• Title/Summary/Keyword: 담론적 구성

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An analysis of discursive constructs of AI-based mathematical objects used in the optimization content of AI mathematics textbooks (인공지능 수학교과서의 최적화 내용에서 사용하는 인공지능 기반 수학적 대상들에 대한 담론적 구성 분석)

  • Young-Seok Oh;Dong-Joong Kim
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.319-334
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to reveal the discursive constructs of AI-based mathematical objects by analyzing how concrete objects used in the optimization content of AI mathematics textbooks are transformed into discursive objects through naming and discursive operation. For this purpose, we extracted concrete objects used in the optimization contents of five high school AI mathematics textbooks and developed a framework for analyzing the discursive constructs and discursive operations of AI-based mathematical objects that can analyze discursive objects. The results of the study showed that there are a total of 15 concrete objects used in the loss function and gradient descent sections of the optimization content, and one concrete object that emerges as an abstract d-object through naming and discursive operation. The findings of this study are not only significant in that they flesh out the discursive construction of AI-based mathematical objects in terms of the written curriculum and provide practical suggestions for students to develop AI-based mathematical discourse in an exploratory way, but also provide implications for the development of effective discursive construction processes and curricula for AI-based mathematical objects.

A study on Korean Church based on discourse analysis of the daily newspaper: The relationship between Society and Protestantism in the 21st Century in Korea (일간지 담론분석을 통해 본 한국 개신교 : 21세기 한국적 상황에서 사회와 개신교의 관계성 성찰)

  • Oak, Sungsam
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.75-106
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    • 2022
  • The religious discourse produced by the daily newspapers can be viewed as a 'social-relationship' discourse rather than a religion's 'faith-identity' discourse. As a social relationship discourse, the understanding of Korean Church (Protestantism) discourses should be understood in the context of the social structural changes in South Korea. The public discourse produced by the media shows a reality that has been interpreted with specific values and standards on the premise of Spatio-temporal specificity rather than the actual social reality. This research approaches the Korean Church discourses produced by the daily newspaper from a social constructionism perspective. Moreover, the globalization theory is especially highlighted due to the social structural changes in South Korea. The research purpose is to reflect on the relationship between Korean society and the Korean Church in the 21st-century Korean situation through content analysis and discourse analysis in Korean newspapers. As a result of analysing the Korean Church discourse produced by the daily newspapers over the past 18 years (2004-2021), it was found that various mutual conflicts between Korean society and the Korean church were occurring.

The Construction and Mechanism of the 'Byeongmat' Discourse ('병맛' 담론의 형성과 담론의 작동방식)

  • Park, Jae-Yeon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.143-180
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    • 2019
  • This article aims to examine the manner in which the 'Byeongmat' discourse was constructed, and the mechanism of the 'Byeongmat' discourse. I claim that the constructed discourse excludes disabled persons and women. When the 'Byeongmat' first appeared in the mainstream, it was understood as being presented only by webtoons. Furthermore 'Byeongmat' and webtoons were understood as almost synonymous. In this sense, it is no exaggeration to say that the way in which the 'Byeongmat' discourse was constructed is the way in which 'Byeongmat webtoons' were interpreted. In this article, to find out how the 'Byeongmat' discourse was constructed, I examine two things. First, the reception of media of 'Byeongmat'. 'Byeongmat' was at first understood as 'kitsch' by the media, but soon after generational meaning was added. Second, the interpretation of 'Byeongmat' in academia. In academia, the 'Byeongmat' discourse is advanced as a refined generationalism. Regardless of the 'Byeongmat webtoon' itself, 'Byeongmat webtoon' is interpreted as a text which is destructing narrative and filled with parodies. Furthermore this characteristic of the 'Byeongmat webtoon' is interpreted as a resistance culture of the younger generation. However, this interpretation serves as a mechanism which excludes the disabled and women. Currently, Korean society faces the popularization of the 'Byeongmat' code, the decline of the 'Byeongmat webtoons' and the crack of the younger generation discourse. The current situation allows the 'Byeongmat' discourse to be criticized without losing its social context while securing a distance of critcism. I expect that this article can contribute to further diversifying interpretations of 'Byeongmat' and 'Byeongmat webtoons', and accelerating the crack on the younger generation discourse.

