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Analysis of Unrest Signs of Activity at the Baegdusan Volcano (백두산 화산의 전조활동 분석 연구)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Lee, Jeong-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • The Baegdusan volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in northeastern Asia, and the 10th century eruption was the most voluminous eruption in the world in recent 2,000 years. During the period from 2002 to 2005, volcanic earthquakes and abnormal surface distortions by suspected subsurface magma intrusion beneath the volcano were observed in the Baegdusan area. Seismic activity has gradually increased with earthquake swarms during 2002-2003 and hundreds of seismic event in a day, especially annual peak of 2,100 in 2003. Then the number of seismic activity has declined since 2006 to the background level in 1999-2001. According to the typical frequency of volcanic earthquakes in the Baegdusan volcano, the frequency distribution of typical volcanic earthquakes between 2002 and 2005 indicates that all the main frequency of the earthquakes basically falls down less than 5 Hz and 5-10 Hz. These events are all the VT-B and LP events caused by the shallow localized fracture and intrusion of magma. The horizontal displacement measurement by GPS during the period from 2000 to 2007 of the Baegdusan stratovolcano area indicates that an inflated process has been centered at the summit caldera since 2002. The displacement between 2002 and 2003 reached at a maximum value of 4 cm. After 2003, the deformation rate of the volcano continued to decrease with unusual variation during the period from 2006 to 2007. After 2003 the vertical displacement uplift rate falls down gradually but still keeps in an uplift trend in northern slope. It is generally believed that when $^3He/^4He(R)$ in a gas sample from a hot spring exceeds $^3He/^4He(R)$ in the atmosphere, it can be concluded that mantle-source. And temperatures of hot springs are rising steadily to $83^{\circ}C$. It is unrest signals at the Baegdusan, which is potentially active. The Baegdusan volcano is now in unrest status, there is eruption threat in the near future. Intensified monitoring and emergency response plan for volcanic risk mitigation are urgent for the volcano.

The Study on Risk Factors Analysis and Improvement of VDT Syndrome in Nuclear Medicine (핵의학과 Video Display Terminals Syndrome 유해 요인 조사 및 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Soo;Kim, Seung-Jeong;Lee, Hong-Jae;Kim, Jin-Eui;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Han, In-Im;Joo, Yung-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Recently, Department of Nuclear Medicine have an interest in Video Display Terminals (VDT) syndrome including musculoskeletal disorders, ophthalmologic disorders, trouble of electromagnetic waves and stress disorders occur to VDT workers as the growing number of users and rapid pace of service period supply in large amount. This study research on the actual condition for VDT syndrome in Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), discover the problem and draw a plan of upcoming improvement. The aim of this study establish awareness about VDT syndrome and is to prevent for it in the long run. Materials and Methods: Department of Nuclear Medicine, SNUH is composed Principle part, Pediatric part and PET center. We estimated risk factors visit in each part directly. Estimation method use "Check list for VDT work" of Wonjin working environment health laboratory and check list is condition of VDT work, condition of work tables, condition of chairs, condition of keyboards, condition of monitors, working position, character of health management and other working environment. Analysis result is verified in Department of Occupational and Environment, Hallym University Sacred Heard Hospital. Results: As a result of analysis, VDT condition of Department of Nuclear Medicine, SNUH is rule good. In case of work tables, recent of things are suitable to users upon the ergonomical planning, but 15% of existing work tables are below the standard value. In case of chairs are suitable, but 5% of theirs lost optimum capacity become superannuated. The keyboards are suitable for 98% of standard value. In case of monitors, angle control of screen is possible of all, but positioning control is impossible for 38%. In case of working position, 10% is fixed positioning for long time and some of the items researched unsuitable things for standard. At health management point, needed capable of improvement. Also, other working condition as lighting, temperature, noise and ventilation, discovered the problem, but is sufficient to advice value. Conclusion: VDT syndrome is occurrences of possibility continuously, come economical expensive about improvement, is inherent in various causes and originate without your knowledge. So, there is need systematic management system. In Nuclear Medicine, VDT syndrome make it better that constant interest and effort as improvement of ergonomical working environment, improvement of working procedure, regular exercise and steady stretching, and can be prevented fairly. This promote physical and mental condition of worker in top form in comfortable working environment, so this is judged by enlargement of operations efficiency and rising of satisfaction ratings of the inside client.

