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Zur Valenz deutscher verbaler Somatismen mit der Komponente ${\lceil}hand{\rfloor}$ (독일어의 신체부위 "손" 관련 관용구의 결합가 연구)

  • Kim Soo-Nam
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.4
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2001
  • 이 글의 목적은 독일어 신체어휘 관련 관용구들 가운데 ${\lceil}$Duden Band 11${\rfloor}$에 수록된 108개의 $\lceil$$\rfloor$ 관련 관용구를 대상으로 이들의 형태$\cdot$통사구조를 파악하고, 그들을 모형화하는 것이다. 우리는 연구 대상을 문장에서 결합가 보유어로서 술어의 기능을 하는 관용구에 한정했다. 우리는 $\lceil$$\rfloor$ 관련 관용구를 보충어의 수와 형태에 따라 크게 세 가지 부류, 즉 1가, 2가, 3가의 관용구로 구분하였다 보충어의 형태는 명사구(Sn, Sd, Sa)와 전치사구(pS)에 한정했으며 문장형태의 보충어, 예를 들어 부문장(NS)과 부정사문(Inf) 형태는 고려하지 않았다. 이들이 보충어로 간주될 수 있는지의 여부는 아직 더 많은 연구를 필요로 하기 때문에 다음 과제로 남겨두었다. 일차적으로 외적 결합가($\"{a}u{\beta}ere\;Valenz)$에 따라, 이차적으로는 내적 결합가(innere Valenz)에 따라 108개의 $\lceil$$\rfloor$ 관련 관용구를 분석한 결과 우리는 다음과 같은 형태$\cdot$통사적 문형을 얻을 수 있었다. $\cdot$ 1가 동사 관용구: 1) PL-Sn : (1) PL[VPL - Sa] - Sn (2) PL(VPL - pS) - Sn (3) PL[VPL - Sa - pS] - Sn (4) PL[VPL - pS - pS] - Sn Sondergruppen: PL[VPL - Sa - Inf] - Sn PL[VPL - pS - Inf] - Sn 2) PL - Sd: (1) PL[VPL - Sn] - Sd (2) PL[VPL - Sn(es) - pS] - Sd $\cdot$ 2가 동사 관용구1) PL - Sn - Sd: (1) PL[VPL - Sa] - Sn - Sd (2) PL[VPL - pS] - Sn - Sd (3) PL[VPL - Sa - pS) - Sn - Sd 2) PL - Sn - pS: (1) PL[VPL - Sa] - Sn - pS (2) PL[VPL - pS] - Sn - pS (3) PL(VPL - Sa - pS) - Sn - pS 3) PL[VPL - pS) - Sn -Sa $\cdot$ 3가 동사 관용구: (1) PL[VPL - pS] - Sn - Sd - Sa (2) PL[VPL - pS] - Sn - Sa - pS (3) PL[VPL - Sa] - Sn - Sd - pS 이러한 분류가 보여주듯이, 독일어에는 1가, 2가, 3가의 관용구가 있으며, 구조 외적으로 동일한 통사적 결합가를 갖는다 하더라도 구조 내적 성분구조가 다르다는 것을 알 수 있다. 우리는 이 글이 외국어로서의 독일어를 배우는 이들에게 독일어의 관용구를 보다 올바르게 이해할 수 있는 방법론적인 토대를 제공함은 물론, (관용어) 사전에서 외국인 학습자를 고려하여 관용구를 알기 쉽게 기술하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있기를 바란다.

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Konzeption $f\"{u}r$ das Koreanisch-Deutsche/ Deutsch - Koreanische $W\"{o}rterbuch\;-\;W\"{o}rterbuchprojekt\;an\;der\;Universit\"{a}t$ Bonn - (주제별 분류사전 편찬기술방법 연구 - 독일 Bonn 대학교 한국어 번역학과 한독/독한 사전 편찬사업을 중심으로)

