• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인식론적 체계

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System Dynamics Approach, to Demand and Supply of Information Security Manpower (시스템 다이내믹스 방법론을 이용한 정보보호인력 수급체계 분석)

  • 김태성;전효정;박상현;장석호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.2B
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    • pp.228-239
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    • 2004
  • Information Security industry in Korea is growing rapidly but is confronted with many challenges in business environment. One of the worst hardships is the mismatch in the demand and supply of manpower. Thus the government is developing a manpower policy to relieve the situation. To suggest policy implications, this study analyzes the demand and supply of Information Security manpower in the systematic and behavioral point of views. Using System Dynamics approach, we formulate a model to analyze the demand and supply of Information Security manpower. Finally we simulate the model and interpret the results.

System Dynamics Approach to Demand and Supply of Information Security Manpower (시스템 다이내믹스 방법론을 이용한 정보보호인력 수급체계 분석)

  • 김태성;전효정;박상현;장석호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5C
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    • pp.642-653
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    • 2004
  • Information Security industry in Korea is growing rapidly but is confronted with many challenges in business environment. One of the worst hardships is the mismatch in the demand and supply of manpower. Thus the government is developing a manpower policy to relieve the situation. To suggest policy implications, this study analyzes the demand and supply of Information Security manpower in the systematic and behavioral point of views. Using System Dynamics approach we formulate a model to analyze the demand and supply of Information Security manpower. Finally we simulate the model and interpret the results.

Classification of Factors for Intangible Asset Valuation of Construction Engineering Consulting Firm (건설 엔지니어링 기업의 무형자산 가치측정을 위한 요소분류체계 개발)

  • Phi, Seung Woo;Hur, Young Ran;Seo, Jong Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.757-769
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    • 2013
  • Intangible assets for construction engineering consulting firms are very important for their valuation, because engineering consulting is typical knowledge-based business which creates value based on technical expertise and human resources. This paper presents the intangible asset classification model based on the concept of value creation in construction engineering consulting firm and proposes intangible asset valuation methodology using System Dynamics and survey data. Utilization of the valuation methodology presented in this paper would increase the public awareness of intangible assets in construction engineering consulting firm and, thus, contribute to the growth of the engineering consulting industry by realistic and accurate valuation of intangible assets.

The Purpose of Mathematics Education Based on Michael Polanyi's Epistemology (폴라니의 인식론에 기초한 수학교육의 목적)

  • Nam, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.137-156
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    • 2008
  • This article discusses the purpose of mathematics education based on the epistemology of Michael Polanyi. According to Polanyi, studying is seeking after the truth and pursuing the reality. He opposes to separate humanity and knowledge on account that no knowledge possibly exists without its owners. He assumes tacit knowledge hidden under explicit knowledge. Tacit knowing is explained with the relation between focal awareness and subsidiary awareness. In the epistemology of Polanyi, teaching and learning of mathematics should aim for change of students' minds in whole pursuing the intellectual beauty, which can be brought about by the operation of their minds in whole. In other words, mathematics education should intend the cultivation of mind. This can be accomplished when students learn mathematical knowledge as his personal knowledge and obtain tacit mathematical knowledge.

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Resistance as a Category in Southeast Asian Cultural History : A Millenarian Revolt in Colonial Burma (동남아 문화사의 한 범주로서의 '저항' : 식민지 버마의 천년왕국 봉기)