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Clinical Characteristics of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia in Children during Recent 10 Years (최근 10년간 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 폐염의 임상양상에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Gang Woo;Ryu, Ho Jun;Kim, Il Kyung;Seong, Ho;Choi, Chang Hee
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to know the epidemiology and clinical characteristics in patients with M. pneumoniae pneumonia during study period retrospectively. Methods : We had reviewed 500 patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia who were hospitalized at the pediatric ward of Seoul Adventist Hospital from July 1986 through June 1996. we had analysed clinical and laboratory problems of pulmonary and extrapulmonary manifestations including demographics and epidemiological characteristics. Results : Peak occurrence of the disease was 3 years interval and seasonal occurrence of the disease had no difference. 43.4% of patients was below 4 years old and male to female ratio was nearly 1:1. The most common site of infiltration on chest PA was right lower lobe and the most common type of pneumonia was interstitial pneumonia(43%). Pulmonary complications were atelectasis(11cases), emphysema(5cases), pleural effusion(27cases) and sinusitis(13cases) and extrapulmonary manifestations were hepatitis(109cases), skin rash(29cases), proteinuria(20cases) and hematuria(16cases). cold agglutinin test was carried out in 500cases and mycoplasma antibody test was carried out in 448cases. sensitivity of mycoplasma antibody test was 53.3%. Conclusion : Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia showed epidemics at intervals of 3 year in its major occurrence. it exhibits a tendency that occurs at younger age group not in school age group. diagnosis of the disease need more accurate method due to low sensitivity of mycoplasma antibody test. also we need to carried out other laboratory test(for example, LFT, U/A).

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USLE/RUSLE Factors for National Scale Soil Loss Estimation Based on the Digital Detailed Soil Map (수치 정밀토양에 기초한 전국 토양유실량의 평가를 위한 USLE/RUSLE 인자의 산정)

  • Jung, Kang-Ho;Kim, Won-Tae;Hur, Seung-Oh;Ha, Sang-Keon;Jung, Pil-Kyun;Jung, Yeong-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2004
  • Factors of universal soil loss equation, USLE, and its revised version, RUSLE for Korean soils were reevaluated to estimate the national scale of soil loss based on digital soil maps. Rainfall erosivity factor, R, of 158 locations of cities and counties were spacially interpolated by the inverse distance weight method. Soil erodibility factor, K, of 1321 soil phases of 390 soil series were calculated using the data of soil survey and agri-environmental quality monitoring. Topographic factor, LS, was estimated using soil map of 1:25,000 scale with soil phase and land use type. Cover management factor, C, of major crops and support practice factor, P, were summarized by analyzing the data of lysimeter and field experiments for 27 years (1975-2001) in the National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology. R factor varied between 2322 and 6408 MJ mm $ha^{-1}$ $yr^{-1}$ $hr^{-1}$ and the average value was 4276 MJ mm $ha^{-1}$ $yr^{-1}$ $hr^{-1}$. The average K value was evaluated as 0.027 MT hr $MJ^{-1}$ $mm^{-1}$. The highest K factor was found in paddy rice fields, 0.034 MT hr $MJ^{-1}$ $mm^{-1}$, and K factors in upland fields, grassland, and forest were 0.026, 0.019, and 0.020 MT hr $MJ^{-1}$ $mm^{-1}$, respectively. C factors of upland crops ranged from 0.06 to 0.45 and that of grassland was 0.003. P factor varied between 0.01 and 0.85.