  • Lee Hae-Wook
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.4
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    • pp.395-411
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    • 2001
  • Die $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher$ spielen beim Erwerb einer Sprache eine wesentliche Rolle. Es gibt inzwischen mehrere Deutsch-Koreanische $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher$. Die Lage $f\"{u}r$ die Koreanisch-Deutschen $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher$ ist aber verbesserungs- $bed\"{u}rftig$. Stellvertretend $f\"{u}r$ das Koreanisch/Deutsche $W\"{o}rterbuch$ steht das 1981 von der Koreanischen Gesellschaft $f\"{u}r$ Germanistik nach $zehnj\"{a}hriger$ Arbeit fertiggestellte Essence Koreanisch-Deutsche $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ (Minjung seorim 1982). Dieses $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ weist aber einige Nachteilen auf. Es fehlen jegliche Angaben zum Korpus. Man $st\"{o}{\ss}t$ beispielsweise oft auf selten gebrauchte $W\"{o}rter$, die Grundbedeutungen sind nicht erkennbar, die Erklarungen sind ungenau, manchmal sogar $irref\"{u}hrend\;und\;schlie{\ss}lich$ mitunter stilistisch falsch. Diese negativen Punkte wirken sich $ung\"{u}nstig$ auf den gesamten Lemprozess bis hin zur Lemmotivation aus. Aus diesen Gegebenheiten $erw\"{a}chst$ die Notwendigkeit der Erstellung eines neuen $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$s, das auf die Situation von Sprachlemem abgestimmt ist, die zur Benutzung einsprachiger $W\"{o}rterbticher$ noch nicht imstande sind. Zweck des $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}chs$ ist der Einsatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht, woraus sich ein zweisprachiges $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ ergibt. Als Benutzerkreis werden insbesondere $Sprachlemanf\"{a}nger$ des Koreanischen und Deutschen ins Auge gefasst. Ihnen soll ein Nachschlagewerk an die Hand gegeben werden, das den koreanischen und deutschen Wortschatz anhand einer Systematik und eines alphabetischen Indexes der jeweiligen Sprache $erschlie{\ss}t$. Ais Zahl der Lemmata wird $f\"{u}r$ jede Sprache ca. 10,000 festgelegt. Ein Grundwortschatz, der die 3000 $h\"{a}ufigsten\;W\"{o}rter$ umfasst wird extra markiert. $Dar\"{u}ber$ hinaus bietet das $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ den darauf aufbauende Wortschatz von weiteren 7000 $W\"{o}rtern$. Die Teamarbeit der beiden Gruppen von Muttersprachlern steht in allen Arbeitsschritten im Vordergrund. Der damit verbundene Zweck ist die Erzielung der maximalen Genauigkeit der $Lemmaerkl\"{a}rungen$. Da dieses $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ ein $W\"{o}rterb\"{u}ch$ nach Sachgruppen ist, die Erstellung einer Systematik von $gro{\ss}er$ Bedeutung. $F\"{u}r$ das vorliegende Projekt gait daher eine Systematik zu finden, die nicht nur leicht nachvollziehbar, also praktikabel ist, sondern insbesondere von Benutzern aus zwei Kulturkreisen akzeptiert werden kann. Als $grunds\"{a}tzliche$, allerdings nicht in allen Bereichen $gleicherma{\ss}en$ anwendbare Ordnungsprinzipien gelten: Vom Oberbegriff zum Unterbegriff, vom allgemein zum speziell, vom Einfach zum Komplexen, von $au{\ss}en$ nach innen, Darin spiegelt sich das Prinzip der 'notwendigen Bedingung' wider.

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HOME NURSING CARE NEEDS IN RURAL KOREA (한국 농촌 지역의 가정간호 요구에 관한 연구)

