• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디자인적 사고

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Conceptual Design and Displacement Recognition Performance Verification of Displacement Measurement System for Retaining Wall Structure Based on Laser Sensor (레이저 센서 기반 흙막이 구조체 변위 계측 시스템의 개념 디자인 및 변위 인식 성능 검증)

  • Kim, Jun-Sang;Lee, Gil-yong;Kim, Young Suk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2022
  • The retaining wall structure is essential for construction work that performs underground excavation. Displacement management of the retaining wall structure is important regardless of the size of the construction. However, in the case of small-scale construction sites with an excavation depth of less than 10m, displacement management of retaining wall structure not properly performed due to problems such as 1) companies' smallness, 2) lack of capacity of construction managers, 3) complexity of installation, dismantling and displacement of measuring instruments. As a result of analyzing previous research, it was analyzed that it is difficult to apply this to a small - scale construction site because most of the previous research has problems in using an expensive 3D scanner or installing many measuring instruments. This study aims to propose a conceptual design of a displacement measurement system for retaining wall structure based on laser sensor and to verify the displacement recognition performance of core technology applied to the conceptual design. A conceptual design was proposed using a 2D laser scanner. As a result of verifying the displacement recognition of the 2D laser scanner, a displacement of 15mm was analyzed to be sufficiently understandable. In the future, if the proposed conceptual design is developed and applied to the small-scale construction site, it is thought that it will contribute to the reduction of safety accidents at small-scale construction sites.

A study on The Design Education Program of BAUHAUS (BAUHAUS의 조형교육방법에 관한 연구)

  • 하상오
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 1996
  • The BAUHAUS started as the purpose of training the people who are designers in the industnal society or who have artistic talent as architect, handicraftman, sculptor, and in the construction, it was based for entire organizational training for every handicrafts in the aspect of the art and form. The preliminary course that became the generative power of the human training that have possessed creativity was studied and put in to practice through the formative activity of dIverse form and method according to the educational idea and the educational method of the teachers who are in charge of such edudation, and common access method that forms the fundamental basis was centered not only human being as a formative principle, and analyzed thoroughly with biological function and further until mental and philosophical part but served and thought synthetically and took principal objects at the formative practice. Together with this, the characteristic structure of the BA UHA US's formative education was taking the grouptherapy educational method where there was not distinguish teacher and student and through the liberal criticism and they realize by experience themselves that how to solve the certain subject and pursue the form by compare each other's solutions.

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Understanding Users' Help-Seeking Intention & Willingness to Use Weight Management Apps: Interaction Effects of Stigma Based on Thinking or Feeling AI Types (체중조절 앱에 대한 도움요청과 활용의지의 이해: 이성적 또는 감성적 타입에 따른 낙인효과의 상호작용을 중심으로)

  • FAN XUE;Kwon, So-Yeon
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.72-87
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    • 2024
  • The recent COVID-19 pandemic has witnessed the rapid growth of the fitness app market, with weight management apps occupying a substantial market segment. In connection, a growing body of research has been conducted to examine design elements aimed at fostering user motivation and long-term engagement, without considering user characteristics, which are critical to understanding user responses to weight-loss apps. Therefore, to fill this research gap, this research focuses on the weight stigma of users and strives to examine what affects such user characteristics have on the weight-loss apps. The main findings of this study is that higher help-seeking intention and willingness to use weight management apps among those who show high weight stigma consciousness than those with low consciousness. This study further shows the interaction effects between weight stigma consciousness AI types of service. This research provides new insights on how to design elements of weight-loss apps targeting both non-stigmatized and stigmatized users. It shows that in designing public applications, feeling-based AI that considers the psychological needs of users may be more effective for individuals with weight stigma.