Revaluation of Ore Deposits within the Yeongam District, Cheollanamdo-Province: The Eunjeok and Sangeun Mines (전남 영암지역 광상 재평가: 은적.상은 광산를 중심으로)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Park, Sung-Won;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2010
  • Gold and silver deposits within the Eunjeok and Sangeun mines are located in Yeongam district, Cheollanamdo-province. They are composed of vein ore bodies infilling the fractures of Cretaceous rhyolitic tuff. The Eunjeok mine have three gold and silver bearing hydrothermal veins which is infilling the fracture of rhyolitic tuff. Major ore minerals within the Eunjeok and Sangeun mines are arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena and minor ores are electrum, native silver and argentite. Sericitization is dominant in alteration zone and chloritization and dickitization is minor. Quartz veins in the Eunjeok and Sangeun mine have the similar paragenesis and vein textures such like breccia, crustiform, comb and vuggy morphology indicating the formation of typical epithermal environment. In order to carry out the preliminary feasibility study of mine according to the commodity and elucidate the occurrence features of mineral resources from Eunjeok and Sangeun mine, common commodity (Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mo, W, Au and U), and industrial commodity (In, Re, Ga, Ge, Se, Te, Y, Eu and Sm) for 17 ore specimen were analyzed. It is tentatively thought that there is no exploitable mine for iron, lead, zinc, copper, tungsten and uranium based on the preliminary result. If the reserves are secured through the detailed prospecting in case of molybdenum and silver, it is tentatively thought that there will be exploitable deposits depending on international metal price. If we assume the vein width from 0.25 m to 2 m including alteration zone with the gold grade of 80g/t, it is inferred that the resources amount of the Eunjeok-Sangeun mines range from 6.5 to 65ton. However, as the vein structure of the Eunjeok and Sangeun mines is developed together with alteration zone, it should be estimated to include potential alteration zone in order to yield the average grade. It is needed to carry out more exploration in the near future because the reserves can be flexibly estimated according to the change of average grade considering the alteration zone.

A study on Evaluating Validity of SNR Calculation Using a Conventional Two Region Method in MR Images Applied a Multichannel Coil and Parallel Imaging Technique (다중채널코일과 병렬영상기법 이용 시 두영역측정법을 사용한 신호대잡음비 측정의 문제점)

  • Choi, Kwan-Woo;Son, Soon-Yong;Min, Jung-Whan;Kwon, Kyung-Tae;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the problems of a signal to noise ratio measurement using a two region measurement method that is conventionally used when using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique. As a research method, after calculating the standard SNR using a single channel head coil of which coil satisfies three preconditions when using a two region measurement method, we made comparisons and evaluations after calculating an SNR by using a two region measurement method of which method is problematic because it is used without considering the methods recommended by reputable organizations and the preconditions at the time of using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique. We found that a two region measurement method using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique shows the highest relative standard deviation, and thus shows a low degree of precision. In addition, we found out that the difference of SNR according to ROI location was very high, and thus a spatial noise distribution was not uniform. Also, 95% confidence interval through Blend-Altman plot is the widest, and thus the conformity degree with a two region measurement method using the standard single channel head coil is low. By directly comparing an AAPM method, which serves as a standard of a performance evaluation test of a magnetic resonance imaging device under the same image acquisition conditions, an NEMA method which can accurately determine the noise level in a signal region and the methods recommended by manufacturers of a magnetic resonance imaging device, there is a significance in that we quantitatively verified the inaccurate problems of a signal to noise ratio using a two region measurement method when using a multi-channel coil and a parallel imaging technique of which method does not satisfy the preconditions that researchers could overlook.