    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.44-69
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    • 1988
  • 보건의료기술이 고도로 발달되었다 하더라도 의료의 혜택이 필요할 때 누구에게나 언제든지 제공될 수 없는한 전체 국민의 건강요구를 포괄적으로 충족시킬 수 있는 제도나 방법이 필요하게 된다. 본 연구는 사회 집단의 최소 단위인 가정을 중심으로 수행되고 있는 지역사회 가정간호의 합리적 수행에 필요한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 가정간호 요구의 사정 및 가정간호 수행에 관하여 연구하였다. 가정 간호(Home Nursing Care, Home Health Care)는 추후관리를 받아야 할 대상자, 고령자, 만성질환자에게 규격화되어 있는 병원간호를 가정이라는 친숙한 분위기에서 개별적으로 제공되는 가정 중심의 심리적 안정은 물론 시간과 경비를 절감하는 효과적 간호수단이다. 본 연구의 목적은 첫째 우리나라 농촌가정의 가정간호의 요구는 무엇이며 그 요구의 원인은 무엇인가\ulcorner 둘째, 농촌가정에서 가지고 있는 상병에는 어떠한 것이 있으며 행하여 지고 있는 가정간호의 내용에는 어떤 것들이 있는가\ulcorner 셋째, 가정간호 수행자는 누구이며 이에 대한 수혜자의 만족도는 어느 정도인가\ulcorner 본 연구의 방법은 1985년 6월 18일 부터 8월 7일 까지 C군에 거주하는 주민중 11개소 보건진료소가 소재한 반의 주민 전체 1,027명 중 상병자 159명과 30세 이상의 인구 440명, 가구주 239명을 대상으로 가정방문을 통한 면접으로 질문지를 기록케 하여 자료를 수집하였다. 연구의 도구는 첫째 간호요구의 측정을 위한 도구로 Virginia Henderson의 기본간호활동 14가지를 기초로 지역주민 50명과 현직 간호원 50명에게 개방질문으로 얻은 내용을 중심으로 제작하였으며 둘째, 가정간호수행에 대한 도구로 Orem의 간호이론 중 간호방법 5가지를 근거로 개발하였다. 본 연구의 내용은 보건진료원에 의하여 사정된 간호요구와 그 원인들을 인간의 기본요구 영역별로 분류하여 가정간호진단을 위한 지역사회 가정간호사정 및 진단도구로 쓸 수 있도록 개발하였으며, 상병자에 대한 가정간호 수행은 수행빈도와 수행내용에 따른 수행자와 수행 만족도를 측정하였다. 1. 가정간호요구에 대하여 1) 가정간호요구 측정은 신체영역 중 몸을 청결히 하고 몸차림을 단정히 하여 피부를 보호하기 내용에서 더위나 추위에 대하여 옷을 맞추어 조절하기의 요구, 적절한 식사와 수분섭취하기 내용에서 배변의 요구, 또한 몸을 움직이고 바람직한 체위를 유지하기 내용에서 한가지 자세를 계속하기의 요구가 높았고 정상호흡하기 내용에는 일상활동시 호흡에 대한 요구가 높은 편이었다. 사회, 심리, 영적 간호요구 영역에서는 자신이 신앙에 따라 예배하기 내용에서 신앙으로 어려움을 극복하려는 요구가 높았으며 여러가지 오락의 형태를 취하여 이에 참여하기 내용에서는 취미생활의 요구가 높았다. 2) 가정간호요구는 연령이 높을수록 높았고 성별로는 여자의 가정간호요구가 남자보다 높았으나 내용별 요구의 차이는 없었다. 2. 가정간호수행에 대하여 1) 가정에서 수행되는 가정간호내용으로는 직접간호가 가장 많이 수행되었으며 내용으로는 구강청결, 옷 갈아 입기, 투약, 음식투여, 대ㆍ소변보기의 빈도가 많았다. 건강한 환경제공의 간호수행내용에서는 적당한 실내온도 유지하기의 빈도가 많았으며 안내와 지도내용에서는 투약요령 알기의 빈도가 많았으며, 보호와 지지내용과 교육의 간호수행내용에서는 현 상태 인정하기와 투약 방법에 대한 교육하기의 간호수행빈도가 가장 많았다. 2) 간호수행자에 있어서 직접간호 수행은 본인 스스로 하는 빈도가 가장 많았으며 안내와 지도 및 교육의 간호수행은 전문가가 많았고 보호와 지지간호는 가족이 많았고 건강한 환경제공간호는 배우자에서 더 많았다. 3) 간호수행자에 대한 만족도는 직접간호 방법에서는 가족이, 안내와 지도는 배우자가, 보호지지, 건강한 환경제공 및 교육에서는 전문가에 의한 간호수행 만족도가 높았다. 4) 상병상태에 따른 주 증상은 관절통 요통이 가장 많았고 상병자는 남자가 많았고 주 중상에 대한 성별간의 큰 차이는 없었다. 이상 가정간호요구와 정도 및 가정간호 수행의 내용을 기반으로 가정간호사업의 시행이 시급하다는 결론을 내릴 수 있었으며 가정간호사업의 시행을 위한 제도적 보완개선책이 요구된다고 결론을 지을 수 있다.