Development Process for User Needs-based Chatbot: Focusing on Design Thinking Methodology (사용자 니즈 기반의 챗봇 개발 프로세스: 디자인 사고방법론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Museong;Seo, Bong-Goon;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.221-238
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    • 2019
  • Recently, companies and public institutions have been actively introducing chatbot services in the field of customer counseling and response. The introduction of the chatbot service not only brings labor cost savings to companies and organizations, but also enables rapid communication with customers. Advances in data analytics and artificial intelligence are driving the growth of these chatbot services. The current chatbot can understand users' questions and offer the most appropriate answers to questions through machine learning and deep learning. The advancement of chatbot core technologies such as NLP, NLU, and NLG has made it possible to understand words, understand paragraphs, understand meanings, and understand emotions. For this reason, the value of chatbots continues to rise. However, technology-oriented chatbots can be inconsistent with what users want inherently, so chatbots need to be addressed in the area of the user experience, not just in the area of technology. The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents the importance of the User Experience as well as the advancement of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud, and IoT technologies. The development of IT technology and the importance of user experience have provided people with a variety of environments and changed lifestyles. This means that experiences in interactions with people, services(products) and the environment become very important. Therefore, it is time to develop a user needs-based services(products) that can provide new experiences and values to people. This study proposes a chatbot development process based on user needs by applying the design thinking approach, a representative methodology in the field of user experience, to chatbot development. The process proposed in this study consists of four steps. The first step is 'setting up knowledge domain' to set up the chatbot's expertise. Accumulating the information corresponding to the configured domain and deriving the insight is the second step, 'Knowledge accumulation and Insight identification'. The third step is 'Opportunity Development and Prototyping'. It is going to start full-scale development at this stage. Finally, the 'User Feedback' step is to receive feedback from users on the developed prototype. This creates a "user needs-based service (product)" that meets the process's objectives. Beginning with the fact gathering through user observation, Perform the process of abstraction to derive insights and explore opportunities. Next, it is expected to develop a chatbot that meets the user's needs through the process of materializing to structure the desired information and providing the function that fits the user's mental model. In this study, we present the actual construction examples for the domestic cosmetics market to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed process. The reason why it chose the domestic cosmetics market as its case is because it shows strong characteristics of users' experiences, so it can quickly understand responses from users. This study has a theoretical implication in that it proposed a new chatbot development process by incorporating the design thinking methodology into the chatbot development process. This research is different from the existing chatbot development research in that it focuses on user experience, not technology. It also has practical implications in that companies or institutions propose realistic methods that can be applied immediately. In particular, the process proposed in this study can be accessed and utilized by anyone, since 'user needs-based chatbots' can be developed even if they are not experts. This study suggests that further studies are needed because only one field of study was conducted. In addition to the cosmetics market, additional research should be conducted in various fields in which the user experience appears, such as the smart phone and the automotive market. Through this, it will be able to be reborn as a general process necessary for 'development of chatbots centered on user experience, not technology centered'.

A study on the characteristic of problem solving process in the architectural design process (건축디자인과정에서 문제해결의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Il;Han, Jae-Su
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2011
  • In creative design, it is necessary to understand the characteristic of architectural design. In the world of design problem, a distinction can be made between those that are well-defined and those that are ill-defined. Well-defined problems are those for which the ends or goal, are already prescribed and apparent, their solution requires the provision of appropriate means. For ill-defined problems, on the other hand, both the ends and the means of solution are unknown at the outset of the problem solving exercise, at least in their entirety. Most of design problems is ill-defined, which is unknown at the beginning of the problem solving exercise. In order to solve the design problem, Designers take advantage of the search methods of problem space, such as global-search-methods(depth-first-methods, breath-first-methods), local-search-methods(generate and test, heuristics, hill-climbing, reasoning) and visual thinking, which is represented through sketching. Sketching is a real part of design reasoning and it does so through a special kind of visual imagery. Also in the design problem solving it have been an important means of problem exploration and solution generation. By sketching, they represent images held in the mind as well as makes graphic images which help generate mental images of entity that is being designed. The search methods of problem space and a visual thinking have been crucially considered in the architectural design. The purpose of this paper is to explore the property of design by means of the pre-existed-experiment data and literature research. The findings will help design the architectural design for more creative results.

The Study of the Process of Design on the Application of the Architectural Field Concept (건축장 개념을 적용한 설계과정 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.3698-3703
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    • 2012
  • The architectural design process is consisted of the phase of programming and the phase of the design. The contemporary architectural scheme, as a datascape, a rhizome structure and a diagram, is based on the concept of modern physics. And it is applied on the phase of design by synthesizing data. Like this, the design of the architectural field is accomplished in the phase of design. For design of the architectural field, the characteristics of the architectural field is considered as the viewpoint of design in the procedure. First, according to the area which is defined by relations of environments, around architectures and so on, the net system of relations is designed as area. Second, design the linkage between building and space, building and building, space and space, according to the correspondence each other. Third, design the method or form of connecting building and space to one as a building and a space are no longer divided but are understood by one. As a result, for the design of architectural field, it is necessary to define the criteria by the characteristics of architectural field and the architectural field is designed by process.