Agronomic and Genetic Evaluation on a Dull Mutant Line Derived from the Sodium Azide Treated 'Namil', a Non-Glutinous Japonica Rice (남일벼 돌연변이 유래 중간찰 계통의 작물학적 특성 및 배유특성 지배유전자위 표지)

  • Chun, Jae-Buhm;Jeung, Ji-Ung;Cho, Seong-Woo;Kim, Woo-Jae;Ha, Ki-Young;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Ko, Jae-Kwon;Kim, Hyun-Soon;Kim, Bo-Kyeong
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.448-457
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    • 2015
  • Developing rice lines with various amylose contents is necessary to diverse usages of rice in terms of raw materials for processed food production, and thereby to promote rice consumption in Korea. A rice mutant line, 'Namil(SA)-dull1' was established through sodium azide mutagenesis on 'Namil', a non-glutinous Korean Japonica rice cultivar. Namil(SA)-dull1' had dull endosperm characteristics and the evaluated amylose content was 12.2%. A total of 94 F2 progenies from a cross between 'Namil(SA)-dull1' and 'Milyang23', a non-glutinous Tongil-type rice cultivar, was used for genetic studies on the endosperm amylose content. Association analyses, between marker genotypes of 53 SSR anchor markers and evaluated amylose contents of each 94 F2:3 seeds, initially localized rice chromosome 6 as the harboring place for the modified allele(s) directing low amylose content of 'Namil(SA)-dull1'. By increasing SSR marker density on the putative chromosomal region followed by association analyses, the target region was narrowed down 0.94 Mbp segment, expanding from 28.95 Mbp to 29.89 Mbp, on rice chromosome 6 pseudomolecule. Among the SSR loci, RM7555 explained 84.2% of total variation of amylose contents in the $F_2$ population. Further physical mapping on the target region directing low amylose content of 'Namil(SA)-dull1' would increase the breeding efficiency in developing promising rice cultivars with various endosperm characteristics.

Preliminary Study of Oxidized Au skarn Model in the Geodo Mine Area to Mineral Exploration (광물자원탐사를 위한 거도광산지역의 산화형 스카른 금광상모델 예비연구)

  • Kim, Eui-Jun;Park, Maeng-Eon;Sung, Kyul-Youl
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.289-300
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    • 2009
  • The Geodo mine area, had been developed for Fe and Cu ores since 1963 and abandoned in recent decades, is located in the central part of the Taebaeksan mineralized district. This area comprises of the Jangsan, Myobong, Pungchon, Hwajeol, Dongjeom, and Dumugol Formations in ascending stratigraphic order. These Formations were intruded by the Cretaceous Eopyeong granitoids that appears to produce the Geodo skarn. Their compositions are relatively oxidized quartz monzodiorite to granodiorite (magnetite series, $Fe_2O_3/FeO=0.3{\sim}1.1$). Mineralizations related skarn deposit occur in the Myobong, Pungchon, and Hwajeol Formations. The proximal skarn is zoned from andraditic garnet ($Ad_{44-95}Gr_{1-53}$) predominant adjacent to the Eopyeong granitoids to diopsidic pyroxene ($Hd_{10-100}Di_{0-89}$) predominant away from the one. The differential proportion of garnet and pyroxene is generated by water/rock ratio and their source, such as magmatic and meteoric water. This is useful tool for assessment the overall oxidation state of the entire skarn system. Gold occurs in proximal red to brownish garnet skarn, and genetically associated with Bi- and Te-bearing minerals. Skarn deposit developed in the Geodo mine area is considered as oxidized Au skarn category, based on chemical composition of the Eopyeong granitoids, zonation of skarn, and gold occurrences. Garnet-rich skarn zone will be the main target for exploration of gold in the study area. However, it is needed to the detailed survey on vertical zonation of this area as well as lateral zonation. The result of this survey would provide an important basis for the exploration of the skarn Au deposit in the Geodo mine area.