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Problem Analysis and Recommendations of Memory Contents in High School Informatics Textbooks (고등학교 정보 교과서에 제시된 기억 장치 영역 내용의 문제점 분석 및 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Sang-Wook;Suh, Tae-Weon
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2012
  • One of the major goals in high school Informatics is for students to develop creative problem-solving abilities based on knowledge on computer science. Thus, the contents of the textbooks should be accurate and appropriate. However, we discovered that the current Informatics textbooks contain the untrue and/or inappropriate descriptions of main memory and virtual memory. The textbooks describe that main memory is composed of RAM and ROM. The virtual memory is described as a technique in which a part of the secondary storage is utilized as main memory to execute an application of which size is larger than that of main memory. In this study, we attempted to uncover the root causes of the fallacies, and suggest the accurate explanations by comparing with renowned books adopted in most schools worldwide including USA. Our study reveals that it is inappropriate to include ROM in main memory from the memory hierarchy perspective. Virtual memory is a technique that provides convenience to programmers, through which an operating system loads the necessary portion of a program from secondary storage to main memory. As for the advantages of virtual memory in the current computer systems, the focus should be on providing the effective multitasking capability, rather than on executing a larger program than the size of main memory. We suggest that it is appropriate to exclude virtual memory in textbooks considering its complexity.

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Re-contextualizing Urban Cultural Studies in Crisis -Linking with Fiske's Later Criticism of the City (위기의 도시 문화연구 재문맥화 -후기 피스크 비판적 공간 사유와의 접선)

  • Jeon, Gyuchan
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.70
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    • pp.35-65
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    • 2015
  • This paper is consisted of the thesis that the decontextualized limitation of media cultural studeis in Korea should be overcome by walking into and linking with today's urban crisis and everyday life. It proposes us to become the flaneurs who do not hesitate to go to, think of, and experience actively the city in crisis under the capital/state domination. It's conclusion would be that we must practice participation observation at the fields and thus recover the critical element of cultural studies writing, by entering into the city and seeing at the features of crisis routinely expressed and symptomatically appear in there. For and before this, the author will first of all pay attention to John Fiske in later period, who was merely perceived and falsely regarded as an active audience theorist. He will also review de Certeau from whom Fiske has borrowed the concept of tactics, and Berman who has further practiced the very spatial tactic. The paper is prepared so as to expand the ideas and thoughts of them who have gone beyond the boundary of text, audience and onto the context of urban space. It's goal is much more than rescuing, recovering Fiske's alternative trajectory. It tries to reconstruct the tradition of urban media cultural studies critically connected with the dangerous, life-threatening capitalist condition. Furthermore, by filling up the theoretical vacuum left behind disconnected and cut away from Fiske, it attempts to find a vision, prospect of cultural studies that will actively engage themselves dialectally with dangerous yet hopeful life of the city and its popular masses.

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A Study on a Digital Mirror System Offering Different Information by Distance (사용자와의 거리에 따라 다른 형태의 정보를 제공하는 디지털 거울 연구 - 사용자 니즈 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Ji-Eun;Lee, Moo-Heon;Hahm, Won-Sik;Soh, Yeon-Jung;Choi, Hea-Ju;Jung, Ji-Hong;Hahn, Min-Soo
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2006
  • A mirror is a familiar tool for human beings who have been seeing themselves through it for a long time since it was created. As evolving Digital Technology, many approaches about digital mirrors which reflect not only the light, but also the information have been studied. Traditional mirrors on the wall do not need any special control to perform their automatic visual feedbacks, reflecting lights. On the contrary, digital mirrors can actively provide more information to the user than the traditional ones. In this paper, we propose an active digital mirror system of which functions are changed according to the user-mirror distance. First of all, we investigated users' behaviors on mirrors and categorized the interactions by user-mirror distance. Based on the previous result, we designed the user interface of the mirror, and developed a prototype which has three recognition modules: a distance measuring module using infrared sensor arrays, a user recognition module by computer vision technique, and a control perception module using infrared sensor grid. In addition, the next steps for improving the user-centered digital mirror system, and the possibility for developing a mirror-shaped computer system were suggested.

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A Study about Search Engine Interface Design including User's Search Goal (사용자 검색목적을 포함한 검색엔진 인터페이스에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Beom-Suk;Ji, Yong-Gu
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.304-309
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    • 2008
  • The development in information technology allowed most of the information around us into digital information, in other words, a database. The innovation increased the accessibility and helped this society change into an informational age. However, there is a shortcoming of this open source as the users have difficulty in assorting the information that s/he needs and realizing if the information provided is important. Therefore, the need for search engine has risen in such a way to increase the accessibility and facilitation of information provided to the users through searching the necessary information in the database by an easy and accurate way. This study aims to increase the utilization of search engine through relationship analysis between purpose of user and interface design factors of search engine. Also, it intends to propose design guidelines for search engine interface design in order to increase user satisfaction and usability. This study categorized and correlated the relationships of the purpose in using the search engine and types of search engine interfaces. This study explicates the critical properties in designing each search engine interface according to the purpose of the users in using them. Also, this study proposes recommendations for appropriate design guidelines for search engine interface and effective advertisement use through properties of interface and their importance. The search engine interface suggested from the result provides interface that allows efficient search for desired information and embrace a variety in users, eventually increasing the usability in search engine.

