• Title/Summary/Keyword: 일조분포

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A Study on the Visual Characteristics of the Landscape of Darangyi-paddy in Garchon, Namhae (남해 가천마을 다랑이논 경관의 시각적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Chang-Hun;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2010
  • Darangyi paddy in Namhae Gachon village provides natural beauty with its distinct location. Darangyi is a traditional Korean landscape, shaping a circular form to serve continuous cultivation. Despite the paddy's landscape, it is difficult to preserve its natural scenery due to many factors such as inadequate visual analysis. Under the belief that there is a necessity to preserve Darangyi paddy, the research in visual features of the paddy began to illustrate the relevance between its viewpoint and landscape objects. First, we researched typical view structures. When considering the visual features, Darangyi paddy landscape objects has a viewpoint from the horizontality to its below, which its center area is about $-5^{\circ}{\sim}-30^{\circ}$. From the analyzed data, the scenary of Darangyi paddy, which most people agree its decency, is formed in a visually decent location. The above type of measure of visual structure in Darangyi paddy is expected to be applied in maintenance of foothold of views in the future. Second, the surrounding elements play important parts to form the whole landscape of Gachon Darangyi paddy. Although Darangyi paddy is the principal part of the scenary, the landscape analysis showed a high relevance with the paddy's identity, forest around the paddy, sky, ocean, settlements, and the roads in terms of visual perception. It was affirmed that those elements around the paddy play important parts in structuring and providing the beauty of the whole landscape. Various viewy objects are seen obvious especially in a long distance, and the splendid scenary proved that those viewy objects are in indispensable location. In order to preserve the paddy, it seems necessary to consider the surrounding envrionment of Darangyi paddy, not just the paddy's sole landscape form. Third, Darangyi paddy has a distinct seasonal characteristics. According to the survey analysis, the full heading time in spring and time when people can take a picture against the sun light proved magnificence of Darangyi paddy. Thus, it would be ideal to maintain Darangyi paddy by securing the sunlight condition with decent landscape view and the views from its surrounding environments or researching the ways to principally maintain the surrounding environments.

Assessment of the Angstrom-Prescott Coefficients for Estimation of Solar Radiation in Korea (국내 일사량 추정을 위한 Angstrom-Prescott계수의 평가)

  • Hyun, Shinwoo;Kim, Kwang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2016
  • Models to estimate solar radiation have been used because solar radiation is measured at a smaller number of weather stations than other variables including temperature and rainfall. For example, solar radiation has been estimated using the Angstrom-Prescott (AP) model that depends on two coefficients obtained empirically at a specific site ($AP_{Choi}$) or for a climate zone ($AP_{Frere}$). The objective of this study was to identify the coefficients of the AP model for reliable estimation of solar radiation under a wide range of spatial and temporal conditions. A global optimization was performed for a range of AP coefficients to identify the values of $AP_{max}$ that resulted in the greatest degree of agreement at each of 20 sites for a given month during 30 years. The degree of agreement was assessed using the value of Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC). When $AP_{Frere}$ was used to estimate solar radiation, the values of CCC were relatively high for conditions under which crop growth simulation would be performed, e.g., at rural sites during summer. The statistics for $AP_{Frere}$ were greater than those for $AP_{Choi}$ although $AP_{Frere}$ had the smaller statistics than $AP_{max}$ did. The variation of CCC values was small over a wide range of AP coefficients when those statistics were summarized by site. $AP_{Frere}$ was included in each range of AP coefficients that resulted in reasonable accuracy of solar radiation estimates by site, year, and month. These results suggested that $AP_{Frere}$ would be useful to provide estimates of solar radiation as an input to crop models in Korea. Further studies would be merited to examine feasibility of using $AP_{Frere}$ to obtain gridded estimates of solar radiation at a high spatial resolution under a complex terrain in Korea.