The Occurrence and Origin of a Syn-collisional Mélange in Timor (티모르섬 충돌 동시성 멜란지의 산상 및 기원)

  • Park, Seung-Ik;Koh, Hee Jae;Kim, Sung Won;Kihm, You Hong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2014
  • The Bobonaro m$\acute{e}$lange is one of the youngest syn-collisional m$\acute{e}$langes, located between the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. The m$\acute{e}$lange has formed in association with a collision between the Australian continental margin and the Banda arc initiated in Neogene. The Suai area at the southern part of Timor is a good place to examine the genetic relationship between the m$\acute{e}$lange and other rock sequences because various tectonostratigraphic units coexist in the area. In this study, we present the structural characteristics and spatial distribution of the Bobonaro m$\acute{e}$lange investigated as a part of 1:25K scale geologic mapping in the area, and discuss on the origin of the m$\acute{e}$lange. The Bobonaro m$\acute{e}$lange in the Suai area is composed of unmetamorphosed clay matrix and blocks of various lithologies. The clay matrix mainly is reddish brown or greenish gray in colour, and has scaly texture. Most blocks are allochthonous, but mostly derived from nearby formations. Based on the internal structure and relationship with surrounding rocks, the Bobonaro m$\acute{e}$lange is genetically classified into 1) diapiric m$\acute{e}$lange; 2) tectonic m$\acute{e}$lange; and 3) broken formation. The spatial distribution of the Bobonaro m$\acute{e}$lange indicates that it intruded all pre-collisional units including the lower Australian continental margin unit(Gondwana megasequence) and the Banda arc unit. Taking the field evidences and previous genetic models into consideration, the Bobonaro m$\acute{e}$lange is interpreted to be mainly formed as a diapiric m$\acute{e}$lange originated from Gondwana megasequence, consistently effected by faulting events. This study reflects that diapiric m$\acute{e}$lange is a significant component in recent accretionay-collision belts. It suggests that diapiric process should be considered as a main genetic factor even in ancient m$\acute{e}$lange.

Determining the Locations of Washland Candidates in the Four Major River Basins Using Spatial Analysis and Site Evaluation (공간분석 및 현장조사 평가 기법을 활용한 4대강 강변저류지 조성 후보지 선정)

  • Jeong, Kwang-Seuk;Shin, Hae-Su;Jung, Ju-Chul;Kim, Ik-Jae;Choi, Jong-Yun;Jung, In-Chul;Joo, Gea-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2010
  • In this study, a comprehensive exploration and evaluation of washland candidate locations by means of field monitoring as well as spatial analysis in six major river system (Han, Nakdong, Nam, Geum, Youngsan, and Seomjin Rivers). Washland(in other words, river detention basin) is an artificial wetland system which is connected to streams or rivers likely to riverine wetlands. Major purpose of washland creation is to control floodings, water supply and purification, providence of eco-cultural space to human and natural populations. Characteristics and functions of riverine wetlands can be expected as well, thus it is believed to be an efficient multi-purpose water body that is artificially created, in terms of hydrology and ecology. Geographical information and field monitoring results for the washland candidate locations were evaluated in 2009, with respect to optimal location exploration, ecosystem connectivity and educational-cultural circumstances. A total of $269\;km^2$ washland candidate locations were found from spatial analysis (main channel of Rivers South Han, 71.5; Nakdong 54.1; Nam, 2.3; Geum, 79.0; Youngsan 46.4; Seomjin 15.7), and they tended to be distributed in mid- to lower part of the rivers to which tributaries are confluent. Field monitoring at 106 sites revealed that some sites located in the Rivers Nam and Geum is appropriate for restoration or artificial creation as riverine wetlands. Several sites in the Nakdong and Seomjin Rivers were close to riverine wetlands (e.g., Upo), habitats of endangered species (e.g., otters), or adjacent to educational facility (e.g., museums) or cultural heritages (e.g., temples). Those sites can be utilized in hydrological, ecological, educational, and cultural ways when evidence of detailed hydrological evaluation is provided. In conclusion, determination of washland locations in the major river basins has to consider habitat expansion as well as hydrological function (i.e. flood control) basically, and further utility (e.g. educational function) will increase the values of washland establishment.