The Effect of Barge-in Function of In-Vehicle Voice Conversational Interface on Driving Experience - Focus on Car Navigation and Music Services - (차량용 음성대화 인터페이스의 Barge-in 기능이 주행 경험에 미치는 효과 연구 - 내비게이션 및 음악서비스 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Taek Soo;Kim, Ji Hyun;Choi, Jun Ho
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2018
  • The manipulation of the device by hand while driving is a major factor to increase the risk of accidents, and the design of in-vehicle voice conversational interface that can compensate for this is being actively researched. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the use of the barge-in function of in-vehicle voice interface on user experience. Participants were asked to carry out two tasks, one for navigation and one for music play. We conducted a survey to measure the functional user 's experience after each participant' s tasks, and measured usefulness, usability, satisfaction, and emotion as user experience factors. As a result, Barge-in has been rated as the better choice for most experience factors. There was a significant effect on usability dimension in navigation task and significant effects on usability dimension and emotional dimension in music play task. So it was found that barge-in function had a positive effect on actual user's usability and emotional dimension.

Graphic system analysis on the Chil Sung Hwa(seven stars picture) (칠성화(七星畵)의 그래픽체계 분석)

  • 나윤화
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 1995
  • I have to find standpoint of sight moulding of Chi I Sung Hwa(seven stars picture) analysis of graphic systems of a symbol sight native to our nation. And I will comprehend emotion of folkways by simple and graphic lines and colors in mathematical Grid of which ancestor had expressed in gauge moulding consciousness. This papers aim is to make a contribution to lead by on part of communication design. About structural analysis of pictorial graphic side. I) Mathematical thought of the Orient and space constitution are first basically the Orient expressed number notion of mathematics of unlimitedness and notion of zero so called space and empty second can analigize a diagonal expansion method by development of symmetry notion to basic the dual principle of the negative and positive by degrees development expressed space division method by direction notion. 2) About the proportion analysis it based the golden section globularity and in modern layout it takes vision center of position, after appointing the brow of sacred image of Chil Sung Hwa as center point of proportion and applied to the point proportion and so analigized the posibility of established. Rule in union of each elements and rule of forms about picture image. 3) Mathematical structure analysis to search a unified principle at the balanced arrangement and rule of forms it analigized the standard the rule of forms. it analigized the standard the rule of forms to body module of basic movement of protagonist and follower above basic forms of grid that is the basis of design system.

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Engineering design education utilizing critical thinking (비판적 사고를 활용한 공학 설계 교육)

  • Park, Sang Tae;Kim, Jedo;Yoon, Sung Ho
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2020
  • ABEEK's professional liberal arts education reflecting critical thinking, has been well received by professors and students in the engineering discipline. Also, the demand for further utilization of critical thinking within the engineering curriculum is increasing. To meet such demand, there is a need for experts in the area of critical thinking education and engineering education to come together and search for the most effective method in using critical thinking in engineering design education courses. In this paper, we were able to confirm, through specific application cases, that the problem-solving process of critical thinking can be effectively transferred to an engineering design process, and the elements and criteria of critical thinking can be used as a successful design tool. Also, we explore the possibility of further improving engineering education on the basis of critical thinking.

Implementing a Smart Space Service Testbed based on the Concept of Reconfigurable Spatial Functions (Reconfigurable Space 개념에 의한 스마트공간서비스 시나리오의 테스트베드 구현)

  • Cho, Yun-Jung;Kim, Sung-Ah
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.855-861
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the concept of dynamically reconfigurable space by introducing smart building components. Thanks to the advances in ubiquitous computing and ITC technology, we are able to expect, in the near future, the aspects of future buildings which may transform their appearance and states to perform specific functions. In other words, it is certain that the building space will actively reconfigure itself to accommodate user's needs once we acquire proper technologies. Based on the assumption that building components may not be transformed through the magical process, but change its physical states (e.g. transparency, illumination, display contents, etc.) and functions of embedded devices (e.g. audio, actuators, sensors, etc.), we can envision a dynamically reconfigurable smart space. In order to conceptualize such spaces, critical surveys have been conducted on current works of leading architects. When the room needs to be used as a specific function room, the components need to change theirs states or to behave in a certain manner to create an optimum environment. Our model defines the relationships and elements to describe the mechanism of reconfigurable space. We expect this model provides a conceptual guideline for developing a smart building components based on spatial service scenarios. Therefore, a future smart spaces implemented by integrating various technologies are not designed in deterministic manner, so that spatial functions are expanded without constrained by physical existence.

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