• Title/Summary/Keyword: 높이 재현성

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Evaluation of Respiration Reproducibility of Chest General X-ray Examination using Self-made Respiratory Synchronization Device (자체 제작한 호흡 동기화 장치를 통한 흉부 일반촬영 검사의 호흡 재현성 평가)

  • Kwon, Oh-Young;Lee, Chang-Hun;Yong, Keum-Ju;Jin, Seon-Hui;Jung, Da-Bin;Heo, Yeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.1049-1056
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a respiratory synchronization device for X-ray (X-RSD) to increase the reproducibility of inspiration when examining the Chest X-ray of a patient who difficulty in breathing coordination. The X-RSD was self-made using an air pressure sensor and air was injected by connecting a ventilator to the mannequin for CPR. At this time, the amount of injected air was quantified using the SkillReporting device. After placing the X-RSD on the chest of the mannequin, the amount of air was tested in 6 steps from 200 to 700 cc by 100 cc increased. For the accuracy evaluation, the sensitivity of X-RSD was measured by repeating a total of 80 measurements, and the sensitivity was 100%, and very precise results were obtained. After that, the images examined while viewing the X-RSD of the chest lateral examination and the images obtained by the blind examination were compared and evaluated. The lung volume of X-RSD was larger than that of the blind test, and the deviation was smaller. Overall, the use of X-RSD can help with chest X-ray examination of patients who have difficulty in cooperating, and it is thought that it will be possible to contribute to the reduction of exposure dose by reducing the repeat rate of general X-ray examinations.

제36회 전국도서관대회 열려. 경주 교육문화회관서 3일간

  • O, Wan-Jin
    • The Korean Publising Journal, Monthly
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    • s.244
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    • pp.16-17
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    • 1998
  • 한국도서관협회(회장 이두영)는 9월 24일부터 3일간 경주교육문화회관에서 '전국도서관대회'를 개최했다. 신일희 총장(계명대)은 기조연설을 통해 시대적 사명에 복무했던 도서관의 영광을 재현할 것을 촉구했다. 그는 "도서관이 지식과 정보를 보급하는 것은 인류발전을 위해 수임받은 숭고한 사명"이라며 도서관 대중화를 위한 관계자들의 적극적인 노력을 요망했다. 특별강연과 주제발표, 세미나 등 모두 26편의 강연이 이뤄진 가운데 김포옥 교수가 주제발표한 (공공도서관장의 전문의식과 교육방향)은 앙케트를 바탕으로 도서관의 실질적인 운영자인 도서관장의 '전문가 의식'을 분석해 눈길을 끌었다. 김포옥 교수는 전국 도서관장 329명 중에 설문에 응한 188명의 응답을 바탕으로 근무경위.근무연수.사서교육이수 여부 등을 분석했다. 주목되는 대목은 도서관장의 34%가 사서자격증조차 없는 비전문가라는 점, 도서관장을 전문직으로 평가한 사람이 115명(61.2%)에 불과한 점 등이다. '도서관 일을 특별히 지망하지 않았다.'는 관장이 44%나 되어 애초부터 '전문가 의식'을 기대하는 것이 무리하는 추론도 도출했다. 김교수는 "도서관장의 전문가 의식을 키우기 위해 지속적인 교육과 직업만족도를 높이는 방안을 모색해야 할 것"이라고 주장했다. 제1주제 '도서관 정책' 방향을 모색하는 자리에서 한성택 교수(숭의여대) 등 3인은 21세기에 맞는 우리나라 도서관 정책의 기본 방향을 제고하고 도서관의 유기적 역할을 모색했다. 제2주제 '봉사'에 대해 채윤정 사서(정독도서관) 등 4인은 도서관의 서비스 실태와 향후 방향성을 논했으며, 제3주제 '운영'은 김포옥 교수(전북대) 등 4인이 도서관 운영의 현주소를 각각의 입장에서 조명했다. 마지막 주제는 '학교도서관' 활성화로, 김종성사서(부산대) 등 2인이 도서관과 학교 교육의 연계성, 학교도서관의 발전 전략 방안을 모색했다. 주제발표 논문 가운데 3편을 욕약해 싣는다.

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An experimental study on the evaluation of abrasion resistance for concrete surface coating materials by cruising vehicle (차량 주행에 따른 콘크리트용 바닥 마감재의 마모저항성 평가방법)

  • Choi, Eun-Su;Kim, Young-Kun;Seo, Sang-Kyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.849-852
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    • 2008
  • In the wheel tracking test to evaluate abrasion resistance for concrete surface coating materials applied parking lot, weight of the wheel, test temperature, scattered sand amount, wheel speed, etc. various test condition is used for reliable evaluating the abrasion resistance performance of surface coating materials and the results depends on the test condition. In this paper, we carried experimental study as following on abrasion resistance with 2kinds of different environmental conditions. - Commons : real car tire with 300kg of load, 5km/h of speed, 80,000 cycle. - Control A : no other deterioration condition - Control B : scattering 1.0g of sand per every 30rounds from 1m height.

