• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실천신학

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The Effects of Parent's Positive Perception of Parenting Children with Disabilities on Family Adaptation -Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Empowerment - (장애자녀 양육경험 인식이 가족적응에 미치는 영향 - 임파워먼트의 매개효과 -)

  • Kim, Su Jeong
    • 재활복지
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.79-101
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    • 2013
  • This research investigated the relationship between the parent's positive perception of parenting children with disabilities and family adaptation, and the mediating effect of empowerment on the relationship. For this research, data from 189 parents of children with disabilities who had used social service facilities and a school for the disability. There are the research results. First, the level of empowerment and positive perception are both high and were different between father and mother. The level of Self-efficacy is highest among sub-factors of empowerment. The parent's positive perception of parenting children with disabilities was positively correlated with empowerment. The empowerment and parent's positive perception had an direct effect on the family adaptation. On the verification of the effect of empowerment as the mediator, the empowerment variable revealed possessing the partial mediating effect. Therefore, this study suggest for the practical promotion about empowerment and parent's positive perception of parenting children with disabilities.

An Evaluative Study on Communication Enhancement Program through Social Network Service of Older Adults in the Community (노인의 SNS 활동을 통한 소통증진 프로그램에 대한 평가연구)

  • Shin, Ji Won;Kwon, Ji Sung
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.58
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    • pp.151-179
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the communication enhancement program through Social Network Service(SNS) of older adults in the community. This program was mainly designed for improving self-efficacy of older adults and enhancing their communication in the community by using SNS. This program was composed of several sub-programs; understanding the value of communication, meeting with SNS users, SNS education and practice, having activities with SNS, promoting SNS, holding public rehearsals and starting ceremony, and having off-line meeting. This study applied analytical framework based on logic model of systems theory, collected data from the subject group, and evaluated the sub-programs on dimensions of process and outcome. The results showed that this program has an effect on improving self-efficacy through participating SNS activities, enhancing communication through boosting SNS, creating new culture for older adults, and changing attitudes between generations. Based on these results, the practical guidelines for expanding the communication enhancement program through SNS, leading by older adults in the community, were suggested.

The Effects of Stigma on Happiness among Children in Community Child Centers: Mediating Effects of Empowerment and Community Social Capital (지역아동센터 이용아동이 인식하는 낙인감이 행복감에 미치는 영향: 임파워먼트와 지역사회자본의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Su-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.533-544
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    • 2021
  • This study was focused on social stigma in utilizing community child centers which are selective child welfare institutions. The study model derived from the stress process model. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of stigma on happiness among children in community child centers and mediating effects of empowerment and community social capital as coping resources. The data were collected from 5, 6th grade students who are attending community child centers located in Daegu and Gyeongsan city. Data of 175 were analyzed and SPSS Process Macro and bootstrapping method were used. The results of the study were follows. First, stigma among children in community child centers showed significant direct effects on happiness. Second, empowerment and community social capital had significant mediating effects on the relationship between stigma and happiness. Based on the results, the policy and practice implications to improve happiness of children in community child centers were suggested.

City and Christianity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era (제4차 산업혁명 시대의 도시와 기독교)

  • Bong, Won Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.579-591
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    • 2022
  • Today's Fourth Industrial Revolution is now showing a huge trend that cannot be rejected or ignored. Historically, the Industrial Revolution has always had a significant impact on the function and form of cities, so it is very necessary for modern Christianity to establish the right cultural perspective in urban settings and seek ways to contribute socially in the public domain. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find the right role of Christianity in new urban spaces and structures based on the following three questions. First, what is a sustainable 'good' city in a new era? What are the principles and conditions of the 'good' city? Second, what is the relationship between the city and Christianity? Third, what role should Christianity in the city play for co-prosperity and community? In response to the third question, the study presented the following applications: First, it is necessary to restore and practice Christian civic culture. Second, Christianity should also take the lead in restoring morality in the market economy. Third, it is necessary to implement Christian values beyond caring and charity. Fourth, the church needs a role and cooperation as a civil society that restores humanity and faith.

A study on Korean Church based on discourse analysis of the daily newspaper: The relationship between Society and Protestantism in the 21st Century in Korea (일간지 담론분석을 통해 본 한국 개신교 : 21세기 한국적 상황에서 사회와 개신교의 관계성 성찰)

  • Oak, Sungsam
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.75-106
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    • 2022
  • The religious discourse produced by the daily newspapers can be viewed as a 'social-relationship' discourse rather than a religion's 'faith-identity' discourse. As a social relationship discourse, the understanding of Korean Church (Protestantism) discourses should be understood in the context of the social structural changes in South Korea. The public discourse produced by the media shows a reality that has been interpreted with specific values and standards on the premise of Spatio-temporal specificity rather than the actual social reality. This research approaches the Korean Church discourses produced by the daily newspaper from a social constructionism perspective. Moreover, the globalization theory is especially highlighted due to the social structural changes in South Korea. The research purpose is to reflect on the relationship between Korean society and the Korean Church in the 21st-century Korean situation through content analysis and discourse analysis in Korean newspapers. As a result of analysing the Korean Church discourse produced by the daily newspapers over the past 18 years (2004-2021), it was found that various mutual conflicts between Korean society and the Korean church were occurring.