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Growth Model for Korean CM Firms based on 2012 Statistics (CM기업의 단계별 발전 전략 모델: 2012년 실적자료 기반 분석)

  • Jung, Youngsoo;Shin, Dongwoo;Kang, Seunghee;Kim, Namjoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.92-104
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    • 2014
  • CM services have been increasingly practiced over the two decades in the Korean construction industry, and recent efforts focus on further development in advanced CM capabilities and expansion to overseas market. However, there has been lack of holistic research to investigate current status and future direction of CM industry in Korea. In this context, the purposes of this study are 1) to analyze current status of Korean CM industry in terms of owners, market, CM firms, contracts, and work scopes, 2) to define different types of CM practices, and 3) to propose growth models for Korean CM firms based on the defined CM project types. An extensive literature review and statistical analysis of 2012 CM contracts were performed in order to analyze the CM status. Based on the analyses, ten different CM types are defined, and growth paths of CM firms are illustrated. Implications and lessons learned during the statistical analysis and workshops are briefly introduced as well.

Clinical Consideration of Visual Fatigue on 3D Images (3D 영상 시청에 대한 시각적 피로도의 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Jung-Ho;Son, Jeong-Sik;Park, Sung-Jin;Kwon, Soon-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.11
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    • pp.990-999
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    • 2013
  • Previous studies based on the theoretical evidence and based on the empirical data have been constantly revealing related factors affecting visual fatigue in viewing 3D images. however, the measurement data coupled with the factors that affect the viewers to feel fatigue is insufficient. this study research that the viewers feel the visual functional data is based on subjective fatigue such as IPD, AC/A ratio, and the degree of phoria and the effects on variance in these data, is to examine the correlation between these data. based on the average score of subjective fatigue which is $6.00{\pm}3.88$, total fatigue points from 0 up to 6 is classified as a group not appealing for the fatigue and from 7 up to 16, they were classified as the fatigue appealing group. the results showed no difference in satisfaction of the images by each subjective fatigue, IPD and far phoria. AC/A ratio was higher from the fatigue not appealing group, near phoria was higher from the fatigue appealing group. after watching 3D images, the fatigue not appealing group showed a tendency of higher increase of exophoria. correlations appeared in this experiment showed that AC/A ratio and near phoria are closely related to level of subjective fatigue which feel when watching 3D images. when watching 3D images based on two data appear to be able to predict the fatigue, even during content production fatigue reduce the data dimensions to be used as the main basis is expected.

Morphological Development of Eggs, Larvae and Juveniles of the Sterlet Sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus (Pisces: Acipenseridae) (스텔렛 철갑상어 (Acipenser ruthenus)의 난 발생과 자치어 형태발달)

  • Park, Jae Min;Yoon, Seung Min;Seo, Young Seok;Han, Kyeong Ho;Yoo, Dong Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2016
  • To develop cultivation technique for Acipenser ruthenus and secure basic taxonomic materials, this study examined egg development and larva morphological development. This study used a couple of male and female broodstork matured in a PVC circle water tank (Ø 5 m) with the water temperature of $16.0{\pm}1.0^{\circ}C$ in June 2005. They were oval opaque and sinking cohesive eggs and the sizes of them were between $3.83{\sim}3.85(3.84{\pm}0.01)mm$ (n=10). As for the egg development, the dry process was adopted with artificial insemination in this study, and an hour after the insemination, the embryo disks were developed, 31 hours after the insemination, they reached the end of gastrula stage, and 82 hours (50%) after the insemination, they were hatched. Right after the hatch, the total lengths of larvae were $10.1{\sim}10.3(10.2{\pm}0.11)mm$ (n=10) with big yolks in the venter. 17 days after the hatch, the total lengths of them were $26.2{\sim}32.4(29.3{\pm}4.39)mm$ (n=10) and in the front of a dorsal fin there were 11 scute scales that started to make tracing development. As 50 days after the hatch, the total lengths were $86.4{\sim}93.1(89.8{\pm}4.71)mm$ (n=10), and fin rays all reached integer, they were moved to the larva apparatus.