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Analysis of Multi-directional Random Waves Propagating over Multi Arrayed Impermeable Submerged Breakwater (다열 불투과성 수중방파제를 통과하는 다방향 불규칙파랑의 해석)

  • Jung, Jae-Sang;Kang, Kyu-Young;Cho, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2007
  • In this study, transmission and reflection of multi-directional random waves propagating over impermeable submerged breakwaters are calculated by using eigenfunction expansion method. A series of mutiderectional random waves is generated by using the Bretschneider-Mitsuyasu frequency and Mitsuyasu type directional spectrum. Strong reflection is occurred at the Bragg reflection condition of the peak frequency. If the row of breakwaters is fixed at 3 and the relative height of breakwater is fixed at 0.6, more than 25% of incident wave energy is reflected to offshore. It is also found that the reflection of directionally spreading random waves increases as the maximum spreading parameter $s_{max}$ increases.

A methodology for considering wave overtopping in flooding analysis by using XP-SWMM (XP-SWMM을 이용한 침수 분석 시 월파를 고려하기 위한 방법론)

  • Sun, Dongkyun;Kang, Taeuk;Lee, Sangho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.395-395
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    • 2020
  • 연안 지역의 침수 모의에 관한 국내 연구들은 간단한 월파량 공식 및 조위와 강우만을 결합하여 모의하였거나, 강우 없이 조위와 월파만을 고려하여 모의한 경우가 대부분이었다. 그렇지만 연안 지역의 침수는 강우와 (조위 포함) 월파가 시간에 따라 변하면서 발생하므로, 두 외력조건을 고려하는 침수 모의가 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 연안지역의 침수 분석 시 강우-유출 분석과 2차원 지표면 침수 해석이 가능한 XP-SWMM을 이용하여 강우와 월파의 시간 변화를 고려한 침수 모의 방법론을 제시하고자 한다. 우선 FLOW-3D 모형을 사용하여 연안 지역의 흐름 분석과 월파량 시계열을 산정하였고, XP-SWMM에 산정된 월파량 시계열을 입력하기 위해 해안가 지역에 절점을 생성하였다. 절점의 위치는 FLOW-3D 모형에서 월파량 시계열을 산정한 격자의 중심 위치이다. 월파량 시계열 산정 시 FLOW-3D 모형의 격자를 XP-SWMM에서 모두 고려하기에는 많은 시간이 소요되므로 3개의 격자를 묶어 하나의 절점으로 구현하였고, 3개의 격자에서 산정된 월파량 시계열의 합을 해당 절점에 반영하여 XP-SWMM으로 침수 모의를 진행하였다. 제시된 방법의 적절성을 검토하기 위해 강우와 월파가 동시에 발생한 태풍 차바 내습 시 부산에 위치한 마린시티에 적용하였다. 분석 결과, 한국국토정보공사에서 제공하는 침수흔적도와 모의 결과가 유사함을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 연안 지역의 침수 해석 시 XP-SWMM으로 강우와 함께 월파를 고려한 침수 모의 방법을 제시한 연구 사례로서 의의가 있다. 이는 XP-SWMM의 범용성과 호환성을 높이는 방법론이며, 실제 침수 현상과 가깝게 재현할 수 있다고 판단된다.

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  • Hwang, Chung-Ju
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.3 s.62
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    • pp.421-430
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    • 1997
  • Alveolar bone grows with development of tooth germs and roots; bone deposition occurs with tooth eruption. Bone components undergoes processes of resorption and deposition, and when the balance between them is disrupted, decrease in alveolar bone height or excessive bone deposition result. It has been hon that repositioning of teeth through orthodontic treatment can cause alveolar bone resorption which result in decreased alveolar bone height, and there have been many studies to evaluate such effects. X-ray films that could be replicated and standardized were chosen in clinical studies, and among them, bitewing films were used for objective evaluation of changes in alveolar bone level. Twenty subjects, 10 to 13-year- old (average 12.2) children with Cl I molar key, healthy oral condition, no congenital missing, no periodontal disease, and pre-and post-orthodontic bitewing films, were randomly selected for comparison of alveolar bone heights. Amounts of tooth and changes in alveolar bone heights were analyzed. The following results were obtained: 1. Amount of tooth movement in canine, premolar, and molar regions, changes in tooth axis, and changes in alveolar bone heights were measured, and the mean and median values were obtained. 2. When pre-and post-orthodontic alveolar bone levels were compared, larger changes were noticed in maxilla than mandible. 3. When mesio-distally compared, larger changes were observed in the distal sides of 3D3 and 4M3, mesial sides of 4M3 and 4D3, distal sides of 4D3 and 5M3, mesial sides of 5M3 and 5D3, md distal sides of 5D3 and 6M3. 4. When the amounts of tooth movements(TX, TY)and changes in tooth axis(A) were compared,34TX, 34TY, 34A of both sides in maxilla were greater, iud changes in alveolar bone level were greater than any other region.