Exploring NDVI Gradient Varying Across Landform and Solar Intensity using GWR: a Case Study of Mt. Geumgang in North Korea (GWR을 활용한 NDVI와 지형·태양광도의 상관성 평가 : 금강산 지역을 사례로)

  • Kim, Jun Woo;Um, Jung Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2013
  • Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression is the primary statistical method in previous studies for vegetation distribution patterns in relation to landform. However, this global regression lacks the ability to uncover some local-specific relationships and spatial autocorrelation in model residuals. This study employed geographically weighted regression (GWR) to examine the spatially varying relationships between NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) patterns and changing trends of landform (elevation, slope) and solar intensity (insolation and duration of sunshine) in Mt Geum-gang of North-Korea. Results denoted that GWR was more powerful than OLS in interpreting relationships between NDVI patterns and landform/solar intensity, since GWR was characterized by higher adjusted R2, and reduced spatial autocorrelations in model residuals. Unlike OLS regression, GWR allowed the coefficients of explanatory variables to differ by locality by giving relatively more weight to NDVI patterns which are affected by local landform and solar factors. The strength of the regression relationships in the GWR increased significantly, by showing regression coefficient of higher than 70% (0.744) in the southern ridge of the experimental area. It is anticipated that this research output will serve to increase the scientific and objective vegetation monitoring in relation to landform and solar intensity by overcoming serious constraints suffered from the past non-GWR-based approach.

Estimating Rice Yield Using MODIS NDVI and Meteorological Data in Korea (MODIS NDVI와 기상자료를 이용한 우리나라 벼 수량 추정)

  • Hong, Suk Young;Hur, Jina;Ahn, Joong-Bae;Lee, Jee-Min;Min, Byoung-Keol;Lee, Chung-Kuen;Kim, Yihyun;Lee, Kyung Do;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Kim, Gun Yeob;Shim, Kyo Moon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.509-520
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to estimate rice yield in Korea using satellite and meteorological data such as sunshine hours or solar radiation, and rainfall. Terra and Aqua MODIS (The MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) products; MOD13 and MYD13 for NDVI and EVI, MOD15 and MYD15 for LAI, respectively from a NASA web site were used. Relations of NDVI, EVI, and LAI obtained in July and August from 2000 to 2011 with rice yield were investigated to find informative days for rice yield estimation. Weather data of rainfall and sunshine hours (climate data 1) or solar radiation (climate data 2) were selected to correlate rice yield. Aqua NDVI at DOY 233 was chosen to represent maximum vegetative growth of rice canopy. Sunshine hours and solar radiation during rice ripening stage were selected to represent climate condition. Multiple regression based on MODIS NDVI and sunshine hours or solar radiation were conducted to estimate rice yields in Korea. The results showed rice yield of $494.6kg\;10a^{-1}$ and $509.7kg\;10a^{-1}$ in 2011, respectively and the difference from statistics were $1.1kg\;10a^{-1}$ and $14.1kg\;10a^{-1}$, respectively. Rice yield distributions from 2002 to 2011 were presented to show spatial variability in the country.

Research Trends on Estimation of Soil Moisture and Hydrological Components Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR를 이용한 토양수분 및 수문인자 산출 연구동향)

  • CHUNG, Jee-Hun;LEE, Yong-Gwan;KIM, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.26-67
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    • 2020
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) is able to photograph the earth's surface regardless of weather conditions, day and night. Because of its possibility to search for hydrological factors such as soil moisture and groundwater, and its importance is gradually increasing in the field of water resources. SAR began to be mounted on satellites in the 1970s, and about 15 or more satellites were launched as of 2020, which around 10 satellites will be launched within the next 5 years. Recently, various types of SAR technologies such as enhancement of observation width and resolution, multiple polarization and multiple frequencies, and diversification of observation angles were being developed and utilized. In this paper, a brief history of the SAR system, as well as studies for estimating soil moisture and hydrological components were investigated. Up to now hydrological components that can be estimated using SAR satellites include soil moisture, subsurface groundwater discharge, precipitation, snow cover area, leaf area index(LAI), and normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and among them, soil moisture is being studied in 17 countries in South Korea, North America, Europe, and India by using the physical model, the IEM(Integral Equation Model) and the artificial intelligence-based ANN(Artificial Neural Network). RADARSAT-1, ENVISAT, ASAR, and ERS-1/2 were the most widely used satellite, but the operation has ended, and utilization of RADARSAT-2, Sentinel-1, and SMAP, which are currently in operation, is gradually increasing. Since Korea is developing a medium-sized satellite for water resources and water disasters equipped with C-band SAR with the goal of launching in 2025, various hydrological components estimation researches using SAR are expected to be active.

