 증진, 도시 자연 경관 보전, 공원 녹지체계 구성, 공원 녹지 공급 균형, 주변 환경 녹화, 가로 녹화의 17개 시책을 제안하였다. 이러한 정책사업의 원활한 추진을 위해서는 기존의 관주도의 일방적인 공원 녹지 행정이 아닌 시민의 참여를 통한 시민이 함께 하는 정 책 사업의 추진이 요구되며, 특히 민간 부문의 적극적 인 참여를 유도하기 위한 방안이 동시 에 강구되어야 한다. 또한 공공에서는 정 책 집행을 위한 조직과 행정의 개편, 예산의 확보 방안을 적극적으로 검토해야 한다. 현재 서울시는 지방자치제 시행에 따라 시 행정에 있어 많은 변화가 예고되고 있으며, 공원 녹지는 새로운 환경 변화에 부합되는 적절한 도시요소가 될 것으로 추정된다. 서울시 하천 복개의 금지, 하천공간의 복원에 대한 움직임, 환경 녹지 복구를 위한 사업의 시행, 민간부문의 환경 운동의 활성화 등 바람직 한 현상이 전개되고 있어, 공원 녹지는 미래의 도시 관리 에 있어 주요 관심사가 될 것이다.

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History of Transcendental numbers and Open Problems (초월수의 역사와 미해결 문제)

  • Park, Choon-Sung;Ahn, Soo-Yeop
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2010
  • Transcendental numbers are important in the history of mathematics because their study provided that circle squaring, one of the geometric problems of antiquity that had baffled mathematicians for more than 2000 years was insoluble. Liouville established in 1844 that transcendental numbers exist. In 1874, Cantor published his first proof of the existence of transcendentals in article [10]. Louville's theorem basically can be used to prove the existence of Transcendental number as well as produce a class of transcendental numbers. The number e was proved to be transcendental by Hermite in 1873, and $\pi$ by Lindemann in 1882. In 1934, Gelfond published a complete solution to the entire seventh problem of Hilbert. Within six weeks, Schneider found another independent solution. In 1966, A. Baker established the generalization of the Gelfond-Schneider theorem. He proved that any non-vanishing linear combination of logarithms of algebraic numbers with algebraic coefficients is transcendental. This study aims to examine the concept and development of transcendental numbers and to present students with its open problems promoting a research on it any further.

An Analysis on the Elementary Students' Problem Solving about Equal Sharing Problem and Fraction Order (균등 분배 문제와 분수의 크기 비교에 대한 초등학생들의 문제해결 분석)

  • Lee, Daehyun
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.303-326
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    • 2018
  • Fraction has difficulties in learning because of the diversity of meanings, the ways of presenting contents and teaching methods in elementary school mathematics. Therefore, the various strategies of teaching of fraction concept is proposed as an alternative. The problem of equal sharing problem is that children can experience the concept of fractions naturally in the context of everyday distribution. Even before learning formal fractions, children can solve them in various ways based on their own experiences. The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree of problem solving and problem solving strategies for children in 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades in elementary school. As a result of the research, the percentage of correct answers increased as the grade increased, but the grade levels showed a difference depending on the numbers given to the problems. Also, there were differences in the problem solving strategies according to the grade levels. Also, according to the numbers presented in the problem, the percentage of correct answers was high in items that were easy to divide, and the percentage of correct answers was low in items that were difficult to divide. When children solved the problems, they were affected by the strategies they could use immediately according to the number presented in the problem, and their learning experiences were also affected.

A Study of the Conservation Policy and Management Status of Historic Gardens in England - Focused on the National Trust - (영국 역사정원 보전정책과 관리현황에 대한 연구 - 내셔널 트러스트를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Sang-Jun;Kwon, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2010
  • This paper investigates the history, policy and status of the conservation of historic gardens in the National Trust in England and its implications for Korea. It was conducted in three phases as follows: First, related literature data was collected to understand the National Trust and its role in the conservation of historic gardens. Second, The National Trust Policy Papers: Gardens and Landscape Parks in 1996 was reviewed and analyzed into eight categories with a review of 216 gardens and interviews with gardener-in-charge via e-mail. Finally an understanding of the policy for the conservation of historic gardens was formed from the results of the previous phases, and implications were drawn from the integrated analysis guidelines of the policy and status. The key feature of the conservation of the National Trust's historic gardens is that the conservation process has been conducted systematically through acquisition, management, upkeep, advice and so on. Furthermore, the conservation principles are defined in a concise and accessible form. According to their practical conservation process and principles, the results of the National Trust activities are to appreciate the significance of the gardens and act with accountability; integration; managing change; access and participation; and training gardener and partnership. According to the results of its activities under the premise that the purpose of the conservation and the meaning of a garden do not differ significantly among nations, implications for Korea can be primarily suggested by three points as follows: First of all, a flexible approach to change in historic gardens should be managed. In response to inevitable and desirable change, anything that is added or transferred should be recorded for the future as much as possible. Therefore, everything must be recorded and any change should be managed. Second, is to provide sustainable access for the benefit for the people and visitors. The aim of conserving the gardens is for human's to eventually understand that the present generation just borrows the historic gardens before they are passed down. The ensuing implication is that people may enjoy the gardens educationally, aesthetically, and physically, and children can be continuously interested in historic gardens as apart of educating the future generation. Finally, the National Trust educates apprentice gardeners who will maintain the historic gardens and continuously keep the current garden staff up to date with workshops. This is in contrast to the day laborers who work for historic gardens in Korea. In practice, the maintenance of historic gardens is not a simple process. The gardener must understand the past, reflect the present, and prepare for the future. Therefore, gardeners deliver culture from generation to generation.

Historical Contemplation on the Korean Landscape Characteristics as Affected by Religious Environment (시대 및 종교적 환경과 한국의 조경 경관형성 소고)

  • Shim, Jai-Sung;Bae, Jeong-Kwan;Seo, Byung-Key;Choi, Jong-Myung
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.85-101
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    • 2002
  • Landscape civilization in Korea originated in Cochosun(Ancient Chosun) era, this again succeeding to the period of the Three States - Koguryo, Baekje and Silla. The distribution of this culture showed great progress with the association of two particular religions - Buddhism and Confucianism.. Landscape development in Korea has greatly changed during specific times of both cultural and political upheaval in various societies. Religion has had a great deal of influence on landscape development. Traditionally Korean people have had a tendency to favor more natural landscape than man-made structures in landscape : This trend was a quite different concept from that of other oriental countries, not to mention of western countries. In particular, Buddhism influenced natural landscape, far from artificial craftsmanship in landscape. Oriental garden is a typical 'tabloid edition' of natural landscape which consists lakes, islands, ponds, stone monuments, and fruit trees, quite often raising animal in parks and courtyard style house. This style of garden influenced in Chosun Dynasty landscape. Landscaping was usually for royal gardens, cemetery parks or high level of officer's residence. However, landscaping in Chosun Dynasty which had established Confucianism as a state religion gave us a specific designation. It was neither ethnic imitation of the garden style of both China and Japan : People were used to enjoy nature-friendly landscape or sink into the ecstasy of natural scenery itself. The trend that landscape or establishing garden had been aimed at royal family- or bureaucrat-centered formatives was to become an obstacle to the development of landscape techniques in Korea. An example represented in a beautiful garden with fabulous decoration which established in places. This was completely not fit for the nation's feeling.

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