The Discourse associated with mental illness on TV documentaries : The Completion of Distinction (TV 다큐멘터리가 생성한 정신장애 담론 : 구별짓기의 완성)

  • Chang, Hae Kyung;Woo, Ah Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.179-217
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    • 2011
  • This paper discusses the type of discourse associated with mental illness and individuals with mental illness in the context of TV documentary. Discourse is an linguistic product which prescribes and interprets the reality and reconstructs the reality systematically. Therefore, TV documentary contents illuminate the dominant discourse associate with mental illness through the diverse types of representation. We picked four TV documentaries from each public channels and analyzed these documentaries using Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis. Faircough suggests the analysis frame consisting of three level. The analysis reveals that TV documentaries produce the discourse "the Completion of Distinction" associated with mental illness and individuals with mental illness. TV documentaries suggest the reason why we distinct them from us in textual level. In discourse practice level, they suggest the method and the principal agent of distinction. For social practice, TV documentaries reinforce the dual attitude of viewer. Alternative discourse associated with mental illness and individuals with mental illness will be constructed when individuals with mental illness recovers the status of principal agents and produces strong voices about themselves.

Critical Review of Discourse on Aging in Korean Newspaper (대중매체에서의 신노년 담론 분석:신문매체를 중심으로)

  • Han, Gyounghae;Yoon, Sung-eun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.299-322
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to critically review recent discourse on aging appeared in Korean newspapers. For this purpose, 1,725 articles on 'aging' or 'elderly' appeared on three major Korean newspapers during 1997- 2006 are analyzed. It is shown that there is a recent surge of articles portraying the positive images of aging in Korean newspapers emphasizing the importance of productive, successful aging and active life style of the elderly. This trend is a welcomed change from the negative images of elderly as dependent burden of society. However, it seems that over emphasis on positive aging and 'New Elderly' might have created another stereotype about the elderly and unintentionally marginalize the certain group of the elderly. By focusing on individual responsibility, it also overlooked the constraints imposed by social structure on disadvantaged elderly group, such as women, elderly in low socio-economic strata. Theoretical and policy implications of this trends are discussed.

The Methodological Standpoint and the Meaning of "Discourse Study" in Social Policy Research (사회정책연구에 있어 담론연구의 위상과 의미)

  • Woo, Ah-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.247-276
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this essay is to explore the methodological standpoint and the meaning of 'Discourse Analysis' in policy science. I discussed it in three dimensions including: 1) the ontological point of view, 2) the epistemological perspective, and 3) researcher's position in policy research. 1) From the ontological standpoint, I explained the policy as a text, context, discourse, and ideology, that is focused on being constructed by the formative power of language. 2) The ontological standpoint produced "the argumentative turn" in the policy analysis, and many policy analysts emphasize the argumentative process of policy making and evaluation. This argumentation process includes the interpretative and critical viewpoints as well as the normative and ethical characteristics of policies in the discourse analysis. We should reexamine reality critically because discourse is ultimately influenced by the prevailing cultural and social norms. Therefore, an interpretative and critical viewpoint is an epistemological perspective in the discourse analysis. This critical approach creates an awareness of the limitations on our thinking under the particular major discourse, and requires the self-reflection within and beyond the discourse. This process leads to the human emancipation. 3) In order to achieve this emancipation, the last approach suggests that we need to scrutinize "the subject" as a researcher, who is also influenced and subjectified by the major discourse and, thus must deconstruct his or herself. Last but not least, we should emphasize the researcher's role as a listener of the minor voice(discourse) and even the silence of the clients.