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The Roles of Wind Shadow Aspect Ratio upon the Behaviors of Transverse Dunes : A Dynamics Analysis on the Behavior Space (바람그늘의 기울기가 횡사구의 지형발달에서 담당하는 역할 -거동 공간상의 동역학적 분석을 중심으로-)

  • RHEW, Hosahng
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.887-911
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    • 2016
  • The empirical law that transverse dunes migrate inversely with their heights leads logically to the prediction that multiple dune ridges will converse to a single huge dune by merging. This contradicts the existence of the steady state dune fields on the Earth. The recent studies have emphasized dune collisions as a key mechanism to the stability of dunefield. The roles of wind shadow aspect ratio, however, have yet to be fully explored. This research aims to investigate the potential roles of wind shadow aspect ratio in the dynamical behaviors of transverse dune field. The simplified model is established for this, based upon allometric properties of transverse dunes, wind speedup on the stoss slope and sand trapping efficiency. The derived governing equations can be transformed to the zoning criteria and vector field for dune evolution. The dynamics analysis indicates that wind shadow aspect ratios do not produce convergent areas on the behavior space; rather, they just act as one of the factors that affect the trajectories of dune evolution. Though the model cannot represent the stability of dune field, but seem to produce a reasonable exponent for dune spacing-height relations.

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Development and Application of Paddy Storage Estimation Model During Storm Periods (홍수기 논의 저류량 산정모형 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Seong-Joon;Kim, Sun-Joo;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong;Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Park, Geun-Ae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.901-910
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    • 2003
  • The hydrologic behavior of paddy field depends largely on the irrigation and levee height management by farmers. The storage and drainage amount of paddy for storm events certainly influences the stream discharge. To understand the paddy storage effect during storm periods, a daily paddy water balance model embedding farmer's water management was developed by using 4 years (1996, 1997, 2001, 2002) field experimental data at 2 locations (Suwon and Yeoju) From the modeling, it was possible to simulate the daily ponding depth of paddy by treating paddy levee height and threshold pending depth indicating irrigation time as 10 days average parameters of the model. The storage amount(306.9 mm to 343.6 mm) showed little deviation to rainfall amount(425.1 mm to 850.8 mm).

Evaluation of the impact on Yongdam watershed hydrologic cycle by physical changes obtained from forest growth information (용담댐유역 산림의 물리적 성장변화가 수문순환에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Han, Daeyoung;Kim, Wonjin;Lee, Jiwan;Kim, Sehoon;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.369-369
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    • 2022
  • 기후변화에 관한 정부간 합의체 (IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 6차 보고서에서 이번 세기 중반까지 현 수준의 온실가스 배출량을 유지한다면 2021~2040년 중 1.5℃를 초과할 것이다. 이러한 기후의 변화로 인한 기온상승 영향으로 과거와는 달리 산림변화는 과거와 다르게 침엽수는 감소하고 활엽수는 증가하는 추세다. 본 연구에서는 유역 대부분이 산림으로 금강 상류의 용담댐유역 (930.2 km2)을 대상으로 SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)을 이용하여 장기간 산림변화에 따른 수문 구성요소를 평가하였다. MOD15A2 LAI 및 임상도 자료를 10년 단위 (1980s (1980~1989), 2000s (2000~2009), 2010s (2010~2019))를 이용해 임상별 (침엽수림, 활엽수림, 혼효림) 및 산림 높이를 구축하였다. 임상별 산정된 LAI를 기초로 SWAT의 임상별 LAI 및 수문 검·보정을 통해 용담댐유역 현황을 재현하였다. 모형의 적용성 평가는 R2를 이용하였으며, 임상별 (침엽수, 활엽수, 혼효림) LAI는 0.95, 0.89, 0.90로 증발산량은 0.51, 토양수분은 0.5~0.55로 유량의 경우 0.69로 산정되었다. 산림변화에 따른 1980s는 LAI 자료가 없기에 2000s 및 2010s의 식생 높이 및 LAI를 멱함수로 회귀하여 1980s 엽면적지수를 산정하였다. 기상자료는 2010s로 고정하고 산림 성장이 물순환에 미치는 영향을 1980s 및 2010s의 수문 비교를 시공간적으로 평가할 예정이다.

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터보펌프 공급식 액체 로켓엔진의 시동 과도 해석

  • Park, Soon-Young;Nam, Chang-Ho;Moon, In-Sang;Seol, Woo-Seok
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.142-152
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    • 2005
  • There are two definite objects for developing the startup transient of liquid rocket engine. One is to achieve the repeatability of startup to ensure higher reliability, and the other is to reduce the time of the startup transient. Typically in the initial phase of engine development as we are currently opposing, it is hard to estimate engine startup time due to the lack of experiences. In this work, a startup transient analysis tool was developed with the introduction of the mathematical model for each component of pump-fed liquid rocket engine system. Startup transient was investigated for a 25 ton class gas generator cycle engine to find necessary time for reaching steady state from startup and this enabled to reveal dynamic characteristics of the engine.

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