  • AUNG-THWIN, Maitrii
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.31-77
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    • 2011
  • 식민지하 동남아 천년왕국 운동에 대한 오늘날의 해석들은 그 주체인 농민들을 식민주의를 개념화하고 저항하는 동기와 조건 그리고 상징을 제공하는 토착 지식의 전수자로 간주한다. 종말론과 저항에 대한 관심의 대부분은 농민연구나 지역연구 학자들로부터 유래하며, 이들은 봉기에 대한 과거의 묘사들이 토착의 정신세계를 간과했거나 국가이념을 저항세력들의 결집원리로 과대 포장한 것에 주의를 기울인다. 천년왕국 봉기에 관한 글들에서 제공하는 해석들은 동남아 신념 체계에 관한 독립적인 관점을 제공할 뿐만 아니라, 인식론적 측면에서 식민지국가들을 이와 같은 전통에서 단절시키고 있다. 영국 식민지하에서 최대의 농민반란인 서야쌍 봉기(1930-1932)는 오늘날 이와 같은 천년왕국 운동의 정수를 보여주는 사례로 간주된다. 학자들은 수천 명의 농민들로 하여금 버마인의 권위를 되찾고, 불교를 회복시키며, 식민통치로 인해 낳은 사회-경제적 부조리를 일소시킬 그들의 왕으로 믿게 만든 한 농부의 흥미로운 이야기를 묘사하고 있다. 일련의 반란이 미신에 의해 추동되었다고 간주한 식민지 관찰자들과는 달리 이후의 역사가들은 그 반란이 불교를 재건하고 태평성대로 인도할 미래부처인 미륵불의 현신에 대한 믿음의 표현이라고 해석했다. 이러한 학자들에게 서야쌍 봉기는 어떻게 동남아 사람들의 감수성이 식민지의 사회-경제적 압력 속에서도 지속되었으며, 상좌불교의 예언이 토착의 문화적 토양에 얼마나 깊이 내재해 있는지를 말해주는 사례였다. 경험적 관점에서 본 글은 서야쌍 봉기의 근원을 재해석함으로써 천년왕국 봉기에 관한 글들이 대부분 식민지적 문서화 작업과 종교를 과장되고 세속화된 화술로 믿게 하려고 지역연구자들의 산물임을 밝히고 있다. 개념적 관점에서 본고는 버마에서 일어난 천년왕국 운동의 역사적 구성에 대한 식민주의의 역할을 보다 면밀히 관찰하였다. 또한 식민지법, 학문, 그리고 식민지하 버마 농촌에서 발생한 종교적 저항에 대한 우리들의 이해를 상호 연결하는 인식론적 관계를 탐구했다. 그리하여 본고는 천년왕국 해석이 이 시기에 공존했던 다른 유형의 불교정치적 형태를 어떻게 왜곡했는가를 밝히고 있다.

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Subjectivity Study on the Employment Supporting for Students with Disabilities in College (대학의 장애학생 취업지원에 관한 주관성 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwan;Sung, Hyeok-Je
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.197-210
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to find out subjective perception types and needs of interested group on the employment supporting for students with disabilities in college by Q methodology, then to search for political measures to support employment for students with disabilities in the implication of the sorted subjective perception types. The result of the study showed that there are four major sorts of subjectivities on the employment supporting for students with disabilities in college : external dependence(Type1), disability-friendly (Type2), demand tailored(Type3), internal role emphasis(Type4). The result of the study could check that there was necessary reconstruction to disability-friendly infrastructure based on interset and willness on the employment supporting for students with disabilities in college. In addition to that there was necessary to job creation of government, to build network of industry to successful labor market entry of students with disabilities.

Jonjae Wie Baek-Gyu's Thoughts & Proposals for Educational Reform and the implication of moral education (존재(存齋) 위백규(魏伯珪)의 교육개혁론(敎育改革論)과 그 도덕교육적(道德敎育的) 함의(含意))

  • Park, Hakrae
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.72
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    • pp.265-298
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    • 2018
  • This paper examines the contents and meaning of the education reform theory among the social reform theory of Wie Baek-gyu(1727~1798), a representative Confucian scholar of Honam in the 18th century, and suggests the moral educational implications of his educational reform theory. Wie Baek-gyu, who lived through the Yeongjo and Jeongjo eras, diagnosed the contradictions and problems of society at that time as the absence of morality. And emphasized the reform of school education as a center of ways to overcome social disruption. The educational reform theory he envisioned was to systematize the process from child education to higher education centered on the system reorganization of the school, and to formulate school education in conjunction with the selection of talent. He emphasized the cultivation and practice of moral character in the course of admission and curriculum of the school, and suggested a system that reflects the opinions of the local people in the admission process, thereby establishing the school as the center of the local society. His educational reform theory, which embodies the school system based on moral education and further shapes the school system and educational contents as the center of edification and recruitment of talented people, is a big indication of the curriculum of the current moral curriculum that emphasizes the cultivation and practice of inner morality based on personality education. In this paper, I summarized and reviewed the general contents of his perception of the times and social reform theory, the diagnosis of the educational reality that is the basis of his educational reform theory, and the specific contents of the education reform theory. Based on this, I presented the meaning to the current moral and curriculum.