Effects of Ageism Experience of the Elderly on Depression Mediated by Loneliness (노인차별경험과 우울과의 관계에서 고독의 매개효과)

  • Jeon, Sangnam;Shin, Hakgene
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.925-938
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we investigated the effects of ageism experience of the elderly on depression, where the loneliness was mediated between ageism experience and depression. To investigate the cause and effect of factors, we purposively collected 309 samples from 16 Gyungrodangs evenly located in Jeonju and 291 samples, survived the data screening such as missing values, outliers, normality and covariance conditions, were analyzed by frequency, factor analysis, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis. As the results, first, we confirmed ageism experience positively affected depression of the elderly. Second, ageism experience of the elderly also positively affected loneliness. Third, loneliness positively influenced depression. Fourth, ageism experience had effects directly as well as indirectly on depression medicated by loneliness. Based on the results, in the aged society, combating law, policy, and propaganda against ageism would be helpful to the elderly and individually customized program for ageism victim's mental health would be recommended.

A Study on the Frame Model of Christian Citizenship Competency Education for Improving Communication Competency (소통역량 함양을 위한 기독시민역량교육 프레임 모형 연구)

  • Lee, Jin Won
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.289-321
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    • 2020
  • Without overcoming the fragmented characteristics of the postmodern era and solving many difficulties as it is, our society is passing through a time of crisis more than ever because of Corona 19, a more rapid social disaster. As the crisis caused by the pandemic is prolonged, our society is becoming more diverse than before the coronavirus, and efforts in various fields of society are required to cultivate new capabilities to overcome social conflicts. This study started with an awareness of the necessity of reinforcing Christian civic education to fulfill the public responsibilities of Christians by recognizing the social and situational problems of this era as a public task amid in the crisis and change of the pendemic. Therefore, a meaningful work was undertaken to find an educational ministry practice frame for essential core competencies and transformative transformation competencies responding to changes in the times as education to cultivate and reinforce competencies as Christian citizens. First, the theoretical basis for competency education for Christian citizens was reviewed through the theological and Christian education theories that were studied in the situation of public theology about the public perception and social responsibility of Christians on the issues of the times. Furthermore, through this study, education to establish and cultivate the public identity of disciples-citizens as a Introductory education is explored in a multifaceted method of educational ministry, and educational methods were searched for cultivating communication competencies of Christian citizens with practical capacity of public faith. In conclusion, through this study, an educational ministry frame of identity cultivation, the core competency of recognizing the position of the public mission as a Christian citizen while living as a disciple of God's kingdom in the world and an educational frame to cultivate the ability to communicate as a transformative Christian citizen's transformative competency to carry out public tasks was systematically established, and an educational ministry convergence frame was proposed for cultivating core competencies and transformation competencies for Christian citizenship education.

Christian educational understanding of worship as habit formation (습관 형성으로서의 예배에 대한 기독교교육적 이해)

  • Kim, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.239-265
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the Christian educational understanding of habit formation through the practical field of Christianity called worship. In the Cultural Liturgy series, James Smith criticized the intellectualistic Christian education so far and opened up a completely different level of possibility for Christian education through a unique study on habit formation. He focuses on education through actions, not education through the mind, and deals in depth with the relationship between habits and the body, between habits and knowledge, between habits and meaning systems, and between habits and human formation. Among them, it is emphasized that worship is a major liturgy that forms the identity of the participants through habits. Accepting Smith's position positively, this thesis first deals with the concept and understanding of major thinkers about habit. Second, we will look at habitual knowledge through the body. And lastly, it deals with Christian educational understanding of worship as a place of habit formation. Worship is not a one-time event, but an inseparable relationship with habit in terms of regular body practice. In particular, when we look at worship from the point of view of habits, it can be seen that the accumulation of experiences through bodily activities plays an important role in forming the horizon and background for understanding the world of the worshiper. Therefore, this thesis is meaningful in seeking and reconfirming the Christian educational possibility of worship as a habit formation.

A Study on a Philosophical Foundation of Intergenerational Christian Education : The Significance of Reciprocity and Participation (세대통합 기독교교육의 철학적 토대에 관한 연구 : 호혜성과 참여를 중심으로)

  • Hyunho Shin
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.93-115
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to explore implications for intergenerational Christian education in Korean churches and families that struggle with "generational fragmentations" focusing on the conception of reciprocity and participation. For the faith community in Korea, "generational fragmentations" does not merely mean communication gaps or the disconnection between generations but also the absence of reciprocity and communal participation as a genuine intergenerational community of faith. With this phenomenon in mind, this study explores the concept of "intergenerationality" in education, focusing on reciprocity and participation. Next, this study examines the concepts of reciprocity and participation found in John Dewey's seminal works, Democracy and Education and Experience and Education based on his ideas of democracy and experience in relation to intergenerational Christian education for the Korean church and families. The present paper then attempts to find implications for intergenerational Christian education in the Korean church and family, showing the importance of an intergenerational community of faith with reciprocity and communal participation, and communal spiritual journey with children and adults.

A Study on the Implications of the Educational Ministry for the 3040 Generation in the view of the Discourse on Understanding Congregation (회중론적 관점에서 이해한 3040세대에 대한 교육목회의 함의점 연구)

  • Hyoung Seop Shin
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.81-106
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to find the implications for the more appropriate educational ministry for the 3040 generation congregation through a critical and holistic understanding of the 3040 generation of Korean churches in the view of the discourse on understanding congregation. To this end, this study studies the biblical, theological, and educational grounds of the discourse on understanding congregation in terms of the connection between congregational theory and educational ministry, describes the characteristics of the 3040 generation congregation through human-developmental, faith-developmental, and socio-cultural approaches, and presents educational implications for the 3040 generation from a congregational point of view. Through this study, This study presents four implications of educational ministry from a congregational perspective by paying attention to the characteristics and intergenerational dynamics of Korean churches in their 30s and 40s: 1) Renewal of family-friendly educational ministry considering various types of families, 2) Reinforcement of life-long discipleship where the Gospel and life issues encounter; 3) Reinforcement of collaborative small groups based on all-line ministry; 4) Presenting the development and practice of creative and evangelical ESG ministry.