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An Analysis of Social Discursive Space: Critique of New Liberal and New Conservative Discourses (사회적 담론공간 분석: 신자유주의, 신보수주의 담론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ye-Ran
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.18
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    • pp.7-36
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    • 2002
  • This study is concerned with analysing complexity, flexibility and dynamism of social discoursive space. The developmental process of social discourse is analogous to that of a spatial structure of social discourse. Post-capitalist society has seen New-Liberalism and New-Conservatism have become dominant, resulting in the deterioration of the cultural politics of citizenship. It is argued that the position of otherness, in which those binary structures (inside/outside or centre/margin) collide and collapse, is where subversive discourse can emerge to dominant discursive power. Furthermore, it is necessary to democratize social discursive space, through which the Other becomes able to. participate in the social production, distribution and consumption of social discourse.

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A Study on the mechanism for discoursive constitution of meaning and subject appeared in "Educational crisis" by Korea mass media ("교육위기" 담론의 의미와 주체구성 방식 연구: 한겨레신문과 조선일보 기사를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Jin-Suk
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.33
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    • pp.7-52
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze two mechanisms appeared in Educational crisis by Korea mass media, which are discoursive constitution of meaning and the mechanism for discoursive constitution of subject. The analysis will classify ideological characteristics and conflict opposition of conservative and progressive media. As background for chosen case study, language structure and combination methods in Theory of Discourse of M. $P\hat{e}cheux$ will be discussed. Specifically, choices and combination methods of the chosen language structure-the preconstructed, articulation, mechanism, and structuring method of ideology will be main topics. Following case study will be Chosun and Hankyoreh newspaper, each representing conservative and progressive side. Discussion regarding educational crisis news, such as "Collapse of Classroom", "Collapse of School" is selected, and analyzed in terms of insight story, cause and responsibility, and taken measures.

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Regional Learning utilizing 상Landscape상 and 상Semiotic상 Representations (경관상과 상기호상 표상을 활용한 지역 학습 -수도권을 사례로-)

  • 박승규;심광택
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 1999
  • 이 논문은 '경관'과 '기호'표상에 근거한 지역학흡의 실제를 제시하기 위한 것이다. '경관'과 '기호' 표상은 오랜 역사적인 과정을 통해서 그 지역에서 구성된 지역적인 담론을 보다 구체적인 형태로 보여주는 것이므로 지역정체성 향상에 크게 기여할 수 있다. 오랜 역사적인 과정 속에서 형성된 지역담론은 각각의 시대적인 맥락에 따라 다양한 층위를 지니고 있다. 따라서 지역 담론은 지역의 변화된 모습에 대한 이해뿐만 아니라 오늘날의 지역을 이해하는 데에도 도움을 줄 수 있어 지역학습의 중요한 지표가 될 수 있다. 나아가 '경관'과 '기호'표상은 그 지역 사람들의 생활세계를 구성하고 있는 중요한 요소이므로 학습자의 삶과 유리되지 않는 지역학습을 할 수 있다는 점에서 커다란 의미가 있다고 본다.

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Analysis of Love Narratives and Discourse of Web Drama : Focusing on the Web Drama (웹 드라마의 연애 서사와 담론 분석 : <연애 플레이 리스트> 중심으로)

  • Tae, Bo-Ra
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.64-76
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    • 2020
  • This research wanted to examine what narratives and discourse were being formed in web drama contents young generations were going crazy about. To understand the characteristics of such love epics and to know what narratives were being formed based on narrative structures and comments, this research specifically used the web drama produced up to the season 4 for the first time in Korean web drama history with a large number of accumulated views. It was found that the narratives of the drama composed the romantic relationships of four couples as independent episodes, and realistically highlighted separations and reunions of those couples, and suggested concrete methods to solve agonies and conflicts they would experience in such relationships. And, in user comments, there emerged relational narratives confusing friendship and love between partners of opposite sex, narratives regarding the third person as enemy, and narratives on typical sex roles in such romantic relations. And, the culture seeking subjective love style and sharing and sympathizing with the love histories also appeared.