Line Matching Method for Linking Wayfinding Process with the Road Name Address System (길찾기 과정의 도로명주소 체계 연계를 위한 선형 객체 매칭 방법)

  • Bang, Yoon Sik;Yu, Ki Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2016
  • The road name address system has been in effect in Korea since 2012. However, the existing address system is still being used in many fields because of the difference between the spatial awareness of people and the road name address system. For the spatial awareness based on the road name address system, various spatial datasets in daily life should be referenced by the road names. The goal of this paper is to link the road name address system with the wayfinding process, which is closely related to the spatial awareness. To achieve our goal, we designed and implemented a geometric matching method for spatial data sets. This method generates network neighborhoods from road objects in the 'road name address map' and the 'pedestrian network data'. Then it computes the geometric similarities between the neighborhoods to identify corresponding road name for each object in the network data. The performance by F0.5 was assessed at 0.936 and it was improved to 0.978 by the manual check for 10% of the test data selected by the similarity. By help of our method, the road name address system can be utilized in the wayfinding services, and further in the spatial awareness of people.

Chuchik(推測) in Choi Han-gi(崔漢綺)'s Ki-philosophy[氣哲學] (최한기(崔漢綺)의 기철학((氣哲學)에 있어서의 추측(推測))

  • Yun, Hee-Whan
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.71
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2018
  • Choi Han-gi(崔漢綺)'s system of ideas is roughly called Ki-philosophy(氣哲學) because he presupposes ki(氣) as the foundational element as well as operational agent of the whole universe. Choi suggests that each extant entity should try to approximate itself to the greater cosmic operation and changes[大氣運化], thus achieving an harmonious unity with ilki(一氣), the ultimate originator as well as principle of the universe. In order to make this happen, he proposes that one execute chuchik(推測), a kind of empirical reasoning, which is gradually sharpened through expanding and accumulating his experiences of the outer world. Continuous practicing of chuchik(推測) helps one enlarge his conceptual, experiential and existential horizon much more greatly than could otherwise be possible. Such an expansion of the self naturally brings about one's ultimate development as an ethical, responsible, sociable and even cosmic being. Seen in this respect, chuchik(推測) is not simply a cognitive maneuver but a powerful catalyst which help bind all entities under heaven in a great harmonious whole.

Identity and Characteristics of Korean Pungsu(Fengshui) (한국 풍수론 전개의 양상과 특색)

  • Choi, Wonsuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.695-715
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    • 2015
  • The history of Korean Pungsu can be approached from two perspectives. One is through the history of its theoretical formation and evolution, and the other is through the history of its social and cultural formation and evolution. The former, i.e. Pungsu theories, was produced and developed by intellectuals as an elaborate system of cosmic knowledge and logic. The latter, i.e. Pungsu culture, was consumed and adopted by various social groups in their spatial life practices. It was Chinese intellectuals that originally initiated and carried out the production, formation, and development of the fengshui theoretical system. Intellectuals in neighboring countries adapted Chinese fengshui to their local environment, incorporating their own historical and cultural features, and practiced this transformed and indigenized form of geomancy. The evolution of Korean Pungsu can be summarized as having the following five characteristics. First, Koreans accepted fengshui from China, pragmatically adapting it to fit the Korean natural and social environment, and then used it for social discourse on space. Second, Pungsu had a comprehensive and varied influence on Korean culture throughout its different historical periods. Third, combined with social thought led by differing social classes, Korean Pungsu existed as an element of social discourse. Fourth, Koreans' theoretical preferences of fengshui were for the landform method over the liqi (理氣) method. Fifth, the Bibo philosophy was a characteristic feature of Korean Pungsu.

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