Development of a Prototype Automatic Sorting System for Dried Oak Mushrooms (건표고 자동선별을 위한 시작시스템 개발)

  • Hwang, H.;Lee, C.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.414-421
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    • 1996
  • 한국과 일본의 경우 건표고를 외관의 품질상태 에 따라 12등급에서 16등급으로 구분하고 있다. 그리고 등급판정 작업은 임의로 추출한 샘플을 대상으로 전문 감정가에 의해 수작업으로 수행되고 있다. 건표고의 품질을 결정짓는 외관의 품질인자들은 갓과 내피에 고루 분포하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 컴퓨터 영상처리 시스템에 의거하여 개발한 건표고 자동 등급판정 및 선별 시작시스템의 구조와 기능 그리고 성능에 대하여 설명하였다. 개발한 시작시스템은 표고의 이송과 취급자동화를 위한 진동이송기, 반전장치, 컨베이어 이송장치와 두 세트의 컴퓨터 영상처리 시스템, 그리고 시스템 통괄제어를 위한 IBM PC AT호환 컴퓨터, 디지털 입출력 보드, 전공압실린더 구동제어를 위한 PLC등으로 구성하였다. 등급판정의 효율성 및 실시간 작업시스템을 고려하여 건표고의 등급판정은 두 세트의 컴퓨터 영상처리 시스템을 이용하여 이송되는 건표고의 갓 또는 내피 중 어디가 위를 향하는 지에 따라 두 단계에 걸쳐 독립적으로 판정을 수행하도록 하였다. 첫 번째 영상처리부에서는 갓표면 영상으로부터 4등급의 고품질 표고를 분류하며 두 번째 영상처리부에서는 내피표면 영상으로부터 중간 및 저품질 표고를 8개의 등급으로 분류한다. 실시간 영상정보처리를 목적으로 기존에 개발한 신경회로망을 이용한 등급판정 알고리즘을 시작시스템에 적용하였다. 개발한 시작기는 88% 이상의 등급판정 정확도를 보여 주었으며, 전공압시스템의 구동제약으로 인하여 표고 1개당 약0.7초의 선별시간이 소요되었다. 일조 선별라인의 경우 본 연구에서 제안한 시작기의 선별능력은 표고가 일차 처리부로 갓이 위로 올라와 있는 상태로 계속 공급된다면 시간당 대략 5,000여 개의 표고를 처리할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.보강하여 가능하면 B-Pillar의 Middle이 Bending type collapse을 방지하여 Pelvis와 Door가 먼저 접촉하는 방법 등이 적용가능하다. 제작하기 이전에 설계된 부품에 대한 스프링 상수 및 내구특성을 체계적으로 규명하여 제품 시험의 횟수를 줄이고, 보다 정밀한 제품을 제작할 수 있도록 하기 위한 것이다.세포수는 초기 배반포기배에서 팽윤 배반포기배로 진행됨에 따라 두배에서 세배 정도 증가되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, differential labelling과 bisbenzimide기법에서 얻어진 각각의 총세포수를 비교하였을 때 총세포수는 발달의 진행 정도에 따라 증가되며 그와 동시에 동일한 군 간의 세포수도 거의 유사함을 알 수 있었다. 따라서, ICM과 TE를 differential labelling하는 기법은 수정란의 quality를 평가하는데 매우 유용한 기법으로서 착상전 embryo 발달을 연구하는데 효과적으로 이용될 수 있다는 것을 시사한다. 고도의 유의차를 나타낸 반면 비수구, 초생수로구 및 Bromegrass 목초구 간에는 아무런 유의차가 인정되지 않았다. 7. 농지보전 처리구인 배수구와 초생수로구는 비처리구에 비해 낮은 침두 유출량과 낮은 토양유실량을 나타내었다.구보다 14% 절감되는 것으로 나타났다.작용하는 것으로 사료된다.된다.정량 분석한 결과이다. 시편의 조성은 33.6 at% U, 66.4 at% O의 결과를 얻었다. 산화물 핵연료의 표면 관찰 및 정량 분석 시험시 시편 표면을 전도성 물질로 증착시키지 않고, Silver Paint 에 시편을 접착하는 방법으로도 만족한 시험 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.째, 회복기 중에 일어나는 입자들의 유입은 자기폭풍의 지속시간을 연장시키는 경향을 보이며 큰

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The Study on the Patterns and Formation Factors of the International Conflicting Area (국제분쟁지역의 유형 및 형성요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Han-Bang
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.199-215
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    • 2002
  • The socio-economic and environmental systems of world are in turmoil. International conflicts are placed in their geographical context through the integration of maps. Changes in the world political map have often been the outcome of wars and conflicts associated with major geopolitical transitions. We identify five basic types--proto-nationalism, unification nationalism, separation nationalism, liberation nationalism and renewal nationalism. Political leaders in a wide range of contexts have been able to appeal to the nationalist doctrine to justify their actions. In recent years indigenous peoples have found a new voice in their struggle for survival. Although colonial empire's ending followed long and bloody struggles in some places. We really cannot understand the modem world as a whole if we do not understand the dynamic of that part of it which has endured and struggled against colonialism. The patterns of the international conflicting area are divided internal conflict type, mixed conflict type, international conflict type. The formation factors of the international conflicting area are divided ethnic group, religion, colonialism, resource, territory. There has recently been a resurgence of Islam's importance in world affairs. The oil crises of the 1970s gave new international leverage to several Muslim states.

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Occurrence and Seasonal Variation of Oxygen-Deficient Watermass in Wonmun Bay (원문만에서 저산소 수괴의 출현과 계절적 변동)

  • LEE Pil-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.392-400
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    • 1993
  • The present study was accomplished to understand the occurrence and time serial variations of oxygen-deficient watermass in wonmun Bay from 1989 to 1991. From the results of this work, oxygen-deficient water was periodically observed in bottom layer and in Summer in this region. The stratification of water began to develop in Spring and the strong formation of oxygen-deficient water showed in Summer but it gradually disappeared in Autumn. It seems that the occurring and continuing period of very low dissolved oxygen watermass is intensively controlled by meteorological conditions and vortical stratification of water column. On formation of oxygen-deficient watermass, high nutrient concentrations in the bottom layer appear to be due to release of nutrients from bottom sediment. The dissolved inorganic phosphate versus AOU shows two linear curves according to the level of AOU. In the relationships between phosphate and AOU, the gradient of a linear curve over approximately 5mg-AOU/l was significantly large, presumably indicating dissolution of phosphate from the sediment.

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The Applicability of Stable Isotope Analyses on Sediments to Reconstruct Korean Paleoclimate (우리나라의 고기후 복원을 위한 습지 퇴적물의 안정동위원소 분석 가능성 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.477-494
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    • 2008
  • Stable isotope analyses on lake or wetland sediments are useful to reconstruct paleoclimate. Organic and inorganic carbonates obtained from lake sediment are isotopically analyzed to get oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios. Oxygen isotope ratios can be used to quantitatively and qualitatively reconstruct paleo-temperature or humidity while carbon isotope ratios be used to reveal environmental changes around the lake or human impacts on the area. Peat mosses in peat bogs are nice samples for the carbon isotope analysis, which derives paleo-temperature and paleo-atmospheric $CO_2$ changes. In coastal area, the reconstruction of past sea-level is possible because terrestrial originated organic matter is carbon isotopically different from marine originated organic matter. Also, scientists can do research on Asian Monsoon based on the fact that $\delta^{13}C$ of C3 plants and C4 plants are consistently different each other and that they are distributed differently with respect to salinity. In Korea, paleoenvironmental studies using stable isotopes are not popular yet because of low academic interests on the methodology and difficulties of obtaining proper sediment samples. Interesting results can be produced to answer paleoenvironmental questions of Korea if scientists isotopically analyze sediment cores from a paleo-lake such as Hanon in Jeju island, peat bogs such as Mujechi-Neup and Yong-Neup, and coastal wetlands.

Studies on the Growth Range and Optimum Site Determination of the Tree Species Using Climatological Factors in Korea (기상인자(氣象因子)에 의한 우리나라 삼림수종(森林樹種)의 생육범위(生育範圍) 및 적지적수(適地適樹)에 관한 연구(研究))

  • Noh, Eui Rae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1983
  • Sum of daily mean temperature, sum of daily mean relative humidity and sum of daily mean duration of sunshine during the growing season (March-October), and daily mean temperature, daily mean relative humidity and daily mean minimum temperature during the dormant season (November-February) were obtained respectively from the climactic data recorded at 26 different standard stations for 30 years from 1951 to 1980, to provide a method for proper selection of tree species suitable to a certain site. They were also marked on the map of Korea. The whole country was divided into 6 regions by trend of temperature variation and the regression equations for each region were produced to estimate the sum of daily mean temperature of the growing season and the sum of daily mean minimum temperature of the dormant season in a certain site where tree plantings are planned. The natural range of distribution of each species was expressed by the sum of daily mean temperature and daily mean minimum temperature on the basis of "Horizontal and vertical distribution of the Korean woody plants" reported by Chung and Lee (1965).

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